Lancefield on the Line

Saiyyidah Zaidi: Belonging in the workplace

February 02, 2022 David Lancefield Season 2 Episode 4


Take a moment and ask yourself: what do you stand for, and how do you want to show up at work? These are the two critical questions to address when you think about your identity.

And if you feel a sense of belonging, a concept far richer and deeper than just inclusion, you’re going to feel that you can express your identity fully and openly. Creating the conditions for this requires deep listening to what people say, don’t say, how they express themselves, as well as the curation of great questions. Great conversations require people to leave their egos behind, and be courageous in addressing what really matters.

In this discussion, Saiyyidah Zaidi, author, researcher, and coach, describes these concepts clearly and vividly, explaining why they matter so much. She draws on her experience in her own career, family life, and as a coach, and doctoratal student. This is a thoughtful, reflective conversation that left me feeling clearer about these concepts, and in awe of Saiyyidah’s drive to foster a greater sense of belonging of all people at work.

More on Sayyidah:

Saiyyidah Zaidi (pronounced say-ee-dah, meaning female leader) is an experienced coach, facilitator, and supervisor working internationally and across sectors. This is her:

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