Passive Real Estate Strategies

Key Money Principles That All Investors Need To Understand With Top-Rated Author, Steve Spence


Steve Spence, author of Money Plain & Simple: What the Institutions and the Elite Don't Want You to Know, shares his knowledge on key money principles that have helped him predict recessions, hyperinflation, and make better investing decisions.

[01:34] Steve’s background and his investing journey leading to what he’s currently into
[04:09] Exploring alternative forms of investment besides the Real Estate space
[06:27] Steve touches a bit  on “what the institutions and the elite don't want you to know” as talked about in his  book {Money Plain and simple}
[07:30] Why does Steve think that all currency is debt?
[09:46] Steve gives us a behind the scenes tour about the research and motives that inspired him to write his book
[12:19] All things cryptocurrencies
[14:33] A look into inflation and the effects it’s causing
[18:01] What listeners should know and build on in order to make informed investing decisions
[20:17] Steve’s parting words for you

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