
#91 | Andre "Lucky Libra" Ferguson |

March 12, 2024 Nick Rizzo / Andre "Lucky Libra" Ferguson
#91 | Andre "Lucky Libra" Ferguson |
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#91 | Andre "Lucky Libra" Ferguson |
Mar 12, 2024
Nick Rizzo / Andre "Lucky Libra" Ferguson

Andre Ferguson AKA Lucky Libra dropped by the studio to chop it up on episode 91 of Rizzology. Super blessed to be able to have such amazing humans come on the show and talk about life and everything in between. We focused on a wide range of topics for today's show, mostly dealing with the world, traveling, future plans, and some anticipated upcoming trips.

Ever wondered how the internet has transformed personal branding, or how fitness philosophies have evolved beyond the gym? We chuckle over social media mishaps and reflect on the liberating journey from traditional bodybuilding to functional fitness. As we swing from the importance of political awareness to the primal instincts of survival, respect for contrasting opinions takes center stage. Andre enriches our discussion, providing the importance of firearm training and emphasizing the need for preparedness in today's world where the unexpected can become reality.

Wrap up your listening experience with an introspective look at the role of violence in shaping a man's character and the importance of de-escalation in conflict-ridden encounters. We debate the pros and cons of various firearm calibers, the power of admitting our wrongs, and the influence wielded by fitness community leaders. Join us for a hearty debate, a laugh, or simply a fresh perspective – this podcast episode is a tapestry of diverse viewpoints woven together for an enriching and entertaining dialogue that will leave you pondering long after the last word.


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Tik Tok

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Andre Ferguson AKA Lucky Libra dropped by the studio to chop it up on episode 91 of Rizzology. Super blessed to be able to have such amazing humans come on the show and talk about life and everything in between. We focused on a wide range of topics for today's show, mostly dealing with the world, traveling, future plans, and some anticipated upcoming trips.

Ever wondered how the internet has transformed personal branding, or how fitness philosophies have evolved beyond the gym? We chuckle over social media mishaps and reflect on the liberating journey from traditional bodybuilding to functional fitness. As we swing from the importance of political awareness to the primal instincts of survival, respect for contrasting opinions takes center stage. Andre enriches our discussion, providing the importance of firearm training and emphasizing the need for preparedness in today's world where the unexpected can become reality.

Wrap up your listening experience with an introspective look at the role of violence in shaping a man's character and the importance of de-escalation in conflict-ridden encounters. We debate the pros and cons of various firearm calibers, the power of admitting our wrongs, and the influence wielded by fitness community leaders. Join us for a hearty debate, a laugh, or simply a fresh perspective – this podcast episode is a tapestry of diverse viewpoints woven together for an enriching and entertaining dialogue that will leave you pondering long after the last word.


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Tik Tok

Speaker 1:

I get why everyone has to have one. That's why I got one, but I came from the Samsung and I refused to let it go. I just actually just got the new one.

Speaker 2:

The 24?, yeah, 24. 24 Max yeah, 24 Ultra.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yep.

Speaker 2:

Boom the bamboo back baby. That looks nice though. Yeah, so I had the right side. Actually, I keep it like that. Anyway, I had the Galaxy S5 back in the day, oh, okay, I really loved that phone. I loved that phone.

Speaker 1:

I've had yo bro, I still have a three at old ones. Damn, I finally just gave up my 20. Actually, no, I kept it. I didn't give it back to them. I was like yo, actually, I'm not gonna give it back, no more, I'm gonna keep it.

Speaker 2:

What do they call you guys? Samsung Knights?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yo, bro, samsung Knights, don't wanna get rid of the Note 20, man, yo dude it was the best phone Like it really, and it was the last phone that you could still put an SD card in. Yeah, so like you could. Yeah, it only got 125 on it, but I could walk around with a terabyte in there.

Speaker 2:

What kills me is how Samsung would make fun of Apple for taking certain features away.

Speaker 1:

And then do it right after, and then they just do it.

Speaker 2:

They're like oh no, no, yeah that's stupid of them to do it. We still got it.

Speaker 1:

And then the next year.

Speaker 2:

They're like nah, fuck are we out, all right.

Speaker 1:

so look right, it's a business move, cause that's what they realized, right? So when Apple takes it, they realized, oh, it was stupid. But then, when they start looking at the logic behind it, they realized there's more money for them to make in taking it.

Speaker 2:

They owe the accessories and all the extra business.

Speaker 1:

No, because now you have to buy the other phone. You can't just buy the 125, no more. Now you actually have to buy the terabyte. You actually have to buy the terabyte. Now, if we let you put an SD card in it, you just buy whichever one, you want, the low one, and then they put a terabyte 200 bucks for a terabyte card 1.2 thousand gigs it's over.

Speaker 1:

Instead of buying the fucking $1,500 phone, I'm just gonna buy the $800 one. And but let's be real, though man, phones are, I'll say this right, you have, the nature of the beast is the nature of the beast. And if people gonna pay it, that's what the price actually is. People think value is what you wanna say. Something's worth no. Value is what somebody's willing to pay for it. So if people are willing to pay $1,500 for a phone, that's what the value in the cost of the phone is $1,500,.

Speaker 2:

brother, try to keep getting away with these price increases. Everyone keep buying.

Speaker 1:

If people gonna pay it, bro, I'm gonna charge it. Yeah, Like I mean-.

Speaker 2:

And eventually they hit that ceiling, they go oh, okay, okay, and they maybe keep it right there for a little while until everyone stabilizes it again, and then they start bumping it in again.

Speaker 1:

But isn't that whatever, that's business, yeah, and people think. People think, yeah, you're yo. Well, shouldn't you just read the price when you're struggling? No, you raise the price when you're doing well, cause that's the time to raise the price, Except Except the next day. Like people don't understand basic economics, bro, it's just like politics. Like people yo on the internet, I'd be dying, right, Because the amount of people who don't know base level politics, it's fucking astronomical to me, bro. Like it's astronomical to me, Yo, dude, look right, I mean they can say cause they say shit. You know, they don't like the orange guy, right?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Right, right, and they say shit like that, right. And I mean, yo, bro, your personal view of somebody has nothing to do with it if they're doing a good job or not, brother Like Big difference. And yo just look, right, the stock market and all those things are up, right, but people don't understand this part, right? People think that the economy is up because of propped up fake numbers. Right, and what I mean is this if you ask day-to-day people how they're doing, they're stressed and they're not doing well. So I don't care if the stock market's doing well, because what actually? I'm lying.

Speaker 1:

I care if the stock market's doing well, Let me tell you why. Let me tell you why? Cause I mean people like me getting money.

Speaker 2:

Like, like, like like.

Speaker 1:

I'm eating, but I'm talking generous because I'm taking my personal things out of this.

Speaker 2:

Take that back real quick Wait a minute.

Speaker 1:

Let me backstep Right cause, I gotta put it, I'm putting everything in perspective, right? Yeah, of course. So if I take my personal feelings out of it, right, and I look at it in general, for everybody, right, the day-to-day person isn't doing well. So if you ask them, that person doesn't care if the stock market is at a record high, they don't care if Bitcoin's at a record high. They trying to find out how to pay the mortgage next month.

Speaker 2:

They keep paying that fucking $300 grocery bill every week. Thank you, it's crazy man. So I told listen, I talk with my friends and listen. I'm very fortunate to be able to do well for my age group especially, and I talk to a bunch of not only my friends but even older people than me and, dude, it is tough right now and, dude, everybody's sweating, just in general.

Speaker 1:

Think of the percentages, though right You're dude. Like back in. Like the day your house value was only like two times your yearly salary. Nowadays, like your house value, it's like eight times your yearly salary.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't even think about buying a house right now.

Speaker 1:

But this is what I was gonna say, though.

Speaker 2:

Whether I would or not. I couldn't think about buying a house, but all right so let's get into the house thing.

Speaker 1:

I think people were duped in America. They created you gotta remember like people all right. So when you get older, your eyes should open and you should understand certain things that you didn't notice when you were a kid. Because it's what they sell you, right? And they were selling you the American dream of being a homeowner. No, the American dream of being a homeowner is being in continuous debt to the government because you don't own a home. You actually own a mortgage. The bank owns your home, which means that anytime they can take it. And let's go even further now you still don't even own it after you paid off because you owe property taxes and if you don't pay those property taxes, the bank will still come and take it for that. So they're selling you a dream. And then, look, people think that homeowner, all right. Well, if I'm renting and paying $3,000, why don't I get a mortgage as $3,000, right? That's not the cost of home ownership brother.

Speaker 2:

That's the argument. Because I rent and I have a lot of friends that say, why don't you just buy a home? And I'm just like all right, because then shit goes down.

Speaker 1:

That's not the cost of home ownership to mortgage brother. It's not. It's a lot more than that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, maintenance taxes, mortgage, the principle, everything.

Speaker 1:

Where I live, man, I ain't gotta worry about the grass being cut, bro, they cut that shit. It's part of my shit.

Speaker 2:

It's in the my toilet breaks, I call my landlord. He comes through. He pays the fucking plumbers. I don't gotta do shit.

Speaker 1:

I live in a nice complex right and it's borderline bougie shit. I ain't go in front Like, yeah, I mean my rent is 34, 44, two bedroom right, is it nice? Yeah, it's nice, but is it that?

Speaker 2:

nice Fuck.

Speaker 1:

No, yeah, that's expensive for out East especially 34, 40, brother right Now, for someone that wants a house that's 34, 40, the cost of owning that home is upwards of $4,000 a month.

Speaker 1:

Yeah minimum and people ain't added in that. And then on top of that you're attached to the house, so you can't just pick it up and leave whenever the hell you want to. If something changes in life, like where I'm at right now in life, if anything changes, I can call an audible in two seconds and I'm still Gucci, like the audibles can get called at any single time, so I'm not worried about any obstacle. That's in my way. There's an audible for me to call.

Speaker 2:

And I'd argue in your favor that that is the way that most people should live, because you just don't know what's gonna happen. You gotta be prepared.

