Truths - Jewish Wisdom for Today

Creating Lasting Change: Lessons from the Talmud's Tractate Nedarim

January 26, 2023 Season 2 Episode 4

In this episode of the Wisdom for Business and Life podcast, host Levi Brackman delves into the Talmud's Tractate Nedarim (that he recently completed), specifically examining the laws and principles surrounding the concept of oath-making. The Talmud differentiates between two types of oaths, positive and negative, and generally holds a negative view towards those who make oaths. Levi highlights the wisdom in recognizing the potential negative consequences of oath-making and the benefits of making changes that originate from a genuine internal motivation, as opposed to external pressure. Throughout the episode, Levi provides insights on effectuating lasting positive change and offers specific examples to illustrate these points.

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Levi Brackman is a rabbi, Ph.D. in psychology, best-selling author of Jewish Wisdom for Business Success, and founder of Invown, a platform for real estate fundraising and investing.

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