
#85 | John "Manimal" Beneduce |

January 27, 2024 Nick Rizzo
#85 | John "Manimal" Beneduce |
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#85 | John "Manimal" Beneduce |
Jan 27, 2024
Nick Rizzo

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Ever received an offer that made you do a double-take? That's how I kicked things off this week, recounting a laugh-out-loud encounter with an OnlyFans recruiter and contemplating the 'what ifs' of online modeling. My sidekick in this whirlwind of banter, John "Manimal" Beneduce, and I didn't hold back, stretching from tales of Norse gods to the practicalities of martial arts training.

As our conversation zigzagged through the realms of ancient knowledge and modern-day applications, John  and I uncovered the mystical underpinnings in everyday life. Ever wonder how Odin could inspire your daily grind or what jiu-jitsu has to do with the art of connection? We've got you covered, spinning stories of personal transformation that might just motivate you to reconsider how you approach the world—whether you're wearing a Gi or a Kimura savage shirt.

Wrapping things up, we didn't shy away from getting real about the blood, sweat, and tears in the dojo, pondering the possibilities of exclusive gyms, and peeking into the minds of deities. If you're ready for a dose of the unexpected, peppered with laughs and a few philosophical gems, then clear your schedule—you've got a podcast episode that refuses to fit any conventional mold.


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Tik Tok

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Ever received an offer that made you do a double-take? That's how I kicked things off this week, recounting a laugh-out-loud encounter with an OnlyFans recruiter and contemplating the 'what ifs' of online modeling. My sidekick in this whirlwind of banter, John "Manimal" Beneduce, and I didn't hold back, stretching from tales of Norse gods to the practicalities of martial arts training.

As our conversation zigzagged through the realms of ancient knowledge and modern-day applications, John  and I uncovered the mystical underpinnings in everyday life. Ever wonder how Odin could inspire your daily grind or what jiu-jitsu has to do with the art of connection? We've got you covered, spinning stories of personal transformation that might just motivate you to reconsider how you approach the world—whether you're wearing a Gi or a Kimura savage shirt.

Wrapping things up, we didn't shy away from getting real about the blood, sweat, and tears in the dojo, pondering the possibilities of exclusive gyms, and peeking into the minds of deities. If you're ready for a dose of the unexpected, peppered with laughs and a few philosophical gems, then clear your schedule—you've got a podcast episode that refuses to fit any conventional mold.


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Tik Tok

Speaker 1:

Oh, you didn't give me like a. We all are lie.

Speaker 2:

Nope, no, none of that. We just, we just roll right into it. Fuck, I'll do an intro you should let me know there's no intro. This is the intro. Us, us jammin and hanging out. Did we start when you told me to take my feet?

Speaker 1:

off the table.

Speaker 2:

Well, I started rolling when I went and grabbed a rain, so all of that is open game for me to start this podcast.

Speaker 1:

Oh, doesn't bother me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I get all right. You're a jiu-jitsu guy. I didn't think having open feet out was it was a problem for you not a problem for me.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna keep them on the table for most of the time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't do that, definitely We'll have some viewers tune out.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe you set up a whole only fans.

Speaker 2:

I heard Totally fans, tony fans.

Speaker 1:

Tony fans, I hold you. I heard you were approached.

Speaker 2:

I was approached. What was I approached?

Speaker 1:

My only fans what I was oh, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

I had one of their poachers hit me up to say that you have a very wide network of individuals and if you would like to have these said individuals start doing only fans with us as an, as a modeling Agency, that we would give you a cut of what they make. Now I'm gonna kind of money we talking. I have no idea.

Speaker 1:

But I don't care.

Speaker 2:

Nope, then I hope they did DM Mr Manimal.

Speaker 1:

No, I want to be talent, I'm the talent. You want to be the talent, I'm the talent.

Speaker 2:

How much do you think you could bring in as an only fans model?

Speaker 1:

Honestly, if I couldn't do 30 grand a month, it wouldn't be worth it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you're pulling 30 in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but what about with my other talent?

Speaker 2:

Ah, what with Jitsu?

Speaker 1:

No, no, my, my, my costars.

Speaker 2:

Oh, your costar. I don't know, man, I think people are very picky.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. I see these bitches out of mediocre getting like 30 grand a woman are different.

Speaker 2:

Though Women are different than then guys, it's the same. I have this debate all the time I have. I have tons of girls that I'm friends with that I'll. They'll show me their dating apps yeah and the amount of fucking hits that they're getting just from dudes hitting them up is insane. Dudes are always gonna spend money on stuff like that, but uh, but are women gonna spend money on the manimal they might?

Speaker 1:

no, no, no. You want to have. You need to find a costar, not always we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

we're just me, we're talking about just solo act.

Speaker 1:

No, it's gonna be all gay dudes. I already see what my DMs look like, oh my god. And all they want to look at is my feet. I mean that's why I put them on a table. I was trying to give you a fucking boost. No, no, no, no, I don't want that.

Speaker 2:

I don't want that.

Speaker 1:

You don't want that. No, no, no. I'm not trying to audience, I'm not trying to get totally fan people on here. I'm those gays pay.

Speaker 2:

I mean guys pay, those guys pay.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if those are furtive and slit really, really hitting it right in yeah, I got the gate, especially if I put. You ever see some eyes, I'll put a picture or video and I'm just like my feet on the beach. Oh my god, my DMs after that nuts.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna be completely honest with you. I don't think you have very nice feet. I don't have nice feet.

Speaker 1:

You know what's funny? A lot of people would beg to differ really yeah, because. I take such good care of them cuz I always go in the ocean every day every day.

Speaker 2:

I try to go every day and why do you try to go into the ocean every day? It's the best thing for your feet so you're just your feet or your, or your whole entire body. Always the feet.

Speaker 1:

Okay, just praise the gods. But the whole body, especially in the winter, I gotta be really in the mood if I'm sore. Yeah, it has to be beneficial. It has to like do something for me. I don't just like to do it for the sake of doing it, for hardship. I've had enough hardship. You know what I mean, like I lived in the fucking tent in the woods. I've done enough. I know what it's like. You know I don't need to jump in the cold water if it doesn't serve a purpose. Where is I going with that? So the reason I always put my feet in the water I'm gonna tell your stories.

Speaker 2:

Tell me okay.

Speaker 1:

So, inviting mythology, there's a goddess, a giant test this goddess, scottie, and, and the gods wind up killing her father and In as a price. You know where, guild, you pay a price if you kill someone's like to make a recompensations. You don't have a blood feud, you got to pay a price. So she's like the price I want is I want to marry One of the gods, and she wanted Mary bow, there, the most beautiful God. And the gods were whoa, okay, okay, but you have to choose them based on their feet. And she's not real. And she's like all right, fair enough, this is not real. I mean, it's the story.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, scotty chooses her husband. So then Scotty's like, okay, fine, I'll choose him by their feet, because obviously the most beautiful God should have the most beautiful feet right. And when she chooses them by their feet, she sees the most beautiful feet and she's like, oh, this dude got to be Balder. And when she picks him, it's New York. New York is the old man of the sea, he's the sea God. And and when I always think of that, I was like, oh, why is he have the best feet? Because I do always puts his feet in the water. It takes Alice's off.

Speaker 2:

Wait a minute, but so what? What is that? What is this Greek that I need to look at?

Speaker 1:

Norse mythology.

Speaker 2:

Norse mythology.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's Scotty and New York and J or D Scotty is SK. A DI you need. You need a like a young Jamie, young Jamie.

Speaker 2:

It's supposed to be Kenji, but he doesn't have any thumbs.

Speaker 1:

So can you pull that up first? Thanks, I'm full of Viking mythology old mythology really but why is that?

Speaker 2:

He's just something that you've always been.

Speaker 1:

I mean I follow the old ways, I mean I'm Norse pagan.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you know. So I didn't know that so yeah, I mean I'm.

Speaker 1:

I praised Odin at the garden in front of 20,000 People. Who, what are the pagan?

Speaker 2:

can say that so can I ask you this what? What is your thought process on like the Marvel movies doing? Oh, like the Odin and Thor and stuff like that? Do you find that that's a? Do you find it's actually something, if you're actually into it, do you find it's something that is semi accurate or is it almost like insulting because they, they do stupid shit?

Speaker 1:

The only movie I found insulting was Thor 11 Thunder. Oh, because they made them seem like a buffoon. Yeah. Other than that, any praise to the gods is good, even though the the story lines a little different. So in the actual mythology Loki and Thor aren't brothers. Loki is Odin's blood brother. So if you think about the mythology is tell a deep story. So when we think about all mythologies, you know Norse mythology, greek mythology, christian mythology, judeo Christian mythology, however you want to put it they tell a deep story. There's a surface level story New York getting picked by the feet and then there's the first level it's good for your feet, okay. And then the story also tells another layer About dichotomy and eventually they can't live together. She loves the mountains.

Speaker 2:

He loves to see, he loves the ocean. Yeah, and they can meet in the middle, maybe, but probably not.

Speaker 1:

Now there is no middle right the middle, didn't? They both hadn't happy. Yeah right, so could tell you something about congruency in your spirit. So the myth can tell a lot. The myth that I think tells the most sometimes is scientific evidence in the myth. Why do the Romans try to kill all the Druids? And In England, because the Druids have sacred knowledge. They know about the planetary alignment, the guy who keeps the calendar. Do you know how the calendar is just to be kept?

Speaker 1:

I don't so daily. Every day, the high priest will go look at the stars and, based on what he observed, he'd tell you where you were in the universe. Interesting every day you looked at the stars. He's like, okay, this is where we are today. And every day you updated the calendar and accurate that's as accurate as you get you updated daily.

Speaker 2:

Yeah the reason we have to do shit like yeah, but back then they didn't have the, the, I guess the Instruments and technology that we have today obviously to get knowledge to our knowledge. That's my cell phone.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's say, a hundred years from now, you find this fucking thing, the, the charging device for it has long been obsolete. Okay, can I play? If I brought a cassette tape here, could you play it? No, and when was the cassette tape?

Speaker 2:

Obsolete ties probably early 2000s. That's only 20 years ago, yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

So we take this hundred years from now and you find my phone and you look at it and you're like, wow, these guys were so vain. Look at all the mirrors they had. Looks like nothing. It doesn't turn on and you can't turn it on. There is no fucking way. If I brought a CD here, and that's only maybe 10 years ago, you couldn't play it.

Speaker 2:

You have a, so I couldn't play because I don't have the device here currently.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I can go get one 20 years ago, in a hundred years, will you? So? Okay, if I brought you a car from 1920 that relied on electric, could we charge it? Right? Right, I don't know if you, if I brought you, let's say, something From 1850, something that was steam powered, could we run it? I don't know, right, it would be really tough Now if I find something a hundred years, 2000 years in the future, and I excavate this thing and I was like, oh, these guys, you don't fucking know what this thing was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah that clay tablet we're writing. That whole shit could have lit up. It could have had all types of knowledge, and we know the Romans had extensive knowledge. They write everything, right, so they're very by the book. Yeah, society, right, they actually make the first book to codex, to bind their laws, to make a book, otherwise you would do it on parchment paper and that gets cumbersome as fuck. So they were like yeah, we write so much, we need books, and the Romans would. Even. They were so calculated in the observation of the movement of the universe that they even calculated every day a different time. So, like, every day would be a different amount, 24 hours in a day, but every hour different. So during During, let's say, the winter, the daytime hour would be 48 minutes and during the summer the daytime hour might be an hour 17 minutes, 24 hours.

Speaker 2:

In the nighttime I would be a different time got you to compensate for the early rising of the Sun and the shorter every hour.

Speaker 1:

So the fifth hour of the day was always the fifth hour of the day, even though chronologically has we tell time? It would have been like totally off. Yeah, I would have told, like you know, when you wake up now and it's dark, yeah guess what that's? 4 am. That's the fourth hour. Yeah okay now it's like if what we call afternoon sometimes that might be 11, sometimes it might be two we call that the eighth hour or something Very like it, just the hour has a name and then the hour is calculated in between.

Speaker 1:

So our ancestors are very advanced and I think it's often uh, you know, a little unfair of us to not give them the credit they deserve. We're here right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, I find that it's interesting to see, maybe, things that we were never told, that our higher-ups throughout history have Selectively allowed us to see what the actual Ancient times were or what they were writing about, or the technology back then. Because you know, just to be able to pyramids, for example the pyramids fascinate me, like just to be able to make those structures. I'm not saying it's aliens, I'm not saying it's just them, but there's something there that we Obviously we don't know everything and we can't know everything, but there's something there that I'm sure we've found that makes sense On how they were built and why this is what I have to imagine that the technology they use to them was actually so simple that we can't figure it out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I think about, uh, I also like the Viking era right since I. I followed the old ways and I went for my master's in history at Brooklyn College, so I studied a lot, but really on my own fast.

Speaker 2:

This is fascinating, by the way, I did this good. Yeah, this is awesome because I thought that it was gonna be mostly jujitsu when we started talking and I've only been.

Speaker 1:

I only started being an athlete the second half of my life. The first half, I was just a fat nerdy pothead.

Speaker 2:

So so now you're just an athlete pothead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I never stopped being a nerdy pothead.

Speaker 2:

Oh that's nerdy, yeah, just not being fat yeah. That was all and so you're saying the technology was probably so simple for them that it just so advanced. I like the Viking era.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I go to this thing once in Connecticut and Mystic and they rebuilt a Viking ship and With the oars and everything on the side motherfuckers with all our technology, could not do it right.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean? It was like they had to use a lot of like modern shit. They couldn't just make the Viking ship. They're missing something that would have been obvious to them, that isn't that obvious to us, something like a phone charger. You ever read a book that talks about it? The instruction manual is gonna disappear pretty quick. I find a novel that tells me about the time. How do I investigate history? It's very.

