Truths - Jewish Wisdom for Today

Engineering Experiences to Maintain Our Values: A Lesson from the Passover Seder

Episode 16

In this "Passover" episode of the Wisdom for Business & Life podcast, Levi Brackman argues that our decisions in life are choices between competing deeply held values. Therefore, we need to maintain and prioritize our most dearly held values so that decisions lead to success. It is essential to engineer experiences that force us to appreciate our highest values relative to competing values. In this "Passover" episode, Levi relates the experiential aspect of value reinforcement to the yearly Passover Seder rituals designed to reinforce the value of freedom versus slavery.

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Levi Brackman is a rabbi, Ph.D. in psychology, best-selling author of Jewish Wisdom for Business Success, and founder of Invown, a platform for real estate fundraising and investing.

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