Speaker 1:

Even if you got a bag, you should be trying to get skinny, and what I mean by get skinny is not have a lot of things that you're attached to.

Speaker 2:

Oh, don't get me started on this stuff, because that's what I've been doing lately.

Speaker 1:

You gotta get skinny, bro. You gotta get and look for someone like you who don't even got kids. You can get real skinny, bro, even if you got a bag like all right, look right, I get it. Man, to a certain point, when you make more money, you have to increase your lifestyle because you're increasing it, because it's what you worked for and that's what you actually worked for. So when you work for it and you get there, you should increase it to a certain extent.

Speaker 1:

But there's a point where you don't need to keep increasing your lifestyle just because you keep making more money. At what point does it become gluttonous? I want to say this it's not necessarily gluttonous, dependent on the person, right? But if you're trying to get skinny, it is Like when you're trying to get skinny, you don't need to do a lot. So you want to have the least amount of bills you got. You want to have the least amount of debt you got. You basically just want to be heavy in cash and assets. Period, bro, period Like. You shouldn't even be saving money. All your money should be invested in something. Yo, bro, a savings account don't make shit, bro. You should not be keeping money in a savings account.

Speaker 2:

That was the old preconceived thought that you should do. It couldn't be further from the truth.

Speaker 1:

And people don't get that part right. And then people also.

Speaker 2:

Make your money, work for you, not just sit there and crew at what?

Speaker 1:

Barely a percent in most places, and you've got to find something that pays you compound interest, because most people don't even realize shit like this, right? So you buy a house for $500,000, right, and you have a mortgage or something. Right, and you think you paid $500,000 for the house. No, with compound interest, you paid more, like $1.8 million for the house, and you were between $1.3 to $1.8 million. You paid for the house.

Speaker 2:

Depending on your interest rate 30 year fixed or variable, whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

Depending on your interest rate. When it's sudden done, you paid either $1.3 or $1.8 million for that house. So you need to see this. So look, people don't understand tax code, right? And what tax code is? It's set up to benefit you if you're taking advantage of it. If you're not taking advantage of it, you gonna sink Like it's just. If you make a million dollars a year and you're not taking advantage of the tax code, you just paid $550,000 in taxes. If you live in New York.

Speaker 2:

That's why I bought a set of those guys. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

On December 31st. He's like whoa, whoa, whoa, I gotta get up for some money, bro. He's like whoa, whoa, whoa, december 31st. My boy goes oh, you, that fucking yeah. Either Uncle Sam gonna take it or I'm gonna take it, right, oh, I'm gonna take it cause those look good.

Speaker 1:

So people don't understand the advantages that the government is taking against you. It's actually set up for you to take those same advantages back of them, but you just have to be smart enough to know the lanes that you can operate in. So at home, your knowledge is power. People Knowledge is power. A lot of people don't know. And yo, when you're ignorant of things and you just don't know, I don't want to say it's necessarily your fault cause you don't know, but it's your fault to an extent cause you're not seeking more knowledge. Yo, be a constant learner. People will always be looking for new knowledge. Bro, like I'm a nerd on the low, you know that already. All I do is fucking read and shit like that. Like, so I'm on that now. Yeah, like I got it. Yo, a day is wasted man If I ain't learned nothing new. Bro. Like, that's how I be feeling. Couldn't agree more. Like it's. A day is wasted man.

Speaker 2:

I literally just put a post up that you were coming on the show, everything like that, and I just said that it's crazy that I'm in such a different mindset lately. It's been such a shift and you've met, you've known me for years now. I think you can attest from the outside, looking in, things have changed a lot, and how.

Speaker 1:

In three to five years it's a whole, completely different you, but you know what that is. It's you matured from just being man, adolescent, to growing up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but there are a lot of people that don't mature and they don't change and they stay stagnant. That's the truth and that's a problem. That is a problem, yeah, their own problem. I mean. Some people can see it as a problem and then they'll say, oh, it's not a problem. I like doing the same shit I've always done.

Speaker 1:

I so look at it.

Speaker 2:

There's like you know. You know that there's a way to look at shit every single way.

Speaker 1:

So I was explaining to somebody like they were like mad about something somebody else was doing, right, and just what I said to him. Yo, I agree with you, but why the fuck do you care Like?

Speaker 1:

I'm like bro y'all be trying to run around with other people's burdens for no reason, bro. Like yo, I agree with you, bro, you're writing what you're saying, but why the fuck do you care? It is him, let him do what he wants to do. If it's something you'll look right. If it's not my immediate circle where I gotta like be a real friend and be like yo cuss, that's not really what we're doing. Yo, bro, go ahead and have at it, Enjoy. Have at it, bro. Where's the popcorn? Have at it, bro, it's not my burden and my problem to correct. It's like when people leave a comment on every goddamn thing on the internet. Yo, it's not my burden to correct everybody on the internet.

Speaker 2:

I think I've quoted you more than I've even spoken in my life. To be honest with you, I say every single time I've been on other podcasts and I've said it, I say yo, dre, my man, lucky Libra, has said it multiple times and I couldn't agree more with him. I scroll past shit that I don't agree with every single day. Fuck my two cents, it doesn't even matter, it's not even worth it to put it down, it's gone.

Speaker 1:

My home girl, her brother, does his podcast, right, and she's got some like the genetic fucking thing where she doesn't hold fat on her extremities, right, it's like a genetic disorder, but it's like it's cool for bodybuilding though, right. So she doesn't hold fat on her extremities, right, and they try to tell her she's on gear. This then. And the third right, and I know the chick personally and I'm like this girl's not on gear, like. And I didn't address nobody in the post, I just made a statement and I said just because somebody can achieve something, you can't doesn't mean they're on something. And I said I know people in the IFBB that are Natty. I have 40, not 40, four Natty wins in IFBB. I know plenty of people in the MPC right now and down to other Natty People think just because you're Natty, you gotta do Natty competitions. No, you don't have to do Natty competitions just because you're Natty. There's no competition over there. There's five people in the show and 10 people in the crowd. Like there's a lot of people who wanna do it to achieve something still. So even if you're natural, if you're that good, you can make it, bro. You can so cool.

Speaker 1:

So yo, bro, people be like these little peon kids have been like cause they think it's tic-tac, right, and I try to explain that to people. Yo, this is not tic-tac, this is the real world, bro, and I'm a grown ass man. So, yo, my comment has like 300 likes, right? And then you got like the little she's definitely not Natty dudes underneath it, right. And like people trying to add me are the most unnatural guys saying it and I'm yo, bro, and like they think I'm gonna respond to them. Like they added me, like I'm coming back to argue with you when you're 15. Like bro, you're like 19 years old, bro. Like you just started lifting last week. You weigh 140. What makes you think that I'm coming back here to argue with you?

Speaker 2:

No one fucking cares.

Speaker 1:

Yo, bro, the comment is from like four months ago. I swear to you right now, if I click on it, like right now, yo they still trying to like they can't.

Speaker 1:

And like my thing is like yo, bro, I'm not responding, bro, like I don't respond to the first 10 people, what makes you think, at number 15, I'm responding to you your chances of just getting slimmer and slimmer, bro. But this is what I mean by like the internet. Like why do you care? Like I don't even care what these people are saying. Yeah, I don't. Yo, bro, listen, it's a weird place, man. No, cause they think it's TikTok, cause look yo, tiktok is literally the worst shit in the world.

Speaker 1:

Yo, everybody just trolls people on TikTok. Tiktok is not a real world. Like people, people just give the worst opinions about everything on TikTok that they do nowhere else. They do yo, they would never say this to anybody in real life. They would never say it on YouTube, they would never say it on Instagram, they would never say it in a real public platform that they had to put their face on it standing there like in a debate. They would never do any of these things, but on TikTok they're comfortable to do it. So I'm not on TikTok, bro, it's not my world.

Speaker 1:

And look, here goes me. So my homegirl's telling me oh, you should start posting like controversy on TikTok, right? She's like I know you got me a funny shit right. So here goes me. I go, I think I'm gonna do it and just start posting it and not respond to nobody. Nobody, just throw it up, yo, wow, shit, and just put it at boom and just yo, where are my phone is the other phone is over there. No likes, no replies, no, nothing, just throw it up and let it simmer, just let it cook, bro, just let it cook. I think, yo, I really think that's what I'm about to start doing, like a nice lobster boil man, I don't let that shit simmer and just read the comments.

Speaker 2:

Just trolling back.

Speaker 1:

Not even you don't respond to nobody, Not even my homies that are bigging me up about it. Neither respond to nobody.

Speaker 2:

That's the new thing. It's called invisible trolling. Yo bro what Cause?

Speaker 1:

look? I mean, look right, I know how to get the people going. If I want to do that, If that's what I set out to do, bro, I get the people going every goddamn day One of the first clips I put up on my TikTok.

Speaker 2:

Went crazy with you and look right, went crazy and look right, I'll tell you what man. When I was cutting that shit, I went this is either gonna go really great or really poor, but fuck it, we're going anyway Like jump on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm dead. I gotta get it now and look right, it would be really, really funny. Just for the simple fact, bro, that oh shit, yo in my older years, like I've always been a troll of the trolls, right, but I know how to strategically do it when it's funny to me. Yo, bro, I just sit behind the phone and giggle all day, bro, cause I, yo, like yo, my man, I know how to make people like really butt hurt. And then, and then look yo not responding after you make them butt hurt, makes them even more butt hurt.

Speaker 2:

I haven't checked anything, man, so I've turned off all notifications, off every social. I just use my apps that post for me to just post and I dude, I post and I dip, even if I go on the app.

Speaker 1:

I do the same thing. I dip right away.

Speaker 2:

I don't fucking care anymore Right away. I'm just putting it up to be relevant. But what's what's Andre's first time on the on Rosology podcast? His clip has 2.9 million. No, it does not bro.

Speaker 1:

No, it does not Bro, I'm done.

Speaker 2:

It's a wild shot, I'm done.