Speaker 2:

that's also very easy for them to negate and omit stuff like that, where, if they didn't want us to find out about older stuff, oh, how would you know what about when you find a battery in ancient Egypt?

Speaker 1:

Okay, oh, I'm gonna tell you ancient knowledge. I'll give you some more ancient knowledge from the gods Thor that you're familiar with, or from movies. He's the God of thunder, right Enlightening. He's the actual embodiment of that. Okay, so let's delve deeper into that cool story. What is thunder and lightning, electromagnetism? Okay, what's what's Thor called? He's the protector of Midgard. Midgard is the earth, right? So there's nine worlds. One of the worlds, the one we inhabit in the physical form, is Midgard, and Thor, the guard, the God of thunder and electricity, protects Midgard. Well, how do you do that? How do you protect Midgard? What is hammer? What does that hammer look like?

Speaker 1:

Me on here me on here doesn't quite look like a normal hammer, right? If you study it it looks like the earth's electromagnetic field, the head of the hammer earth's electromagnetic field.

Speaker 2:

You're saying the hammer when it's when it's held Vertically, and then obviously it's, it's long ways when it's held vertically.

Speaker 1:

This is you're saying that a head is earth's magnetic field the head but it's held like that.

Speaker 2:

Or is it north, south, like that, like?

Speaker 1:

this the head is the magnetic field, because it stretches out this way. Gotcha the magnetic field don't stretch out like it's. It's not a circle. Yeah it's elongated.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm and the way like an oval.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, cuz the earth would be here and the magnetic field stretches out like this, yeah, and becomes a toroidal form. So that symbol, the hammer, is a symbol for its magnetic field. So our ancient ancestors knew, if you were Initiated, if you were educated and initiated into the ways, you knew that there was an electromagnetic field that that protected us from radiation. However, you identified that and it's a nice simple story For telling your kids. But when you study the ways you can take that story deeper and deeper. It's like in jujitsu. I've been doing the same move since I was a blue belt and I watch myself do it. I found the old Naga tape and I sent it to Legacy box and they put it on digital and I'm watching. I was like I do the same moves, just way better.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just more efficient layer better, a layer better, a layer better. And you can do that with the myth it's a layer deeper, a layer deeper, right? If you ask a lot of the scientists I hear now We'll say, oh, adam and Eve is like a metaphor for an atom, right, and then even electron. So I'm like, oh, okay. So if you want to extrapolate that story, that's something the ancients knew, and just not on a mass produced scale. The thing with technology is you mass produce this device. Once you make it, once you could keep making it, our ancient ancestors may have had to make everything from each piece. Handmade just might be the only difference.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so instead of being able to make millions of units, they can only make, let's say, a hundred or 200 units exactly that.

Speaker 1:

That would be my Theory off the top of my head, that there's highly advanced technology available only to the very initiated. And this is technology might not only be Mechanical technology, it could also be spirit tech. What about having technology that you just develop inside your own body, your own spirit, your own energy, spirit tech? You might have that to such an advanced level if you let people explore it, which now you don't. That's hokey. That shit don't work right. There's no such thing. Okay.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of people that don't believe in the spirituality thing and you know, when people say spirituality, they think, well, I just, you just believe in God and it's like no, no, no, it's deeper than that, it's it's, it's an it's all around you at all times. It's you feel energy, man. You feel it with people. That's the best example I give people. It's like you feel the energy with people. There are some people that just give shitty bad energy. You wiping your head. Don't do that. You know, fucking expensive that microphone is.

Speaker 1:

I do. I always use on. Don't do that. I've rubbed my first of all. You don't even know what I did there.

Speaker 2:

You're your third. I thank me. Yeah, I know what you did there.

Speaker 1:

I mean I find can't thank you. Thank me, that's a blessing.

Speaker 2:

Kenji. Kenji said thank you.

Speaker 1:

Son of Odin just rubbed his third eye on your fucking microphone.

Speaker 2:

I bless this by the way, everybody I I kept the slap to this range because I know if I got closer and he grabbed me, I was going right over the table Into a Kamara.

Speaker 2:

I like it, by the way, I want to get back to this topic, but at the same time, I bought the Kamara savage shirt from from Sarah, and as I'm buying it, I go to Johnny, I go. All right, let me ask you this Do I have to effectively hit a Kamara if I, if I wear this shirt? Because I definitely can't.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Do you get stripes? You get rankings on the? Yeah, it has its own ranking system. That's like patches.

Speaker 2:

It just says it just says savage. And then, matt, as I can hit the Kamara effectively, he adds the Kamara letters. It's just a savage, yeah, just a savage.

Speaker 1:

It's like hang man, yeah, yeah on the back. It's like every time you fail.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he takes one off. He's like no, no, no, nick, I saw that in class the other day. He rips it right off me, like like I'm getting demoted in the military, just rips it off my shoulder. But yeah, what were you talking about? We're talking about. I Got distracted. You were wiping your third eye all over my microphone.

Speaker 1:

I Know, I see the energy even it's just emitting that.

Speaker 2:

We were talking about spirituality of energy. Like you feel with people, though, when the energy is off, you just you don't want to fuck with those types of people.

Speaker 1:

I don't know you use the terminology, Don't you? Yeah? Well it's how someone's vibe. What the fuck does that mean if you're like all the vibe is off or if you ever use that kind of wording, I mean you mean vibrational energy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, some people. They'll be like what is that? I've put clips up on tiktok before. They're like what does that even mean, bro? It's like well, obviously you don't get it. I.

Speaker 1:

Mean. It's like there's a lot of things you can't see. I Mean really. We only see 1% of the visible spectrum, so there's a lot of things you can't see yeah. Unless you have the proper device. Perhaps we're the proper device, just not utilizing it. I don't know if you ever done psychedelics, but I have not seems to be like that shit is right here available. So whatever I see on mushrooms, let's say Well that stuff is right there. It's not like I went somewhere right in the same spot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but do you think it's just the chemical balance in your brain, just not necessarily opening something for you to see things, but just fucking with the visual and perception that you have on a normal basis? What's the difference? I don't know. That's why I'm giving like a counter argument.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so my count? I don't know so I could give an actual. I wonder what the difference is personally. Oh, I actually just my question I would be interested to, but I don't think that I can give you a question If I just want to say why do I believe that what I'm seeing is relevant to the actual World that you would call real?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just because it's not tangible.

Speaker 1:

Well, hold on, let's, let's, let's, dissect this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, please.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So when I take mushrooms, I also have sensory experiences that are actually there, that can be concurrently verified by other people there, but I have a more heightened sense of this experience may be through Auditory. So let's say, I might hear something that I normally would never be privy to hearing from a distance I normally wouldn't, and I'll be like, no, I hear something about, I don't hear shit. I don't hear shit, no, no, no, we go towards it and then it's right, you'll see the thing a dying bird or fucking some shit, yeah and I'm like, no, I heard that fucking thing. And you'll be like I didn't hear shit.

Speaker 2:

So you're saying amplified, amplified auditory experiences.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so that is what I get out of mushrooms that I can Easily verify. I'm getting this. I hear something. You don't hear it. No one else is it. We go find the thing Right. It gives you. That's the proof. Yeah, I heard the thing. How I know this fucking thing was here.

Speaker 2:

I heard it so you're saying, you hear something and then you actually go over to physically identify that that's what you were hearing from. That's about as real as I could get okay.

Speaker 1:

Normally no one else would have heard it. Right? I do a retreat, we're all camping out on my mushrooms, you're not now another experience that I feel harder to verify. So let's say I One day I go upstate.

Speaker 2:

You bring that up. I was gonna say you bring, I go into the pool and it's fucking freezing cold.

Speaker 1:

It was like March, but it had been cold and there's a big tree and I'm looking at the tree and I'm just praying to the gods. It's just feeling the energy and as I breathe, then I Felt the tree breathe out and as I breathe out I felt the tree breathe in my CO2.

Speaker 2:

Now, this is when you're on mushrooms, mushrooms. Okay.

Speaker 1:

I could feel stuff like that sometimes back. I really got to be in tune, yeah, without drugs, although my most psychedelic experience is probably fighting. But whatever my dead homies are there, it's crazy Wow. Yeah, it's nuts for me, Cuz I'm already so let's say whatever right, this is what I think psychedelics does. This is all explained at the best way I can.

Speaker 2:

I'm listening to. I'm just making sure that you're still in focus with the movie.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so psychedelics for me is kind of like degrees on a compass. So if we looked at this can of rain energy, if you look at my alignment here, you see this tab, yes, aligned across that hole, okay Okay. And when I'm aligned across that hole I see certain things. I'm in a certain spectrum, right yeah, I'm like this. You put me this way. Boom, this is what my world looks like. Now, if I give you some mushrooms, I might just do that. So I might just shift you like that bang. Now you're privy to a whole other dimension of experiences that you normally wouldn't be sensory experiences, tactile experiences. I mean it. I know you never done it, but Fuck, you could just touch something and feel every grain. And psychedelic experiences fighting sobers fuck right, sobers, fuck. I get drug tested. New Yorkers are strict. I fought in New York. So about sobers, you could have a beat. You can't even take a tile at all, all right. And I could feel every thread of the canvas.

Speaker 2:

I could hear the fucking mark saying the jujitsu canvas like the MMA canvas, matt.

Speaker 1:

You get. I could feel the grain of the mat on my foot. I Don't fucking feel that in a normal day, but my senses are so heightened. I'm having such a psychedelic experience now, fucking, I could hear someone in the third row ordering a beer. I could barely hear my corner. Who's right next to me? Right, I'm picking up all these things, all these inputs, that Normally I would be perceiving in a completely different manner. The fight put me right there. Right, put me in 180. It's like this ain't normal experience. Be fucking ready, dude.

Speaker 2:

Right like it puts you right into a so you're saying you're completely sober, but you're experiencing these things during it. Yeah, now do you think that years of drug use would be the reason that you would feel that way, or that was just for that small amount of time?

Speaker 1:

Ask any fighter. They have weird experiences in there and it's hard for them to extrapolate what that experience is. What about when you hear something like you got to know what they're saying. It's not just something that you think, it's something I think about. My years of drug use has made me privy to other Right sensory experiences. So then when I have it happen, I'm like oh shit, yeah, this is what's happening and you have it happen. You're like Little weird in there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're hard to tell me what you experience, but if I ask a fighter, if I'm like you know you have asked a weird experience. Like you ever feel something weird in there, something crazy, feel like you're your opponent.

Speaker 2:

You can sometimes like like, almost like, you're having a D Sensory experience out of body. Out of body experience have that all the de personalization is the word I was looking for, but they'll almost say they see themselves third person. And then through the fight while they're actually fighting.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've heard people say that all the time.

Speaker 2:

Right, what the fuck is going on there? I've heard, I've heard military people say that too when they get in firefights.

Speaker 1:

How the fuck does that happen, right? So now you're having a second dog experience that's just triggered by your brain producing these chemicals, and I could take those chemicals exogenously to produce the effect when I'm not in that heightened stimulation, depending what effect I need. So like mushrooms on a hike is always great bond with nature a little more. And then Odin is also a god of mushroom use. So Odin's a god of mushroom use his story is very closely related to mushrooms really aminina muscaria because the.

Speaker 1:

Mythical Odin also. The historical Odin says he practiced the magical art called seed, which is a magic that, like they say, like witches practice. It's kind of like a considered a feminine art. However, when you're open, you gotta practice all the arts. So Odin practices seed on Sam's seed, with the rain, the reindeer herders, so the Sam's see people is like where the shamans are that look like Santa Claus.

Speaker 1:

Okay so he practiced seed, this magical art on Sam's seed, and part of their magical art is Using mushrooms which grow there underneath the the tundra, and these aminina muscaria mushrooms are hallucinogenic and then you can have psychedelic experiences with them. Then also the Santa Claus mythology comes from that.

Speaker 2:

So that's how I was about to ask us. Did that?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so from that aminina muscaria is the one that looks like the red with the white on it, the mushroom, the mushroom emoji.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, that's that looks like that's an aminina or a scurry oh okay, psychedelic mushroom.

Speaker 1:

How do you spell that? Aminita a, m a a and I t a aminita. This does come up with. You need a scurrier.

Speaker 2:

So then I at the end aminita a. There it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the mushroom emoji, oh shit. Yeah, so that mushroom is hallucinogenic and legal.

Speaker 2:

Where do these grow? They grow this thing. You said cold climates, cold climates they grow, they're very.

Speaker 1:

They're a little darker mushroom than silo Sibin. Silo Sibin can be a little introspective but it's normally if you don't need to be introspective, pretty happy. The the aminita a little darker.

Speaker 2:

So would you go up to this and just take a bite? Is that what that is? How does that work?

Speaker 1:

I Would dry it first, or else you dry it. If you don't dry it, there's a Chemical agents in it that are active until it's dried, which could kill you.

Speaker 2:

So if you eat that, one that's probably the defense mechanism of the mushroom itself.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe we don't know what the mushrooms goal is.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I have to ask it yeah, but usually something like this I want to possess you.

Speaker 1:

It might want you to die in that spot.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, you see, you see those bright. You see those bright colors in nature, and that usually means poisonous, that you so that's poisonous, but once you dry it, and even Odin's.

Speaker 1:

I've heard some scholars make the argument that Odin sacrifices Are like an illusion to how you dry the mushrooms. So Odin, so Odin goes on Odin. So my god, the god I follow very closely, I'm pagan. So when you're pagan I can venerate any deity, but the god I closely associated with would be Odin, so I would be like an Odinist. I guess some people could say but I, I work closely with all different gods, and all different pantheons of gods become available to you because if you understand that, as energy, all a god is is an archetypal form of energy that's accessible to us to incorporate that essence into our life. So you know, for Christians they might use an archangel like Michael for protection, or Catholics I don't know if you're Italian, right, mm-hmm. So they fucking have all these saints that do shit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Those essentially would. Paterpio, everybody oh my god Paterpio, this guy, yeah Pachi.

