Passive Real Estate Strategies

Only A Small Percentage Of People Have Heard Of These 2 Types Of Unique Methods Of Investing With Debbie Liu #39

January 19, 2022 Justin Episode 39

Learn one of the most clever methods of investing in real estate that not many investors have heard of in this episode with Debbie Liu.


[01:13] Introduction

[01:53] Debbie's background and investing history

[03:18] Debbie's first step into her real estate journey

[04:08] Why subject-to is a great method for her

[05:00] Besides distress, Debbie explains other scenarios a seller would be open to a subject-to deal

[06:37] The financial plan if the seller is in a distress situation

[08:19] Spread payments or down payments?

[09:14]  How Debbie finds owners with unique scenarios

[10:21] How Debbie has built out consistent referral sources

[11:47] How to uniquely network with lawyers and other referral sources

[12:47] One of the most unique ways Debbie invests in real estate

[15:27] Debbie explains how to get money to invest from a life insurance policy 

[17:42] The life insurance company that Debbie recommends

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