Speaker 1:

I don't glass my personal shit on social media.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I know what you want. That was like chicks do that. They blast all their personal shit, I know that one. I get that one, that one, and then people like I think this guy needs a hug. And then everybody who knows me is like don't, god definitely doesn't need a hug, he's totally good, you see that, yo see that carotid artery sticking out. Do not hug him, Don't touch him. Man funny bro, that was a good one too. That was a great one. That was a good one.

Speaker 2:

I remember looking back at that footage I was like man, there's so many gems and then look, what do I cut?

Speaker 1:

And then look, I went I fuck it, we're going to try it out. Think of even that clip. You don't see me on that shit arguing people in the comments. Let them cook.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I wasn't arguing anybody either. What about that kid that we? That kid was going back with that one dude. I didn't come up. What are you talking about, bro you? Just you dick riding in your own shit. Just shut up, go sit somewhere else.

Speaker 1:

No, but look right, you're right in what you're saying, just like yo. You got to let lambs be lambs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's why I don't respond. So corny bro.

Speaker 1:

Yo, you think that I'm going to argue with a fool and look like a fool with you? Yeah, no, bro, and this is another one. Right Yo people be thinking they got to clear shit up? Gotta go fuck about clearing those shit up to the internet.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, let me, let me. Let me just break this down for you. This is why I commented what I commented no, shut the fuck up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I don't be caring about clearing shit up to the internet, bro. If that's what you think, bro, you the dick and feel good bro.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to start. I'm going to start just sending snicker emojis.

Speaker 1:

No, you're hungry, go eat, go eat Yo so look, so look, right, my man TK TK podcast. He does Um, he does a muscle car podcast and he does a whole bunch of different videos. Right, and like he got, he calls it. You know, I got fuck you money and it's not called fuck you money If you don't say fuck you sometimes with the money. Right, so cool, and he be getting.

Speaker 1:

He's a car dealership owner. He began to speak to other car dealerships, right, and you know what this motherfucker does. He sends them bags of dicks, the gummy ones, no, he sends them big ass dicks. And then he, yo, he'll. He'll either send him a bunch of dildos or he'll send these little dicks that they plaster on the walls. And yo, like he knows the state laws, so certain state laws. If you put an advertisement on it, you can go stick it up on somebody's building and he'll have a whole team go out there and stick dicks all over your front door. It's like bro here, eat a bag of dicks. Bro, there you go. Like I'm really, I love Yo, dude, I create my own propaganda nowadays.

Speaker 2:

When I, when you just said that you troll, you would the ultimate troll.

Speaker 1:

You troll you troll back, especially back in the day.

Speaker 2:

Yo, dude, that made me think of that. I tell you Bert Kreischer, his podcast. You know, bert, no Kreischer, tom Segura, their podcasters, their comedians. Very funny. He's like that's why you don't fuck with a comedian, because I'm always going to come right for you. Oh God, long story short. I don't want to fuck the story up, but he's telling on his podcast. He's in the car with his wife and his kids and there's like an intersection coming up or a merge, and the guy's not letting him in and this and that. So they get next to each other and the dude's honking his horn and he's going fuck you. And the dude's in the car with his wife and Bert goes yo man, you're supposed to let me in. Like that's how this, that's how this works.

Speaker 2:

And the guy was like no, you're not. No, you're not. He's like obviously you don't know how the law and the rules work on the road, blah, blah. And then the guys arguing back and forth and he goes why don't you go ask your fat mom? That's, the dude's wife is sitting next to him.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can't, yo, you can't fuck with it.

Speaker 2:

Yo, but look he goes, he goes. Yo, I ruined their whole evening.

Speaker 1:

This is me, though. This is me, look, but check it out, though. Rizzles, right, I'm gonna wait till I'm done competing, right, because, look, I mean, I could be reckless bro.

Speaker 2:

Lucky Incorporated is coming for everybody and look and I'm a funny motherfucker.

Speaker 1:

But there's certain shit I can't say I'll put my stamp on that. But look, there's certain shit I can't say while I'm still in a competitive field, once I'm no longer in the. It's like Joe Rogan, right, he couldn't say why he was fighting people, but not even fight people. It's like, bro, I'll say whatever the fuck I want to say, what are you gonna do? And then this is the best, right, I'm not a politician, you can't cancel me. Like, say whatever the fuck I want to, you can't cancel me because somebody else isn't dictating my money. You gotta remember now, if a corporate company is dictating your money, bro, you can get canceled. Bro, a corporate company doesn't dictate my money, bro. So, that being said, you really can't cancel me.

Speaker 1:

But now, look, that's why I have to wait till I'm done competing, cause you can cancel me in the competition world, cause, like, yeah, the bosses are my friends, they are, but there's certain things they black out, right, man? Yeah, we just gonna put you on time out for a little bit. You know you're just fall back for a second. You come right back around the corner, but you just gotta fall back real quick. I signed up for that show. But like I'm not trying to fall back real quick when I'm at the end, like I'm at the like, I'm getting ready to say goodbye, you wanna get every last one in.

Speaker 1:

Like bro, I've spassed out before in the league before and on the low, like, yeah, you'll try. All right, my bad y'all Like yo. I fucked up Like yo. But look, they're really my friends though the bosses. That's the thing, they're really my friends. So, like I don't get in the same trouble other people would get in and I know, do I get blacklisted? Like these are, I'll fuck with these people. Like these people will fuck with me. So if I do some crazy shit, it's just gonna be a conversation like Dre, oh man.

Speaker 2:

Dre's curtain call is gonna be crazy.

Speaker 1:

You know, curtain call gonna be fun. I'm gonna have fun with it. I'm gonna have fun with it. But, like yo, a couple of years ago I was contemplating this being my last year. Like two years ago, when I was on my eighth Olympia, I was contemplating my tenth one being my last year. Right, yo, dude, I still feel good. This ain't my last year, bro, I'm gonna just play it by year If I feel good. It's like is this year my year? Year my last year? No, I feel good. So when it comes to next year, ask me the question again Like I can't tell you next year is gonna be my last year or not? Yeah, no, crystal ball right now. No, I'm Take it day by day. I feel good. Right now, I look good.

Speaker 1:

Still, bro, we out there and, look, I'm not trying to be Mr Olympia, I've come to peace with that. In 2019, when I should have had two, like 2019, I should have won again and that would have been two After that, I'm like, bro, look, I might never be Mr Olympia, but look, I can get a lot out of this still, yeah, and I'm still really, really good. So, cool, a lot of people feel they have to be Mr Olympia or this ain't working for them, or they talking shit or they bitter because they not the man man. I am the man man, even though I ain't got the trophy, which is the coolest shit to say. Out of all the people that are gonna mention who's the greatest there's gonna mention me.

Speaker 1:

I'm the only person who can get in the conversation who doesn't have an Olympia title. That says a lot. That means I did a whole lot To be able to be in the convo without an Olympia title. I did a whole lot and you know what? I'm cool with that, bro. Cool with that I mean everyone can't like it's like everyone doesn't get to win the big one. Only one person can go home with the trophy, bro. We don't all get to share in the same kumbaya Every year.

Speaker 2:

That's what I mean. Every year, I know? Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I'm just reiterating every year with one person.

Speaker 1:

So it would take.

Speaker 2:

But I'll tell you what mopping up all those other shows and Arnold's and you fucking kill it dude.

Speaker 1:

But look, I have the total resume to be considered one of the greatest of it. That's the only reason why, because I did everything, I have everything besides that and I have multiples of everything else. Oh, speaking of multiples of everything else, you're about 10 weeks out from the New York program.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like it.

Speaker 2:

Oh, so I was gonna ask you because I've been so detached from the body, stumbled into a bad Okay. So let me just say this so I've been so detached from the bodybuilding world and the fitness world just because my life has taken some very interesting shifts in very positive ways.

Speaker 2:

Very positive, very interesting too, very interesting positive ways of just a lot of self-reflection, self-development and then, obviously, changing up my scenery. It's the first time in over 11 years I haven't had a Bev's membership. It's weird, oh shit. Yeah, it's weird, wait, hold on, hold on, hold on. And it's nothing against, steve, right, even though you don't go there, you don't still have the membership. I don't have the membership, man, why don't you have the membership? Because I wasn't going there. I wasn't even shooting there. So what?

Speaker 1:

I wasn't shooting there and I wasn't going there. Yo bro, I got memberships at gyms, at OMB, and I got LA Fitness and Planned Fitness. I can't tell you the last time I've been to either one.

Speaker 2:

We gotta cancel those?

Speaker 1:

I can't tell you the last time I've been to either one. But look Scriptions. You gotta cut, but look All right. So LA Fitness? Yes right, but yo not that you say it. I'ma stop there on my way home too. But they think they slick LA Fitness because you can't cancel their shit over the internet or over the phone. You have to go there to do it. And you know, when you trying to cancel it, when you're sitting at the house, you either just trying to do it through the app real quick, online real quick, or call somebody real quick, and then when you realize you have to go there, it slips your mind into something you don't remember.

Speaker 2:

And then now you're over here, Now it's four months later and now that 30 hits you nine times, You're like oh shit.

Speaker 1:

So yes, I do need to go cancel that because I am trying to get skinnier. But right, planned Fitness we keep Because, look, try to get skinnier. Let me tell you why we keep in Planned Fitness. We keep in Planned Fitness because, damn, there, almost anywhere you go, there is a Planned Fitness in the area.

Speaker 2:

That's true, and I travel a lot and you know I do this for a living, so that membership rate, whatever it is, that's good for every Planned Fitness across the country.

Speaker 1:

I have the Black Card membership. It's like $20 a month $20 a month.

Speaker 2:

that's nothing, Not me yeah.

Speaker 1:

The other membership's only 10. So if you just want to go to one club by your crib, $10. No excuse, everyone's got to get to the gym, y'all got to get there. And look, I mean Planned Fitness ain't Bevs.

Speaker 2:

Do they have 200 pound dumbbells? No, but you can still get your shit done. Thank you, brother. Every workout has to be hammering. Thank you brother.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man Do they have 200 pound dumbbells? No, but can you get your shit done?