Speaker 2:

I'm my mom's from Robert Sicily.

Speaker 1:

You hear about it Well everywhere now my mom's from Robert Sicily and she he's like the patron saint of her town and they go mad for this dude. Yeah, you have the stick model, all this shit, so he's like a mini god. That would be like almost Deified to to our pagan answer you like Ganesh.

Speaker 2:

Well, ganesh is a god, that is a god for Hinduism.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ganesh is pagan. Thank god that they're still Hindus, because one quarter of the earth is pagan because of them, so thank you. Otherwise, paganism is probably the most persecuted religion. Right in the scripture of a few different of these monotheistic religions, some say worship no other god before me and some say not at all. So in Islam, paganism, I think, might be punishable Some places, if it's really stripped by death right is Haram to be pagan. Other Other places, like the actual translation in Hebrew I've heard, translated the best way I like it is you should worship no other god before me, which would make more sense for their religion, because Throughout the Bible they always go see fortune tellers and seers that worship other gods and they're obviously, you know, fine with paganism. They acknowledge the gods of the Egyptian pantheon, raw and all those gods. They acknowledge their powers. They're creating miracles, snakes and all that. They're doing the same shit, right? They're acknowledging that there is other deities.

Speaker 1:

Yes only saying that, don't it. Don't put them over me. That was the problem. They had an ancient Rome. The Romans like no, you got to worship the emperor. Yeah, and they're like well, no, we're monotheistic. And they're like well, I ain't got a fucking leave.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, now you got to leave, or we're gonna kill you, we're gonna stone you to death.

Speaker 1:

We're now you have to leave. Oh yeah, so, but the reason I think monotheism kind of winds are being adopted more is because it's way easier to control monotheistic people. If we all worship the same God, Well then it's like we're all rowing the boat together. But if we all worship different gods, well now it's like, well, listen, we should do this. God says so well, which God Odin told me to do something different, which he often does. Your God, you might worship Thor, you might have a different thing that you should be ideology.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you might have a different ideology and it's hard to rule us. If you like, you worship one God and this God says this.

Speaker 2:

It's a lot easier to was a united we stand, divided, we fall so it's easier to rule you though. It's also, and it's also easier to put them, have you know, religious wars, technically speaking?

Speaker 1:

Well, rulership is all about making you do stuff you don't want to do. If it's if you don't rule someone, then we're just friends, like if I didn't want to take my feet off the table, I don't have to. We get into a fight, but you're my friend, mm-hmm, I respect you.

Speaker 2:

Well, you also wouldn't have been able to have the feet on the table and sit in the mic position like this.

Speaker 1:

Well, you don't know what I could did. I'm just saying like there's there's no reason you can't do anything right. It's it's your just agreement with others that make you not do that. I don't think I need the law to tell me not to right it. Almost may maybe some people do. But I rather focus on what the 90 99% of the population is like and the 1% might figure itself out. But if I focus overly on this 1%, I actually start to damage the 99%. Probably percentages a little different, but for arguments I know what you mean just intellectualizing right now.

Speaker 1:

Now the edible kicked in strong, fucking, kicked in hard ready to go. No, no, it kicked in boom. Now it's now. I'm flying, ready to go. Now I'm flying. The only thing I'm missing a blunt right now would be good, but when I have my event space, studio space, we can do whatever you do ever. I know you don't really do anything. You don't do anything right, drink, smoke.

Speaker 2:

I gave up drinking in March. Checks no, they actually just mail me my virginity card. Now you said that, yeah, they said that they they mailed it back to me and they said, since you're not doing anything with it, we're just gonna send it back to looking guy like you?

Speaker 1:

No, no, I'm surprised. Are you saving it for marriage?

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, I've had sex many times. I just know I'm just, I don't have anything in the pipeline, I'm chilling good for you.

Speaker 1:

Well, so everybody ladies, uh, Nikki Rizzles is single.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so we're taking applications, sort of open for.

Speaker 1:

We're taking applications. You know he says that he's not into a committed relationship, but I'm sure a woman out there would love to change you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she would love to. I'm I'm somewhat of a jujitsu practitioner. I'm not. I'm not. You should get your blue belts in your blue. I have not, I don't know. You should get it in. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. You always want to roll with me, and I do want to know, I do want to roll with you.

Speaker 1:

That's admirable. Yeah first Old school. That would be disrespectful, but whatever, we're really. Oh yeah, they ask a black belt to roll, really, yeah, I would ask you to roll if I want to roll.

Speaker 2:

Oh right, that's, it's like a hard, but you've asked me to roll before Because I wanted to yeah yeah, oh, so you, I thought I thought that that opened up the communication for two-way street.

Speaker 1:

Now, when I can ask you, I don't care, I find it flattering, but old school, that would have been.

Speaker 2:

Disrespectful? Yeah, I would. What would they have done to me? Just kick me out of the school?

Speaker 1:

No, I was just fucking kicked you like, how did nice roll with you? Like, when you tapped, I would have just kept the fucking thing on me that fucking knee. I would defend it. Yeah, we're not even trying to tap you. Yeah, you know, just hurt you, just hurt me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, great, Put my elbow in your eye. Yeah, great, just be a dick. Great. Yeah, that's awesome, I love it. Then there's Nick. Every time I roll and people laugh at me when I do this to them. I dapped up and I go hey, before we start anything soaring you, I want to make sure I don't touch that. There's other people that are like what's soaring you so I could dig my elbow into it.

Speaker 1:

What's soaring? You're gonna go for it. Yo, I swear to God, whenever I wear like a knee brace or a elbow sleeve, they look right at that they go right for it. Even in my match with steamer a little the exhibition we did I was like bro, I put my knee brace on that knee, so you know don't touch it. Don't touch it first thing knee ball grass, you crazy.

Speaker 2:

He fixed it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he actually fit, he twisted it and when he did whatever was like in there kind of cracked open and actually like Started to heal. Good. After that broke some scar tissue, broke some shit up and then it started to move around, good.

Speaker 2:

You just has been a very interesting journey. I've talked about it a lot on the podcast and I really love it. I do, I really do love it and I want to get really good at it, like that's really to be honest with you. That's why I come to your class at law. I appreciate different dudes. It's tough for you just traveling everything too.

Speaker 1:

And just not the right situation if it was the gods have to give me the right situation for me to want to like coach. You know 10, 15 hours a week. Yeah in a class setting. I'm my privates, Thank God. Okay, it was use a few more privates, but that is fine. But to do a class, you know there's really no money in classes right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, I do, I did. That's how we first met was when you were doing the midday at Sarah's. Yeah, I love doing the midday and you do, and you still do it every Friday.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I always do it every Friday noon, so if you want to come down, let me know, gay, I know it seems weird for me, if you know me that I'm mostly a no-geek guy.

Speaker 2:

What's up with you guys? Just like hating on not you particularly, but just like hating on gay. I don't understand the hate for everything. I don't hate the gear. No, I have so many people that I know they're like. I refuse to do a gi after I got this, prefer no gay. But dude, they were dudes especially, especially since I fought.

Speaker 1:

You know, I just have so much more experience without the gi on. There's so many more rounds I've done in my life. No gay. Yeah you know, think about all the cage rounds, all the MMA rounds. There's a lot of grappling going on in those rounds, especially for me, since I'm grappling based. So let's say, you know, I don't know the six pro fights and spot a hundred rounds for each of those, right that's 600 rounds just there Sparring for fights, yeah, where I'm grappling in most those rounds because I'm a grappling oriented fighter.

Speaker 2:

And you're wearing. You're wearing no shirt and you're wearing Fight trunks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, I'm grappling, you know, as much as possible in there.

Speaker 2:

That's how I'm and you're used to then not having to grab the pant legs or do stuff like that.

Speaker 1:

Like that's what it's always the guy is a little different.

Speaker 2:

When we did the no gi the other night at law, I Couldn't break that kid's guard because I'm so used to having grips, grabbing the grips and then pushing it out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah and without that. So all that grappling experience, then you develop and you know what? I have a lot of grappling experience, so I don't really get to use off the cage.

Speaker 2:

Oh really.

Speaker 1:

I mean I've probably done a Quarter of my training on cage work. You know getting guys against the cage to take them down, getting off the cage, but how to move off the cage on the ground, there's a lot that goes involved there, that sports specific that really you don't get to use on a day-to-day basis. You know all the striking I've done, although maybe I'll work up. There's the boxing class at law right before okay.

Speaker 1:

I used to do both. When I hurt my, my MCL, I was like uh you heard it from the boxing class. No, no, no, just in general, I heard it just Nothing actually happened. So, like I did jujitsu one day and then at night I was like my knee felt a little shitty and then I woke up in the next morning it was swollen, black and blue and like I was like what the fuck happened here?

Speaker 1:

Like nothing, no leg lot. Like nothing actually happened. It wasn't like, oh, this dude did something I didn't realize. It was just like wearing down. I went to my doctor and was like Did you get MRIs and everything like that? I just had a partial tap, but it's fucking hurt, yeah, of course, and it took like three good months to heal, three months to heal a month light, and I'm training pretty good. I did the wrestling class not feeling good.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I was going to do worlds, but I'm a little fat. I could do 188. We're going to get you in shape. I could do it in a month. I could get in shape in a month, didn't?

Speaker 2:

shape you just got to stay. I only need to lose 10 pounds you just got to. Yeah, that's easy.

Speaker 1:

Or I could go up a weight class and not lose that. Lose five pounds, not even.

Speaker 2:

Would you want to go up a weight class?

Speaker 1:

188 is the upper weight class. Those dudes are going to be big.

Speaker 2:

I'm one, I'm 188. Right now, I'd have to drop down 75 is the one before. That's what I would do.

Speaker 1:

That's what I would do for me too, but that division is also bigger. So like let's say, there's going to be 38 guys in that division, there might be 20 dudes.

Speaker 2:

What about size wise, comparatively to me? No, it's just a big. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's like guys, like you know, Manny.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's like Manny's size guys Gotcha. Which is OK, because sometimes that becomes a difficult match for them because there's nothing really for them to get on me and I'll be a little ball. So it could work. But I rather 75 is probably my better weight, like the weight class I should do.

Speaker 2:

I prefer to be lighter because then I got to go against guys that are super tall and long arms and shit and that I can't stand.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I hate fighting guys. My height, oh, really yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't mind fighting guys, my height. I'm not fighting, I don't mind rolling with guys my height, my thing is, my thing is I, just I the long limbs, like I grab with Simba and I grab with all these long ass limbs. And they grabbed me from across the room and like stop it, stop it, get off of me.

Speaker 1:

Dalsim, was it Dalsim?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

In Street Fighter Dalsim oh from Street. Oh yeah, he used to punch and then it went along.

Speaker 2:

It was like the Indian cat, right, yeah, he was great. The Yogi master yeah, he was awesome. So let me, let me, let me ask you real quick. Let me, let me, let me go back and and get into the manimal. John Manimal, there you go, channel it, channel it. What got you started into the martial arts fight world? So you said you were a heavy set nerdy historian. So what?

Speaker 1:

And then you know when I went to jail in order to stop myself from getting ass raped.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was about to say God damn yeah, I damn yeah, I got damn. We just went deep, literally. What are you doing, man?

Speaker 1:

That's not my fault. Fucking microphone.

Speaker 2:

Hold on.

Speaker 1:

Can I tell you something, Just so you know I am extremely destructive.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bro, I've had. I've had 70 something episodes. Don't touch it. I am extremely destructive. Stop breaking shit. There we go. Good, don't touch it.

Speaker 1:

I identify as the.

Speaker 2:

God of destruction.

Speaker 1:

I mean if I'm Vidar Odin's son that's who the God of destruction is. Well, he's the God of vengeance and also primal nature, so nature and his primal form is extremely destructive.

Speaker 2:

It is. Yeah so all I'm going to ask is all I'm going to ask is these super power stay canned up until we're done with the pod?

Speaker 1:

You have a force of nature sitting at this table. So you have to understand that that if I break something, don't worry, I will pay for it. Ok, just so you know.

Speaker 2:

I'm worried about you actually breaking anything you really should be.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, I've broken so many things. Dude, all right.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, it's just there and don't touch anything.

Speaker 1:

I'm trying. It's not easy. I'm touching. You see me holding my own hand. You see what I'm doing here.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to come over to myself. Give yourself a kamorra grip in two seconds I'm going to fucking suck it. Cover my watch, cover their watch.

Speaker 1:

You don't know how many other animals are inside me right now wanting to fuck with this mic.

Speaker 2:

Tell me and distract yourself. Tell me what it was like and why you got into martial arts.

Speaker 1:

Oh, ok, so well, first I was fat.

Speaker 2:

So how fat?

Speaker 1:

265. Damn.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so about about what I was 270 in high school Not muscle.

Speaker 1:

I was like I was like well, maybe a little muscle, because they call me Chub Rock.

Speaker 2:

If I was 270 muscle bro.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking, now that they took us out of the UFC, I told Ray. I was like, listen, I'm thinking about TOT, animal me versus Chrono Gracie. Let's go.

Speaker 2:

What do you mean they?

Speaker 1:

took him out. They took out Usada. They put in there. Usada was the testing body for UFC, the testing for drugs, and they put in a different organization which seems like it's kind of like in their pocket.

Speaker 2:

So you're saying they're going to turn their cheek to certain things? Hold on and I say something.

Speaker 1:

Hold on, let me tell my story first. I'm going to tell you my opinion on John Jones's his pec injury.

