
#71 | Britton Kelley | Cambiador de Juego |

October 31, 2023 Nick Rizzo
#71 | Britton Kelley | Cambiador de Juego |
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#71 | Britton Kelley | Cambiador de Juego |
Oct 31, 2023
Nick Rizzo

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Ever felt judgment for marching to the beat of your own drum, or hustling in a field others don’t grasp? Buckle up, folks, because this episode is full of powerful insights on embracing failure, societal norms and the power of consistent content creation that will knock your socks off. You'll hear my tales of illness abroad, working with professional athletes, and navigating the entertainment industry. Plus, you’ll get an earful of my adventures living in Costa Rica and Colombia, and the near-death experience that led to a newfound appreciation for life.

Ready to explore nutrition in a whole new light? I'll share how the One Meal a Day (OMAD) diet and a modified carnivore lifestyle helped me get into Hollywood shape in just five days. You'll learn about the fasting's benefits on cellular and anti-carcinogenic levels, debunk nutrition myths and discover the impact of extreme diets. Pack a punch to your physical and mental game with the insights from my journey of learning nutrition the hard way.

Ever wondered how cultural differences can shape relationships and perspectives? Tag along as I delve into my dating experiences in Latin America and my views on cultural differences in relationships. From navigating non-traditional relationships, battling drug stigma to falling in love with the Latin culture, you'll be right beside me through the rollercoaster ride. Finally, I'll share how setting boundaries has been instrumental in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and achieving a personal transformation that works best for me. Listen in, folks, as we challenge societal norms and learn to embrace failure.

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Tik Tok

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Ever felt judgment for marching to the beat of your own drum, or hustling in a field others don’t grasp? Buckle up, folks, because this episode is full of powerful insights on embracing failure, societal norms and the power of consistent content creation that will knock your socks off. You'll hear my tales of illness abroad, working with professional athletes, and navigating the entertainment industry. Plus, you’ll get an earful of my adventures living in Costa Rica and Colombia, and the near-death experience that led to a newfound appreciation for life.

Ready to explore nutrition in a whole new light? I'll share how the One Meal a Day (OMAD) diet and a modified carnivore lifestyle helped me get into Hollywood shape in just five days. You'll learn about the fasting's benefits on cellular and anti-carcinogenic levels, debunk nutrition myths and discover the impact of extreme diets. Pack a punch to your physical and mental game with the insights from my journey of learning nutrition the hard way.

Ever wondered how cultural differences can shape relationships and perspectives? Tag along as I delve into my dating experiences in Latin America and my views on cultural differences in relationships. From navigating non-traditional relationships, battling drug stigma to falling in love with the Latin culture, you'll be right beside me through the rollercoaster ride. Finally, I'll share how setting boundaries has been instrumental in maintaining a healthy work-life balance and achieving a personal transformation that works best for me. Listen in, folks, as we challenge societal norms and learn to embrace failure.

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Tik Tok

Speaker 2:

I'm still doing my videos from the front of the iPhone, can't even go sideways. You want to do it with no editing. What I've done, bro, with no editing skills, is actually amazing. It's wild, right it is. But all I have is content, and you know what People are like. Oh, posting times is broke. Content is king. If you're the real fucking deal, then you got the content. It doesn't matter when you post what you do, it doesn't If you've got the real shit, like I do.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's a mixture. It's a mixture of times to post sometimes, but in the beginning, just to get some awareness, it's about just throwing content out there, throwing shit at the wall, and eventually something's going to stick. That's kind of how it goes. And then the important part about it is just keeping consistent. So, like when I started the TikTok, I started guns fucking blazing. I just went every video, a video a day, clips up the day, every comment I got.

Speaker 1:

I made sure that I was commenting back to people. I was like I was so integrated into making sure that I made it a platform and a space where people could comment on the podcast clips and then I would interact with them and they can interact with each other, whatever. And then, of course, you put some sensational clips up, like Andre Ferguson yelling at people and this and that him on the podcast going crazy. But that type of shit works because that unfortunately and fortunately, triggers some emotions, because we're human creatures that are watching it. And then they start to comment and share and fuck this person or fuck that.

Speaker 2:

I look at the stats. Get up on that mic. Get up on that mic. Now I'm looking at the analytics of stuff, now that I'm posting and spending some money just practicing with social media. So I got the average watch time and now you start looking at that first one or two seconds people are responding like a hundred times more to negativity than positive. This is the way of the world. This is what the watch time is. It's literally the percentages like double positivity. So people are responding to something negative. So I'm better out saying you're a pussy than being like I can help you. Literally times times 10.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you could talk to me for an hour and a half on the podcast, give amazing tips, amazing information that people can digest and not only make their lives better but be a better human being in civilization society. But that won't get as many views as if you spiked that rain can on the desk. Tell me to fuck myself and leave the podcast. And I put that four second clip up. What happened? It's crazy man, it's just, it's insane. What feeds the emotion of humans nowadays?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's just saying how jaded we are, even watching and scrolling. Like I said, I don't consume content anymore. I have so much that I put out there that I'm just reacting. My self is just reactive to what I'm doing, which is often because you're learning so much. I've been on Instagram for 12 hours a day at least. I haven't watched or seen anything. It's funny. People still send me like clips. I'm like would you think I'm going to open up a DM of something that you thought was funny on Instagram an hour ago? You don't mean like that, but this is the way you know. People are just sitting there, consuming and basically slowly dying.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's tough, you get, you get caught in that rut and everybody gets caught in it, until you take the conscious decision to say I can't do it anymore. And even then I mean I've, I've taken that I think I mentioned it to you. I've taken that, that stance, and tried to not allow my mind to just get morphed and mushed up from fucking just consistent consumption of just bullshit, because that's what happens, you know. You, when I did a Tony Robin seminar, I did like an online Tony Robin seminar. Yeah, it was good. It was good, you know, and yeah, I think I think there's a lot of good stuff in it.

Speaker 1:

I think there's a lot of bullshit and a lot of fluff. Like, I sit there and I watch and there's a lot of people that are really just emotionally upset and they look at Tony and these motivational speakers as saving grace, as if I follow everything that this person says and I do every one of their seminars. I'm going to be like them and it's not the case. So you have to have, like, some realization and expectations of, like what's actually going to come out of it.

Speaker 2:

I love seeing people come away from the seminars. Oh, they're all fucking gas up.

Speaker 1:

Oh, gas up, gas up for months. And you know I was too man and then. But then I started looking at it. I'm just like you know, if I'm going to do everything that Tony expects me to do every single morning, if I'm going to do everything Andrew Huberman expects me to do every morning, everything, yeah, all these guys I mean they all have great points on how to better your life and to stay on a great path of development and upgrading yourself. But like I won't have any fucking time to do anything else If I do there, everybody's morning routines you got to figure out your own thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you figure out what works for you and I like Huberman he actually he was a big part of facilitating some of the stuff that I was doing. You know where I started my. I'm going to get into this position, this right.

Speaker 1:

Take your time, there's no rush.

Speaker 2:

So if I want to tell you, start with the, the carnivore space, so I'll tell you, I'll give you a rundown of of this year. You know, you know, you know me from a long time. I'm extremely passionate with everything I do, whether it's bodybuilding, beach cleaners, everything, everything I've done. And the crazy part is in its cool to say I've failed at everything. I have failed at everything except maybe being a dog owner and a loving person, something of passion. Other than that, I have tried everything and I go into it with 110% passion and usually it blows up in my face and doesn't work, and the best part about that is it's brought me to right now.

Speaker 2:

So I've failed at everything. And I say that with like a shitty neem grin on my face because, had I been mildly successful at any of those little things I wanted to be successful at, that's what I have been doing and I would have made my money. I would have never made it to this phase of my life and it literally, just, it literally just happened this year and I had to completely, completely broke break. I thought I was broken and I wasn't. I was nowhere near. I thought I was broken.

Speaker 2:

I had to break spiritually, emotionally and it bought me to this kind of enlightenment where, like you're either going to completely perish, really fast perish from depression, or you're going to, you're going to change this and think thankfully I went the opposite direction you know, so I'll start with this the space that I'm in with nutrition and business right now and kind of what led me to where I am today, not just living abroad, but what I'm like a quote, unquote selling, but what I believe in, what saved my life, that now I'm sharing with other people.

Speaker 2:

And it's kind of funny of being like a being a career personal trainer since since 1995, when this industry pretty much started I was like one of the first guys in and I didn't get into it for the passion of helping people. I literally was 17 years old in my high school gym, powerhouse gym in Miller Place, and I see some guy just I don't know what this is yet I was into working hours, big meathead, always into it, you know, played college football. But I'm watching this guy run around the gym with all these hot women and I'm like what, what do you do? Like what is this? This is 1995. It's literally when the industry started. I'm like what do you do?

Speaker 1:

He's like, I'm like.

Speaker 2:

I'm like, I'm like I'm a personal trainer. He had the big old cheesy muscle shirt on and it was just a good looking kind of skinny guy. I'm like this guy. I was just seeing him, woman after woman. I'm like what does this guy do? And he's like I'm a personal trainer. I was certified within like three days. I was like you make $60 an hour and again, that was a thing.

Speaker 2:

So I got into it right up front, from money, from the jump, and I mean I got into it and then I got stuck in it and that was always it, always to all the successful people. It was always this weakness Like well, the problem is you're getting that good money per hour. What about the longterm? What about the four? You know well these things. What about the health insurance?

Speaker 2:

Well, I spent decades being judged by myself and by other people because I'm in this limited oh, trading dollars for hours, trading dollars for hours. But I'm really good at it. I'm really good at it. So took a long, long time and basically even to the point where you know I'm a loser. You know you're a bartender, your personal trainer, your dish, your working dollars right.

Speaker 2:

So I'm judged by myself, really by society, like when are you going to get a real job? Right, when are you going to get a real job? You know when. When are you going to get some money? And everybody's giving me advice.

Speaker 2:

And now here, at 46 years old, today, these same people that were giving me advice are completely in love with what I'm doing and and it's just like the people that are truly my believers, and the wealthy, happy people, wish that they had what I had now, and I had to.

Speaker 2:

I had to go this entire time not listening to anybody and being judged by all these people to come in, to come into my own, come into my own space, which is, which is actually pretty cool. So, currently, what I'm doing, I am living in Colombia, living abroad, absolutely love it, and prior to this, you were in Costa Rica. I was in Costa Rica for two years actually beautiful place. I left this country right before the election, right around right before Trump became president, right around Black Lives Matter. That was a big emotional piece for me that prompted me to leave the country much earlier than I thought I was going to do. From a cultural standpoint, I couldn't believe where we were at, so I left the country good, and it wasn't like oh, I hate the country, I just I was ready for something different.

Speaker 1:

I didn't have the house and have the kids.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand if people are making all this money but they're not happy. So I don't. This really isn't for me. So I went into the mountain. I mean, I went into the mountains of Costa Rica. I didn't do the tourist thing, I got a quad and just ripped through it and I just I just played my own life and I really loved it. Then I got extremely sick. Some people know I got sick. I contracted MRSA. I spent six months in the hospital dead. I was declared dead three times. This is less than two years ago, by the way. This is all happened less than two years.

Speaker 1:

Remember that, if you can elaborate on that, what happened?

Speaker 2:

Well, I was feeling sick one day is in Costa Rica. I hate when people say but I have a very, I have a high pain threshold and I do. I was running around the jungle on my quad. I'm extremely active, I am an athlete. I'm an athlete of life. I test. I can't even ride a bicycle without going 110%, doing tricks and shit. It's just, it's my nature, it's how I'm wired. So I was feeling kind of ill. A couple of days went by. I'm like I'm dying. I'm literally dying.

Speaker 2:

I actually I had pancreatitis twice in my life. That's a whole other thing. I was actually I was like I hope this is pancreat, hoping this is pancreatitis, because then I could just fast it out, it'll be fine. So I went to some doctors down there, like oh, you're nuts, man, like you're probably dying. I'm like, no, I just got a facet. I was just trying to just thug it out, doing anything, really not to come back to the States, not for any other reason than I was happy I was happy there. So it turns out I went a couple more days and I literally I couldn't move. I'd come home, I couldn't walk my dog. I sat on a porch in Costa Rica crying. I gave my dog my last meal because I was dying. I was dead, checked out. Thank God a friend came over that night.

Speaker 2:

I went to two third world hospitals in San Jose, costa Rica, and it was horrible it was. It was. It was straight out of a horror movie that I couldn't communicate. My Spanish kind of sucks. I know more than people people realize, but once I get around some English, that's all I talk.