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, you can get your shit done in a hotel gym. Thank you, you can work up a sweat.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what, man. That has been a very big shift in my mindset. Covid, learning how to train in my garage, learning with limited equipment going into. I always thought you needed that stacked out gym and it's not true, man. You don't.

Speaker 1:

Intensity you know, honestly, intensity and effort, y'all, I can make a 10 pound weight. If you like a 50 pound weight with intensity, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't lift nearly as heavy as I used to and I get probably a better workout now. Truthfully and it's not to say that you know, other people say, oh well, I only get okay. Well, everyone's different. That's a fact. I used to lift crazy heavy. I did. I lift crazy heavy for me and my friends. Facts.

Speaker 2:

I pushed some crazy things, facts, and I felt good doing it, and now not so much. I think it has to do with aging. I think it has to. I think it also has to do with me just being more on a. I'm gonna say this Functional fitness.

Speaker 1:

Type of a movement now. No, I'm gonna say this. You know what I'm. I'm, I got the umbrella for you right now that all of those things fall under, hit it Desire. Yeah, you don't desire to lift heavy weights?

Speaker 2:

no more, I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder anymore either.

Speaker 1:

What the fuck am I lifting all of that for? I don't need to lift. What you're saying to yourself is bro, I don't need to lift all of that to get a workout in, bro, and that's not my goal, no more. So my desire is not to lift 200 pound dumbbells. No, I'm good, I'm gonna lift these sixties and I'm gonna be cool, I'm gonna be sick.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna do my thing. It's crazy, man. I switched up to do the hit classes in the morning and I do Jiu Jitsu at night.

Speaker 1:

Believe it or not, bro, I'm a bodybuilder and I don't push the numbers no more. If I do rack pulls, I only go to four or five. Can I go over four or five? Fuck, yes, I can go over four or five, but I've trained my body to be able to get the work that I need to get off of four or five, so I'm gonna continue only going to four or five. Am I trying to grow? Not no bigger than I already am? So it's not like I'm putting on, trying to put on another 20 pounds of muscle where I have to keep increasing the numbers.

Speaker 1:

This is men's physique. I'm at the weight cap. I am what I am. All I need to do is be in shape and peel down to my socks, and I do great. That's it. So Learn your body. Am I really trying to like lift the gym anymore? No, I don't Dude things. I used to put four or five plates on, bro. You catch me maxing out of three plates on that shit. Now there's certain exercises that, yes, you need a certain amount of load to get the work you need to get, but for the most part, oh, bro, you ain't gotta lift the gym. And look at 39, bro, I'm cool on all that lifting the gym. I ain't proving shit to nobody.

Speaker 2:

I used to feel like I needed not that I needed to prove something to everybody else, I had to prove it to myself. If I didn't lift heavy, if I didn't hammer the fucking muscle this is my younger years, I mean. I used to believe that I needed to just every single time I hit chest, we got to hit those 120s on incline every single time. And it's like you look back on it when you learn some more shit. It's like, okay, maybe it did you good in certain workouts, but you could have had some deloads in there. You could have done a little bit lighter weight more reps.

Speaker 2:

You could have switched things up. It didn't have to be a hammer fest every time. No.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna say this For that season of your life it did need to be a hammer fest. It was a season. Yeah, man, we have different seasons in life. That season in life it needed those. And guess what? It might help you when you're fucking 35 and might need to fight a grizzly beer.

Speaker 2:

Yo, I ain't fighting, no, no, no, paul and I had that fucking debate one time. I got to show you that after we did that man I don't know if you ever saw that clip Jay and I were talking about having to outrun bears. Oh no, you not outrunning no bear.

Speaker 1:

No, we're fight one. It's not happening. They run like 40 miles an hour at top speed. It's not happening.

Speaker 2:

No, it's not happening. No, no, I'm turtling up. No, I'm turtling up Like those goats that faint when they get dead.

Speaker 1:

No, honestly, you're not better off doing that. Neither I know I lose, lose everywhere.

Speaker 1:

All right. So look, I see no polar bear running out of do before and he was a him and a girl group people here and the polar bear straight up yo, it didn't even come within. I'll say it was about 10 yards away from right, like I want to say. It started at 50, started coming closer like like curiously right, and then, once it got about 10, 15 yards away, him and the people he lifted all the shit up he had and made himself look bigger, bigger. Yeah, you know, the bear didn't even continue. Yo was a polar bear to a member. These are the biggest bears at all, scariest, the most violent ones too, and they have this. No, no, no, yeah, yes, no black bear.

Speaker 2:

I know, like brown bear over there I think cool gonna hit the bear step, but um, but, but um curious oh you say try to make yourself look bigger about 12 about 10, 12 yards.

Speaker 1:

Wait, you're the bear automatically just turned and went about his business.

Speaker 2:

Didn't even go, didn't even look back at them imagine you just like damn, why y'all, why y'all yeah why y'all flex?

Speaker 1:

you had a coke where's it?

Speaker 2:

Pepsi, you know it's coke was. If you had a coke, I'm out. Grizzly and polar bears are the most dangerous. Yeah, but Eurasian brown bears and American black bears have also been known to attack you also? Ones that attack people, some species um depredate livestock on occasion, and some bears, such as Asiatic and American black bears, may destroy fruit or other crops fuck. I don't care about fruit take it don't kill me.

Speaker 1:

You know how polar bears don't kill people, cuz they know people were. Polar bears are there's.

Speaker 1:

People were brown bears and black bears are yeah, that's how you running one of them shits and they'll fuck you up like oh shit, another one, bro, and so on. A week ago and yo, not only are there paws the size of a baseball mitt, they have claws on them, joints, fangs, like crazy strength. Yeah, ridiculous. But yo, you know it's cool when you want watch people like to be wrestling the bears out in Russia like it, like like your dude, your dad taught you how to wrestle wrestling there. You seem like a five, six wrestling bears and the bears are mad clever at wrestling. Like they're really really clever. Like they know how to catch you with back sweeps, like they know they know how to catch you. They know how they can butterfly hooks in. Oh, it's crazy. You know how to catch you with those ankle, those ankle sweeps, like with your hand, pull your ankle out and you on the back, like beers are beers are really clever with rest grapplers yeah that you know.

Speaker 2:

That's what Brad. I've never seen two grizzlies fighting. It did a little like two bears doing your yeah I'll. It ties on each other, yeah size of each other up like what the fuck?

Speaker 1:

oh my god, sure those not people in bear costumes and they're clever like the way they wrestle, like they run, like they have clever maneuvers, like they like it's literally like grappling with somebody. You're like wait, how does that beer know that?

Speaker 2:

like now, they're real clever with the wrestling yeah, oh my god, he's in rubber guard right now. He's so sticky. Oh we're, we're old New York pro. Yeah, so I was asking because I've been so far removed. Yep, and I wanted to ask you first and foremost how's life, dre?

Speaker 1:

yo, life is really fucking good, bro. I love I've been on the road, I've been everywhere. Man, I go to UK tomorrow, beautiful, and that's for the Arnold UK owner. We go on for five days dark sport.

Speaker 2:

Mommy's gonna be double trip beautiful and they keep you busy, obviously all around the world. Who ever?

Speaker 1:

your bro, and this is the world tour this year. Oh, they're coming to New York in June oh, are they really? We got a pop up oh dope, we gotta pop up in New York. I gotta come show love. I let you know when the date is. I let everybody know in the data's. But yeah, we got a pop up coming to New York.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome, let me know, that's awesome and so now you're going over there and what's your favorite part about the UK? I haven't been to the UK before.

Speaker 1:

All right, so right, I've never been in the UK, right, so really no, yeah, that's the cool part, right, but like I tell people, like I know my people in London, right, they tell you, yo, london is New York City with different accents and it's a little bit dirtier, ain't nothing to see?

Speaker 2:

yeah, you live there. What do you? What do you? What do you want? To go, like you can do a little sightseeing, you'll see something, oh, anything specifically you want to see.

Speaker 1:

No, you just want to go, do your thing we outside with it, like, like you know, we outside with it, right. But it's like I mean, is there anything particular? No, like yo, I even heard like Paris is a shithole like well, I love.

Speaker 2:

I'm not gonna say that it isn't, but I am gonna say I loved Paris.

Speaker 1:

I heard behind, behind a couple of besides a couple of block radiuses, where the Eiffel Tower is like, and a couple of shops and shit. I heard yo, you go four blocks down, you in a shithole, bro. Well, what city would that not be, thank you. So look so, bro, it's New York, with a different accent. The fuck I gotta go there for different food. And yo, I heard, the food is actually shitty in Paris too. Who?

Speaker 2:

told you that map. They said yo shout them out right now on the camera. Who told you that?

Speaker 1:

yo, I watch a lot of travel blogs, right, and this is what they said. They said Paris, if you know this, paris has all American food there. They have all the fast food chains right there on all the main streets. And they said it's because people don't like their food enough, if people actually like, let me give an example. Right, you not eating KFC in Greece? You not eating. You not eating KFC on our Mafi Coast, bro?

Speaker 1:

you not until until they open one there like you, not going to you, not being like oh, let me get some fucking Starbucks in Jamaica. You're not bro getting the fresh coffee like you're not, like you understand what I'm saying. Like these places that actually have good food you not going to, I'm not going but I would.

Speaker 2:

I would argue that the ingredients are fresher. When I was in Paris, oh, it is more Americanized food in a lot of spots, but hundred percent the S cargo you get, like you know, the couple of the regular dishes, listen you won on that. I mean dude the S cargo was actually really good, and then I went up getting it in Hawaii too. It was fucking delicious, super good. They do it a nice, nice butter sauce on it. It's really good, but that.

Speaker 1:

I mean, butter sauce goes a long way on.

Speaker 2:

You put that on kids, you know shit up my fucking toes pop with a toe crack.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, man, your toes only crack for really really good things. We're not going to describe the other ones, but toes only cracked for really good things use your imagination.

Speaker 2:

People do what you do with the information, but you but use your imagination on your damn self, don't us? Do what you will with the information moving on from toes, yeah, yeah, I loved, I love Paris, though, as a side note, I had a lot of fun going to the. What was it? It was the Latin quarter. The Latin quarter was wild a lot of party and a lot of absinthe down there I'm with that stuff see like bullet right.

