Lancefield on the Line

Deepa Purushothaman: Finding, feeling, and forging your power in the corporate world

March 02, 2022 David Lancefield Season 2 Episode 8


Women of color are one of the fastest-growing segments in the corporate workforce, yet often we are underrepresented—among the first, few, or only ones in a department or company. For too long, corporate structures, the social zeitgeist, and cultural conditioning have left them feeling exhausted and downtrodden, believing that in order to “fit in” and be successful, we must hide or change who they are.

How can they “find, feel and forge their power in the corporate world”? Understanding the systems of delusions that pervade the system is an important start, as is shedding messages we tell ourselves (or been told by those who’ve come before us). Playing this role, acting as the role model and mentor to others, is demanding, often taking its toil on mental and physical health. 

Improving the representation, inclusion, and belonging of women of colour requires allies – yes, men in the powerful positions – and collective action to confront, outdated behaviours, and workplace assumptions and inertia.

The book ‘The First, The Few, The Only: How Women of Color Can Redefine Power in Corporate America’ by Deepa Purushothaman sets out a manifesto for how to make sure their words are heard, our lived experiences are respected, and our contributions are finally valued.

It is a powerful, shocking, substantive and story-filled book that moved me, and challenged me to step forward and help. This discussion will resonate if you are an co-worker, ally, or representative of another minority group facing similar challenges.

More about Deepa:

Deepa Purushothaman is a former senior partner at Deloitte, a corporate inclusion visionary and a co-founder of NFormation, a membership-based community for professional women of color, offering brave, safe, new space and helping place women of color in C-suite positions and on Boards. Check out her:

Book ‘The First, the Few, the Only’: How Women of Color Can Redefine Power in Corporate America '


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