Speaker 2:

But I was finally went to this hospital in San Jose, costa Rica, and this one girl spoke a little bit of English. She goes listen, this I mean right out of a movie, like I was paying money out of the MRI tube cash in my pocket, whatever I had, because I'm dying. And this girl comes in she goes listen, we don't know what's wrong with you, but stop giving us your money. You get. Get the go home. Go home and get some medical treatment because you're going to need this money for treatment. We don't know what's wrong with you, but you're fucked up. Thank, thankfully I got an emergency flight home. The next day I was admitted into the hospital and, no, no doctors wanted to work on me because I had this infection. It was MRSA MRSA I had never heard of it, which is pretty wild considering the industry. It's usually a little skin disease, a little skin, little bacteria or infection, and it's usually very treatable. For me, it got into my system, started attacking all my organs and killing.

Speaker 1:

Is it kind of like a?

Speaker 2:

ringworm. Yes, it's like it's. I'm not going to say a fungus, it's an infection. It's a blood infection, but usually it's topical. You cure it.

Speaker 2:

Now doctors were asking me like, oh you know, were you cut up? Or was like I've been riding a quad in the middle of the jungle, like I have cuts on me all the time. Who knows God do a BMX act and I rip a BMX bike. It's a whole other thing. So I've always got cut and beat up and stuff. I'm extremely active.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't figure out where it came from, of course, because people are so skeptical. I was in good shape Once I got to the doctors. I was. I was in a coma for about six weeks, in and out. Nobody wanted to work on me. They had my parents come in.

Speaker 2:

I forget the terminology. I really don't talk about this a lot. I try to block it out because I'm all about moving forward. But I didn't know what was going on. I didn't know really what was going on. They were going to cut my legs off.

Speaker 2:

Really fucked up, really fucked up, really dramatic. But I knew the whole time, when I was in and out of consciousness, that I was going to be okay. I think the worst part of it is six months in the hospital during COVID, so you really couldn't have visitors the same way and kind of the play on humanity. The craziest part about this is when I came out of the coma. I tell people you want to find out who really messes with you. Leave the country, see who supports that, especially at a time where things are volatile. But that scene being said, when I started coming out of the coma and see what's going on, I think the hardest thing for me was not being able to go to the bathroom on my own. It was really just so embarrassing and each nurse that came in it's deflating.

Speaker 2:

Each nurse that came on just get younger and better looking each day. I'm like, oh so the point where I just wasn't going to the bathroom was so embarrassing, you know, I couldn't walk, I was dying and all the doctors would say to me is oh, you're lucky to be alive and they have to like two, three months. I'm like that's really getting old. So what happened is backtrack. And as soon as I got to the hospital, they just started. If you see, I've got. I had about 12 surgeries in the first five to six weeks. What happens? I was so loaded up with infection and dying that they were just cutting me open, ripping this infection out. Laser in me, open, laser in me, open, trying to save my life. But they were not paying attention to me orthopedically, Like they didn't care. They're trying to save my life. So this is two months of just laser in me, open, ripping me open. I have scars, discussing scars on my body, but that being said, I made it. I made it. I got through it. It was a tough period. Even now there's stories, people reminded me of things and I always I just want to keep it. I just want to keep it moving forward. So when I got out of the hospital again, I was in so much pain and to the point where I was crying every single day of my life and I didn't, I didn't want to do it anymore. So I went to the surgeon and again, same thing. You're lucky to be a lucky to be lucky. I'm like I don't feel lucky. I'm like guys, can you tell me that? I don't feel so lucky right now Cause I'm in miserable pain and I'm a pretty positive guy. So it got to this point where the Mercer now I'm going to be a lifelong injecting antibiotics. So I had this three foot cord, this ball, two times a day for an hour and a half. I forget the, I forget the name of the antibiotic Shroggest antibiotic you can have going to be on the rest of your life. I had to. They had a, a wire into my heart where I had to come, let the ball drip and inject this fluid into me for three hours a day. And this is my life is going to be on, this is it for the rest of your life. And that sucked and I was in pain and I don't know which, run in and was with the doctor. I said I'm not doing this anymore. I'm not doing this, Fuck this, I'm out of here. No therapy, I'm done.

Speaker 2:

I moved back to Costa Rica. There was this personal thing for me where I had to get back to Costa Rica for myself. I had to prove to myself that I was going to be okay and I and I could heal myself. And I did. And I got down there and I was sick. But I was a broken man. I was in shambles. I was broken. I, physically, I didn't have myself physically. I've always thrived off of being athletic and physical and I didn't have all that. It was, but I could even still, I could barely turn my head, that much. I overcame that. I came down to Costa Rica, got off all the meds and and that was it, I healed myself.

Speaker 2:

And it's pretty wild how did you heal yourself? Like, what were the steps that you took? I got away from the hospital and started going to the doctors and this was early on where like, oh, you're crazy. I'm like, yeah, I've been told that my whole life that's fine, I'm still going to make my moves. But telling me to live near the hospital just to wait to get sick and die again, I'm not going out like that If I fly off a cliff, a cliff on my quad in the middle of Costa Rica and I die from that, then that's one thing that's poetic, that's how I'm supposed to go out, but getting sick and dying in the hospital waiting to die I'm not going out like that.

Speaker 2:

I went back to Costa Rica. I bought a quad, started ripping it, started throwing up every day. I said I'm done with these antibiotics, I might die. But you know what? I was dead already. So what's the difference? Got off the antibiotics completely, fucking fine. So here I am millions and millions and millions of dollars of treatment. You're going to be on this antibiotics the rest of your life. Just deal with it, Fuck it. Two months later, in Costa Rica, I'm ripping the quad completely.

Speaker 1:

Isn't that crazy how it's insane. I don't even think it goes towards negligence. I just think it goes towards this is what we learned at a textbook and that this is the only course of action for anything that we can imagine.

Speaker 2:

When we put all our faith into people, these guys told me for months we don't know what's wrong with you. And again, of course, it was. Oh well, what was I doing? So when I came back, against the skeptics and people were so screwed up, the doctors were like, well, what was he shooting? He had to be doing intravenous drugs. Listen, I'm honest with everything. The last thing I'm doing is shooting drugs. I mean Costa Rica, ripping the quad, riding a bicycle, living my life. So, again, because of skeptics, even when I came out of, for months, these guys, these doctors, are waiting for me to tell them like I was, like doing heroin or something like that no, like waiting bedside.

Speaker 1:

They're like are you ready to let us know what actually happened?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like I'm going to sit there and let you cut my legs off and not tell you what's going on. I'm dying, trust me. My parents are here watching me die. I have nothing too high to never had, and that's something that a lot of people can't really relate to. I'll talk about it.

Speaker 2:

So there was that and I got back down to Costa Rica, but I was a broken, broken shell of a man and things were not. The things were not the same down there and I I slipped into severe depression. I didn't really know how bad but crazy part is. I went down with money when I was in the coma. This is an interesting play on humanity. When I was in the coma, my friend had set up a GoFundMe page and it's kind of crazy to kind of how I worked. When I came out of the coma, I started seeing all these donations. Like wait a second, I have people that gave me $10,000, but you couldn't message me when I was in Costa Rica doing well to see how I was doing. But now that I'm sick and dying, I don't want your fucking money and I was angry here.

Speaker 2:

I came out of the. I'm supposed to be grateful that I have all the people love me and I'm fucking angry because I needed you when I was good. I needed a little. Go, Brit, Hope you're doing good. I didn't got none of that. I'm sick and dying and this is just how we were. I'm sick and dying. You're giving me money. I don't want your money, bro, I want your love. I want you to be something that you're not, and unfortunately, and to keep it positive.

Speaker 2:

But people are completely full of shit in a lot of aspects of life and one of them's clientele their clients oh, you're your friend, no, I I'm. You're my client. We were cool when I had something to offer you or when I was, you know, bedside dying, when you could control the situation, and it really made me angry. It made me angry and it just started this feeling of just anger, like what are people all about? So that means that I got back down on Costa Rica. Wasn't working crazy part of that money? I had like 50 grand on me and I had no responsibilities, nothing, and I was completely depressed. I didn't know what to do with myself.

Speaker 1:

Just think it was.

Speaker 2:

I was broken. I was physically. I wasn't a man, I didn't have that dominating thing. I just, I've always, I've always been in shape, conquering. It's always been my MO is just, or how the world sees me. It's just this physically dominating person, this athlete, this is kind of like Spartan animal guy and even now I could barely turn my head. But I was broken and I was broken. I had no purpose and oh, all anybody can say to me it was oh, you're so lucky to be alive, it's such a miracle. I'm like I don't feel any of that right now, and this is months and months and months. So, in short, it just wasn't working anymore. I was trying to do tours, trying to do something. I love the nature, but it just wasn't working. So this is brings us to January of this year. January of this year, I mean 23, which is pretty, pretty amazing considering where am I not right now, physically, spiritually, mentally? January, I came back to New York. Here it is. I overcame it. People, I literally I run into people.

Speaker 1:

They're crying, the fact that I saw you at Bevs Do yeah at the time. Yeah, the fact, shit dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was upbeat up and all anybody would do was wanted to do is talk about the past. I don't want to talk about this anymore. And again it just just got worse and worse, started getting really fat. I've always been up and down with my weight. Even though I've been a personal trainer, I've always struggled with my weight or I've abused food like somebody would abuse drugs or something like that. And that's what was happening there, as I started to put on weight, which was just making me more and more depressed and and whatever. So January came down. I have a huge background in training professional athletes. My personal training background is really good. Not gonna get into all that, but I got the call here. I was back in New York oh, get a job at Amazon, do all this.

Speaker 1:

I'm like I don't, I can't, I don't want to, and you mean you don't want to work at a fulfillment center? No, what are you?

Speaker 2:

What are you? I think I worked at a mortgage office for like an hour. I can't even tell you this is all my mom's a mortgage broker. I'm not knocking that in, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying I've listened to Countless years and she's coming on the podcast on Tuesday. I've listened to countless years of my mother ups and downs with the market, of just misery and this and that, and listen when it Comes down to it. My mother is 65 years old 64 years old. I believe she can hate me that I said that, but regardless, whatever you know, embrace it, mother. And she can't retire yet because she's just, she's constantly riding the market. It's tough, man. I want to see her relax, I want to see her enjoy life and Unfortunately, the rat race has kept her in her position.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's kind of brings me to like where I'm at. So it's like I refuse to do it. I know I need it. Yeah, I need money. I'm like, first of all, I left this country now because I hate it. I don't have any mouth. I love New York. I love New York, I love my country. I'm happy with life. I really, truly am. But I it wasn't work. Nothing was working for me.

Speaker 1:

And it's crazy when you have to, when people feel like you have to explain that yeah.

Speaker 2:

And people are giving me advice. You have money but you're not happy. I don't want to do what you do. I don't want to work a hundred hours.

Speaker 1:

You have a house in the Hamptons. You have a house in Huntington Harbor. You got a penthouse in the city, but for some reason you're still depressed as well.

Speaker 2:

So I can't sit down for two hours. I can't. I'm not, I'm not wired like that. So here I am now. I'm at 45, now 46, 45 years old, and what? I'm gonna go work for $15 an hour. Work to live? No, I'm not going out like that.

Speaker 2:

So I didn't know what I was doing. I was in Brooklyn, ended up Brooklyn with a friend. I was in a bad, bad, bad place. This is own. This is. This is February, february of this year, which is nuts and makes me smile, dude, because I did a. It almost makes me want to cry, because I I did a complete, complete 180.

Speaker 2:

I was a broken, fat, depressed man who knew I had the it factor. I knew I had talent, I knew I had something that nobody knows I have yet and I'm trying to be forced into this box even now for cuz I was sick, all this. I don't have money. Do you everybody give me advice? I don't want your advice. I'm not gonna listen to it. Thank God I did so. I get a call.

Speaker 2:

One thing led to another. Thank God, my well, my history of working with with players. It came full circle and I got a job with Will Barton, nba player, 13 year vet, awesome, awesome, awesome guys. So he gave me an opportunity, started working together in in Washington DC About March April, spent a couple months working with him. He invited me down to Miami.

Speaker 2:

A lot of these NBA players go down to Miami for the summer right before the season starts. Well, I said they could party, get the vibe, they got the money, they're living the high life and they're just Miami's a place to be for these guys. He invites me down two month contract big, big money Gun. Done so for most personal trainers as a dream. I've been in and out of Hollywood. I've been all over the personal training market. So most guys I made it. Well, listen, that's a two month job. So I made it for two months. So I got down there. This is a world, this is a wealth of knowledge and experience and not I'm not chasing a bag, I'm not chasing the celebrity, I want to become one. And as people think that that's funny, no, you could take it as funny as you want, but I have my own dreams and it's not clear-cut, it's not the same as everybody else's, but I'm not stopping until I get there and I'm still not, and I made it. So I go down, I go into Miami great money.

