Passive Real Estate Strategies

What's More Important - Job Or Population Growth? #16

November 29, 2021 Justin Episode 16

In episode #16, We dive deeper into the two most important criteria that we look for when deciding whether to invest in a geography or not - population & job growth.

While these tend to go hand-in-hand, sometimes studies have conflicting data. When that happens, which do you believe? We’ll talk about how this data is gathered, and which we’ve found to be more accurate.

Time-Stamped Show Notes: 

[00:01] Overview
[00:49] What type of markets don’t focus heavily on job or population growth
[01:22] Jobs & population don’t always grow at the same rate, or even in the same direction
[02:02] Which trend do we follow when the trends tell different stories?
[02:32] How job growth data collected
[02:52] How population growth data collected
[03:13] Another reason we favor job growth over population growth

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