Speaker 2:

Let me tell you my my kind of vacation tell me and I'm gonna shut the window cuz I hear the landscapers. I want to make sure we ain't getting that on audio, you go.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to see if I could hear through headphones real quick, but we couldn't but still like close windows, though um now it's it's getting hot outside again. Yeah, it's like sweating in here, but it's still marching. I don't know what the fuck you like. March it's not supposed to be that hot. I'm trying to decide if the weather won't get nice or if it don't, because it doesn't know what it wants to figure the fuck out.

Speaker 2:

Come on mother nature, come on your reason.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, as you were saying, oh yeah, my type of vacation, you know we go on like a thousand tangents, y'all.

Speaker 2:

Stay with us, stay with us, stay with us if you've seen one and niggie Rizzles episode, then you know you. You haven't seen them all. Technically they're just all different topics, same format.

Speaker 1:

You may overlap a couple topics, but that's okay, you know, and they cut on at different time. You'll sometimes it'll cut on and like we'll still be setting up. And I'm just saying, wow, shit in the back, bro, like we only got the headphones on. You hear it vainly coming out. Sometimes the episode starts and we're halfway in a combo. But, um, vacation, and Andre vacation, yo, I like only like more like tropical places, one, yeah, but, but I doesn't always have to be tropical. But certain places, like I, I want to go to Bali, I want to do on yo, my number one is mildee violence. It's my number one. And my dude, cam, he does travel vlogs, right, and he said, yo, he's like, bro, whenever you ready, I got the email for you, he already has the email template written out and he's like, yo, bro, send us to the hotel. He's like you'll get the whole trip for free.

Speaker 2:

He's like you'll get your whole stay for free that's what I gotta start doing with my camera, man.

Speaker 1:

I gotta start using this shit to just get free trips yo he's like yo, he's like you got a following, you got a whole platform set up. And he's like it's not just body building, you do, you do other shit that looks cool too. So it's like this is right up your alley. And he's like all you're gonna have to do is highlight the hotel, highlight the trip. And he's like tag them a fucking couple of times, make them a couple of videos, put it on the page. And he's like hold, stay, gonna be free. I said, oh word, he's like bro, he does this all day right, so cool. But um, mildee violence is not my number one. Oh, we go to Japan with dark sport too.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dude, I'm so that I am. That's one of my, that's one of my tops that.

Speaker 1:

I am so jealous. Oh, my homegirl just came back, right, she's check out what she did. This is the fucking coolest shit. I don't know about y'all, but I like yo I be with cool nerd shit, right cuz. Anyway, let's get into it. So yo, she got to drive gold carts on the street in Japan in Mario Kart unit, in Mario Kart fucking costumes. That's sick she was Pikachu.

Speaker 2:

That's sick. That's sick. I need it. I don't want it.

Speaker 1:

I need it, bro, I gotta get the fuck out there oh, I'm pulling up with the Yoshi joint on and we getting busy in the street, yeah, and we getting busy in the street on some Mario Kart, yeah, I just want to know, can we? Can? We thought like the turtle shells and shit, though, and and the arm and the banana peel we're gonna get that part of the Mario Kart.

Speaker 1:

I need the full experience, but um yo, japan's gonna be a dope trip out there. Put like yo, the dark sport world tour is gonna be dope as hell like we're going to some dope spot.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. Yeah, I'm very jealous about the Japan trip. I want to go, so bad I want to. What I really want to do is start down in Okinawa, start south and go and make my way all the way up. Hit Kyoto, tokyo, go up, and then I want to finish snowboarding in the mountains in the in the north and then fly home. That's really what that's like a two-week trip. That's really what I want. You know, that is a two-week trip. Yeah, that's what I really said. To take my time or joy, she said.

Speaker 1:

She said there's certain things to go. Like she said there's certain trips there are not a couple of. It's a day trip to go there. Yeah, like if you want to go, do this, you can't just go there for two hours and go home like that's a day trip yeah, you bullet trains fought for five hours on the bullet train to get to the next big city, and then there's certain shit that's two-day trips.

Speaker 1:

She's like no, you want to go there for two days, you want to be able to go do this and this while you're there. So, um, excuse me, oh yeah, japan's gonna be dope. Like those are my kind of places, bro. Like a mafie coast. Grease. Like Santorini that's my kind of shit, bro. Santorini in the summer, bro, that's my kind of shit, bro.

Speaker 2:

Like I don't want to bro, fuck, I'm gonna come out wearing all white, just fucking, just I don't want to go to the same shit I could do, just go in the New York City yeah that's London, bro, but I got worried about getting knife down, you know. But look, you know, those UK rappers will come at you hard man, you gotta watch the look.

Speaker 1:

You're just why it's crazy to know man we've talked about. I am a second amendment advocate, right, I am, because that's where we live, right, but do you understand that? You go around the world? Most places don't have guns, cops don't even have guns, yeah, and got clubs. But look, right, I think we would have less crime if nobody had guns. I don't even think law and because, look, if they don't try to take our guns, that means they got to take them from the law enforcement to.

Speaker 1:

There's no way in hell because of the Constitution is set up that. It's not about protecting yourself against someone else, it's protecting yourself against the government and tyranny. That's the reason why you're allowed to have a weapon, because if you don't have a weapon, you got it. Yeah, alright. So the people who are against the Second Amendment, who are against guns you got to understand the simple math here, guys. If none of the citizens are able to defend themselves against the government, the government can do whatever they want to.

Speaker 1:

To us, texas has enough guns alone to actually start a revolution. If the government tried to do that, the people in Texas have enough guns and have enough ammo that they can start a. There's more guns in the US than people. That means you look, if the government could instill communism on us and all of that, they would have been, did it? Guys? Trust me, if you see like the tyrannical things they're doing, like where they made everybody take the jab, right then they come out and say that oh well, covid was just a regular virus and it was just like the flu and we didn't make anybody take it. And no, no, you make, they forced you, they forced everyone.

Speaker 2:

I ain't get it, but look oh, I know what, I know what I'm saying. They came out afterwards and said no, no, no, we didn't make anybody do it. No, they, no, they, no they no, they did.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you did. No, that I don't think they're saying they didn't make anybody take it. They saying they didn't date and we recommended it. We didn't, we, we didn't force you. No, they did. They were saying, at the moment they thought that was best, right, and that's fine. No, listen, listen, rizzo, that's fine if the moment you think that's best, but you still can't force me to do it, yeah, that's the point, like, and if you think they can do it with that, you know, if people didn't have guns, what else you think they would try to force us to?

Speaker 2:

do, maybe we'd be down a very interesting rabbit hole already, and the reason why they don't?

Speaker 1:

it's because and look, this is another thing who you think makes up the military and the police? The citizens here. You think those citizens are gonna fight against their own brother on their street.

Speaker 2:

I would. I would agree to with you but disagree at the same time, because you'd be shocked of how many people would go the distance of saying I was just doing my job.

Speaker 1:

No, you look right, but this is I said you want me to. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna it's.

Speaker 2:

It's a delicate subject, not, not, no, it's not.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not cuz, hold on, we're gonna get into a different. So those are weak men, I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying it's a delicate subject, because no, I'm saying it's a delicate subject because it could go either way. No hold on.

Speaker 1:

I got this. That's what happens when society creates weak men. They stand for nothing. Yes, those people would be the people who don't stand for nothing. When you say you're just doing your job so you're ready to kill your brother in the street over doing your job, that is a weak man. I agree, that is a weak man, like the people who ain't willing to stand in the gap are actually the weak men. Right, the weak men who are people who are people who shoot people for nothing. Weak men are the people who shoot up schools. Weak men are the people that are killing each other in the street for goddamn nothing. Those are weak men. They're weak men cuz they have no control. That's what society's breeding weak men and honestly, they want weak men.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, cuz easier to control. People with no control are easier to control. You have no self-control. I control you. Then you know how I control you by manipulation, the music you listen to, the shit you see on TV, the shit you see in social media. You know why? Cuz none of your thoughts are your own thoughts.

Speaker 2:

You just follow what you see easiest people to control just another way. What the? Which is another reason why I've broken away from the quote-unquote societal norms. I'm done with the social game. I don't watch TV no more. I don't want any of that bullshit. Look, be able to read, learn, do my thing and focus and develop myself. But look though.

Speaker 1:

I but Rizzo. No, you're not breaking away from the societal norms, because those are the societal norms, your things you're doing. You're breaking away from this new shit they're trying to teach you. That is normal.

Speaker 2:

I'm saying they're no, no that normal? No, we believe and we know is actually normal, like actually that's just working on yourself, but they don't believe that that is.

Speaker 1:

But no, but yo, bro, people get caught up and listen into them loud minority bro. It's not normal. It's not. More people think like us than don't. It's not normal. What you're calling is normal, is the real, like no, is the real hope.

Speaker 2:

You know I'm not particularly calling it normal, I'm so the don't hear out loud so don't come here and try to say it's normal.

Speaker 1:

Then, brother, you ain't talking to one of them. You understand what I'm saying when you repeat that shit. That's what makes it normal. Stop repeating it like it is normal. It's not, it's a fucking clown world. That's not normal. This new shit it's not. Stand on it, it's not. So don't repeat it, bro. You're giving it validity by saying the societal norms. Well, how do you break, how do you break away the bullshit that's going on right now? Do not call it societal norms?

Speaker 2:

I'm not. If you are looking from the outside in at somebody that's stuck in that mindset, how do you see what you actually need to see to get away from that? And I keep pointing to stuff like this because this is what we need to be doing. Go look at consuming the garbage.

Speaker 1:

No, but look, some of this shit is garbage too. Yes, that's what the you, but hold on. That's what the problem is. That's why you have to be surrounded by strong individuals, and I'm talking about real strong people, not fake strong people. These people that try to preach all of this feminist shit and all of these things, and these women that hate men, those are not strong people. Those are weak people agree that their arguments aren't even strong. Their arguments are weak. You know why their arguments are weak? Because they have no basis. You cannot change the definitions to words. You cannot that. You cannot change a definition to make your argument valid. No, you cannot. The definition is the definition, bro, I'm sorry we said that long time ago.