Speaker 2:

But I also know, as of September 1st, I'm completely unemployed. I have nothing. No job, no, nothing in shambles with a lot of things. What's next? So, instead of going down and partying, leaving the good life, I went down there. I worked my ass off. At the average of, I was getting about $900 to work out. I mean, it's a sick job. So most people would look at it and just try to maintain that and get the job. No, I'm looking at it's like in two months I have no job. So I need to take this time. What is it that you want to do, bro? What is it you want to do? Because you just went from the bottom to the top real quick, but after that you're gonna just go back to the bottom again. No, no way, bro. So I went down in my alley and only Only the people of Miami Some people on social media know what happened to me down there. I went down to Miami and I don't know what other way to put this. I set myself on fucking fire. I figured out what my dream, what my passion was. I'm gonna go back and tell you how this happened. Cool, so I get this job with. Will we start training together, get the job in Miami.

Speaker 2:

I need to get in shape. I Know what to do. I've got the bodybuilder career. I've always been in top tier trainer, top tier trainer for my personality. I don't have some schematics. I'm crazy. No people want to be around me at least my clients do, not everybody, but my clients do and that's what makes me. That's what makes me a good trainer. It's a personality again, it's not some sequences. I think for the last four years of personal training, I didn't even fucking count the set people like I did 14 on this thing, 60. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. So that's where I mean, I've been the 500 pound and I've been running for persons for like the last 10 years. I'm just one. Nothing you like, get me out of the fucking gym. I got way more to offer the world. So here's the deal. And then here's the deal.

Speaker 2:

So I've always been a low carb guy. Okay, this is just fun, let's dig right into it. For me, bodybuilding not really whenever I pull my carbohydrates. So it's when I got into shape and I'm not gonna make this a boring nutrition thing, but this is a life-changing nutrition thing that I if, even if one person gets something out of this, it's worth it to me. So that's always worked for me. Not because of the science, anything. That it's because if I eat the typical bowl of oatmeal and Ten egg whites, I'm fucking starving. All day I'm starving, but if I eat six eggs and some cheese, I'm full for like five or six hours. Works for me always. Have whatever. I'm not pushing that on anybody, so I know what to do.

Speaker 2:

Right, jump on the stair, master, go to work. I got about a month to get in shape. Before I'm on my, I'm in Miami with, with, with celebrities. I need to be in shape. Girls, it's not even a question. I know what to do. I'm all about the 30 for 30s, not only with my work or myself. I like results fast. I like it, I am, I'm about it, and if you say you're gonna do something, you fucking do it. And most people do not.

Speaker 1:

Sorry for the cursing do not apologize, it's not, it's not gonna be my last one. That's okay, I drop the happier I am.

Speaker 2:

The more energy I get, the more I curse, that's okay, so alright.

Speaker 2:

I know what to do. So what's happening? I'm I used to do two hours to care master today, love it, love it. Sick, no. But so now in Washington DC, I like I got 30 days. I get on the play at 30 for 30, bro, nothing's working. I'm getting on the stand for like two minutes and I'm dying and I'm like, oh, I gotta die, dude, nothing's working. I'm a career-long trainer. I've done this, this is my profession, and I can't go more than 12 hours without Completely sabotaging my diet. What the fuck is going on? I Don't know. I was like concerned and I'm so glad it happened, bro, cuz it brought me down this, this rabbit hole. I had to.

Speaker 2:

I had you had mentioned Andrew Huberman. It was one of his podcasts that spawned me on to thinking something else. Now there's this video that it's like there's two videos. One is Angus Barbieri. Okay, and even if you guys follow or go to my social media, this is probably the only story that I ever wanted to release. This is about two years old, angus Barbieri. Okay, this man did not eat a crumb of food for 385 days not one crumb of food. Okay, I want you to go look at this story. It's one of my. It's one of my proudest ones. It's absolutely amazing that, and I remember about two years ago I saw this little little kid about 1670, okay, completely shredded, and his trainer was like, yeah, just eats me, I don't like oh, I've seen that Asian kid, right, yeah, so I'm Filipino, I think yeah.

Speaker 2:

Doesn't matter so and I never really pay attention to it right shredded, shredded to the bone, bone shredded. So here I am. I don't know I now I've got like 22 days left. I mean, I'm in the highlight. What do I do? So I was like I need to try something different. Let's, let's get extreme. I'm all about it. I am extreme. I have no problem putting myself through the ringer. I will do it, and I won't ask my clients to do anything that I don't. That being said, I need to do something dramatic here.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so I had a couple different things going on at once, and this is I have found the secret for myself and at least for my clients. For me, it's what worked. For me, it's what saved my life. So this is not like a little diet strategy or the trainer with abs that eats McDonald's is doing. No, I'm telling you, six or seven months ago, this kept me from possibly killing myself or absolutely dying or perishing into nothingness by changing what I put into my mouth. We always think that, oh, nutrition is this much. No, nutrition is 99% of not just the physical game, the fucking mental game.

Speaker 2:

And I had no idea. I had no idea what was going on and again. I've been a top tier trainer commanding. I just got a job 14 Gs a month with this guy, turns out. I didn't even know what the hell I was talking about. I had to go down the rabbit hole and start looking at different sciences and I had to figure it out myself. I had to do this fast. How do I do it? I said one. Here's what's going to work for me. These are catchphrases. Unfortunately, I have to use these to explain what I'm doing. People, especially with responding to me oh it's keto, oh it's carnivore.

Speaker 1:

The buzzwords of the industry.

Speaker 2:

Right, you got to have them. But first of all, keto. You don't know what you're talking about. People think they pull their carbs. You're on a keto diet. The ketogenic diet is 80 to 90% fat. So unless you've looked at your plate and so 80 to 90% fat, you don't know what the fucking ketogenic diet is. It's not just pulling your carbs, it's 80% fat.

Speaker 1:

Let me just interject for two seconds Just as a laughing anecdote. For keto, I had my aunt's boyfriend Okay, ready for this.

Speaker 2:

There's always an extension. Yeah, of course.

Speaker 1:

I've been in the fitness industry for how many years? Listen, I'm not a pro, I'm not anything like that, but I've been around everybody and I've read a lot and I've researched a lot and I've gone through a lot. I mean, just this year alone, I was 230 in March and I'm down to 189 now.

Speaker 2:

So it's like that I met you backstage at a bodybuilding show at the Met Long time ago.

Speaker 1:

That's how we first met and then we were Bebs guys. So I listened, I've learned some shit. So my aunt's boyfriend I'll never forget this. It's fucking insane. It was Christmas time, like two, three years ago. We're all just.

Speaker 1:

You know, everyone's just eating whatever and she just goes. Yeah, you know, he's doing really well with keto. Now I'm looking at the guy he's fat, he's fucking fat. And I'm looking at him. He looks like a stuffed sausage and it's just like he's got, like the shirt is like it's. Just looking at him. I'm just looking. I'm like okay, like he's okay, maybe he just started like whatever. And she's like, no, he's been doing for a while and this and that, and he's drinking wine. So I go to him, I go. You know you shouldn't have alcohol on keto because you know it's carbs and isn't that? Oh well, you know the people that I talked to about keto like they say that it's okay to have like one or two glasses of wine. You know, every couple of days I'm like all right, bro, well, obviously working, it's obviously working, dog. So just keep doing whatever you're doing and if that makes you happy, then fine, but you're not doing keto.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's the thing, there's just catchphrases. So I put a couple of things together and listen, I'm just going to grab my coffee. Oh, go, go, go. So I put a couple of things together. One what works for me initially is the OMAD diet. I have issues with food, I have issues with life. Okay, a lot of OMAD, omad, one meal a day. It works for me. And I'm going to give you the emotional part of nothing to do with fucking science or anything else like that.

Speaker 2:

I have used food like most of us do, as little dopamine hits, just like drugs and the crazy part of today's society. Don't do drugs, don't do the drinking, but you can eat like a fat fucking, it's okay, it's the same thing. You're not hungry, you're looking for a quick fix, you're a little bored with your life, so you think you're hungry. No, you're just looking for another hit. You're being a fucking pussy. Okay, you're looking to get off on something. And the crazy thing with food you can do it right in front of somebody and it's okay, completely justified. It is not. It is ruining us.

Speaker 2:

That being said, what works for the OMAD? The reason OMAD works for me is one there's no decision making For 23 and a half hours of the day. I'm not eating. You can't fuck up. There's no decision making to make. For me. That works because once I start eating I don't want to stop. I'm not claiming anything. No, I'm not. I can abuse food. I've abused food for the same reason a lot of other people do. I'm honest about it. So the OMAD works for me and that, first of all, the benefits of fasting. I'll get into that at another point Sorry, fasting.

Speaker 1:

I'm not religious with it. I need to be. I'm not religious with it.

Speaker 2:

It's the answer to changing our society and changing your life. Is fasting, not intermittent fasting, not the 16 hour thing, a true OMAD thing? And if anybody's listening, you want to start somewhere, start with an OMAD diet. Do not eat anything for 23 and a half hours a day, even if you want to eat whatever you want for that meal, try it 23 and a half 23 and a half. Do not eat one time a day, so you have 30 minutes to eat.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's put it like this You're going to eat one time a day, okay, so to make it easier, it's one time a day. I choose to do it at the end of the day Because of my food issues and my own brain and my own issues, I go as late as possible because once I start eating, I want to keep going baby, that's how I am and that's my life.

Speaker 2:

I figured it out so I'm not going to change that. I can't harrow myself into a box that I don't fit in. I have to make it work for me. So I did the OMAD and that was working. The benefits of fasting are on a cellular level, on an anti-carcinogenic level. The benefits are fasting are absolutely insane, and the biggest benefit to me is the mental. Now here's where it sizzles for me and here's where it absolutely changed my life, not only a little bit real quick, and the clients with me.

Speaker 2:

Right now I sell this five-day plan, so a five-day fat-apped adaptation plan, and people are so skeptical. Like five days, you can't change your body. I'm literally changing people's lives. Changing people's lives in a five-day span. It's the most incredible thing I've been part of. The reason it's working is because I had to do it myself.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so not only are we doing the one meal a day, we are doing it with what I want to call a modified carnivore diet. I say modified because it's not just straight meat. I like to add some avocados, a peanut butter, which both have some carbohydrates. But at the end of the day, what I'm doing is an OMAD modified carnivore diet, which is absolutely insane when I send people their food list. This is what worked for me. I started pe I was waking up losing seven, eight pounds of fat a day. Guess what I had three weeks. I went to Miami completely bone-shredded, because I'm a psycho when it comes into change. When it comes into change, especially if it's personal and especially if it's a challenge to myself. This was a big challenge. I got to get into Hollywood in shape as a top-level trainer. I can't go down there with a double chin and no abs.

Speaker 1:

So that's something that I've seen a lot. I've seen a lot of trainers and you know, I know a couple through the grapevine and what that are. You know good trainers. They do their thing but, like yo, you're fat, you're out of shape. Why would I I would never pay you to tell me what to do because I don't that's like if that's like if I cut and pasted all my videos or all my photos, every photo, every video looked the same. Nothing was original, nothing was the whole bullshit. It's like well, nick, you're just doing the same shit over and over again. It's like you're doing this. You're stuck in that process of like you got to be the exact you're your own business card.

Speaker 2:

Right, you don't have to be. I mean, I've been the fat trainer. I've been doing this. I've had food issues since I'm 17 years old, I've been training.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I've in the years that I've known you, I have never seen you fat. You may be overweight comparatively to what you usually are. I'd it well, I'd it well, but you have a lot of muscle and you still look good, right. So I yeah, when you when I say fat, I mean like fat Right.

Speaker 2:

But I'm saying because I'm the only one that really knows I hide it well in a t-shirt, whatever. Oh, you look big. That means I'm fat. When I look when I'm healthy is when I look like shit. In a t-shirt, I look weird. So I have. Right now I have this little like in the middle stage. I'm not XL, I'm not a double XL, but when I took my shirt off, I look 40 pounds heavier. That's that's what I'm making.

Speaker 2:

So it's a really funny thing about that whole that whole industry and that whole thing. But for me it's the mental. Bro, I was waking up, yeah, I feel good, and I wasn't eating. And here's where it gets fucking nuts. And even now, to this day, it blows my mind. Bro, the longer I fast, the sicker my workout is.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing that makes sense about this. You got to get up. You need energy, bro. If you have if you have body fat, here's the best the best fuel source in the world is right here, your best food source in the world. You already have it on you.

Speaker 2:

Why do we keep stuffing our face? I'm not going to say not just because of the calories, the inflammation. You're not supposed to eat this way. It's the most unhealthy thing we could do. But we're taught get up, you need energy. No, it's ass backwards. You have the energy. You got to tap into it. So that's what I did. I got in here. I was like all right, so I'm not eating eating under 50 grams of carbohydrates Only one dude fat is melting off it.

