Passive Real Estate Strategies

Property Classes (A, B, C) And Which To Invest In #20

December 06, 2021 Justin Episode 20

In episode #20, We talk about the difference between property classes - Class A, B, or C.

Which of these should you be investing in?

Which ones have the best returns or are the safest?

We’ll cover the basics of property classes to help you make informed decisions on your future investments.

Time-Stamped Show Notes: 

[00:01] Overview
[01:24] Agenda
[01:38] Class A properties
[02:22] Class C properties
[03:02] Class B properties
[03:33] The class A tenant
[04:01] Class A returns & investors
[04:34] Class B deep dive
[05:04] Class B returns & investors
[05:23] Class C deep dive
[05:49] Class C returns & investors
[06:19] A class C property warning
[06:44] Which is the best to invest in?
[07:13] Which do we invest in?
[08:07] How to capitalize on high-return properties while mitigating risk

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