Speaker 2:

Oh OK.

Speaker 1:

You've probably heard before.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I probably haven't. You've got to realize, I have mostly, just like fitness people. I don't have a lot of people in the martial arts world. It's now changing because my network is expanding to martial arts type stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, I used to be big in the fitness world, but not really anymore. When I had my CrossFit gym I was like into it more. But you know, jiu Jitsu is just the way for me.

Speaker 2:

I can be honest with you. I'm enjoying Jiu Jitsu, the world that it has. I've been enjoying it. I'm kind of over the bodybuilding world.

Speaker 1:

It's so good, I like working out, but different, different, oh so listen. So first, so I was fat and my whole young life until I went to maybe I was like a sophomore in college, so 19 or 20. And OK, so your video guy. Now, if I had these three cameras set up 25 years ago, this would have cost me like 100 grand oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

OK, and he had a tape.

Speaker 1:

Not only was the expense of the equipment was huge, it took a VHS tape. So I was like I want to videotape me and my girlfriend, and I had a fat girlfriend at the time, so I have. So I'm going out with this fat girl and I thought it looked hot. So I'm like, yeah, let's fuck. I set it up and you're 260 at this point. Yeah, and she was big too, maybe close to it, close to 260. She was a big girl too. Holy shit.

Speaker 1:

I mean don't get me wrong 70 percent in her ass. Enough that my mom. I was like. I was like she's fat, but it's a lot of ass. It's kind of deformed, whatever. So that's not the moral of the story. So what's the moral of the story? So I set up all the video and shit. I thought I was going to watch it back and be turned on. It was like fucking warresses it was all, it was a tough watch.

Speaker 2:

It was a tough watch. It was a tough watch. I had to get my fucking life right here.

Speaker 1:

I was like I can't be. I was like next time my fucking. I'm on video fucking. That's why I asked you about only fans. I was like listen, I think I'm ready for a redo, I think.

Speaker 2:

I need. When we get you ready for the world, then we, then you're ready for it. Yes, I'll get your package.

Speaker 1:

I'll be in shape. Ripped, I'll get you know, we'll do it up right, I'll get vindication. I told you I'm the God of vengeance. Vindication is part of vengeance. There you go, and even for yourself, vengeance against your shitty yourself. So yeah, I need to redo at that point. So that got me starting to like lose some weight. So maybe before I started training, let's say I was like 235. It looks like 30 pounds. I went to the gym at my college I went to John Jay, my undergrads in forensic psychology and history, but so I went there.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it goes deep. I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love that. I worked at the G building for like a year. They used to do a criminally insane unit in Brooklyn and whatever. So that's a whole other story, the whole of the fucking sluice stories from that one. So I used to have a hardware store in Brooklyn. My family had a hardware store and I'm working at the store and one of the kids I hired he's like 16 or 17. And I think at the time I was 19 or 20, I was probably 20, right, because I started working out a little bit and we're talking about fighting. I was a big UFC fan and he was like oh, I train.

Speaker 2:

At that time it was like really kicking off 99. Yeah, it's really starting to kick off.

Speaker 1:

So he was like, oh, I train, you know, kickbox and all this shit. I was like, all right, cool. And he's like I would kick your ass. And I was like he was like a buck 40. I was like I fucking squash you, you little fuck. We could fight right now. I was just scrappy. I live in Brooklyn, got my ass kicked sometimes, but usually not. But hey, sometimes you fucking get your jaw broken in the middle of the night and fucking wind up in another neighborhood, but that's another story.

Speaker 2:

So don't do that, guys. Oh, oh.

Speaker 1:

God Still, when I was 12 years old, I got jumped, got my jaw broke Fucking. Someone hit me from behind with a pipe and I woke up in another neighborhood.

Speaker 2:

You've been through some shit, man.

Speaker 1:

Dude, I got the DC backstory. My homie says he's like you're like a Marvel superhero with a DC backstory. So so my boy's like, oh, I'll fuck you up. I was like I'll fuck you up right here. He's like, no, no, no, come to where I train. I was like, all right, where are you training? It happened to be like right up the block from my store. It was like above the movie theater, like up the block. I was like, oh, all right. When he was like seven, he was like but we train like two and a half hours, seven to nine, 30. I was like, all right, it seems long, seems excessive.

Speaker 2:

This is when you're out of shape now.

Speaker 1:

I would just started working out. I was out of shape. It was 230.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like I just imagine, like you started working out three months.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I was working out for like three months Nothing.

Speaker 1:

Everything's making you soar, I was dying. So we go there and it's like old school G-Coundo place, G-Coundo, Bruce Lee's martial art. But this guy who did it, see for Ralph Mitchell, he did everything. He was a judo black belt, he did Muay Thai, he did like the Koumete in the 70s Super badass, very fighting oriented, and he had a small crew of pretty badass dudes and Felipe was a kid that's been training with him for like six or seven years. And I go there and I'm like all right. So, Felipe, I was like what do I tell him? He's like tell me you want to spar. I was like OK. So I tell the guy I was like I want to spar. He's like you train?

Speaker 1:

I was like not really, he was like I was like but I get, I was the street fight guy. I was like I get in a lot of fights though he's like all right, whatever. So class starts and he did a half hour of jump rope.

Speaker 2:

Start. Yeah, I fucking throw it up already. I can't jump rope, I'm fat, I never jump rope before Jumping rope is brutal if you're not interested.

Speaker 1:

I never did it in my life.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that crazy. I, just one little piece of equipment like that, could just not.

Speaker 1:

I'm already dying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, could not fuck you up like that, but condition you over the long term. It's pretty crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, already bad, so I'm already having a bad time. Then they did like 20 minutes of conditioning squads, burpees, sit ups, all this shit. Then they were like OK, they did like 20 minutes of pad work. I'm like fucking throw it up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, when are we going to fight?

Speaker 1:

Then they're like all right, now we spar, you got right. I'm dying. 30 seconds go by and I'm fucking dying and I have no control and I'm a total dick. And then I'm dying and then everyone's kicking my ass. The guy that owns Budakon I do. He fucking side kicks me and it's a hardwood floor and I fucking slide across the floor.

Speaker 2:

You're fighting on a hardwood floor.

Speaker 1:

So you slide and just kickboxing, but if you fall you fall, you fall, you fall man. Fall on the hardwood floor. So you just side kicks me right and I fly across this hardwood floor. I fucking run to the bathroom to take a five minute break.

Speaker 2:

What did that break consist of?

Speaker 1:

Mostly throwing up. Yeah, yeah, mostly. You know I got fucking speed bumps all over my face from getting punched in the face. It's far like fuck. Then they're like now we grapple. I was like now we grapple. I was like, well, I really liked grappling. I always liked grappling, or even the street fights. I'm like, oh, I want to, I'm a big dude if I get on top Right. So they lay out these old ass folding mats and we start grappling. So I roll with Felipe and he catches me in a triangle choke Go again. I read we do a five minute round. We go again and I round. I'm dead tired and somehow I fucking catch him in a guillotine choke. And I catch him many times. Fucking, I just fucked up like man. You learn that I was like I told you I watch a lot of UFC's.

Speaker 2:

So it's still tough to get the hand, and then we still know where to go and then we keep rolling and whatever.

Speaker 1:

And after he's like what do you want to do? I was like I don't know, I like this. I was like I think I want to be like a pro fighter. And he was like you suck. I was like I can't get worse.

Speaker 1:

That's true, and then, like four, years later I wind up turning pro. We started just didn't hard. So once we started it was mean, our do in Philippe. We were like the treacherous trio in Brooklyn. We were Brooklyn guys and I would go in the city to train at Henzos. So once I started training I just kind of fell in love. I got my ass kicked and I was like, oh, this is pretty cool. And then Henzos was in the city, I was going to John Jay so I would make a break in my day, so I would go for the noon class with Dan and her and the noon class just to be.

Speaker 2:

And her used to teach in the same Hold on.

Speaker 1:

Dan and hers noon class. No, the noon class. Let's forget about that. Hold on, I'll tell you the noon class lineup. That, uh, matt, sarah, damn. Sean Williams, who else he caught him? I'll meet him, but he was on a day I usually wasn't there.

Speaker 1:

And Nick, sarah, that would. And Rodrigo, gracie and Rodrigo I mean I'm a. So I got my blue belt and purple belt from Rodrigo. So Matt and Rodrigo used to teach noon classes in the city. Then they wound up together in Long Island. They both got their black belts right before I started. They would teach him like three days a week in the back of a karate school in Valley Stream, which is only like 20 minutes from me in Brooklyn. So me and my homies were going out there and Rodrigo and Matt had the school together. So I actually got promoted by Rodrigo blue and purple Well, actually blue. And then Matt opened up East Meadow and Rodrigo opened up Limbrook, because you know they both outgrew it really quick. I mean you got two stars there, just like in the back of a karate gym we were rolling on puzzle mats.

Speaker 2:

Oh shit it was like hard puzzle mats, yeah on knees were fucked up.

Speaker 1:

I mean we were wrestling hard. We were training for like hard, we thought we were training hard.

Speaker 2:

What I find really cool about all this, though, is you have so many all stars that are not only teaching you, but giving you the fundamentals, this and that, but you actually earned your belts. Like there's a lot of spots that I've seen just from like different schools and whatnot, and they just they almost just hand out belts, and it's like you're actually earning your belt from these types of practitioners.

Speaker 1:

I mean I've told my students this before. I mean I know you got to kind of do it, especially if you run a business. If you run a business, it's important to ranking people as part of that business model. If you run a Jiu Jitsu school, unless you say that's not part of your business model, then it's just for fun, like a yoga studio. That's fine too. But if you want to rank, you know that becomes like a business model decision to me. As far as skill proclivity, old martial arts only did it two ways. You're a white bolter of black belt.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You're a white belt or a black belt, and then Jigarokano codifies the system. This way, you could actually have some better rankings, so that-.

Speaker 2:

So that way it's not just like white or black, it's like there's the middle area that shows the skills.

Speaker 1:

Then you put it in schools in Japan. So if you want something to have a curriculum, it has to be codified how you progress through this curriculum and how you get ranked through this curriculum and what entails a graduation from this curriculum and what you need to do to pass it. So he codifies it a little better and puts in a few ranks, but originally it's nothing. And then if you think about like fighting, there is no rank unless you're the champ. So codifying the belts, great for business. As far as me, I go by Makaveli's quote it's not titles that honor men, but men that honor titles, which means it doesn't fucking matter. You got to protect your own shit.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's been my thing. There's a lot of people that have said you know, how many stripes do you get, how many this and that? And I'm just like to be honest with you. I just never want Me personally looking at belts and looking at being so new into all this. I never want to be the dude that's a blue belt or a purple belt. And then people go what belt do you? And you go oh, I'm a purple belt. And they go oh, I never want to be that guy, I want to earn it, I want to know the things that I need to know, and I but I know it's also at the same time, it's a lifetime type of a situation. You're always learning, no matter what belt you are.

Speaker 1:

When I got my black belt, I told myself now I'm ready to learn jujitsu. Like now I can actually do it. You're like to me. Your black belt is a bachelor's degree. You know, maybe some people say it's a doctorate, maybe you're purple belt, the bachelor's, but even a doctorate. What does a doctorate say? Doctorate says now I can do my own research, right, I don't-. When you get your doctorate, it essentially means that you've researched a theory here which is your style. My dissertation would be my style, right. And then I have to defend my dissertation. You know I have to defend my style against all comers.

Speaker 2:

And what's cool is you get to make this style your own. Really, Then that's what makes it-.

Speaker 1:

You, jujitsu is the most unique art of that, because most of you know some arts, and especially in sports you see this that the art will dictate the form Right. So, like every linebacker looks about the same, be hard to differentiate. You know You're like oh those guys are built pretty much the same.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they all look the I mean Every running back Every-. If you take if you take jersey names and numbers off of them, generally they all look the part.

Speaker 1:

If you just had the outline. Yeah, you'd be hard to differentiate by fighters.

Speaker 2:

That's not a quarterback.

Speaker 1:

That's not a quarterback. No, that dude is not a quarterback. Not a quarterback, he's not a safety. Yeah, where's the punter? Where's the short, fucking thick-legged dude Right, like they look a certain way.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Fighting you can really span the gamut of body types and everybody, everybody, everybody type, can develop a style in jujitsu. And you know, I have a goal in life and it's tough because I think jujitsu and martial arts in general, but jujitsu especially to me, because that's the way my brud's buttered. I'm a third degree black belt, right.

Speaker 2:

And how long, and out of how many years, did it take to get to there?

Speaker 1:

Well, it took me 10 years to get my black belt, and then after that it's essentially time in Every three years you get a stripe to third, and then every five years after that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, I just wanted to know, roughly the timeline.

Speaker 1:

I forgot what I was saying.

Speaker 2:

You were talking about. Now you're a third you're a third degree black belt.

Speaker 1:

So a lot of time in there and yeah, it's for me it's tough.

Speaker 2:

It's like you know, because sometimes I'm she said now you're starting to learn. Now you're starting to learn the sport once you got the black belt.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I was saying in five years Now. Well, once I got my black belt, I was like now I can learn, but I still learn new stuff. I still go, you know when I can? You know, once or twice a week to Hedzel, brooklyn because Kalestine competes in ADCC. He did very well, he has that new style game and it's super important for me to keep exploring it. Oh, that's what I was saying.