Speaker 2:

But here's what's happening. I'm waking up so happy. I almost wanted to kill myself three weeks ago and now I'm on fire. Not only that, my mind is operating where, just a week ago I had to I got to take care of this player and then all of a sudden, like a couple days, a couple weeks, I'm like well, yeah, that player, I got to take care of that. But what's next for me? What's next for Britt and Kelly? What's going on in my mind? This is changing my mind by not plowing food into my body. Is this even possible? 100%, absolutely saved my life. Okay, I'm going to say this Carbs are non-essential. What that means this is not my opinion. This is a scientific fact. Carbohydrates are non-essential. It means you don't need them to sustain life. Say that one more time they're not essential. You don't need them. There's no need for carbohydrates. Why doesn't everybody know that?

Speaker 1:

Well, because you're taught the bullshit food pyramid at a young age and you get lack knowledge of nutrition courses throughout your entire life, and then you're fed, unless you get some type of mental breakthrough and you start actually finding things and going down the rabbit hole yourself. Even people in the fitness industry. Exactly what you said the oatmeal. Listen to that. I used to eat oatmeal every single morning and guess what? It's fucking horrible for you. Glyphocytes are in it, all the bullshit that's in the oatmeal itself, and not to mention the insulin spikes and all the extra shit that it does to you.

Speaker 1:

So when you say stuff like that, like why don't we know this, we don't know this because we're not properly taught it, and even if we were properly taught it, you are then told that you're wrong because it goes outside the norm of what societal standards consider. So you can't just be you can't just have an alternate opinion and say, hey, why don't you give this a shot, because it'll change your life and you'll no, no, no, no. You're just told no, no, no, that's wrong, you're gonna kill yourself. You shouldn't be eating animal protein, you shouldn't be eating high dairy, high fat, as in that. And then they shove it in your face, they'll do. Oh well, the blue zones.

Speaker 2:

So that's what they'll say. Here's the thing with the blue zones. Got something for you? The blue zones? They're bullshit. I live right next to one in Costa Rica. Here's the thing with the blue zones the fucking it's faulty data. They don't have records for these people. So it's not that they have this fucking healthy way. I know I've lived in the blue zone. They eat fucking rice and beans. They're poor. They have faulty data. They don't have medical records or history. So the blue zones are complete bullshit. It's about the historically. They don't have data on it.

Speaker 1:

So what is the blue zone for-? I'm gonna have you explain it, because the blue zones I don't know For people.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. There's supposed to be like six to eight of them throughout the world. One of them is located in Costa Rica, where these people are living for such long lives. They're living these longer, longer, healthier lives, and I really got into that Especially, I was living right next to one in Costa Rica. I'm like, well, I don't know what these people eat. They're eating rice and beans all day. They're eating shit. They have no money. Like what is this? And it just turns out that they don't have records of it's like I don't know exactly, they're not like historical records. So it just turns out that it's not this amazing thing. These people are living these healthy, happier lives. They just don't have records of the past. They have these people living it's not what we think, that it is Because these people are eating oh, it's fresh, it's whatever. It's all bullshit. It's all bullshit. I know these people are just-.

Speaker 1:

Wouldn't be the first time a quote unquote historical, you know survey was done and it wasn't actually accurate.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, again, again this I have been a professional trainer. I have people I have multi-millionaires trusting me with everything. I didn't know what the fuck I was talking about. Drink a shake after your workout, guys. The fucking post-workout window is absolute fucking bullshit. The anabolic window is fucking bullshit. Breakfast is shit. None of it makes sense. Okay, and getting back to what I was saying about the fasting, so check this out. This is insane. This is what I'm applying today. The longer I fast sometimes I'll push my fast because I feel good. What's happening. I fast now for mental clarity. It's not even about the body. I'm already in shape. I fast now because it feels good. The longer I fast, I'm on point. So if I have something like this or if I have something coming up, I fast for it because my performance level is out of control.

Speaker 1:

That's what I've told people since I've started fasting and, like I said, in and out, I'm not as dedicated as you are. I will be. I will, yeah, without question, because that has accelerated that, plus the jujitsu, plus the-. I do hit classes in the morning and theoretically I mean dropping 40 pounds. The last couple of months I really haven't done anything dramatic. I've tracked my macros and I've tracked them loosely, but the most I've done hit classes in the morning, jujitsu at night.

Speaker 1:

I was rolling four or five days a week but then around I would say June August, no, june July I started to think, hey, why don't I try fast? And the first breakthrough mentally that I had with fasting was I said there's so many people that talk so many benefits about it, the autophagy, that's what everyone talks about. And I'm like, okay, let me give it a shot for the health benefits and I have it for the weight loss. I don't even give a fuck about the weight loss. So I start checking it out and I said, okay, let me just let me just fucking do one. So what I did was I had a cheat meal and I had ramen and ice cream on a Sunday night. I said you know what fuck it. It's been a while. Let me just load up a little bit. And I load it up. And I stopped eating at five o'clock and I went, I think, 20, 22 hours on the fast and it was weird because after 18, I wasn't hungry anymore. I was like, okay, I feel pretty good. Mental clarity started coming around at like 20, hour, 20. And I just said, okay, this is pretty cool.

Speaker 1:

And what the biggest thing that I noticed was normally when I'd have a cheat meal, when I'd go balls to the wall on a Sunday, eat my fucking face full, the next day to two days, I would be holding a ton of fucking water. I'd look like shit, I'd feel like shit. And every time I saw a cheat meal today, like jujitsu, I can't hold on. The same way, there's inflammation. I can feel it from eating this shitty foods. But when I fasted, it's almost like I got rid of this shit quicker. I got rid of everything in my body quicker and my weight stabilized. So, as opposed to being over on the scale, I was the same or under. I'm like that's weird.

Speaker 2:

I tried to do a video on it Again this week ago. Fucking days talking. You said push the shit out of you. Here's what's funny is I get these clients on the five day plan and it's perfect for me. And this is two sided. I have a five day plan One. I can prove that we can get dramatic results in five days. People are so skeptical. That's fine. I know what my clients know, and it's pain, inflammation, all these other things. What happens? Also that after five days, I get to see who I'm working with, because I'm only going to work with people. You get the gist of it. And here's the thing that's happened.

Speaker 2:

By day two, people are like Brent, I haven't gone to the bathroom. All right, let's think about this. And I have not even heard anybody discuss this. I am now. Let's talk about shit, go after it. So day two, day three Brent, I haven't gone to the bathroom. Now, why do you think that is? I don't know this diet. It's weird. Why do you think you need to go to the bathroom? What is it? Is the need to go to the bathroom? What?

Speaker 1:

is its main function. Why would you need to go to the bathroom?

Speaker 2:

What are you pushing out of you? Things that you haven't digested? Why do we think that that's good?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Brent, I haven't gone to good Guess what, you're not full of shit and I tried to do a video of this, but I said shit 50 times. I was like, yeah, I'm trying not to say this, but you think about it Feces, and this is where it gets really deep and this is where even online or having a presence or getting the feedback from people so this need for fiber, why do we take in fiber? Fiber is insoluble. It just goes right through you, so we need fiber. What To push out? This shit? I wish there was another word for it. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, what are we talking about here? What are we pushing out? Why is our body not absorbing? Why is that okay? Why we've not even questioned that? What are we pushing out? Well, what's happening is we're not putting the shit into our body. This is day two, day three. We're not talking like months and months. We're talking very quickly.

Speaker 2:

I load them up, just fats and protein, and they're not going to the bathroom. There's nothing to push out. Your body is absorbing what you're eating. It's a good thing, and I've got people that don't go for days. I'm not saying that's healthy, but we're taking in fiber.

Speaker 2:

Why do we need fiber? Do we need fiber? Not at all. A bunch of bullshit. There are some cases where it could be beneficial, but all in all, fiber is sometimes it's all bullshit. You're pushing the junk out of your body. Why are you putting the junk into your body? Let's start there. Okay, this need for vitamins and minerals. Not saying everybody, but in general, I pull fruit and vegetables out of people's diet. The only thing I use is an avocado, and there's a deeper reason for that. Oh my God, fruits and vegetables. You need these vitamins. Who said why do I need these vitamins? Well, what do you mean? And I can't even talk about it. Well, what is it that I need these vitamins in middle? Are you deficient? No, what the fuck do you need all these vitamins and minerals for? We don't even question it Vitamin, the minerals for what.

Speaker 1:

So let me challenge the thought process, just just because I'm curious. So you know, like blueberries and, and and let's just talk about berries because I know berries are some of the best fruits that you can have. Because for what? Just in general, I'm saying for for a fiber source, but for brain health and whatnot? Because the I forget the, the actual terms for the blueberries, but dr Amen, he's a brain psychologist, he does brain scans and whatnot. He says blueberries and berries in general some of the best foods you could have at least once a day just to help your brain out. So I believe that I do, but with just eating protein and fats, do you believe that some point that there is some type of a deficiency that those aren't giving you? No, okay.

Speaker 2:

No, and I'll tell you why. This is where it gets really good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so this is where I claim my title.

Speaker 2:

So go jumping back into the internet game. Having getting into Miami, figure out how do I get onto the internet as a trainer and make a splash. I need a title. I'm way more than a trainer. I'm not a personal trainer. That's actually insulting. No disrespect to any personal trainers, but I've been doing this a long time. I'm one of the best I am. I can say that's the only thing in my life that I'm super good at. I'm trying to figure out my title right and it's taken me years, decades. I'm a personal trainer of changing people's lives and I came up with game changer. Right, I'm like, oh it's bizarre. It's weird, I know, but I believe in it, and you know why? Because it is a game changer. Now, these things You're talking about neuroscience is doctors talking about brain, cognition, mental health again, there's cancers, there's other diseases and stuff.

Speaker 2:

So I'm talking about general population. Okay, there are a knee. I'm not saying there's no need for for vitamins, the minerals or fruits and vegetables, but this, this, this premise that we automatically need them. No, it's bullshit. All the nutrients you need are in your body fat. It's the best fuel source you have. We're not cracking into that.

Speaker 2:

Here's the thing yes, you need fiber if you're on a standard American diet, to push the shit out of your body. Why are we putting the shit in our body? This is where you just question everything. Okay, so we have to push this out. You need the fiber. Why? Why would you take in sugar, which is gonna spike your insulin, which is a fact? That's not my opinion. Why are you gonna make yourself fat to push out something that doesn't belong in your body anyway? What is it? What is the thing there? Because people couldn't comprehend completely changing their intake. So, yes, things like fiber. There's certain things that will help you if you're on a standard American diet, because all this shit is blocking you from absorbing the Nutrients that you actually already have in your body. These meats, these fats, it's all you need to sustain life.

Speaker 1:

So you're saying that there's so much excess that you're just not absorbing it, and that's why you're deficient.

Speaker 2:

That's why there's a need for all this other stuff because you're taking all the stuff, it's pulling shit out of your body. We are consuming, consuming, consuming. We are destroying Not only our physical health, our brain health. By consuming, consume. We're blocking these deeds. We're blocking the human body from working the way it's supposed to. We're not supposed to eat all day.

Speaker 1:

So I'll tell you this. So when I was doing the bodybuilding really heavy, I was trying to, you know, to have a solid offseason. This is like 2016, 2017. I was trying to really focus on it, really go in and this and that and yeah yeah, yeah, just you know a.

Speaker 1:

Point in my life that I'm glad I grew out of to be to be completely Frankly honest with you, because I talked with Lindsey Greeley. I know, you know Lindsay through Bevs. I talked with Lindsey. She's had an epiphany as well. She lives out in LA, which I you know. She doesn't love it out there anymore, but she loves her clients and the people that she works with, so she's staying there for now, but Nevertheless, we were talking about, like, the need to constantly eat, I mean, and Constantly put fucking food into your body, and meadows actually used to talk about fasting.

Speaker 1:

He talked about fasting back in like 2012 and he just said you don't have to do like these intermittent fastings. He's like I just believe that we are putting so much food as bodybuilders in our body that we don't give our bodies a time to like, chill and digest and this and that. So I say all that to bring it up to like 2016, 2017, when I was Hammering the food, I mean, I think I was on 600 grams of carbs a day because we reverse dieted me up and I whatever the fuck that means? Yeah, you know what it in layman's terms and and for what the understanding of it is. Is it.

Speaker 1:

It was supposed to help reverse my metabolism out, because the coach that I originally had, who will always go unnamed yeah, one of me on a lot of steroids Tanked me to the fucking ground and I started working with a homeopath and a natural guy down in Florida and he helped me to build my metabolism back up to what it was. But you know, we use standard shit. We use and and it's nothing against him it it worked and I was lean and I was, but I was eating so much food. Now the issue that I had was I was shitting all the time, all the time, like it was. It was just around the fucking clock, like I did. I wake up a shit, wait, go afternoon shit. Another one in the afternoon, before you know shit. Before bed shit it's. It's like I wasn't stopping, so I started developing hemorrhoids.

