Passive Real Estate Strategies

The 2 Most Important Warren Buffet Quotes To Apply To Real Estate Investing #32

December 20, 2021 Justin Episode 32

In episode #32, We talk about Warren Buffet and how his wisdom can translate into the world of real estate investing. 

Although he’s a notorious stock investor who hasn’t been so outspoken about real estate, we can still learn from one of the best investors in the world.

These 2 quotes from Warren Buffet apply greatly to commercial real estate investing - or any type of real estate investing.

Time-Stamped Show Notes: 

[00:01] Overview
[00:54] Margin of safety
[01:25] A multifamily example
[03:02] Buy a wonderful company at a fair price, not a fair company at a wonderful price
[03:22] What it’s like to buy at a wonderful price in real estate
[04:44] How these 2 quotes apply to real estate

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