Speaker 1:

The black belt's like your dissertation, right? So it's like okay, well, you have this theory, you have this theory. The theory is your game, and now I have to defend it. And you know, some days I don't want to go do my dissertation. I don't want to defend my dissertation, and that's fine, you know. So that's okay too. But, like my, your style is that, and I think once you get to like purple belt, you should kind of like have your own style. But even if I watch my matches from like blue belt, I had a couple moves that I did like to do, and it was this one cradle that I watched me do it and I was like, oh, you know, I haven't done this in a while and I didn't. I was like, oh, she's so money.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Why did I take this out? You know what's tough for me doing it so long. Actually is that I've? I know this is like a common disc, but I've forgotten more things than you've ever learned, it's true. So like, sometimes I'll forget stuff and it'll be hard to go through the recesses of my brain.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's like a Rolodex. It's like where are you pulling a card from?

Speaker 1:

And some things are just lost. There's some things that I've been trying to remember. This move Rodrigo showed me from a stack pass for the last eight years. I fucking can't remember it and no one remembers it.

Speaker 2:

Really Nobody remembers it.

Speaker 1:

Fuck it, I can't grab Rod. Like what the fuck was this move? It was super dope. It was like off the stack, off the stack. He would grab you far off and kind of get you in like a reverse Camorra Oomplata. And I can't fucking remember how to do this shit from fucking shit, fuck.

Speaker 2:

I can't. I can't remember how to do it. Oomplata.

Speaker 1:

So I'm like fuck. So there's so much in my head that I was like, oh, I used to do this. And then there's some moves that like you do, and people learn the defense, and then you can just once people stop doing it again. So like it's like warfare, once I make.

Speaker 2:

I have a stick, okay, and I hit you in the head with a stick.

Speaker 1:

Now you make a helmet, now I make a fucking a mace Boom and I smash.

Speaker 2:

It's a mace and armor.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm. You made armor, I made a weapon. Now I make a bullet. Now we keep arms racing. Right Now I have this, you know, super defense system.

Speaker 2:

I have these anti.

Speaker 1:

You know missile systems, so that now I elevated where we. I stabbed you, you shot me right. We elevated the game and now we're in. You know total war out here and you could still get bit by a mosquito and get malaria. Yep, you know what I mean. So I guess the defense still might not be there.

Speaker 1:

So, you're always elevating this game, and what happened to you just too, is you might get away from a certain move. So that's why I went back to just only doing straight ankle locks now, because only straight ankle, straight knee, because the straight locks, everyone defended against them. And then develop heel hooks. Now everyone's defending against the heel hook. And now I go back to my straight right back.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I don't even fuck with the heel hook, because all the defense they want to do is wrong. Right, they're so used to escaping a heel hook. Humans believe easily what they wish and they also do easily what they're used to doing. So if you put the fucking straight ankle on the dude, if he's so used to escaping a heel hook, you will actually just start doing that defense anyway and sink them in even deeper sometimes. And sink it in even deeper. So it depends. That's a little next level thinking, I guess.

Speaker 2:

I haven't touched a lot of leg stuff yet. I think you were the first one that I did leg stuff with, with the, with the Achilles, I just like the straight.

Speaker 1:

I just like the straight leg. First of all, it's safer because you can apply it slower and get the tap. That's my opinion, and I think it's harder to defend this. Only one or two good defenses for it, and they don't usually land you in a counter leg lock, they just wind up on bottom.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And I guess the defense of that one was like sitting on their foot type of situation and then rolling out and then he keeps sliding out and come up. So you just keep coming down, coming through the foot I sit on.

Speaker 1:

I just keep coming around that side, you know, and I wish more guys that train would do jiu-jitsu, but you kind of have to soften your ego a little bit to do it, which I think is hard for people. That's why oh, that's what I was trying to say Jiu-jitsu, to me, is way undervalued for what it gets paid, and I feel like this should be. You know, the value of jiu-jitsu should be way more elevated than it currently is, because you don't want it to be something that's inaccessible to the people that really need it, and a lot of times the guys that I find really need it and you need the right approach for them is you know, I work with a lot of over 40 people, over 40 guys and a couple girls.

Speaker 2:

Super important for women.

Speaker 1:

First of all, the only art that women should learn is jiu-jitsu. Maybe a little striking if they want, but honestly, if you don't fucking hit me hard and you got to be hitting me like Amanda Núñez hard I'm probably not going to respect it. You know, like I'm a hundred, I fought at 145 pounds as a guy and I know this might be an unpopular opinion, but if I spar a 145 pound girl, don't get me wrong. Of course I'm a skilled dude, but I'm going to fucking smash her face.

Speaker 2:

No, that's, that's exactly what's going to happen, you know.

Speaker 1:

but jiu-jitsu wise. I was rolling with a good brown belt girl the other day and she got on my back. Yeah, she was pushing me because I'm good. She was pushing it, but she got on my back, which means that a dude that don't know something, she'd fucking be putting that dude to sleep.

Speaker 2:

And she needs that to be able to. I mean, that's huge.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she ain't going to knock me out.

Speaker 2:

No, to be able to put the choke on out and then get out of there.

Speaker 1:

And let me tell you all that shit like kick dudes in the nuts, all that stuff, you better hope that you fucking kick that dude in the nuts so hard and then can run away, because I would be so fucking heated, I would have went from trying to rob you to kill you then Like you kicked me in the fucking head.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I got dude the other night when we were training. Well, when we were training in your group, I got fucking needing the balls at least five times, don't get me wrong. It, it, it, it fucking hurts, but it didn't. It wasn't enough to stop me Like I kept.

Speaker 1:

I kept going.

Speaker 2:

And imagine if someone did that to you in a fight. Yeah, oh yeah, no, then I would go.

Speaker 1:

I would go to a I would go to 120%. Because, instead of being like ah dick, you'd be like oh fuck it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I led up a little bit. When I got hit, I led up a little bit. I was like all right, just take the submission, it's cool.

Speaker 2:

He had me, he had me in something where he trapped my arms over the top and he almost like, almost like um, escripped me, uh, escleant me from the back, and then he spread me out with his legs because I was trying to pass his guard. He spread me out and, dude, I just felt that knee hit my ball and then just rolled my ball, just rolled off the knee and I just went all right, we're good bro, just take the submission, I'm okay with it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm okay with it, but you know, if it's a fight, that you'll piss me off. I remember, uh, we had this like Krav Maga guy come down once and he's like I can't spar with you guys because you know my shit is lethal and I'm like whatever you want to do, I'll do. If you gouge my eye, I will fucking gouge your eye. I know I learned that when I was five. All those techniques that you learn, I learned when I was five years old.

Speaker 2:

Krav Maga is a very interesting martial art.

Speaker 1:

I don't know too much. Listen my boy, that does it. Good, I don't know too much on it. Hold on my boy that does it good.

Speaker 2:

It's a really good martial art.

Speaker 1:

Correct my boy that does it good. It's really good. It also was really good before he ever did it Right and now he has some street techniques to go along with a very good stand-up background. But one of my homies runs Crop or a widening runs a great thing and Of course don't get wrong, I'm not gonna hate on anyone I think Crop is great. It's great to learn a martial art. However, for me, I think you just see, just, I mean, that's the way my bread's buttered, it's the far superior art. You're more likely to me. This is an opinion Especially for women. Dude, you're gonna be able to actually. You know, I have a funny story.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna be able to actually what, though? Say it.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna tell you Okay.

Speaker 2:

I was gonna say don't stop cuz, then you won't remember.

Speaker 1:

I'll tell you now. So my sister-in-law I started training her and jujitsu when she was like maybe 16 and she was a virgin, right, and I teach the girls. I'm like, listen, this might sound weird, but if you, if it's a rape situation, they're gonna want to be in your guard. Yep, just don't put your hands on the titties, poop your hands on my titties. I was like and look at the triangle from here. What?

Speaker 2:

and so, oh yeah, so just slide the leg over and that's it.

Speaker 1:

Bro, if I'm like just grab my titties, boom, yeah, that's. It is on right, that triangle goes on like that and it's like hey, oh right so. I said to her law, maybe she was almost 18 and she's losing virginity. She's like dude. The guy put his hands on my chest to fuck a triangle them.

Speaker 2:

It's like that was it. Yeah, I was like, you know, the instinct.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how cold. Yeah, but if she were to punch them in the face, I mean, maybe then the key shoot you would have choked her and they could have got it.

Speaker 2:

It's such a tough scenario, just like cuz you don't know what it's gonna be. What you don't know, what it's gonna be you don't know how it's, you don't know how it's gonna go down, so you have to really just hone all the skills.

Speaker 1:

I really like I was down to oh, I want to do an interview like that for a match. I want to be like I've been working every position hard, hours and hours.

Speaker 2:

Doggy style you have to, you have to, you have to, you have to like look, I'm in there and I have exclusively been training with Nick.

Speaker 1:

What actually, I have an announcement to make the year out, actually an announcement to make actually not gonna train with guys anymore. I was thinking about.

Speaker 2:

Shut the fuck up. I'm over you training with girls. I'm over you, shut up.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking about. You know, dudes, nuts sack was in my face, dude.

Speaker 2:

I'm telling you, man myself.

Speaker 1:

I was like I Just only train with girls.

Speaker 2:

Why do I want to do this to myself? I'm telling you, man, I got, I got put into my first week at Sarah's. I got put into. It was a Kamora situation, but even before then I was on. I was literally on my back fighting off and I didn't know how to frame properly at the time. I still do not frame properly. I didn't know how to frame properly and I, the dude, I was watching his sweat just on his chin and I'm just like this. I'm like, oh, that is not gonna hit you in the face, bro, and it just right in my right in my face and I just went oh dog, I was like that's it. Ever since then, it's like that's it. I don't care anymore, whatever.

Speaker 1:

I feel so bad sometimes because I sweat a lot, especially. I do too a lot of water and I'm just I'll be mounted and just like sweat it's you guys.

Speaker 2:

I'm like or if I, or if I do a clip, if I do, if I do a Colo tie and I bring their head next to mine and we're like rubbing faces next to each other.

Speaker 1:

This is why Jiu Jitsu Doesn't get the popularity it deserves, because it is difficult to get through that. I personally have a belief, like if I could train. So I like the over 40 group and sometimes it's inaccessible, it's like I don't want to come and, like you know, have someone try to kick my ass.

Speaker 1:

Some young kid, you know, some dude in his 20s and try hard who's competing and, and you know, and especially if a guy has a Gig, that relies on his body. So, like a lot of guys, you know, I train Like siege and it's hard. If he goes to a class, right, is he gonna get something out of it? Yeah, but that guy got to be up at five in the morning. We're gonna clients doing his workouts right. He has to be mindful of his training. I can't be go to a class five days a week.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's me when I train too, because I get I. That's why I don't want to do a tournament yet too, because in my mindset I'm just like I don't want to risk it, an injury like that.

Speaker 1:

So for these guys I think it's better, if you could, I like to teach like a small group, private, and that's what I like to do a lot of. So I'll have like siege and now I got like. It just so happens like I see each Kerry and Jackie.

Speaker 2:

I love Kerry. Kerry's the best. Here's the homie. Yeah, he's great. She's my home. I call.

Speaker 1:

Michael, yeah, kerry's great Dude, she's just getting good. I'm sure she got a blue belt. It made it feel okay, it made it feel comfortable.

Speaker 2:

That's good.

Speaker 1:

She was, you know, getting. I was like, yeah, I know you're kicking everyone's ass, but that's good, you know. I was like that's why I'm like I don't really honor the title. It's like, just keep kicking everyone's ass.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just have fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, fuck fun.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's fun, that's fun, that's fun for me Fuck fun.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if you're not first, your last.

Speaker 2:

Ricky Bobby.

Speaker 1:

It depends on the time and the place for all those emotions, right, there's times where I just want to get high and fucking rule with my Homies and then you know this time's where I want to go hard. Yeah, I think it's important.

Speaker 2:

So I found that I'm rolling with specific people now, like I, I found that I have the people that I trust in class. That's really been big for me.

Speaker 1:

So I would love to have it that I had like a. If I ever wanted a gym, I would set it up more exclusive and it would be maybe like 50 or 60 members max. You charge a higher end and then you do all like four to eight person classes and then you could organize it around people and you know you'd have to find the right clientele. But then I would make it like mad exclusive, like key card you come in whenever you want. You want to roll me and you Want to roll you and a dude want to. You know, just rep. Oh, you know the number go, go through.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, go through, get a couple rooms. You can rent out studio space. That's cool, you remember, man. You know you can charge like they got to be up. There got to be at least 350 and up, right. But essentially you're getting a small group, private every time and open access to a gym studio setup Like you put a studio in there. You can sign up for the time. Slots can make it super dope. I'll put a soul in a steam room. I got a little vision for a little madden will kingdom.

Speaker 2:

You'll be able to that Working on it, yeah, no man.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, especially if I find the right crew. I only have one problem in my life, usually finances.

Speaker 2:

So you know, sometimes find the right investors, or do you have to just piece it together over time?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's why I'm always thinking about only fans. I'm like fuck, if I can make 30 grand a month. Only fans, totally fans. Guys. Can I put my feet on a table and show them?

Speaker 2:

No, they already saw it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, guys can you give me a favor Text or call Nikki Rizzles, do you? Know, Absolutely not. You then shoot them Absolutely not Shoot a message slide.

Speaker 2:

Don't you message? Don't shoot me a message, you know.

Speaker 1:

message about answer if you want to see it's only fans, I will not answer. Nikki Rizzles could be my pimp.

Speaker 2:

Nope, digital pimp. That's what I call them, digital pimp.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, no, okay. So if anyone wants a totally fans for me, let me go ahead directly if you want to be my pimp I Digital pimp then I'll let me know. I'm open. I can really use like half a million dollars half a mil.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I'm like yeah, I figured that way would take a lot of feet pics. Well, just the right feet pics, or just the right, just the right, one one, one foot pick for a half a mil. Yeah, I mean I'm open to sugar daddy's, and sugar mom is too.

