Passive Real Estate Strategies

Replacing W2 Income With Passive Income With Justin Cambra


By the time you hear this episode, Justin will have left his W2 job and replaced his entire income (and then some) with passive income. Learn how to accelerate your journey to financial freedom and replace your income in today’s episode.


[00:28]  Intro
[01:51] A quick background info on Justin, and what he's currently involved in
[02;42] Justin’s experience working a w2 job
[03:41] Hacks that have proven helpful for Justin when juggling between wholesaling and flipping
[05:14] How Justin maximizes his hours outside work
[07:01] The types of Real Estate markets and properties that Justin is into
[10:48] How Justin goes about his marketing
[11:18] A Craigslist trick that you too can apply
[12:00] What does the future hold for Justin? Find out Justin’s plan to exit his w2 job in order to focus more on a real estate
[14:18] Justin's advice to someone looking to start the journey to building their financial freedom

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