Speaker 1:

Well, because of the, because of the inflammation, yes, so I started developing hemorrhoids and then last year I had a anal fistula. I love when you talk dirty to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, listen man, I know fish, you know like I said, first off, I hate that name. It's fucking crazy. I've talked about it on the pod, I do not talk about it on the podcast before and it's it's evidently Extremely common and nobody talks about it because it's embarrassing. But they say it either happens when you have colitis or Crohn's, which I don't have either, yet who knows? You know, my mom has colitis, so it's like it's one of those where they say you get it because of that. But they said it just happens because there's a sweat gland in your, in your rectal wall that gets inflamed and it doesn't clear out so it creates an abscess pocket and that's what it was.

Speaker 1:

But I noticed around that time not only was it the most unhealthy, I was eating, I was eating the most shit, that was drinking, a lot like all this stuff. I believe that it was all of that and the inflammation that caused that, because then I had to go in for a first surgery. I think it's traffic had to go in for a first surgery. Then I had to go in for another surgery this past January, so it'll be almost a year that I had the second surgery to finish it off. And they cut a Chunk out of your rectal wall to clear the abscess pocket and channel out. So that's kind of what's fired me up on my new pass, because I found that when I had fiber I didn't go to the bathroom that much. But then, as I started to the fasting, it doesn't. You don't go to the bathroom that much. So it's it's. It's quite the thought Challenging process that you switch up.

Speaker 2:

There's a crazy thing about fasting, is it's not new? Religions have been Fasting since the beginning of time. We just never at any point said you know what, maybe this could be a diet strategy. And again, for somebody who's been selling nutrition at a high level, at a high rate, to come back and say, guess what? I was full Of shit and I didn't know what I was talking about. Stop eating, let's try that. And I think that's what makes me so excited about what I'm doing right now is that I'm new to this. I'm living this life. So only my clients really know I get juiced up. I get juice up because this just say it just saved my life.

Speaker 2:

I was that fat, battered, broken, depressed piece of shit this year. Now I'm in the one of the better shapes of my life, exercising way less. This is the least I ever exercise. I stay active. I haven't jumped on a machine of cardio, I walk. There's so many simple things at play here. Stop eating, stop fucking eating. Can you imagine that one? So, brit, what am I paying for? You're paying for me if you want for me to show you how to do this and sustain this. This is. I hate this because I'm not this organic yoga tree hugging guy. This is a lifestyle and what happened to me? Yeah, I'm in shape, I could cheat. I don't. I feel like shit when I cheat. I try to and what happens is I don't feel, I'm not saying I never do. I had pizza the other night was absolutely amazing. I'm not.

Speaker 1:

This isn't it's but it's back to it's back to basics, right, right. So how do what do we do? What do you know?

Speaker 2:

get up the next day and just keep going. What you do is fast it out. You fast that, you thug it the fuck out. And here's the thing with with fasting and the carbohydrate. Again, it's not just that. This is where it's tough to talk about, because people take a couple key words oh, it's just fasting. No, because when I break the fast we're breaking it with zero carbohydrates. So what happens in your body with the course of five days? We want this absolutely insane. And I'm not just talking about the body fat, it's the mind, the pain.

Speaker 2:

If I I have clients getting rid of getting off the blood pressure medicine in three days, three days, lifelong Heartburn, heartburn. Bro I took next to him since I was 18 year old to hold every day of my life. I am carrying people's heartburn in two days by taking out the carbohydrates and not eating. Gone, it's an. It's insane. Blood sugars I had a guy who had a liver transplant. He got him me three weeks his blood sugars to low, I mean like a quarter of what it was a week before. Stop fucking eating and when you break the fast, don't eat the carbohydrates.

Speaker 1:

You don't need them. So so Gary Brecker is big on not, I'm sure you see he's controversial.

Speaker 2:

He's got some awesome material. I got awesome material, but he's.

Speaker 1:

But he's some of the stuff. I listen to him just like okay, maybe. Well, you know he talks about like immediately when you wake up, have 30 gram protein shake, and I'm just like.

Speaker 2:

You know what? At least there, at least he's out there pushing. He's an advocate. You know what I'm saying? I go. I'm a big fan of dr Kiltz. He's a fan of mine too, which is pretty awesome he's. He's a lead doctor in the carnivore space. This guy basically eats a ribeye and butter every night. He's in phenomenal shape. He's awesome, he's awesome.

Speaker 1:

I would love to sustain, sustain that and do that. I can't. My issue is I have hemachromatosis, so so I my body deposits iron in the brain and liver exceptionally quickly now. So, oh, my iron levels were extremely high two years ago. They were, my ferritin was almost 500 and then this year I got tested again in August because I was having a lot of brain fog, I was feeling fucking off and a lot of people that know I talked about it on the podcast a lot and yeah, and then the guy down in Florida told me two years ago I call him the med scientist, he, he's a doctor down there. He told me two years ago donate blood, you have to get, you have to get the iron out of your blood.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I said, okay, okay, I'm afraid of needles, so I just pushed it off. Pushed it off, yeah, like a bitch so that.

Speaker 1:

So then, so then I fucking I this this August and September I just I was feeling like shit, man, I feel like shit couldn't explain it. Some of the bet I'm in some of the best shape of my life, performing like an athlete in everything that I do. I'm wrestling grown-ass humans, like I'm feeling great, but I just I feel off mentally with work, just life. I have a beautiful apartment, I live in a great village. Like why do I feel off? And it almost felt like there was a bubble around my head. I couldn't explain it.

Speaker 1:

And him and this other Indian dude that I work with with he does a lot of like the natural stuff With vitamins and whatnot, and he's been spot on for a lot of stuff. He told me months ago to donate blood months ago. So my guy down Florida says yo, can you just listen to the fake doctors? He has me close himself. He goes can you listen to the fake doctor? Because I've had doctors on the show and I've had friends of mine that I've showed my lab results to and they go no, your iron levels are fine, you don't have hemochromatosis, you don't need to donate blood, you don't donate blood, I wouldn't. So it was actually my worst point I've been in a long time mentally. I went to a doctor with my mom. My mom took me. She said we have to go because I was. I was crying, I was like what is wrong with my brain.

Speaker 1:

I was like something is off and I can't explain why, what is wrong. And I just, you know, I'm always I've been very sensitive to how I feel. I've always been able to tell when things are off. When I was little, I just tell my mom like I'm gonna throw up. She'd be like what you like? Oh yeah, I'm gonna throw up. I'm just a minute later throw up everywhere. She I've always been able to identify when something is off in my body and when I don't feel right, I just I couldn't explain it.

Speaker 1:

I was like what the fuck is wrong with me? I go to the doctor with her and the doctor just goes yeah, you're, everything looks great. Like your labs are perfect, like everything looks great this and that, and she's just like. She's like maybe you need to go See a therapist. And I said I mean I'm down to go see a therapist regardless. I said I think I need. I think I got a lot of. I got a lot of shit with, like my father when I was younger, like that I just want I need to get out anyway. So that's fine, but I don't think that that's what this is. But I said whatever. And then she's like getting upset that I'm trying to. I'm like okay, well, you can't help me obviously, so I gotta get the fuck out of here. She's like, well, well, no, we're good.

Speaker 1:

I said write the script first for a therapist and I'm gonna leave. So I haven't done that yet, I haven't gone that bad. But I finally said like that next that following Monday it was a Wednesday when I went to her that following Monday I was just like you know what, let me go donate blood, because at this point I'm already afraid of the needles anyway and I might as well face my fear. I can't feel worse. So fuck it, I go, I get it done that day. Tired, I feel okay. The next day, hmm, feel a little bit better, but maybe it's a placebo. I don't want to jinx it day after.

Speaker 2:

Fuck, they were right.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my god, damn it clear, clearer, clearer, and that so I ever since then. I do get nervous because I have a freezer full of red meat I buy from a that comes down.

Speaker 2:

What you, what you speak, I'm sorry in throw no, no, please, that comes down to that. So this the theory of having to pump all that out because you've got an overflow of this, this in your body, but it also comes. It's the same theory of like we're just taking in too much. We're taking in too much, your body's just trying to release all this shit and it's fixable by just stop taking in so much. There's people, like I said I just talked about, and I guess Barbier he's my dude he would be with me right now if he was still alive.

Speaker 2:

The guy didn't eat for 385 days, did not eat food. I get people that are mind-blown when I tell them to go on a 36 hour fast. Oh, that's crazy. No, it's not. It's the healthiest thing you could possibly do for you. My mom did a three-day fast. I started implementing two-day fast. I can't go more. I don't want to go more than two days. Let's put it that I enjoy eating, but man, like I said, what the we're gonna have the mental health? What's what's actually happening with fasting? Like I said, we me and my clients are fasting every day for at least the 23 hours, and now I started stretching it out and dude. The longer we go, the better. It is to have this week on on Monday.

Speaker 2:

There's sometimes I do generalize some things where I take most of my clients and one day I'll decide you know, we're gonna do this just to try it out, yeah, and they love it. And I tell them. I was like there's nothing, I would, I'll do two times it myself. And this just this was actually Sunday. Nobody knew what was happening. I did this with about 12 people this week. This was Sunday, when people are you know, I'll break the secret here when people are really on started to get good results. I do implement cheat meals. Cheat meals for, for mental reasons more than anything else, they can also prompt some serious fucking weight loss, especially if you're doing a, a almost zero carb diet. But, that being said, this week I hit him with it and they said, oh, by the way, you're not eating again till Tuesday. Holy shit, and it's good because it's a mental test. And what's crazy is, like I'd say, 11 out of 12 people. We got the Tuesday like, yeah, I'm not hungry. I think I wanted, I think I want to keep going.

Speaker 1:

What Dude? Yeah, because what are you? What do you having them? Do you having them drink electrolytes and stuff? No, no, no, because that's something that I found when I'm when I did the fast I feel better when I do have like an element stick pack.

Speaker 2:

Of course I went to element huge moneymaker Okay you don't know part. Sodium is the most important supplement in the world. Let's say it's one more fucking time. Sodium is the equalizer. What?

Speaker 1:

wait, britain hold on sodium. The fitness industry is not created. Blood pressure says that you have high, fucking blood pressure.

Speaker 2:

It's not sodium fault, it's increasing it. Let's figure out how you got the high blood pressure. Sodium is the best fucking supplement in the world. We are so Taught that it's such a terrible thing. It's a terrible thing if you're in shit shape. Sodium. I give you this right now, especially if you're fasting. This is almost free. Sodium is almost free. Okay, you want the best pre-workout possible ever? You, half hour before your workout I'm talking not a little bit of sodium. You take some pink salt and you I'm talking two tablespoons of it. You pound that down with some water before you work out and you let me know how that goes. If you're eating like shit every day, it's not going to have the same impact. But if you are fasting or if you are on an empty stomach and you want an insane pre-workout, pound down sodium a half hour before your workout. You're welcome Elements pretty good. Yes, huge moneymaker, extremely expensive.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's extremely expensive for what you get it.

Speaker 2:

It's extremely expensive.

Speaker 1:

Three or four, but three or four boxes of it, and they're 30 36 in a box like a buck, buck 20.

Speaker 2:

Here's where we can't cover all the topics here's. Here's where shit gets crazy, and I actually dropped this on tiktok once and it's funny. I lost the people with this because it's just too bizarre to even think about. Okay, give me with it water go on. So our consumption of water and he's far too high.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm not saying that. I'm not judging anything. I'm not saying don't drink water. I'm just saying this why do we drink water? Right, hydrate to hydrate. Okay. So when people are getting back in shape, I wasn't gonna go down here. When people are getting back, fuck me jump down the hole.

Speaker 1:

I'm here, so Make sure people started diet.

Speaker 2:

They start their fruit and vegetables, which I've already discussed. Could possibly not be the most beneficial thing possibly, possibly not. And it's not. Broccoli turns into sugar in your bloodstream. Just letting you know. So what happens? You start eating your fruits and vegetables, you pound down the sugar and you start pounding down the water. Fine, forget about the sugar aspect of it. We're pounding down this water because we're taught it's so healthy. Why? You know what water Makes you do piss.

Speaker 1:

Yep, that's what water does it's out all the electrolytes?

Speaker 2:

No, not, maybe, maybe not. But here's the thing it only makes you piss. How do you hold on to that water? Where does the hydration come from? Protein and fats. Protein and fats. So you want to stay hydrated, and this is. This is what's fucking nuts about. What's going on with me, my clients and everything. We don't drink that much water. We don't have to. We're already hydrated. I drink maybe a glass of water a day. Interesting because my body's hydrated, because it's not taking all the shit that's pulling all the water out of you. You need this water because you're taking all the fucking fruits and vegetables and all the other things that were told as healthy, so we're taking in all this water. It's not doing anything. It's making you piss all day now.

