Passive Real Estate Strategies

The 4 Key Factors To Determining A Geography To Invest In #28

December 27, 2021 Justin Episode 28

In episode #28, We talk about the 4 key factors that we use to determine whether or not to bring a property to our investors.

While there are many factors, these are some of the 4 most important that all our deals must meet, and understanding these 4 can help mitigate a ton of risk when investing either in your own deals, or other sponsors.

Time-Stamped Show Notes: 

[00:01] Overview
[00:51] Population & job growth
[02:16] Crime rates (and why crime maps & ratings aren’t 100% accurate)
[04:40] A little hack for judging a properties crime & reputation
[04:57] Planned construction
[05:47] Will this cash flow?
[06:54] What if you don’t want to research all of this?

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