Passive Real Estate Strategies

Building Passive Income Through Low-Risk & High-Margin Land Investing With Mark ‘The Land Geek’ Podolsky

November 30, 2022 Justin

Build passive income without tenants, maintenance, governmental restrictions, and create a life centered around low-risk, high-margin land investing.

[00:40] Intro
[01:20] Mark’s investing history and how he got  into full time land investing
[03:12] Mark’s experience when he first started investing in land; his worst case scenario
[05:08] Mark describes their investment model
[09:09] How Mark provides help for people who bought properties but are tired or can't afford to pay the property taxes
[10:12] Find out Mark’s strategy for standing out when there are already other investors doing the same thing 
[11:21] Mark’s opinion on touchpoints
[12:17] Cash flow
[13:38] What’s the worst experience Mark has had on a deal?
[15:34] How to mitigate the risks in land investing; where investors can go when they want to get into land investing
[16:47] A quick look into Mark’s platform, Land Geeks

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