Speaker 1:

A lot of these fruits and vegetables have water content so in theory you should be hydrated already from eating. So if a lot of people that have high fruit and vegetable we want to.

Speaker 2:

The whole thing is we're going to keep the, the water in the cell, and what?

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's what that's. So that's something that I've done some research on from seeing things and hearing things, and a lot Of people that I've listened to have said that the way that you get hydrated is couple, couple of pinches of like Large rock, like Celtic salt or something like that. Put it under your tongue, let it dissolve and then drink a little bit of water and that'll push it into the cells. That's what they've said, sure yeah.

Speaker 1:

I haven't heard. I haven't heard the, I haven't heard the notion of yeah, fats and protein are, though are the catalyst for hydration.

Speaker 2:

There's the catalyst for everything and that's where it gets so deep and they'll put under the tongue the timing. This is just a way deeper thing. What is happening in your body before all that? It's like, it's like even like I'm gonna give you the pre-workout or this your body's running off of the intake of from yesterday. Nothing that you, nothing that you took in today. It's not even physiologically process possible. This is where the whole protein window, that protein that you take in, it's about 16 hours till that's even active. So it's all bullshit. You know what I mean. It takes that much time to even hit that protein source even for a shake Shit for the.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying yeah, I laugh from the claim.

Speaker 1:

I know you're not laughing at me, I'm just oh, I'm laughing at myself for years for the claims of quick absorption of whey protein.

Speaker 2:

Let's put it like this at 17 years old, my first business card said nutrition expert and the only expertise I had was drink a protein shake, a whey protein shake, after you work out for this anabolic window protein. It's absolutely bullshit.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know what? I will say this for you, though, and a lot of people it's we think we know until we don't know. Now we have to readjust and go. Wow, I thought I knew more than I did, and well, if you could be humble enough like I.

Speaker 2:

It's funny. I have clients coming back to me that I've trained 20 years ago. They're coming back like Brit, what the fuck is this? I'm like be honest with you. I didn't know what I was talking about and If you'd be humble enough to learn even now, I hope somebody gets on here. Brit, this is cool. Guess what poke holes in what I'm doing. I'll get better. I got nothing to prove. All I know is what's working right now is light years ahead of anything I've ever read the thought process even had, and it's working fast. So right away, people will throw, throw, throw darts at me, put bullet holes in what I'm doing. That's fine, I don't give a shit, doesn't matter. I know what I have. I know what I'm doing for people. I'm gonna get better. A couple months from now I'll. I'll get a little better. That's fine. But but throw it, keep going. But try this.

Speaker 1:

Don't be so so against something that you don't know anything about yet, because unless you try it, you don't know, and that's also a Double types, a double-edged sort of like don't judge places before you go there and experience it to right again.

Speaker 1:

You're life living in in Costa Rica and Columbia now, and you know there's a lot of, you know, saying like I heard that and I was like goddamn in those that said that's exactly what. Because, listen, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm not guilty, I'm not innocent of not thinking that some of these places could be dangerous and I don't want to go there because it's good segue, it's very good, so real.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no. Yes, I currently live in Medellin, colombia, my favorite city in the world. I love New York, so always be my home, but I my home now is in Columbia.

Speaker 1:

I do want to visit Columbia. I do want to come down.

Speaker 2:

I will hook you up.

Speaker 1:

Nothing you need my help, it's some no, to be honest with you, like that, that's something that I like knowing people where I go, and it's yeah, I've gone places where I've gone solo travel before, but it's always been within the states, like Hawaii was the furthest I did solo travel.

Speaker 2:

This is cool. So I've spent my life this is my entire life I Personal trainer. I'd make my money and I would solo try. This is what I've done my entire life by myself. 95% of my trips have been by myself. I've been doing this since 1997. I save up enough money as a couple weeks personal training. I spend all my money traveling. First was Jamaica, then it was Brazil. I've been all around the world. I've spent all my money traveling from by myself. People think it's so bizarre. I don't know why. There's something about getting to a culture and I am the originator of the Airbnb meaning this.

Speaker 2:

When I first started going to Brazil and I started this is before Google even I started trying to figure out things out. You know, at first it was going to meet farm women. It was great. It was awesome. You know young. You know young 20s. It was great. And then I learned early on that you got to get your own apartment because these hotels have certain policies. This is way back in the day. So I've been staying in the hoods of the world in apartments for a very, very long time. And again, this is what I do for fun.

Speaker 2:

Nobody understood, like Brit, why do you just travel by yourself and come back. I said, nobody wants to do what I'm doing, it doesn't excite them. But all I know is when I come back, I want to work and I want to do it again. And I've been judged even by my parents, like well, what are you running away from? I'm not running away from. This makes me feel good. I don't know why. And what's really awesome, today I live that. So what I used to do for fun, I fucking live it, bro. I work from my phone on a balcony in a foreign country. I, my life is a fucking vacation. I'm not running away from anything. I'm living the dream, and I say that very humbly, in that I had to do this for years, against everybody's opinion. Why are you doing this by yourself?

Speaker 2:

Well, you know what? Because right now, my life is set up in a beautiful country, surrounded by beautiful people that listen. The places that people choose to travel the Aruba's, the Bahamas, the jamaicas these are fucking cesspools cesspools Compared to what Columbia is. The world's view on Columbia is so fucked up and I've get. I get a lot again.

Speaker 2:

I've been traveling my whole life. I've always been the gringo. I'm always the white guy, so I'm perceived as this I'm rich, I'm looking for girls and I'm looking for cocaine. That is like the MO of the white man on Single-man's travel around South America, central America Okay, I'm not doing those crazy part of the you. You bring up Columbia and now that I've lived there I've been there for two months and my first time there was about 17 years ago I fell in love with the women. I found Columbia because I kept on meeting Colombian girls in New York City. So dancers and Jackson Heights. I'm like you know what? I don't know what it is about you people, but I fall in love with you. This is passion. It's crazy. I said I got to get to the motherland to pull one out. That's exactly what I fucking did. So you should go.

Speaker 1:

I'm getting tired of these white girls, so I am. I got to get down there, man.

Speaker 2:

I listen out of respect for for for the white women.

Speaker 2:

For the gringos. I love you girls, but yeah, so, yes, no, I've been. We're prompted. This is in seventh grade. Selena came out then. This was before Jennifer Lopez was Jennifer Lopez. She played the lead in Selena and I watch as a little kid and I'm like, fuck, I am in love with this girl. Nobody even knew who J Lo was.

Speaker 2:

That being said, I've had this thing for for Latina women forever. So so I like I'm going to Columbia and I'm gonna go to motherland, I'm gonna pick one off the farm and I'm gonna marry her. I didn't, but what's happening? I started going in and I fell in love with it. What happened is it was actually, it was, it was amazing and it was. So this is back in Medellin, colombia, living Medellin, colombia, beautiful, the city of eternal spring. Yes, that's where Pablo Escobar did his thing. But, that being said, now I live there, and Costa Rica was a blessing because, as much as I loved Costa Rica, it was awesome I'm a city guy.

Speaker 2:

I need people, I need culture. I mean I, when I if you could follow me through the course of day what I do now is fucking insane. I've been there two months. I've had 18 airbnbs. Let's say this one more time. I've had 18 fucking apartments in two months. I have a bicycle and I have my dog. I know more about Medellin than most of the people that live there Because of my freedom that I have with my phone and what I'm doing, this, the lifestyle coaching. I call myself a nutritional lifestyles, which is exactly what I'm doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've now experienced life locals. I mean, I'm around the vibe, the people. This is. It's funny because this nobody knows anything about Colombia and I've been. I've lived in different third world countries, visited almost everywhere. It feels like Colombia is Scott. In terms of a city, it's the most comparable city to New York City in the fucking world. It's the closest thing to New York there is For a couple reasons, but number one, the vibe. They work. So, after years in Costa Rica, it was yo, you need to chill out, trinquilo, I don't chill out, it's not me. I'm from New York, I'm taught to go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we do, we do you know, I was like getting tired people telling me to calm down. I don't want to fucking calm down. I don't do yoga, I don't relax, I don't want to the fucking tell me what to do. Couldn't imagine you in yoga. No, I did it once, killed it and never went back. I could hurt my neck, so so I fall asleep. Just, you know, I eat, said the second. I fucking sit down, I'm asleep, I run myself into the ground, call it whatever you want, but I'm happy, I'm inspired by life. So I just go, go, go. Don't run around Colombia. They have the best health care possible. So this is, this is a mega city for a fraction of the price you pay. Pay anywhere, but because of the stigma and the stereotype know, we want to go visit. We have no problem going to Aruba.

Speaker 1:

Aruba is a shithole and they're been to Aruba. I have my aunt and my uncle who passed away a long time ago. People he fucking go to resort people.

Speaker 2:

If you're sitting there is a nice little stretch. Keep in mind. I traveled the world for eight years cleaning up beaches, so I get to see the other side of I get to see the other beach that they don't clean. So I've got the pink sand. No, I've got this exposure to the world. I'm not a club met on a fucking chair. I'd rather. I I'm not into that. I want to be in the hood, I want to be with the locals, I want to spirits color.

Speaker 2:

I'm not afraid of anything, which is both good and bad. But there's a reason. I could walk down the streets of Medellin, colombia, alone, with my dog, with very little Spanish, and not be fucking Afraid, because I'm not afraid and by not being afraid allows me to see the magic of living somewhere Nobody would comprehend, especially the Colombians. They would never think that somebody had the balls enough to live in a place with very little Spanish and just walk around like I do. And Because I'm willing to take that risk, I get the magic. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

So it's not easy, but Colombia is one of the most amazing places in the world the food. But it's funny because I just I just got off a plane two o'clock this morning. Typically when I'm coming to visit home, I want to come and get some pizza and whatever dude, I'm literally flying home and I I'll always be from New York. I love New York, I love the states. I'm not angry to say I don't have any of that, thanks. My home is in Colombia and it's such an amazing feeling to call it my home and I'm so proud of that. And now, for the first time, coming back to New York, yeah, I want to see my mom and my dad. We have good relationship. I Can't wait to get back home.

Speaker 2:

Yeah especially for the pup.

Speaker 1:

Especially for my dog Kid again.

Speaker 2:

I told you this before she needed to do the doggy daycare she needed two vaccines, two shots. They picked her up about 25 miles from the from the place. Three nights lodging, gonna, drop her off tomorrow, offer $80. Okay so, not only do I love Colombia, I can't afford to come back here, even if I wanted to, I trip on my sidewalk and it cost me 80 bucks.

Speaker 1:

Oh, when I come out the house in the morning, my uber receipts.

Speaker 2:

There's not one day I don't wake up and, honestly, it blows my mind. I look at my phone and I'm like dollar 40, dollar 80 Hiring videographers. I hired to do a video, high-end model, and I want to do this stuff in Miami. But I was like I don't have money for this Column modeling agency. I, I need a girl. I want to do a video shoot. How much for the girl? This girl was absolutely Drop dead gorgeous, for $75. She came for three fucking hours. For three fucking hours I didn't have to pay for a cab, worked, do fucking anything, and with a smile on her face, not expecting a tip. Miami, that shit would have caused me four, five, that's four thousand five hundred dollars, and the girl wouldn't even said hi to me.

Speaker 1:

So they would have waited for you at the. At the end, like this they would have, they would hit you with hey, it was a pleasure working with you, and they would hit you with like one of these, just like slotting the hand across. Oh, oh, that's 20% on top of what I do, my bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my amy's a whole other thing, but again, just a culture and the beauty and that what makes him like us is it's the hustle, bro, it's the vibe. I'm not gonna mention this. Yeah, I will. There's what in Medellin, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I was just gonna say what is their main? Like business model down there, like what? What is the main thing?

Speaker 2:

because obviously it's you think of, like drugs and stuff like yeah, I hate to say it, I don't believe that it's like that, but that's the stick I would tell you what my experience, my experience, first of all, it's a full-blown fucking city. I mean, this is one of the loudest it's comparable to New York, where it's called the city of eternal spring. So not only is it the city, the temperature is fucking 75 degrees all year round. Okay, it's in the middle of these mountains. Medellin is just around. No matter where you are, that has beautiful view of the mountains. Called the city of eternal spring, it is a full-blown city. So they have every commerce there, everything. I believe coffee is their biggest export.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what I had more exposure to drugs and that sort of stigma in Costa Rica, way more than I did in Then I do in Columbia. That's reassuring actually. Yeah, no, it's true, I mean cuz it's kind of a portal and again, again, it could be just exposure where I was. But I, like I said, I've lived all over Medellin in two months. I've been back and forth for years. Same thing with Costa Rica. I've been with a lot of places, but that stigma that they have with with with Medellin in Colombia, I've experienced that way more in other places. It's because of one is because of Pablo Escobar, it's because of a brief thing in history and the it's not such us, the entire world, to generalize Colombia as this cocaine factor.