Speaker 2:

I have a lot of girls that I know they get those requests and that always amazes me. The dudes are just like hey, can I give you a loud allowance of three thousand a month? I'm like what? Yo, I have a girl who is spending this one of my female friends? She's not only fish.

Speaker 1:

She's just like a spiritualist. I just my home girl and she's cute, but she's like yo dudes will just Venmo me money.

Speaker 2:

No, I strange, that's strange guys got it. Yo guys as a collective group, as a species, we got to tighten it up, guys.

Speaker 1:

It's it's relax. It's one thing relax. You have an only fans. You're actively soliciting it relax. You know, it's one thing if you're actively soliciting it now and you pay for it. If you just send a random girl money, that's crazy, it's a little crazy.

Speaker 2:

That is crazy.

Speaker 1:

It's a little. It's like why'd you send this girl?

Speaker 2:

Did you think you were gonna buy this girl, my boy Tyler was on the pot, she'll tell you if she's for sale, bro, she will tell you, and she makes it very apparent you will know, my boy Tyler, our boy Tyler, was on the podcast a couple weeks ago and we were laughing because he says yo, if I see one more girl Post that they're on a bachelorette party and they put up the link by the bride a drink. He's like why the fuck am I buying her a drink? She's taken. Go ask her fiance to buy her a drink. Why am I supporting this?

Speaker 1:

No, you know what grinds my gears? Stupid, I'll tell you what grinds me. Give it to me when fucking billion a celebrities go for your donations.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're talking about specifically the rock and Oprah Winfrey. Oh, that's one. That's a funny one. Yeah, that's a funny one.

Speaker 1:

It's like bitch, you could fuck. You bought Hawaii. Like, come on, stop it, and then you want me to give? Why? So I could drain my funds? Like you fucking fund it. Like all this shit that they asked for funding for, it's like all these charitable things. I'm like dude, you're literally a billionaire, your billionaire, just fucking liquid.

Speaker 2:

It's a tax writer for you, just do it.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's why they build places in Africa, because then you look like a hero for like.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's my mom. So my mom brought up mr Beast to me she's like you know mr Beast is and I was like yeah. Pretty sure everybody knows who mr Bees. I don't watch his videos, but I know who.

Speaker 1:

I really I know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, he seems like he does good things. She well, that's the thing she was saying. All the good things he does is not ago, mom. He's got more money than he knows what to do with. He's got to do that stuff. He's got to do it to look like he's he's. He's in the. He could be the biggest piece of shit we don't even know about, but because he's got so much money that he has to have his write-offs and this and that.

Speaker 1:

Let's think about it in relation to percentages. So like okay, let's say you make a hundred grand a year, if you give ten thousand dollars to a charity, that's ten percent of your income. All right. Now let's say you make a million dollars a year and you give ten thousand. Well, that's only one percent of your income. Okay, well, if you make ten million as a tenth of a percent, right now I'm a billionaire and I give a hundred grand to something. That's not even a thousandth of a percent.

Speaker 1:

It's nothing. It's like when you bought a coffee this morning. It wasn't really that when when you were like, oh, I'm gonna get an energy drink, didn't really stress you out that much. That's the equivalent. So you have to understand that the resources that you're talking about, what they make look like it's impressive, is a nothing burger to that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they always go to a place that fucking the value of your money is crazy. Yeah, you go build a hospital in Africa and it cost you like 50 J and you're like I built a hospital. Yeah, why'd you do in Africa? Because in America, 50 grand, you get a sink and then the look is impressive. Oh, I built, I put a sink in Detroit 50 grand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I had one. I had one water filter in Flint Michigan.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what do you do in New York? I tell you what? 50 grand. If I want to redo my kitchen, it'll probably cause 25 grand. Right permits, all that shit. If I want to do it right, 25 grand, 25 grand. In Africa, you get a fucking school. Yeah so you look like a hero and, and then they up Fuske their funding that way. Oh mama, good person. Yeah like the, which is tough because I do want a charity. I might have to do my BJJ superheroes as a charity everyone. A kids event too.

Speaker 2:

Oh, really I don't know.

Speaker 1:

So I, my main company, is madame will media. Madame will media those event services for whatever event needs servicing, mainly token, choke token choke also be a superheroes. I ran one of those as an in-house. Went very well. So I know you wouldn't normally associate me with doing kids stuff, but I turn, no cursing, I Host you turn, you turn it off.

Speaker 2:

No cursing turn the manamal off.

Speaker 1:

No, I don't turn them off, I just don't curse, that's all so you take a little bit of the manamal, turn it off. I could not curse, I you know. I'm just saying I could, I could use, you know. I mean I can speak without it. I can be mindful of my words. We all can. I Just rather not because that's when you get gold to me. But if I have to measure my words, I can measure my words.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I did it. The event just easier to be able to just be mostly out of spite though.

Speaker 1:

Because my wife's her initial thought was, I'm gonna do a kids event and I was like go watch it's gonna go great. It did. It really killed. Thank the gods, praise Odin, but we'll probably run a two-day kids event in the morning. Can't do token choke again. I want to rebrand as Valhalla Jiu Jitsu, okay, and then you could do the two event in a day when I feel like I've heard Valhalla maybe, but there's no Valhalla Jiu Jitsu Championships trademarked, okay, so if anyone has a dispute with that, let me know when we can settle that.

Speaker 1:

However you would like to, we could do a Match.

Speaker 2:

I feel like that's what you guys should do. You guys that that should be the way to settle things in the Jiu Jitsu community. If they have a trademark you want or a name, it's like, oh, we could roll for it.

Speaker 1:

We could do a match. Yeah, I mean. Oh, we can roll for it too. I love Dungeons and Dragons, so if they wanted, we could fight our characters off.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm saying you are the character. That's what I was saying. Yeah, oh, I mean I could actually you guys roll on the mats, not next to that too?

Speaker 1:

But then I'm also thinking, if they wanted to not not a deep, not a d20 if they wanted not to get their ass kicked, then we just rolled the 20. Yeah, I actually make it fair.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, unless the guy's like one of the best guys in the world, I think I should be okay, you should be good, I think I should hold your own.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, as long as he's not like one of the best teams in the world. I think I'll be alright, so, yeah, so how do we bring the value to Jiu Jitsu? And that's really what I'm trying to do, with the competitions too. I don't know if you've seen, but I'm trying to really not just like look cool for the spectators which plenty of people do that but I'm trying to make it, and in the simplest ways, the best experience for the athlete. And I did a pretty good job and I want to keep Making the athlete experience better and better. And I think there's something sorely lacking. Even when I go to what's supposed to be a big martial arts show, they don't have enough warm-up space. Yeah, one mat like. And you know why? Because these guys never got punched in the face before, they never had a warm-up for a fight. They don't know dick about fuck the guys on.

Speaker 1:

You're saying the guys on the board and the guys that are actually putting on all the people that do it I'm not all the people, I'd say 90% of the people involved in mixed martial arts are like virgins telling you how to fuck. Okay, they never fought, they never been in the locker room, they never did a training camp, they never did none of that shit. And now they lord over fighters much the same model as ancient Rome. It's the same thing. Okay, every gladiator is what a slave? The gladiator is a slave.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, they fought for entertainment for the, for the higher ups.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's how the that's the same model that they have. Oh, you don't like it, we'll get another dude. This is the pay. Oh, you don't like it, go somewhere else. Francis and ghanu, we don't care how big of a name you are, get the fuck out.

Speaker 2:

Is that what happened with him at the UFC? Apparently yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I want to give him what he wanted.

Speaker 2:

And he went and got like 30 mil from this fight, yeah, from the Tyson fight, which I'll tell you what man. I didn't watch the whole fight, but I saw some things and he was he'd look good. He looked good for what it was, what it wasn't going against the champ.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm better than fucking the auntie wilder, who's the number one contender. Yeah that would be a great fight. The auntie wilder now Francis and ghanu, has opportunities yet to be making. He gives some new life into that. You know, thank the gods that it didn't work out with him in the UFC, because I actually think that this is good for boxing as a martial art. You know, boxing is a martial art and and boxing's kind of onto the client would look to me, even though the paydays are crazy. I don't understand it.

Speaker 2:

I don't know where that money comes from. Man gambling, where's it coming from? I don't know. It's crazy when you see some of those money, those money now the seas whiz I don't know what from yeah, not not only just like the, the venues and the, the buildup and the, the promotional stuff and all that, but just like Just seeing how much one fighter gets win or lose, just crazy and I want MMA fighters first to get that pay and then Well, MMA is a much more brutal sport.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and then jujitsu guys also. You know there's nothing wrong with elevating jujitsu. Jujitsu should be elevated to maybe Not the same money as a UFC fighter, but you should be able to make a living as a professional jujitsu guy.

Speaker 2:

No, you know, you're putting your guys on, putting your joints and your limbs on the line, man.

Speaker 1:

And only the top guys are. You know so. And then what I want to do with my show is I want to really make it shine. Wait, the next one. I'm ironing out all the issues. We should be able to do something in December, right before. We'll see if we get a show in right before Christmas. We'll do that December 17th weekend, hopefully. And yeah, we'll run the kids event in the morning. I'll do a cleaner adult event at night, but I want to make it six. If we do biology Jiu-Jitsu, then we come out onto the ramp, we'll make gates and it'll be like you come out the gates of our hollow, We'll click them open and then play the music and still guys walk out so I could make it super sick.

Speaker 1:

You know, I know I love the vibe. I know everyone loved the vibe of token choke and I would. I'm gonna bring token choke back 420, but we're gonna bring it back big. So next year we'll do 420. We'll rent an outside space, we'll get some music and we'll do that shit big. I'll fucking work on my sponsors for months. We'll like Do one crushing event and maybe I do want to redo on my Halloween event.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I was.

Speaker 1:

Look, I did spend $500 on my costume.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you were excited for that one.

Speaker 1:

It's my fight. Yeah, you know, I like to dress up.

Speaker 2:

Well, you get, but I know you like to herself. The the weed outfit was fantastic for the last one the one I wore for the kids.

Speaker 1:

One was good to orange tiger stripe fire. It was actually one of my favorites. Actually, the orange tiger stripe one was my favorite fire. The weed one was good. The leopard print one I wore to the garden was great. I Got a snake skin one. That's good. I Want to get for the the Valhalla one Really. Just if it's Christmas I might just be Odin claws.

Speaker 2:

Odin claws.

Speaker 1:

Krampus. Oh, the other reason Odin is Santa Claus. So all the mythological things around Odin Are closely related to Santa Claus. So Odin has mythical creatures that are always with them. So because Odin is like the ultimate shaman, essentially Odin is the head of the north pantheon, but he's also the god of war, death, life poetry about tear.

Speaker 1:

Turr is the god of victory and war. Turr is the head of the war pantheon Before Odin supplants him later on in the evolution of the mythology. So Turr is probably one of the head war deities in Germany before the cult of Odin comes in and kind of supplants it as the main War god worship. But Odin not really a war god in the sense that he's a god of transformational experiences, the most transformational experiences, death, right, super transformational. Well, when you change all that energy that you were using to maintain this physical form and then you change that energy into whatever it is, you change it to yeah.

Speaker 1:

So, whatever happens, war Combat, like I told you, combat the psychedelic experience. If you're privy to this, every battle transforms you. No man is the same after. Each fight Changes your trajectory in life. It's like it's like planetary collisions. One goes one way, one and you see this all the time when you watch it in fights. You know what the collision. One goes one way once career goes this way. If this one would have glanced, if this fight would have went this way.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, then he would have gotten the opportunity, this and that, if you didn't lose this fight, you wouldn't have got this opportunity, like with Matt and Cal Parisian. If you didn't lose the Cal Parisian fight, he wouldn't have got the chance on the comeback show and he would have had to fight ten fights to get the GSP Right. You don't know how that would have worked out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so you? Where the fuck was I going with that? The universe has a plan. Praise Odin. Uh, but I was going somewhere else with that and I totally got lost. Odin has a couple of sacred creatures, right, so it has the ultimate shaman. He has an eight legged horse, slypnir. What are we at?

Speaker 2:

Oh no, I just checked the levels.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I thought you're checking how long it was going. No, it's checking the levels, um what you call it. So, odin being the god of transformational experiences, death being transformational war, combat, right Transforming you poetry right, the Odin gets the meat of poetry, so the spoken word extremely transformational.

Speaker 1:

You might hear something that changes your life, right? Uh, also the god of the runes. So Odin has several sacred quests that he undertakes to become essentially a god. So, depending on how you interpret the mythology, uh, snorri Sterlingson, uh, one of the Scandinavian authors, uh and historians, puts Odin as a Trojan prince. He puts them historically somewhere and then, through his journeys, uh, after the fall of Troy, right, everyone's spread out A neus winds up founding Rome. All these Trojan princes, right, a throne to the the winds and uh, a powerful people with a powerful history, uh, that wind up, you know, being legendary founders of these other places, and Snorri Sterlingson likes to put Odin as one of these guys that winds up in Norway. He um does several sacred uh initiation rights, and the first one is he finds the world tree, yggdrasil. So I don't know if you're familiar with this tree iconology of the world tree. You ever study Kabbalah?

Speaker 1:

No that's the closest to Norse mythology, would be the way the Kabbalists do. The world tree, uh, you familiar with the tree of life? Yes, okay. So Yggdrasil is the tree of life, translated directly as Ygg, a name for Odin. Uh, yggs steed. So Odin rides the tree Yggdrasil, um.

Speaker 1:

So Odin finds this tree, this both mythological tree and also, uh, physical representation, probably of the North Pole, probably winds up in the North Pole Right, he was already with the Samsy people. He probably winds up close to the North Pole, which he would have been close anyway Does a ritual sacrifice of himself. So for nine days and nine nights he hangs from the tree Yggdrasil, no bread, no mead. And after nine days he has that death experience where he goes to the underworld and there he sees the runes. And when he sees the runes he takes them up and incorporates them into his essence and then, in a flash of insight, he sees the way to work these powerful symbols To shape reality and also to create language.