Speaker 2:

We can't be made of facts and look this is another one, right?

Speaker 1:

no, people's feelings are valid to them. That's what people gotta understand. Yo, your feelings are valid, but they're only valid to you.

Speaker 1:

Like it not everybody's gonna feel that way no, your feelings are not valid to me, they're yours. They're not mine, they're yours. Your perception is your perception. It's a feeling. That is your perception. That belongs to you, not me. That is your business. But guess what? The fact is everyone's business. The fact is not being disputed here, bro. We're not gonna dispute any fact. The fact is a fact, so we're not disputing it.

Speaker 1:

Your feelings now are subjective, brother, so somebody can feel however they want to say. And I can't say that your feelings are invalid. They're on that. They might be invalid to me, but to you they are of it. They are valid, bro. That's how it's how you feel. But guess what? You're not entitled to me feeling the same way you do. That's that, that's all it is.

Speaker 1:

So, like when people say, oh, the whole transgender thing, right, bro? Yeah, you want to feel, do whatever you want to do. Just don't try to include me in this shit. When I, when I say he, because you look like a he and you're mad at me, now the fuck you mad at me for bro, like, yes, wild, and now you blacking out on me, bro, I just looking for a problem, bro, I, you think I look, and this is my thing, like I'm not being rude yo. My thing is this right yo, rizzles, if someone is transgender and they asked me to call them a woman After they asked me to call them like, if they asked me, can you try to refer to me as she? I'm gonna right, just because I'm being respectful. I'm not rude yo. But if I slip up because it's not something I'm used to, don't get mad at me for it yo.

Speaker 2:

But at the same time, I'm not obligated to do these things, neither like Panetti and I had Alex on from the from Bev's and he transitioned from a female to a male way early, like pre puberty, and when we sat down we literally had a Super he's super transparent about everything. He's also the kind of person to say Not everyone's it is. It gonna agree with this and it's okay that that's your, that's what you believe and that's fine. This is just the way that I live my life.

Speaker 1:

I think and this is what, so that you're like this young generation is lost. Let me tell you why they're lost. They try to cling on to something, have a community. So the people who are don't have a community. They see that as being popular and that's got like a community. So even if they're not gay or trans, because they don't have a community, they're clinging to a community now.

Speaker 1:

And if you look at like the people who been trans or been did that like long, long time ago, those people don't feel the way these people in the society feel today. That are it because what those people never tried to push their views on Everyone else. They said I am who I am. That's it. I'm not trying to make you have to say what I am doing is right or wrong. It's what I do. It's not my opinion to say what you are is right or wrong. That's your life. Thanks, like, who the fuck am I to tell you what you doing? Because, guess what, you ain't telling me what I'm doing. Nope, like, just like, you're not gonna force me to call you this or call you that. Yo listen, every single human Should be able to get human decency from any person, just as a human decency Period. But it seems like a lot of those people that try to push this agenda on you, those people are the least tolerant to anybody else. If you have another opinion, they're not tolerant of that at all.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's a right.

Speaker 1:

They yell no bullying, but then they do the bullying you want me to be tolerant of something, but you don't want to be tolerant of my opinion, of what I think. So you want me to be tolerant of your opinion, but you don't want to be tolerant of mine. Yep, yeah. So guess what? Blow me, go fuck yourself. Get fucked, cuz, that's how I'm gonna say it, and I'm literally gonna stand on that shit. Then Get fucked. Yeah, I Couldn't agree more, cuz. Guess what? I don't care if you care about my opinion, cuz I don't care about yours. So that's what we're gonna stand you stand over there, I'm gonna stand over here and we. Good then, cuz, that's how it was going before. The only person that changed anything was you trying to make me believe your opinion.

Speaker 2:

It's a weird modern-day grasp at tribalism. That's really what it is.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not a grasp at it. It is it, yeah, but it, but I'm saying it's you be trying to soften the blow for these people, bro, chopstick, call it what it is, I'm not trying to solve it.

Speaker 2:

Call it what it is, bro. What what I'm saying, though, is? It's not a full-blown tribal type of mentality, because they're not even accepted in their own, in their own mindset or thought process, so it's a fake grasp. That's what I'm trying to say, and, just like you said, even if they're not actually there, they're still trying to be included in something. Oh, but no, bro.

Speaker 1:

No, some of these people really believe 100% what they'd say. Actually, no, they don't, because it's like, when they go to, when they go like, it's like this right, you don't believe what you're doing because why is women liberation every single time you protest and y'all all get naked Every single and every single March, sexualizing yourself? Every single March, they take off. What is you taking off your clothes at the protest for everybody doing? I don't understand how you feel liberated by that. You look like a fucking fool, like, just like the, just like the transgenders of feminists that just start screaming, or the activists that do what like dumb shit, like did you see the people that cemented their hands to the runway? Oh, was that? And then they had to get their shit cut off and then they had to get their hands amputated. That was for a climate. Yes, because they were so dumb they didn't realize that. But going your hands to the, to the pavement, was gonna make it.

Speaker 2:

Don't fucking breathe, man. Oh, what an idiot. And look, my thing is right scary. But they won't. But they won't call out the politicians and the millionaires and the billionaires that have their private jets every Four and a half seconds. They'll just block the the highway of regular working people that are already stressed about not being able to make money. They can't get through to get to their job and make the fucking hundred bucks They'll make for the day every four groceries.

Speaker 1:

Everybody that talks about climate change just so happens to have a private jet, even Taylor's.

Speaker 2:

And a house on the coast.

Speaker 1:

That's weird. Her footprint in one year is more than we'll do in a whole lifetime. She's, she's, but yet they telling us we got to change our shit, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, I'll tell you. I'll let me. Let me get on that subject. I'll tell you exactly what the fuck I got a problem. I don't like me up man. We don't like me up right now.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you what man with the amount of waste and oh wait oh fuck the amount of all fuck and just not only from Private jets and just all of that bullshit, but the amount of fucking garbage from all these countries around the world. But I'm expected in the United States to fix the entire. Have you ever seen what the garbage looks like in India? It's disgusting, dude, it's it the whole rivers are filled.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so all right, you know.

Speaker 2:

My deodorant the other day that I had to buy is in a cardboard container. Now I got a push through. The fucking thing is falling out in the bathroom. I'm like holding it up, squeezing the sides and then applying it. That's why I'm sweating right now because my deodorant didn't have of its cardboard. My pits and then Drain. Don't get me started and then I'll tell you what other fucking shit I got. A problem with those goddamn fucking paper straws. Oh God, we found out have PFAS forever chemicals Could holding them together and you're giving those out because we're gonna save the universe, the save the fucking planet.

Speaker 1:

No, but like killing everybody with cancer hold on, but this is what I don't get right, rizal. My thing is this so why did we change it if you knew you were gonna have to change it?

Speaker 2:

to forever chemicals, exactly well, because they don't care, because the lobbying allows the forever, we look the other way for no, but no, but what I'm gonna keep to produce, though.

Speaker 1:

But what I mean is it's cheap to produce those straws too like. What I mean is this there was no need to switch it. They're both bad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, they're both bad in different ways. One doesn't break down, the other one breaks down, but the the shit that you're you're you're using to glue it together is giving the people that are consuming through it cancer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and look uh, I rather not have cancer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, cuz I'd rather not have cancer.

Speaker 1:

It's the wildest shit to me, right, all right, this is, this is my thing, right? This earth has been here for how long? Billions of years. What are they claiming now? Humans haven't been here the whole time, right, but the earth has been here for billions of years. Right now, this earth has been able to sustain meteors, floods, earthquakes, over hot seasons oh, I mean over hot periods, yeah, over cold periods. And you think that anything we're doing is gonna actually end this, this earth? Yeah, you're out of your mind. And but their actual ice age. But look now, do you know that the last time, like the last time, there was life form that ended, was from a nuclear explosion? You know, I don't think it was a nuclear weapon, it was a nuclear explosion. So the only thing that can actually cause a cataclysmic like event here is something nuclear. Now, outside of that, bro, the earth is gonna sustain anything you throw at it. Brother, a couple of plastic straws of the plastic straws ain't doing shit. Yo, all the garbage in India is not doing nothing. I.

Speaker 2:

Think it's China, china and India obviously the leaders of that, of that shit. I think everybody's a leader.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter. You know why? Cuz it doesn't matter yeah well, it's just another.

Speaker 2:

It's just another thing to pivot people against one another on. Oh, you didn't buy the latest elect electric car, that's because you're an asshole. Do you know how much fucking, how much fucking waste your electric car produces from the amount of energy it requires to charge? And it's batteries, that they the cobalt that they just came for it.

Speaker 1:

They just finally Declassified that electric cars have more carbon print than a regular car.

Speaker 2:

That's weird. And then guess what? Now they can shut the grid down and you can't drive your fucking car anywhere. But did you?

Speaker 1:

see all the did you see? All the car makers are going back away from EVs cuz they're not selling. Thank, God. But then. But then Biden even came out and said that he's gonna have to. They're good. So now they're gonna. They're getting ready to walk back all those mandates they try to enforce on all the car companies. That's interesting. They're getting ready to start walking it back a little because they realize, look, we can't sustain it either if people aren't gonna buy him. What can you do?

Speaker 2:

And I look at it. But not only are they not gonna buy them, but on top of it, if they, if every single person did buy it, we don't have the grid to sustain that much power. Everyone knows that. Well, evidently they don't, because they're telling themselves alive, just like all the other bullshit that they're pretending is actually real.

Speaker 1:

But my thing is this you know, on the baseline, how don't people get these things? People argue against things that are so. It's so in your face. That is, you're dude. One plus one equals two. You don't like how we, how, how you figure, and this isn't adding up. Well, it goes back to the people that are online on social media, especially those type let's just take those people we just spread in delusion.