Speaker 1:

It's sick because it fingerprints in the tire in the area saying and you hear, you have this culture, it's cheap.

Speaker 2:

These people are. I'm not talking about the girls. The Colombian girls are the prettiest girls in the world. I fucking said it. I don't give a shit, especially not just Columbia, especially money. She met a gene that places I love you.

Speaker 1:

I love you girls, I look up playing. I love you.

Speaker 2:

Don't make me look message me, message me, I'll hook you up with a great package. Yeah, so I do have a girlfriend there that doesn't speak any English and it's not a traditional relationship. There's really no fights. That's nice, 22 years old. We don't fight and she gets the fuck out of there when I tell her I want to work and she loves the fact that I'm so in love with my work. And again, that's not traditional operate. That's crazy. Why is that crazy? Who cares? Why is that crazy? Cuz she knows I have another girlfriend. Am I a pig? No, I don't think so. This is, this is my life. I'm creating it, so I don't.

Speaker 1:

I don't need to be judged, but you're not hot and you're not hiding things between it. You're just, that's what I'm saying. You're just no, no, what it is. If you don't like it, I work with my clients.

Speaker 2:

What no? First comes my dog. When love you going to miss you, there's my dog, and then my other relationships. Why do I have to get married? Why do I have to have kids? You don't. The world does not need any more babies. Stop having, yes.

Speaker 1:

No, the world. The world needs more useful babies. Stop making that baby. That that's cutting me off.

Speaker 2:

I didn't say that. I said stop having fucking babies. All of you just stop. Just everybody, take a fucking year off, stop this badness.

Speaker 1:

I think the population is declining anyway.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what the hell's happened. I don't pay attention when I say I have it, I'll be in an Airbnb and the girl put on TV. I'm like I didn't even know there's a TV there, like it's not even in my wheelhouse, which is pretty cool because I'm busy living. You know what I'm saying. I'm out there, I'm out there on a bike, walking my dog, figuring life out. So, yes, medellin, columbia, is the place to be. I Absolutely love it. You couldn't pay me to go live in Costa Rica and no disrespect to the T coast but I didn't realize how much I was missing until I got back over to Columbia and I said even to come home in New York. I've only been home, I've only been in New York for not about 10 am.

Speaker 1:

I've been here for eight hours.

Speaker 2:

I don't sleep because I'm busy working, living life. I'm not kidding, you're fasting, I'm fasting, I don't sleep and I cannot wait to get back here Like there's nothing that I wouldn't. I'll tell you why I came home I needed to replace my debit card. Okay, do a podcast with you, of course.

Speaker 1:

Hey now.

Speaker 2:

Now here's the fucking thing. At no kidding. Okay, some of you know I'm an avid BMX rider, which does not. You look at me would not think that I ride a fucking BMX. Not only do I ride a BMX, I go fucking ham on this thing. So not only do I draw a lot of attention just being a white Juice stop looking male in Columbia I'm also on a fucking little mini BMX riding tricks in the middle of road like a goddamn maniac. So part of the reason for coming home is these. I Also don't have brakes on my my bike, so I use my sneakers. They don't have a size 13 in Medellin, columbia. We should do. I flew home yeah, I don't have an address because I'm always at a different Airbnb I fucking flew home to get a pair of sneakers and a debit card and get the fuck out of here without question.

Speaker 1:

Well, no man, you need. If you need to hook up next time, We'll sip it to a P I don't know if they have PO boxes down there or we could ship it to a general location. You know, I like to be self-reliant.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I just came in. There's no my hooky up with some shoes. I appreciate. I want you to keep BMX out of Nike Jordan. Yeah, so I 13.

Speaker 1:

Yo, nike, send the check and the shoes and the shoes and the checks all would have, would you? I don't know if they do Any X games down there. They might do some like Latin America X.

Speaker 2:

Would that be right next to a BMX park? Skate park?

Speaker 1:

I love extreme sports is it bustling down there like is it is it popular Because?

Speaker 2:

it was for a long time here and now it's now, it's decline among the kids.

Speaker 2:

It's basically me and 14 year old kids just absolutely going hammer in the street. But it's awesome again. People look at me. I get laughed at in my face. They see this little 20 inch BMX bike. I absolutely love it. I don't have to explain that. But anyway, I'm into extreme sports. I love it. I'm, I'm caught up. I have cuts everywhere. I don't know how to ride a bicycle like a normal human being. I don't have a medium speed. I just get on there and go fucking hammer. I have no brakes. That's no breaks on my bicycle. That means that I've worn through all my sneakers using the sneakers on my tire so I don't die in the streets of Columbia on a bike. So if I get killed in Columbia, it's not Tell, it's not cocaine, it's a fucking BMX bicycle.

Speaker 1:

That's what's gonna do me and just, it's not one of your girl. Here's the best part.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I love, they love me. They don't love the bike, but here's the best part. So my favorite gym I don't know if I should say this from my own safety, I'm not gonna say where it happens to be located in the hood in north. There are some dangerous parts of Columbia just like there's dangerous parts here, you just be a fuck, However we go to. Brentwood in those dangerous. I didn't say that shout out to be what I said I would.

Speaker 1:

I didn't say it's not great.

Speaker 2:

So it's not. Neither is Rob Lado. So yeah, I said it. Okay, I go to body tech, I love it. So it's the hood. Okay, here's. But there's where the magic is you find the flowers in the hood. That being said, I don't lock my bike up. So every time I goes where people tell me, oh, you're gonna like your bike. Well, first of all, I bought the bicycle for $50. Okay, to buy the bike lock is like $50 too, so it's not even about that. I'm kind of 5050, where I kind of hope somebody steals it, not that I don't want my bike, but the pride. The safest thing for me is if that bike gets stolen and I don't have it anymore. So it's really fun. I leave it unlocked and nobody takes it. Nobody takes it.

Speaker 1:

You're gonna upgrade it though. Right, if you have, you get one with brakes. We're in Huntington.

Speaker 2:

We're. No, I'm gonna pay somebody to put the brakes on cause it's gonna cost about three fucking dollars. We're in Huntington. If I didn't lock my bike outside here, my bike would be missing right now. Maybe, maybe not.

Speaker 1:

But I would agree in most areas on Long Island. I gotta be honest with you, dude. I've left some shit out before, like I might trunk open in the and I'm on the main street and I just trunk open all night. I come out the next morning I go yo, what the fuck, what? I lean on the key in my apartment.

Speaker 2:

But again this is.

Speaker 1:

I would normally agree with it because generally that would be the case. That's fine.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is again, the stigma was it wouldn't happen. It's Columbia and it's just this, such this perception of danger. And it's really nuts because it's one of the, it is the most. It's my favorite place in the world.

Speaker 1:

So if you want the authentic stay down in Columbia but you don't want to have to worry about like bad areas we don't have to worry about it, you're.

Speaker 2:

there's more bad areas here than there are in Columbia. Don't worry about a fucking thing, don't worry about it, don't worry about anything. Listen. Any park in the world is scary looking at nighttime without question.

Speaker 2:

Okay, it, just because people don't say hi to you on the street doesn't mean they want to fucking murder you and you think about it and I and I fight. This guy finally got to a point in my life where I don't give a shit and people say that like, oh cool, like no, truly. Because for me, for me to survive and do what I'm doing, I can't look for validation. I can't. If somebody doesn't say hi to me, I can't waste any time thinking about why you walk down the streets in New York City. It's not like everybody's fucking saying I have nobody's even looking you in the face. So if I'm walking down the streets of Columbia and I'm gonna be scared, I'm not gonna be scared. Most people are and most people should be, I suppose. But no, the stigma with this. I'd be more scared speaking English in Brooklyn, with where I'm at now, that I am not being able to speak good Spanish in the in the hoods of Medellin. Okay, and it's, that's real shit right there.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, you've heard, I there's a lot of you know, you hear the passport bros, you hear that's it. That's a, that's a buzzword on social media, especially tick tock passport bros guys. Guys go, that's okay, now you're gonna look it up. We just said it, so now the phones are listening. It's basically the notion that American women aren't desirable to some extent anymore. Up here, he goes, he's leaving. He's leaving. American women aren't as desirable anymore for a lot of guys because of, just like the, the narratives that's being pushed on how things should be or how they need to act, or this and that.

Speaker 1:

Well there's what I'm saying, this is coming from where, what it is. And there are guys finding their wives overseas.

Speaker 2:

Well, this is. You're talking to a person who's been traveling overseas by himself since 18 years old. So yes, I get it. I don't think I've ever had a white girl from Western women.

Speaker 1:

That's what that's basically I like.

Speaker 2:

Latina women because of the passion. I Find that there's more passion, there's more romance, and Should we dig into this? Okay, so I have to listen.

Speaker 1:

No, I have to make. I have to make the claim. It's nothing against anybody. I don't that I believe these things. It's just it's a very intriguing Fact that guys are. Overseas versus finding them in the states now.

Speaker 2:

Well, here's a shout out to the white girls right here. I'm not even gonna make that comparison, but I do understand it. Once again, I'm gonna say I've been traveling by myself to other countries all over the world my entire life, not by accident. If I felt Validation, dating girls and bars locally, I would do that, but I don't. That being said so, I spent a couple years in Costa. Rica as a single man with no kids by the way.

Speaker 2:

Not no, x, y either. So it's crazy. The different like dating cultures and society. So, like for myself and it's kind of weird, but you know, are as as Americans, we demonize Sex traffic. Okay, now, most of the world has it and in a lot of the world it's legal. So I'm not shouting that at all. It's just you say sex traffic, do you mean? Sex workers prostitution, okay, prostitution.

Speaker 1:

See, when I think of sex traffic, I think of people that are just like against their will in doing it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, no, no, no, no, no, listen, it's, it's our society. So unless you're honest enough or big enough to do it, so we demonize it. So, guys here, if they want to go get a, they want to go pay for sex. It's got to be this dirty little thing. Some back alley thing, they have to hide it. The rest of the world doesn't like that. In fact, it's legal in Colombia, it's legal in a lot of places, or it's not.

Speaker 1:

It's not Um right dudes get off the plane. In Amsterdam they run right to the red light district.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was extremely expensive place to do it. A friend told me but you want, you want, you want to bang for your buck, you go to Thailand if you're into that thing. Anyway, let's not go completely there that. But what I'm gonna say is dating, not prostitution, but dating. So I would find, like in Costa Rica, just cultural things yeah, it's a Spanish-speaking country, but it's like calling me a gringo because I'm white. I could be from Switzerland, canada. It's really crazy. It's like calling a Spanish person a Latino. What the hell does that even mean? So in the dating culture and I'll use Costa Rica as an example there was a I'd have half the dates I went on, the girls would leave crying halfway through. You say that one more time, crying halfway through, not because I'm some barbaric animal, because I'm not. And what would happen is if I wasn't sexually advancing to them within like 20 minutes of a date I'm not even talking about. I'm saying if I wasn't being sexually aggressive to them, they would get upset like they didn't have value. Interesting, and I'm generalizing, but I can because I've been on like a hundred days. I'm not saying everybody's like this, but my experience with dating in that part of the world. It was like wait, I want to be romantic, I want to treat you like a lady, a woman I want, I want to kiss you, and you would think that that's what women want cultural differences. I don't necessarily know the girls here in general not all of them but holy shit, yeah, no, literally, if we weren't having sex within an hour, they were crying like they had no self-worth. I'm like what the fuck is wrong with you? And I realized like no, that's what they're basing their, their value on.

Speaker 2:

And now I'm in Colombia Hello, colombian one. So now I'm in Colombia and there again, this is they're both Spanish, being countries. These are two different worlds. Now I'm in a place where that Roman, that romance are like oh yes, it's fucking amazing. This guy doesn't want to treat me like a Project or like a piece of meat. This guy wants to actually buy me drinks. Now I'm in a place where it's the exact opposite they love it. So it's just crazy.

Speaker 2:

Like you would think it could be very similar, but we're in two opposite worlds and it's not a sexual thing, it's just a cultural thing. We're like now that thing. That, I think, is what I want to treat you like a woman. I want to buy you, I want to kiss. I don't care about sex, I don't need to put my numbers up and 46 years old, I don't mind. But I'm just saying there's other things that I want. I want, I want the attraction, I want that, I want that romance, and that's the thing where Colombia brings I'm not just the girls, just a culture in general that romance, that, that that passion, and it's just, it's so on fire, it's so prevalent throughout the whole city. But yeah, even from like a dating perspective, you think there'd be similar, but they're too. They're too completely opposite worlds.