Speaker 1:

All of our letters are from the runes. There's a proto-Indo European language that our language comes from. Hard to trace, who these people were, right, very hard in history. But our language and all the languages around that region, uh, english, latin, truscan, before it are all from this proto-Indo European civilization that we have no fucking idea about what language they spoke. But pretty crazy but whatever language they spoke.

Speaker 1:

All these languages are descended from it, and the letters we use, the runes, uh, I mean, this is the easier ones to say. I know what the runes look like, yeah, so each one a powerful symbol, also a letter, and also has a numerological, numerological value, very much like Hebrew alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet would be the sacred letters given to that people by their gods, the runes, the sacred letters given to the people of our region. Okay, probably from the Caucasoid mountain to Norway. Okay, so he hangs from the tree, a drassel, nine days and nine nights.

Speaker 1:

He pierces himself with his spear he has a magic spear called Goonier pierces himself with his spear, very similar to the Jesus mythology right, gets the runes, symbolically dies and then is reborn, right, when he falls from the tree. Now he's essentially a God man. Uh, then he does another quest. So there's a sacred well of knowledge, mimir's well. Mimir is the God of wisdom and at Mimir's well, whatever you sacrifice into that well you get access to in all dimensions. So Odin sacrifices his eye and when he puts his eye into the well and takes a drink of the sacred waters, he can see everything past, present, future, every dimension. Is that why, in some of the pictures and everything?

Speaker 2:

he's got an eye patch on. Yeah, he sacrifices one eye, uh, for wisdom.

Speaker 1:

And then he sees, uh, the magic mead. He knows everything now. And he also sees Ragnarok, how he's going to die and how he has to die, because, without dying, the God of transformational experience cannot himself have the most powerful transformational experience, which would be what a travesty for the God of death. So, uh, odin sees his fate, uh, ragnarok, everything that comes about, and he also sees the magic mean. He's like, oh, I got to get that Right. So, but the magic meat is very difficult to get to. Only Odin could get this meat. Uh, the meat was made by the blood of the best poet, this giant Vassir, and he was killed by the dwarves and they ferment his blood into mead. Anyone that drinks it is granted eloquence of speech, the poet share, and anything they tell you you will believe, right. So Odin's like, wow, I got to get the fucking magic mead, the meat of poetry. Yeah, I got to get this shit, but it's held by this giant, sutang, deep within his hall. His savage daughter, uh, gunload, guards this mead and you can't even get to this dude's house, right? Sutang is a powerful giant, consider him a God himself, with a massive crew and army of other giants. So Odin's like, fuck, how am I going to get the meat? So he finds out this is going to be a feast. Sutang's hall is going to have a massive feast. And he's like, okay, I'm going to get into the feast. So he finds Sutang's brother and his brother has a farm, and so when he's walking past, he uh, he sees slaves working the field and he sharpens one of their blades. And when they go to cut the, the wheat, it just all starts falling down and they're like, oh shit, they're all like yo, give us the sharpen all blade. He's like, yeah, take it. And he's like, yeah, I'm going to get the meat, Give us the sharpen all blade. He's like, yeah, take it. And he throws it up and they all kill each other for it. So when he goes to the giant's house, he's like I noticed your, uh, your dudes are all dead. But I happen to be a farmer and I could do the work of those nine guys for a year If you take me to the feast. He's like, well, no man could do the work of nine men, sure, well, of course Odin does the work of nine men, right, and he takes them to the feast. And Sutang's like you're a fucking idiot. Don't you know? That's Odin Like, who could do the work of nine men.

Speaker 1:

So Odin winds up. They bore a hole for him. He gets to gunwood. He's like fuck. He sees gunwood. He's like how am I going to get the need? She's. He bangs the shit out of her for three days. She's also fucking three days and three nights. He bangs a shit out of gunwood. He promises to marry her Right and he's like no Sutang. This is probably how it goes. This is how I interpret it. Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

This is how you interpret it. No, no, this is how it goes Really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if the mythology. He bangs gunwood for three nights because they tell him afterwards he's like the. So he then he grabs the mead, he turns into a bird, swallows the meat and flies out. Whatever drops out of his mouth falls onto earth. That's the poet's share. That's what we got, okay. Takes the rest of the mead back to Valhalla as he's getting chased by the giants. Right, he's dropping some meat out of his, out of the bird mouth. When the giants get there, they're like you know where's Odin? They're like he left gunwood betrayed at the feast, kind of alluding to the fact that he was like listen, I'll make you pay, I'll marry you. Fucking this chick.

Speaker 1:

If you got close enough, bang the shit out of it. He's like no, I'll consecrate the marriage, look just like that. Bang. Three days, three nights. Fuck like a guy. As a man or a raven as a fucking God. Okay, that's when you come as Harbard. So Odin has a sacred lover aspect which is extremely powerful. He has a lover called Harbard, so by one name was Odin never known. So Odin is a many faceted deity. So the sacred lover, love of an extremely transformational experience sex and love extremely powerfully transformational.

Speaker 2:

So share energy.

Speaker 1:

That's what I told you the other day. I actually changed my mind about the way I love. I'll love who Odin tells me yeah.

Speaker 2:

So so what you?

Speaker 1:

call it so um, whatever, so love, a very powerful, transformational experience. He has a lover aspect called Harbard, and Harbard is like this divine male love God, his aspect, so that he could do whatever he needs to do in that field and be the archetype of that. If you ever watch the show Vikings, they have Harbard in it. Oh, good. And he, like when the men go to war, Harbard comes and starts banging all the chicks, great, great.

Speaker 1:

And uh, and then those are the descendants of Odin right, the sons of Odin right. When you're away, odin comes, starts banging all the chicks Literally, literally comes. Literally yeah and uh. And he bangs Ragnar's wife so that her kid is a demigod and Odin's yeah, Odin's son. Odin's son, yeah, but also Ragnar's son. He looks and claim his son because Ragnar, essentially, is descended from Odin also, so we got the same bloodline, you know that's good.

Speaker 2:

And then there's a I'd be like stay in Valhalla, man, leave my chick alone there's a good interaction with Harbard and Thor.

Speaker 1:

So Thor is trying to cross this river and Odin disguises himself as Harbard.

Speaker 2:

This is divine lover, and Thor is like let me get across the river. Why would he try to trick his own son?

Speaker 1:

Why would he try to trick his own son? So I don't know what the relationship with your dad is, but your dad never tried to fuck with you or play trick on you.

Speaker 2:

No, okay, well, no, I've done the the most my dad ever tried to try to fuck with me. It's like he would go like this to me, would be in a restaurant, and he, every time he go like this, he go, him, him. I look and I go and I turn around he right in the back of my head, he goes stupid, so similar to that right.

Speaker 1:

So look at that. He's like. He's like, bro, just give me a ride across the river. He's like where you coming from. And he's like I was just fighting giants. He's like, where were you? He's like I was banging nine sisters. There you go. He's like what are you?

Speaker 1:

so they have this like exchange there you go on the river and it was like why are you telling me this? You's like he's like I'm back at all these chicks. He's like I had nine sisters. He's like I fucked this one. He's like, yeah, like I love it. So that's how I'm a priest of Odin. Odin has many facets.

Speaker 2:

There you go, you know, so you go, alright, ending on jujitsu. Oh, you want to end on jujitsu and end on jujitsu. I wanted to just ask you just what are some of the things that you think People should know coming into the sport, because it's the tough sport when you first start and I find, and what is, what do you think the turnover rate is? Because I, I actually wanted to ask you about that because I've seen, I've been, I Feel like there's so many people that could that join the white belt class, but I, I don't feel like they actually you see what I'm saying about a little higher in program.

Speaker 1:

Where I could do my guys over 40 could come do. A small group will make sure, like they get the right experience. It's hard to get the right experience in jujitsu, that's why the turnover rate so high. It's like think about the difference between personal training and Jiu-jitsu. Like think you go to workout gyms, right. Hmm, how many people work out. Even if it's not the same gym Forever, they do a workout. You might switch gyms right, but most people, once they train in In like fitness, they pretty much train.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they stay with it.

Speaker 1:

Even if they're not at your gym generally they're like oh, you know what I was doing? Crossfit at the gym. But I didn't really like doing cross at the gym. Now I'm gonna just buy the setup and do it at home. Right, that doesn't happen with jujitsu.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, I'm pulling yourself.

Speaker 1:

Even the dummy stupid. It misses the whole point of the community aspect and all that. So if you think about the, the fitness model to there's a personal training model which is great for beginners. I'd say, like, if you think about it, think about how many personal trainers there are that get, or you know clients that maybe would never work out to work out, and I want to wait. There needs to be a bridge like that for jujitsu. Where's the personal training for jujitsu? That's also gonna make the instructor a good amount of money, because just classes can be tough. Right, it's harder to manage unless you have us, you know. That's why everyone loves it when a school first opens, because it's not busy. The school to the class is small. Oh, I went, it was only me and four and three guys we got, like you know it was great like a mini private, right, yeah, so I think the perfect amount is like four to eight people and I would love a higher-end place where I could put a bridge there. So, guys, I would say, don't be afraid to do some privates.

Speaker 1:

To start is very intimidating at first, especially if you're you know I like the over 40 guys Super intimidating to start, even if you think you know you're not intimidated. You probably are. There's all those things that you say hold you back from wanting to do it, or just you being intimidated, and that's okay. You know, I think it's okay. I think a lot of times we put barriers to what's keeping us from what we want to do Is and are making that barrier or false barrier. So you're like I don't want to do this because at night you know I play pool. Oh, I don't want to do this because you know I have kids. And then okay. Well, what about 6 am? We're both Okay. What about a new?

Speaker 1:

you write this ways around that they're making a barrier because the truth is I'm scared to do jujitsu. I'm afraid I might get hurt, I don't know if I'll be any good at it and I'm afraid that the time commitment at my age won't be worth it. This is what they want to tell you, but they can't tell you that because it's very vulnerable to open up and be like wow, there's all these things stopping me from one, from doing this, even though some I want to do. I'd like to try to fit this in, but I'm so intimidated and so tentative for so many reasons that you know I'm not even gonna start, and I think that's the surface. So I'd like to try to make a little bit better bridge. And then, when you go through jujitsu school, what if I, if I have to do a class of 20 people the first day, and now I'm trying to move on my coach I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. Okay, can you out this? 20 guys? Oh yeah, he helped me once. He showed me the move once.

Speaker 2:

You know, like white belt class the other night was tough, it was my two doing takedowns they were. They were like 25, 30 Like my.

Speaker 1:

Tuesday night class is not my ideal. That's what I run because it's the vibe there and it's a cool vibe. But that's not how I would ever introduce someone to jujitsu personal like I would never. If you weren't already doing jujitsu, I'd be like let's do a private before or after, and then I wouldn't probably have you Roll during the class, I probably just chill. That's not the way I would ever want someone to do their first like training experience, which it happens a lot. And I'm like Dude, you want to talk about turnover? Well, if you come to that class is that's the way it's run. It's a 30 person class.

Speaker 1:

I like it, I hype it up. You know, I understand what it's for. For the young kids that need it it's very important. I do like doing that. There's a big place for that.

Speaker 1:

But first of all there's no money in that and second of all, it really is a disservice to the guy that wants to try. How many wants to train the law? And maybe, let's say, a hundred twenty five dollar an hour private Is probably a little out of a guy's price range to do twice a week. Right, for most guys. I'm gonna say you know what is that gonna work out thousand dollars a month. Most guys aren't gonna put a thousand dollars a month in their budget. But if I could get four guys together at you know, 35 or $40, well, now I make the same hour, or a little bit better even, and now you have a much tighter group. It's a little more like if you think of the average class value at a Unlimited jiu-jitsu spot, if it's what? To 25 a month. If you go 10 times a week, that's 2250 a class. Let's bump that up to like 40 bucks a class and we'll. We'll shrink the. You know we'll.

Speaker 2:

We'll shrink the.

Speaker 1:

We will shrink the serve the, the amount of people and then really the class could get cheap If you got a guy who trains five days a week. That's 25 sessions, a 20 sessions a month, so that's a $12 class.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so now you got 20 guys in the class, that's a $240 class at a $40 value. You know, if I have six people, I have a $240 class and they get a lot of value out of that. Yeah, and then that would be my preference, to see how I could bring people in jiu-jitsu. So that's what I would like to do personally. So for the guys, just start and I'd say, do a few privates first. You don't feel like a total spaz when you first go in and you know you really don't have to think about Making this crazy time commitment. There's a lot of benefit to jiu-jitsu even when you suck like just first of all, the just being around some people of All different backgrounds is good. I think there's a lot of diversity in martial arts more than anywhere else. I had this girl who's like a diversity and inclusion specialist at a law firm come to one of my fights and I was like you know you're in this field. Did you notice how diverse it is? It was someone from Brazil fighting.

Speaker 1:

There was a mix of you know, Italian, african, african American, african Caribbean's right, you might be from Jamaica. Canadians right. I was like the diversity, so I didn't even think about it. I was like that's your job. You didn't even think about it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it just felt natural.

Speaker 1:

It just felt natural. It's not forced.

Speaker 2:

You don't feel like you have. You don't feel like these people are around you because they have to be. You're all around it because of a common goal of wanting to be better and coming together for the love of a sport.

Speaker 1:

And and just the sport in general, not just in one gym, I mean cross gyms. Yeah, if you train in frickin, you know I, I rolled, I rolled down any white.