Speaker 2:

Well, that I would. I'm gonna argue and say yes, and I also just feel like they, they just people, just want to debate, just a debate, just debate, just to be noticed. You know what I say? That old time cuz I tell people time, yo you just chatting, you, just, you just talking just chatting like nothing that you're saying any fucking logical sense at this point.

Speaker 1:

You just chatting to chat. That's a weird thing.

Speaker 2:

I typed in what countries are highest and the thing, the first thing they come up in rabies. Who the fuck is searching that?

Speaker 1:

Wow, you're, I'm dead, I'm dead, yeah, I.

Speaker 2:

Jesus. Well, actually now I'm curious which ones all right with one time which was a.

Speaker 1:

Bro, bro, shit show. This is what. This is what happens when you and your friends ain't shit. He said now, now, really now.

Speaker 2:

Evidently China's number one. Evidently we're in the number two spot.

Speaker 1:

I told you bro, we're right there bro.

Speaker 2:

We're on the number two spot, india. This isn't rabies. This is back to a pollution.

Speaker 1:

But look, do you know why we're number?

Speaker 2:

two, though I will answer that I will actually ask you in one second.

Speaker 1:

It's the same. It's the same reason why people in the US don't have passports Go on, because everyone in Europe travels everywhere, because their continent is in a country, our continent is a country. So when people go from Czechoslovakia, we'll say to Ireland, we don't do that, we go from New York to Arizona. So we're basically you. What are you saying? We're basically traveling countries by traveling states. Oh, you're saying we were large, that we were in Europe, like to go from here to Arizona would be traveling countries away. Yeah, wouldn't be traveling states away, but so that's the reason actual number two because our, the US, is a whole continent.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm gonna tell you what's bullshit. India's number three, that they're not a and and they are not a continent. Yeah, but with the amount I wouldn't even think on just the travel, the co2 from travel loan I'm thinking, just for manufacturing that they would be in the number two spot, not three spots.

Speaker 1:

That's crazy. No, but you gotta remember that's crazy. They're in the number three spot and they're not as big as the US or China. Think of how big India is. It's nowhere near the size of here or China.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, india, european Union. Five spot is Russia, six spots Japan, seven Brazil, eight is Iran, nine is Indonesia, 10.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but and if you look, it's all the world powers. Yeah, why? Cuz we have all that, we produce the most shit.

Speaker 2:

We got. I'll tell you what we got start producing more shit. I I need to.

Speaker 1:

I want to start supporting more American made shit but you'll see me, to me that's neither here nor there. You want me to tell you why it's neither here nor there. Please, basic in economics, brother. It's not about supporting American things or supporting China things. People with businesses are always gonna go to wherever. How, who can do the process for cheaper, mm-hmm? So if American labor costs us $20 an hour but it costs in India a dollar and two cents I'm sorry to say it roads capitalism we're gonna go get it done for a dollar and two cents. You know why? Cuz while it costs you $20 an hour to make it, I can sell it for cheaper than it costs you an hour labor. Yeah, you dig what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I dig what you're saying the materials and all that action, I can literally sell the product for cheaper than you can do it for a half hour labor without question.

Speaker 2:

But then there's companies like origin, who I really love and I support. They're up in Maine, mm-hmm. Jocko willing is part of it, joe looking.

Speaker 1:

But look, hold on though, hold on though, see. But this is what I'm gonna ask you and this is why this is. This is the thing that I don't like that Certain people do now look to me Are you supporting it only because it's American? Are you supporting it because you act? It's so let me ask you this if it wasn't made in America, would you still be supporting it? I Know you have to think which means you don't really support you about your only support it cuz it's in America products that I've purchased.

Speaker 2:

Okay and then okay.

Speaker 2:

I really do love the quality of the jeans quality of anything made in America is actually really good but I really love the quality of the jeans, the geez, the geez that they produce, the Brazilian jiu-jitsu geez are really nice. I haven't bought a pair of their boots yet. The boots are supposed to be very nice, all Really high quality leather, everything like that. I'm not gonna say that just because a company uses, I'm gonna. I'm just gonna support it out the game cuz I'm gonna give you cuz I'm gonna give you the flip side.

Speaker 2:

Cuz, I've supported plenty of companies that obviously don't make in America and I love the quality of it and I continue to do it cuz.

Speaker 1:

I'm gonna give you the flip side of it. Right, that's like me only supporting things that are black owned and I tell people, in time, fuck your black owned product. You know why? Because, guess what, I'm not gonna support you only because you're black, because what? So even if you have shit, quality shit Can be shit, our car customer service shit, everything I'm supposed to? So support it just cuz it's black owned, because the stamp is on it? No, I'm not.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I agree, and that's why I asked you that yeah, no, no, I and I agree with you, and that's why I thought for a second. I was like well, let me think, because if the if I bought the stuff and the quality was shit, but I was still buying more because I was trying to just specifically support that it was American made, then I'd say you know what? You're right, I'm doing it just cuz it's American made. But, dude, I buy a bunch, I buy a bunch of fucking yetis to me, it's like I signed in.

Speaker 2:

Texas made in China.

Speaker 1:

See, look to me, this is me now, right, so I'm gonna support any product that I like the product. Yeah, if it so happens to be American, yo, even better. If it so happens to be a black guy, even better. But guess what, if it's not, I still like the product, I agree. And look you see how you said yeti is designed in Texas. Yeah, so it's an American company, but they're still outsourcing all the labor because it's capitalism, bro. So I want to make that point. Yeah, like it. Like it comes back to capitalism. And you know, in that sense, we can't compete with China unless we do what China does to us. And what I mean is this you can't own real estate in China. We act.

Speaker 2:

Can I really not buy any real estate? No, you cannot, really. No.

Speaker 1:

That's a fact. The government has to allow you to do everything there. No, if you're not a citizen, you cannot buy nothing in China.

Speaker 2:

You don't own shit there without being a citizen and look at us just bending over and showing the fucking starfish. That's crazy.

Speaker 1:

All right, it's like tiktok, right? Do people under like and look? This is another one. Because I've read the comments on these things and you realize how Misinformed the average citizen in general public is about affairs of the world. So, boom, people think that we're getting rid of tiktok because we care about the kids making money on tiktok. That's why we want to get rid of tiktok. It's for the same reason why None of our social media platforms are allowed in China. Do you know why? Highly addictive? No, nope, go on. China's not allowing us to own their data.

Speaker 2:

Oh, the the actual use of everything once they get access to your phone.

Speaker 1:

They don't do. China's not letting us own their data. Yeah, no, we. What's app? Instagram, all the face. China even has its own Facebook. You're not having Facebook over here. No, we control everything. Why do we control everything? Because you think we're letting our enemy have our data, and that's what we're doing with tiktok right now. Our enemy has all of our data.

Speaker 2:

Can a foreigner buy a house in China? Yes, china does allow foreigners to buy property, that's gotta be new. But oh see, okay, okay, okay, I didn't want you.

Speaker 1:

I didn't want to let you fit it, okay.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I haven't read more yet. I don't know yet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there are a few requirements. You're, the government has to allow you.

Speaker 2:

US citizen venturing into Chinese property market. The one, the main one, is a length of stay in the country. You'll need to have lived in China for at least 12 months working or studying on a valid permit. These are the country-wide rules, but there may also be other requirements depending on which region you're looking to buy in. So you because what they do, and look what they're doing is there restrictions for foreigners buying and property in China? You can only buy one property in China as a foreigner. Second homes aren't allowed. That's weird because we're letting them buy up everything.

Speaker 1:

Look, the property you buy must be for living in you're not allowed to rent out Over the or act as a land. Now look cuz, look right. What they're doing is this. Number one is they're not allowing you to take money out of their economy. That's number one. Number two is we have to know Every last thing about you for you to do that. We're not doing that to China. Anyone can buy land here.

Speaker 2:

We need to know shit about you besides, if you, if you qualify for the loan, bro we watch, we've been watching it get, get bought up and actually even Even stuff on a fucking loan. They'll. They'll do it easier for foreigners and they will for our own people like I People don't understand.

Speaker 1:

What like I people don't understand? Like simple business shit, like what Trump was doing with the tariffs against China, and what he was basically doing is like yo, china will not let us do certain things in their country that benefits us more than them. And that's basically what Trump was doing. He was evening the playing field on all that like wait, hold up, so we're gonna do the same thing. Then there's no way in hell you're gonna tell us that, oh, like, I'm just gonna give an example, right. Oh, you guys can only make 20 cents on the dollar over there, but then when you come here, you allow them to make a dollar on a dollar here. No, we're gonna do the same thing. Right back to you, bro, you can only make 20 cents on a dollar here and the rest of it goes to our government. And I don't understand how people don't see that's a problem.

Speaker 2:

Well, they bring. Well, it goes back to the same thing they, they, they, almost, they almost believe their, their own shit that they're fucking just constantly pushing out. And they what they cook? They cry xenophobia. Is that the? Is that the term that they use?

Speaker 1:

No, but but look right, I'm against the Zionists. That Zionist shit is bullshit, bro. And the people that think that's not happening. They're out of their mind. They own everything. You don't think that's a problem.

Speaker 2:

I didn't say that no, no, no.

Speaker 1:

I'm saying in general, like I don't understand how people don't they own every you you don't see that? They're manipulating Everything? And I'm not talking about Jewish people, I'm talking about Zionism, like, and I don't. What's weird was like. Really weird to me is how Jewish people allow themselves to be grouped together. Oh, your, your anti-Semitic. If you say something about Zionism, no, you should be standing separate from that. Oh, no, we're not with them over there, bro, we over here, we like, no, we're our own people.

Speaker 2:

It's like, it's like an Amish community, it's just we're not them like, we're not them Like.

Speaker 1:

Just cuz they're Jewish doesn't mean that they like if they're Jewish and we respect them as being Jewish. But that Zionism shit we not with that Like. I don't know how people don't see that Isn't?

Speaker 2:

that what? But isn't that the term? That that's cold. I was want to make sure I'm using the right term. Oh yes, when they said, oh, you're just, you're just being against Specifically them, it's like no, it's not yo bro.