Speaker 1:

So, siri, book me a flight to Colombia for today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think the next move is marrying for false not false-flight paperwork, but I think the next move might be Marriage for just citizenship for you down there for Colombia. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Is there any way for you to get citizenship without that Cuz I don't know how it works.

Speaker 2:

You got to show financial statements and stuff. Okay, there are ways to do it. I'm trying to keep that off. Yeah, it was so. Anyway, we're trying to keep that off the books. Shout out to local Sam yeah, I've my whole life been off the books.

Speaker 1:

It still isn't most trainers are to be honest with you, so I'm not a trainer, I'm a game changer. Well, back in the day. It sounds way back in the day you were a sounds way better.

Speaker 2:

Here's the best part about that title and brah you want to talk about on fire.

Speaker 1:

I should be that. That's gonna be the episode title, the way no, no, you're gonna make it this.

Speaker 2:

We're gonna do it in Spanish out of Respect for the prices. So here's the best part about I put game changer. It's your title. And again, when I first it was a couple months ago my friends like, do that's ridiculous? I was like, no, but I like it and that's all it matters. And by you saying it's ridiculous Makes me want to do it, because that is what I'm doing and it's way bigger than training. Here's the best part about that in In Spanish it's can be a door de juego, which sounds so sexy. That means game changer, yeah, so when people ask me what my title is in Columbia, they quit. These people know how much I love their city.

Speaker 2:

It they love it again can be a door de juego can be a door, they're cool.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, so much better. It's probably my next tattoo. No, I was saying, but it's so funny because, like here in the culture like operate, that's weird. You should. My own friends, people that love me Meanwhile I'm in a culture that knows nothing about what I do. I tell them what I do. They're like that's fucking awesome. So that's how you know you're in the right place when everything's just really vibing. There's Uber drivers that have full blown Spanish conversations. I get out of the car. They're like wow, you really love it here. I'm like no, I love it here, like I'm home, like. And what people, a lot of people, don't realize is you never went anywhere else. You don't know what the magic that you have. Everywhere you look, you're surrounded by this beautiful mountain. So I'm completely on fire, completely happy, and stand from the diet nutrition. Now I'm selling it and sharing that with other people in my home of Medellin, colombia, and to come back to New York and sit with you to talk about it, which is so awesome. But then not only that. I'm leaving like in like 32 hours to go back there and I can't wait to get back, like I literally I'm going.

Speaker 2:

We did this podcast, I got my debit card, said hi to my mom and my dad. I'm going to get a pair of sneakers. I'm ready to go, and it's such a good thing. It's okay. It's not that I hate it here. I know what's going on here. I'm gonna drive 40 minutes to go do something. I was gonna go to bed get a workout in and I'm like, no, why I've done that? I spent years doing that. I love it. Shout out to Beth Steve, I love it, but why I've been there done that? What's gonna happen? We're gonna run into people and they're gonna tell me how lucky I am to be alive. No, we're good. Next, I don't owe anybody on the next chapter next chapter.

Speaker 2:

Next chapter is right now and we're going.

Speaker 1:

Britain, you are an amazing human being really appreciate that.

Speaker 1:

I really appreciate that for real man and you know some people, some people and actually I came to say some a lot of people would look at you as Just over-the-top eccentric, this and that, but no, they would. I mean, and and to me I can understand that to some extent, but I know you. I know you personally from the last couple years. I know you from sitting down, second podcast with you and I've seen the transformation from just a Dude that I saw at Beth's as a muscle guy to be clean ups and trying to be you know, not trying to be actually becoming an activist for a good, moving to Costa Rica, battling your own demons and everything. And now the next chapter, which was which is Columbia, and and your and your adventures in helping other people find health, wellness, because there's so many people that will just push a pill or push a program, like here there's exactly I do, here's the cookie Cutter, blah, blah, and you know, sit back and they'll wonder why they're miserable.

Speaker 2:

It's like because you're not actually changing people's lives, you're not making a difference and you actually are cool part is in and what I do, and I don't do any emails, nothing that the cool part about this is because when I sign up with you, I've everything through the phone, the service that I'm offering. It doesn't exist. So these people sign up, they don't really. There's some people to call me like wait, is this Britain? I'm like, yeah, I've been tell that the shit I'm posting it's real stuff. Like you're signing up for me. It's a 299 package for five days. We're talking on the phone. You have me as your private trainer for five days. Dude, it doesn't exist. So what happens? I'm not giving you this fucking paper, I'm coaching you through the whole process.

Speaker 1:

The pictures everything You're putting a personalized spin on actually there's no set program.

Speaker 2:

We got to do what works for you. Everybody's completely different. So not only that. You want to about over delivering I, you, only you. Look at the dollar amount. I, I'm, I worth what I sell within about an hour. And then I go the next five days because I know at that end of that Five, six days, I know it's gonna happen, you're gonna feel great, it's better, you're gonna want to sign up. That makes me feel good because I've changed your life.

Speaker 1:

People spend more on bullshit that they don't need and that make them sick.

Speaker 2:

So I'm not gonna be able to do this forever. So I kind of been posting up and people are like oh, give you advice, do this. I don't. I'm not trying to make millions of dollars. I don't want a hundred clients, I want five new ones a week because it makes me feel good, because of my situation. I don't want a million fucking dollars, I want time. My gift is time and I'm gonna keep that.

Speaker 2:

I'm not chasing a bag, I don't need it, but the people that I do have, the special people in my life I get to right now. For this moment I'm I'm blowing up, I'm on my way, but I'm already happy. It doesn't matter if I die tomorrow. I I achieved my dream, bro. I work from a balcony in Columbia on my cell phone by my own rules, and that I'm good, no matter what happens after. This is perfectly fine, but I'm not gonna offer this service forever. That's what's been the cool part about what I'm doing. I've been pushing it, pushing it. Everyone gives me advice. I don't need advice. I'm trying to share a certain time with you, my transitional period. I'm sharing it with you like I'm giving you this thing. So whether you sign or not, it doesn't really matter, but it's really special to me because I know it's not forever and I've just absolutely been enjoying this whole process. I don't want to thank you for having me on, brother dude, for real, you're an amazing soul I'm looking forward to.

Speaker 1:

I gotta, I gotta tune into your content. That that's right. I try, I really do try. I I told you when you first sat down I try to be very selective with the stuff that I'm consuming and be careful. And it because it piles up quick and you know Every. If I consume everybody that I know his content, it just becomes like too much for the brain. It's like a lot of this is the same shit. It's a lot of the same shit and you know it. Just, it becomes the Over, over, over and and you don't give your brain arrest. And I think that's where a lot of mental fatigue comes from as well digitally detoxing and just being able to set step away.

Speaker 2:

But I notice you put like a sleeper on your, your Instagram message, but I do not disturb it. It's funny. I need to do that with work because I set no limits to myself. So it'll be like two o'clock in the morning and I'll respond to a client. So I actually have to tell myself Don't respond right away, because then you're setting the standard that all of a sudden it's gonna be just flurry of text All the time and thinking that you can reply right away. I did that for years.

Speaker 1:

I did that for years with my clients, with the video business. I let them dictate everything about my life and that that's also what got me in some of the steepest battles that I've had to overcome In terms of my weight, my mental health, life in general. There was no work life balance.

Speaker 1:

You started as a videographer that just wanted to make some cool videos and this and that, and then it I got overwhelmed. I took on every client I could. I thought I was a kid, you know big, big swing and dick type shit like. Oh, I got every client and this and that, but then it was just there was no quality of life, it was just I was sitting in my room, my my, when I was living at home, still at my mom's house my bed and my editing desk Was right next to me and all my gear was in the garage and I just be there all day, all day and all night. I would. I would shoot all day and I'd edit until 2, 3 in the morning, sleep for maybe two hours, get up and do it again and then it started getting like oh, I gotta get a workout in too. It's like I'm tired of following people around the gym and now I don't feel like working out, letting other people dictate your life, oh.

Speaker 1:

Around the clock, round the clock. If I got a message, if I got a call, if I got anything like that, I'd answer it instantly. That's why I've done a couple of things and people that listen, they, they know, and I'll give new listeners Just the the quick free game that I. I do now. I set the sleep timer they do not disturb on my Instagram DMs starting at 8 pm and it gets off at 8 am. That's it, because theoretically, I'd like to be sleeping and in bed by 9, 30, 10 latest, so I can just recharge a fighter life. That's a jiu-jitsu stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because I'm up at 445. I'm up at 445.

Speaker 1:

Every morning I walk the dog. He needs to see your pills at 8 am, so I go to the gym. I do hit class at 6 am. I come back. I'll see you're back on full. Oh yeah, I come back.

Speaker 1:

I yeah, I come back, I give him this pill and now that I move my office right to my block in Huntington, I I appreciate you for real. I come here, I get my work done. Maybe I go to jujitsu at noon, maybe I go at 6 o'clock at night, but then between then I'm working, I'm on time, but once I go to my jujitsu at night, after that talk to some people of my friends here and there, but then I put, I leave the phone in my living room on my speaker and I go into my room and I just I try to detox because I find the more I look at this thing, the more I do scroll, the more I'm Consumed with social media, the more my mental starts going down and I can't. I can't afford that, you know. That's why I don't consume news.

Speaker 1:

I also schedule my notifications. So if there are notifications that I don't think are essential so Instagram DMs are not one of them Instagram notifications for likes on on content are part of this Tiktok to YouTube. All this stuff Zillow cuz like fuck. I don't need to know. The house drop two cents every ten seconds. So I like all these notifications. Oh, you feel it in your pocket. I got rid of it. So now, three times a day, I get scheduled notifications where it gives me a breakdown and it shows me this is what you missed and and, if you want, if any of it's actually irrelevant to you, I guess what. Most of the time I swipe it away. I don't give a fuck. So I do. The ones that I get instantly are calls, texts and emails. That's it.

Speaker 2:

That's good, and that's how I have to keep my life, but actually set up not even being a cool guy, but on my tiktok I don't follow anybody. So what happens is there? I open up there's. There's nothing there, yeah, so it's just reactive, so I'm not, I'm not taking anything, and so it's literally just a work thing, and you know it's. It's funny how these little strategies can can shape the way you're doing stuff. I went through a thing on my Instagram so good, all these things is people I follow. I'm like, hey, why am I following these people? I don't even know what the fuck you are number one.

Speaker 1:

They don't engage with you right, like they don't know. They don't show you love ten years ago. I'm engaged with you, right and just in general. It's like what we're just fluffing each other's not on me.

Speaker 2:

I don't owe you anything exactly. And even coming back here, you don't. Is it so important with people, even your own family? You don't, oh, you fucking dictate your future. Do not let your emotions, your feelings, just get rid of it all, dude, it's your life go.

Speaker 1:

Listen big episode 71 with Britain. Kelly dude, my brother Love you, bro. I appreciate you 71, how can? Yes, 71. How can people get in touch with you directly?

Speaker 2:

Britain Kelly is my name on Instagram also, I do everything through WhatsApp, so if you're interested in just chatting it up, want some help? Ones of coaching, hit the WhatsApp. For those of you who don't know how to use it, it's a free resource all over the world. The United States are the only people who really don't use it. It's plus one, five, one, six, six, four, four, six, zero, two, seven. All the other accounts are Britain Kelly. That's just my name. All right, I'm here for you and man. Take control your life, bro, let's go.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate you. Like I said, big episode 71 hit that share button. We talked about a lot of great stuff, a lot of a lot of amazing information to absorb and re-challenge the thought process and Standards that you believe are what they need to be. You know we challenge them here and, and if it's something that you align with, go down that rabbit hole, search it up, look and don't be afraid to challenge the quote-unquote Societal norms for everything in life. You know, be a question, asker, why maybe if I try this and just like you did, you jumped in head First, you tried it out and it worked for you and that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Don't be afraid to fucking fail. I, like I said, I've spent my entire, took me 46 years. I've failed at fucking everything and I am on fire now. I don't even have money, I don't even care, I don't even need it, and that, for me, is success. So fucking fail, keep fail and keep fail.

Speaker 1:

Something's gonna hit boom these episode 71. Subscribe, comment, share. Love y'all and on that note, peace.

The Power of Consistent Content Creation
Journey of Failure and Transformation
Personal Journey
Surviving Life-Threatening Illness in Costa Rica
Personal Trainer's Journey to Achieve Dream
Impact of Nutrition and Extreme Diets
OMAD and Modified Carnivore Diet Benefits
Debunking Nutrition Myths
Benefits of Fasting and Carb Elimination
Health, Mental Wellbeing, and Fasting
Trainer's Solo Travels, Love for Colombia
Life and Culture in Colombia
Drug Stigma and Non-Traditional Relationships
Dating and Perceptions of American Women
Discovering Cultural Differences in Colombia
Personal Transformation and Setting Boundaries
Challenging Societal Norms and Embracing Failure