Speaker 2:

I, I rolled down in Charlotte when I went on vacation over the summer. I rolled down in Charlotte. It was great, yeah, the common love of just what we do, and it was cool to see how other places run their classes and and how they're you know what. What level of advancement that the, the, the athletes that are at that gym as well. It was cool. I liked it a lot. And that, actually, that kid Forget his name, josh, josh, something. He's the kid who won Ultimate Fighter. The boy yeah, he trains down there, so he was there while I was there.

Speaker 1:

Josh, not, not fuck, I'm trying to, whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but he's super nice dude, let me go through the roll of decks now. Yeah, yeah, that's right. So everyone was cool man, but I love doing that and I think that has opened up a new door for me as well Traveling with my job and work to go to different places for video shoots.

Speaker 1:

It's like, well, maybe I'll burn my gear with me, maybe I'll burn my rash guards with me so I can go roll it another place and just yeah, it's cool man for me on the road to have like a little a place to go and then I know I could always find weed by dropping to a 10th planet gym.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, 10th line for sure.

Speaker 1:

And I'm like, all right, if I drop into a 10th planet school I'll get some weed out here. I'll make some friends, yeah, and then I make some homies there you go. I go in Austin a lot. Now the Daner is an Austin.

Speaker 2:

Are you tight with down her?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I mean we're friendly. I know him for 20 something years.

Speaker 2:

So you've gone, not in the death squad, but I have you got to roka before down there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I try with them down there I went in Austin, maybe last March dead serious.

Speaker 2:

I had a dream last night that I was training at that spot down in Austin and he was teaching us see before the Airbnb market.

Speaker 1:

I don't know how it is right now, I'd have to check it out. But what I wanted to do is make like a BJ J B&B, a place that you rent out down there specifically for guys that are training down there to compete and do jiu-jitsu, and you set it up nice. You make the garage with mats and a little gym space. You hook up UFC fight, pass and flow grappling on the TV. That's cool. You know, in the closet you have a couple of rash guards with a little code that you could, you know, get. If you need some training Stuff you forgot your shit We'll give like copyright to you, like a little bag of like soaps and stuff that you can take the gym.

Speaker 1:

You can make a really cute setup charge a little more for it, and I do like a B&B. I don't know if there's a market for it now, though.

Speaker 2:

I don't even know if he has a website for that, for that gym down there. No yeah, they're like off the grid.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, they're off the grid and that's the other good thing you don't even have to get a house in Austin. You would get it in San Marcos, the town next to it, because all those places are on the outskirts, you know, all like the those spots that the gyms are at. Yeah, it's not in the middle of Austin. There isn't a fucking warehouse in the middle of nowhere.

Speaker 2:

Do you know a Rogan trains? Because I know he trains on it.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I see, I've he rolls that on it. I don't think they roll it on. I was gonna say yeah yeah, probably the 10th planet spot across the street.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's a 10th planet down there in Austin. Yeah, right across the street from on it.

Speaker 1:

That's where I originally started training when I went to Austin, because the first time I went to Austin was around 2015 and there was no Hensel guys down there, but they had a 10th planet spot inside of the on it gym and when I used to go to Austin it's okay, don't worry about it.

Speaker 2:

I don't have paper towels. It's okay, don't worry about it.

Speaker 1:

You want me to take my shirt off?

Speaker 2:

No, it's okay, you're good.

Speaker 1:

Okay, are you ready? You're good.

Speaker 2:

You're good, just go, just go. You're good, don't worry about it. I'm telling you don't worry about it, it's okay, but we're gonna move this. You're good, you're good. I'm telling you, don't, don't, don't, just keep going. I know, I don't, I don't, I don't know. Just I licked that off your table. What is this? It'll just I'll have to throw the table out. I Don't think you understand what it was like to get this thing in here.

Speaker 1:

I have to throw the table out, then, okay, go, that's flat it in Austin and when I went there, you know it was a good vibe because they all smoke weed and I know where to get. So I was like, oh, so I became friends with the guys there and then they moved out of on it and then they open a big spot across the street and they have, like art, they have the 10th planet, jujitsu bang moitai.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's cool.

Speaker 1:

So they combine a couple and they have some of main fighters. Yes, so they have like a huge spot like 10,000 square feet across the street from on it and then on it took that back room to do all their like Videos and seminars. Yeah so if you ever see them when they do like they're on it programs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they have the same room that they use for all that room used to be the 10th planet, jiu-jitsu room big room and then they cleared that and then they needed a bigger spot 10th planet and they took the spot across the street and then they turned that into the studio.

Speaker 1:

That's just kind of like what I would want for an event space. I need a spot that's like an event space, slash Everything else I need to do. But a nice studio would be good, because I want, I'd like to make just like a one-off program too for like the over 40 grappler, just like a you know, a standalone, like four week product. Just some strengthening edition exercises, some mindset stuff, maybe help them set up a battle board. I don't think you ever did one of those. Should battle board with you. I make a little battle board.

Speaker 1:

It's like it sets like you probably do similar stuff with, like your goal planning. You seem pretty focused, but it'll be like nine things you do every day, six things you're interested in, three things. You that you put work effort into a personal motto, a Symbol of power, and then I have like a couple mantras, a couple quotes that I put to myself, my values on the side. So I always want to make sure I align with my values everything I do. So freedom, my first value. So if I seem wild, it's because it's the first value, you know. So if you're like there, this fucking guys was like well, freedom's my first value. So I'm always gonna be going in there, crossing over some type of line. I'm a free guy, so great. You know it's like free energy, do you?

Speaker 2:

think it's like you know, when there's a tidal wave and what it goes everywhere, everywhere, yeah, so okay, that's who you are.

Speaker 1:

That's who.

Speaker 2:

I am you living it and you're living it up to exactly the way you are. You're a unique, individual brother.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm doing my best out here to be myself.

Speaker 2:

You're doing good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I've never worked a regular gig really. I mean, I had the thing at the mental hospital, but I wouldn't really call that a regular gig. Yeah that was a pretty irregular gig.

Speaker 2:

So now that regular regular regular gig. So now you landed into the regular, regular, regular gig now.

Speaker 1:

But doing. You know, I'm pretty lucky to be able to just make a living off training and then whatever wild should I do. That's good though, but events are. You're passionate about it.

Speaker 2:

That's why that's. The other side of it, though you do love what you do and you do love the sport and you you love promoting it and teaching and doing stuff like that. So, hand-in-hand, you know you you're not chasing the dollar bills, but they come. It's kind of crazy how that works sometimes I'd like them to come more.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, you know We'll work on that.

Speaker 2:

That's it.

Speaker 1:

I'll see the New York State athletic committee. Oh, no, I love the New York State athletic. Sorry. I really, I really appreciate the New York State, the New York State athletic commission, keeping everything so safe.

Speaker 2:

Where do you teach in Brooklyn? No where you don't teach in Brooklyn anywhere.

Speaker 1:

No, okay, I would like to see where the universe wants me to be with some full-time energy. I thought it was gonna be in the events, but it kind of slowed me down having to get all this other shit. Maybe once I iron it out I'll be back full-time. But I was ready to put full-time energy to do any events and I got kind of a little tripped up.

Speaker 2:

But we'll, we'll turn that around pivoting to do something else now.

Speaker 1:

Well no, I'm still working on that. It's just gonna go a little slight, can't put the full.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying you're pivoting to something else for full time. That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

That's what I was saying. I wanted to make a standalone product that I could sell for like the over 40 grappler you know a little Some strengthening conditioning stuff, some solo drills they could do at home to get better, and maybe just sell that as like a one-off product, you know, just like an extra thing to do. And then I'd like to figure out something to get the person that doesn't train To train. I'm the first guy to make an MMA cardio DVD. It's a little bit before your time, but in 2008 I made a unlimited fighting. Fitness was like an MMA cardio DVD and I did okay with it, but it would be like essentially mimicking an MMA fight. So it would be like learn to get fit without getting hit there you go train.

Speaker 1:

All the MMA moves, jam, cross sprawl, sit through, need elbow escape, up and over sweeps elbows on the ground. We would do a whole fight, choreographed, like through the moves, like Thai bow, but for MMA like boss Rootens video.

Speaker 1:

But I was way better, I'll show you it. And even though you know for what it costs to do back in the day is insane. But uh, you know I did a right with it and and I thought it was the best of the bunch. We had the right moves. I mean, I thought it was good and. But whatever the story about how like I fucked it was a whole other story.

Speaker 2:

I'll do it. We'll say that for the next one.

Speaker 1:

We'll save that for volume to. It's a long story.

Speaker 2:

What's your Instagram handle? How can people get in touch with the man? Well, if they want to private, if they want to just learn more about some of the events, so, guys, the easiest way to get in touch with me is start sending up some smoke signals.

Speaker 1:

I'll definitely see him.

Speaker 2:

I'm the king of cannabis. Don't, don't, don't send us smoke signals. Smoky the bear would not like that other than that.

Speaker 1:

Follow me man. I'm John everywhere, especially on Instagram, although I'm trying to do my YouTube on token choke a little more. So follow me a mountain of YouTube's a long play.

Speaker 2:

Youtube's a long play. Got to get the YouTube going just keep it going.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what Jeremy was saying. He was like you guys just do more YouTube. Yep, try to affiliate link it. Do you know how to do that shit? Yeah, I do Also talk to you after, cuz I like to get that rolling. I think the content's good. Yeah, I give a fuck.

Speaker 2:

So well, it's it's it's it's but you know what. That's fine, but you have to. It's about consistency. It's about how many videos you putting out. Your first hundred videos are probably not gonna get views. My podcast views are all over the place. I tell people this all the time, but sometimes they're crazy, sometimes they're not. My re, my, my Instagram short videos are Sometimes in the thousands this and that, and then sometimes they're in the you know low tens.

Speaker 1:

You think Instagram shadow band me?

Speaker 2:

I mean, they might have, may have, but all I'm saying we post, they fucking got pissy. They might have but all.

Speaker 2:

Rick flab promo I cut was so good but I'm all I'm saying is you have to just keep it consistent. That's the biggest thing with anything that you're doing on any of these content sites. You just have to keep it consistent. That's really what it comes down to. If you post and then you don't post for four days, you know, but then there, then you you know my tiktok lose. My tiktok was I was. I was almost at 54,000, 53,000 followers. I'm down to like 52 now because I'm losing a hundred followers here and there, here and there, because I don't post as much anymore and Be and I was getting a hundred thousand millions of views on my tiktok videos. Stop posting for like six months, started doing it again. Now I'm in the realm of everybody else. Getting the 200 views of video. Now is what it is now. I'm not putting effort into it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so now I'm just making the worst. Is it worth?

Speaker 2:

it to tiktok? Yes and no, it depends. It depends on if it's gonna bring view. Really, what tiktok is supposed to do, is it supposed to bring me the views to my youtube channel? Supposed to make people interested with the clips, but everyone's attention span so short. They see the clip and they go okay, and they so and they swipe to the next one. So is it important? Hmm, maybe, I don't know. I do, I care. No, I don't care, because my long play is YouTube. That's really where I want to grow, that's where I check the numbers and I really care about that, because as long as those numbers are Trending upwards, that I'm doing something right and they are I just have to. But when I'm not consistent, they're trending down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I gotta get more consistent on my YouTube.

Speaker 2:

We'll talk about that. We'll just talk about that We'll talk about that so follow me at Manimal John guys.

Speaker 1:

There's never been a better time to train, and I'll keep you posted about the event. Definitely need Rizzles down there for sure other than that, stay savage, my friends.

Speaker 2:

I appreciate you. No, I appreciate you, bro. Thank you for coming down, chopping it up.

Speaker 1:

I know I am hard to handle, even though I am that like fucking shit up spilling stuff. Okay, I'm a lot, it's a lot. You're trying to contain all this fucking power.

Speaker 2:

You're good, you're good people. You're good people you really are. I got a from day one. You're good people, man. I you're one of. You're one of my jiu-jitsu buddies like for really somebody that I do like I have a good vibe.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate the.

Speaker 2:

I just I love to learn, I love to, I love to experience other people. That's what this is. Do this. That's what this show is. This isn't a show where I it's about specific things or topics or I need Heart-to-hearts every conversation. It's about just introducing other people's Viewpoints and other people's experiences through life and what they believe and this, and that you you threw a whole different spin on it. I've never heard anybody talk about stuff like that. So that's, pete, perfect. Can I rub my heart chakra on this? You can't do that. Yeah, can't have you rubbing shit on the microphone, though. That I can't have you doing my chakras.

Speaker 1:

You know, I am a freedom first person every time I make a just rub it on the door on your way out decision. I'm gonna fuck her, rub my dick somewhere.

Speaker 2:

I will not tell you.

Speaker 1:

I'm not gonna tell you.

Speaker 2:

You won't even know you gotta get out on that note, everybody I see where the cameras are like comment. Subscribe share.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna give you a show.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna put all the cameras over this. You see this everybody. I appreciate all y'all for fucking with us. I hope you enjoyed the episode with my man, john Manimal. This is my brother right here in jiu-jitsu, and on that note, praise Odin praise Odin peace.

OnlyFans Modeling and Potential Income
Mythology, and Obsolete Technology
Thor's Hammer and Ancient Electromagnetism Knowledge
Exploring Psychedelic Experiences and Sensory Perception
Exploring Paganism, Monotheism, and Relationships
Weight Classes and Training Experience Discussion
Martial Arts and Destructive Nature Discussion
Weight Loss and Fighting Ambitions
Martial Arts and Personal Training Discussion
Exclusive Gym Concept and Charitable Donations
Odin's Mythology and Transformational Experiences
Mythological Origins and Adventures of Odin
Personal Training's Importance in Jiu-Jitsu
Training, Weed, and Business Ideas Discussion
Introducing Views and Experiences