Passive Real Estate Strategies

High-Level Lessons From Investing In 33+ Deals With Sam Silverman

October 26, 2022 Justin

Sam has been a passive investor on over 30 syndications, he’s an enormous wealth of knowledge in this space and today’s he’s helping both new and experienced passive investors navigate their investing journey with high-level tactics.


[00:29] Intro
[01:31] How Sam started off in the Real Estate arena; a look into his journey to becoming a passive investor
[04:22] Sam’s experience in the single family space and why he decided to make a shift into the multifamily niche
[06:26] Priceless tidbits; the valuable lessons that Sam has so far learnt in his journey
[09:23] Deals Sam was burned on; and lessons he learnt from those experiences that shifted his perception
[11:31] The changing tides that Sam has taken note of; and his take on the future of multifamily
[13:57] Just how good is Sam’s portfolio looking? (And how does he help his clients build a similar, attractive portfolios?)
[15:28]  Sam’s advice to a newbielimited partner looking to be a successful passive investor 
[18:29] Traits to look out for when choosing the best operators to work with
[19:38] The wide range of projects that Sam’s currently focused on

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