Passive Real Estate Strategies

Building A Passive Portfolio From Across The World & Advise For New Passive Investors With Keishia Kennedy #26

Justin Moy & Keishia Kennedy Episode 26

In this episode, learn how Keishia built her passive income from an entirely different country! She talks about how she built an effective team so she could continue to grow her portfolio even while being 100% remote, living the life she wants in Kuwait.

[00:31] Introduction 
[01:25] Keishia's Background
[03:03] How Keishia landed on apartment syndication
[04:56] Investing in Kuwait
[06:16] Keishia's first syndication deal
[08:12] Aspects that made Keishia confident to invest in her first deal
[12:09] The specific criteria Keishia looks for in a deal 
[13:21]  Keishia talks about her company; Kennedy Remedy Investments.
[14:18]  Keishia's other deals in the US
[15:58]  Keishia's advice to aspiring investors
[17:43]  What Keishia would say to the ones thinking of investing passively in a syndication

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