Speaker 1:

How should you not be against any manipulation? You're listen, killing innocent people on either side is wrong, bro. I don't care what side you're on. Don't care what side you're on, bro, and if you're gonna tell me that one side is wrong for doing what they do, and how's the other side not wrong for doing what they do into? Let's be real here, bro. It's cool. It's made a spade stop trailer, like everybody wants to dance around this shit, like only one side can be wrong, like Nah, bro, and you gotta go back. Like people forget what happened to cause certain things. It's like this Every action has a reaction, right, and there's causation to everything, and the causation is what happened in the beginning. Now it's what happening now.

Speaker 2:

That's what you gotta realize. Yeah, when you see things at a tail end, it's what's already occurred.

Speaker 1:

It's like in the NBA or football. Like. It's like in football, right, when the defensive lineman might hit you with an elbow and an offensive lineman does a retaliation and then you get the penalty. You got the penalty because we saw you Like we know he started it, but we didn't see him, bro, so you got caught.

Speaker 2:

So you pulled him right in the eye.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you got caught. The foul's going on you, bro. And now in the NBA they so petty they rewind the tape. Now In NFL they still ain't rewind in the tape. In the NBA they can rewind the tape to call a foul on you. Now. So like yeah, so like say they caught you right Slapping me and you got the technical and they about to eject you from the game. They were winding the tape and they seen that I kicked you in the balls first balls. They do that shit for every fucking ball.

Speaker 1:

Like yeah, well, you said kicking, not grabbing Yo, he gotta go, like they, like yo, you gotta go too. We see in the NFL they not rolling the tape back. It's such fucking stupid shit. If yo, if I slap you and they eject you from the game, if I kicked you in the balls and none of them have seen it, bro, I'm still in the game, cuz yeah, peace and look, I mean is it wrong?

Speaker 2:

either way, they got a billion cameras on the field. They refuse to just watch any of them. It's insane.

Speaker 1:

Because you know there's money. It's basically like what's going. Look. So Rizal is funny, because it's the same thing about what we're talking about with the whole Zionism shit the reason why certain people look the other way with certain things, because they benefit from it. There's money involved. Yeah, they benefit from it, there's money involved. You think we ain't giving money to Ukraine for a reason Because, bro, there's money involved. It's coming back to other people's pockets. No, so, look right, we give the money over there. They're not using it. Zelensky and his people got Bentley's and Big Mansions now Cool, and then they funnel the money back to some of the politicians over here, and now they got some.

Speaker 2:

No, they're really using it for that, especially because Hawaii.

Speaker 1:

We couldn't afford to help Hawaii out during their natural disaster, but look though, right, like listen, you see how I don't be mad about it Because I see what's going. Like look, yo, you could be aware of things and be like I see what's going on, guys.

Speaker 2:

I see what's going on, fully aware of what you're doing and look, it's OK.

Speaker 1:

Just don't act like we don't know what's going on, Like you know what I mean, Bro. We know why the money going over there.

Speaker 2:

Would you think, or would you believe, that the majority of the population knows that it's a corrupt bullshit scheme?

Speaker 1:

How does the majority of the country know that Ukraine is one of the most corrupt places in the world? Because they have a lot of resources and the government is trashed and we overthrew their government in 2014. They had a democratic government and we overthrew it and implanted our own people there. What the fuck?

Speaker 2:

Like look, look right, rizzo, here goes my thing. But I saw more Ukrainian flags than American flags in neighborhoods, man.

Speaker 1:

But look, here goes my thing though Rizzo right what I just said most people don't know these things. Well, it'll blow their minds.

Speaker 1:

No but this is my thing. It's fine that you don't know these things. Just don't comment like you do know what you're talking about. Let's go do your research. No, but don't do. No, you don't even got to do that. Just don't comment and speak like you know what you're talking about. Then Rizzo's things I don't know about, I don't comment on. I stay out of it If you ask me oh well, I don't know if the Maybelline lipstick is better than the Gucci lipstick or the Louis Vuitton lipstick, and I'm going to tell you you're not up to date on the lipsticks, bro. I don't fucking know. That's her. I'm not just going to be like oh yeah, well, this is this and this is that, and I'm pulling on. Ruby Red is known to be more illustrious. Now I got a whole opinion on something I don't know about. Bro, yo, listen, guys, Yo.

Speaker 2:

You're speaking too much common sense and facts for people right now. I got a gem for the people. Right, I got a gem for the people. Oh, what's the time stamp? So I know I got a gem for the people.

Speaker 1:

Yo, I'm dead. Yo, I got a gem for the people, right? Guys, Check this out. Gem for y'all Saying I don't know to an answer and not having opinion on something.

Speaker 1:

Both of those things are completely fine, yo, if you don't know politics, you don't have to have an opinion on politics. If you don't know which lip gloss is better, you don't need to give them an answer. You can clearly say, guys, I just don't know. Guys, I'm not well informed on that topic. These things are like it. You don't always have to give an answer and feel that, look, before you even feel the need to be right. Right, you don't even have to feel the need to be included in the conversation. I don't know what's going on, bro. I can say I don't know, nor do I care that, feel the need to have to be included in that conversation. Yo, bro, I can sit on the sideline. Yo, guys, it's completely OK to sit on the sideline in conversations and debates.

Speaker 1:

I got a funny one for you, right? It just happened two days ago. So me and Spoon in the restaurant, right, and we haven't debated about something in the restaurant. We all there. It shouldn't, you right? Yo, jm Wife is over there, debbie Mangier right and Debbie come over right and Debbie tell his spoon because, like I'm telling Spoon that your perception is your perception, it belongs to you Debbie comes over and tells him your perceptions are feeling it's not a fact, so we don't care about that. Yo, bro, I stopped talking. I said, yeah, debbie's going to take over my part in this debate now because yo like, she's like, remember, she's a mom, she's like 57 years old, so Debbie is not caring, no fucks about your feelings in this convo. I might care a little bit and I'm like yo, spoon, I understand what you're saying about this, but that's not and Debbie's don't care. Yo, we don't care about your feelings.

Speaker 2:

All of a sudden Dre went. I know this is sad for two, but we need to be a third seat.

Speaker 1:

So now look what I'm getting to. I said that to say this because remember what I said you don't have to have an opinion and you can sit out the convo. Yes, George is mad funny. Yo, George is sitting. Yo, bro, I'm sitting here. Spoon sitting right across from me, George is sitting there, right? Yo, George, I say the thing just dying. He's just like dying, laughing. Right, we leave now and George goes like this the next day. I mean, I was just smart enough to let y'all be my entertainment. Yeah, yeah, I had no input, but I was smart enough to just sit on the sideline and laugh at y'all being my entertainment. I'm just going to observe on this one. So, guys, back to the gym. Guys, you don't have to have input on something, you can just sit there and let the people be your entertainment.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully the gym is received. Listen to it, let it ring in your ear canal. Hit the brain, take it in. It's like, it's like.

Speaker 1:

It's kind of like this right People talking about shit relationships all the time. Right, if you're not in a shit relationship, you can sit on the sideline and just say nothing, like I don't relate. Yeah, look, andre, what are your thoughts? I got nothing, I don't relate. I plead the fifth Wait so you're not going to agree with him or her, or him, or him or her or her. I got nothing, I don't relate.

Speaker 2:

Remember Chappelle, remember the Chappelle skip when he was in court.

Speaker 1:

Fifth, fifth, but look, it's not even the fifth. There's nothing, oh no, I'm just saying, that's what you're going to say.

Speaker 2:

I do?

Speaker 1:

I don't know. No, but it's not even about pleading the fifth. There's nothing incriminating for me to say, because I don't relate to y'all. I'm not in a shit relationship, so why should I be in a conversation about other people in shitty relationships? Bro, this is where I exit stage left.

Speaker 2:

So it doesn't have specifically to do with that type of scenario. But when you don't know, it's OK to say I don't know. I'm going to give you the perfect example the training when I work for Apple. The biggest thing that they teach you when you're learning about how to interact with customers on the floor and do all that type of stuff is they go. We never want you to lie to somebody. We don't want you to say anything that's false, just to say something this and that, this is the line that you use and.

Speaker 2:

I've used this so many times. I don't know the answer to that, but why don't we go find out together? I don't know, I have no idea, but let's go find the answer together. I love that one.

Speaker 1:

Because I'm an expert on it. That's why I love it, because you're admitting you're not an expert, but you're also being inclusion. You have an inclusion here, there, because you're like yeah, right, that shoulder.

Speaker 2:

We're going to go learn it together. Now that shoulder oh, there's dandruff on it. Give my arm back. Ooh, cut that, cut that.

Speaker 1:

Make sure you cut that. Ooh, there's dandruff on it Shoulders a little stanky, ok, but yeah, but back to what I was saying about hell. Yo bro, you don't have to always have an answer to something.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's OK.

Speaker 1:

Say no, I don't know, totally fine.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've said I don't know plenty of times.

Speaker 1:

I don't Look. This is another thing. I tell people, Yo, if I'm in an argument or a debate about something, bro, you better believe I know the facts on it, bro. I won't even step into a realm I don't know the facts on bro. So if you really over there, bro, make sure you got your facts in order, bro, Because I have a bunch of useless facts and stats in my head and I tell people this they're only useless until you need to use one, so they're not really useless, bro. You got the roller deck's brain Because, yo, bro, they come out of nowhere and they be like how the fuck do you know that?

Speaker 2:

How the fuck do you know, All of a sudden you just go. Oh, here's the no card and all that.

Speaker 1:

Bro, I read something about it fucking three years ago when I was fucking doing this and I remember reading it. I was reading it actually about this, and then this came up and then I ended up in a rabbit hole and I ended up learning about this. But yeah, I got the stats on it looking up.

Speaker 2:

I did, andre. I know so much about mating Galapagos tortoises.

Speaker 1:

Yo bro, it'd be some random shit, bro, that I'd be knowing about. It's like oh you shit. Yeah, it'd be random, bro, but if I'm actually speaking on it like that, I usually know what I'm talking. I don't speak on things I don't know, bro, it's just I'm cool with saying I don't know. I love that.

Speaker 2:

I really do. I love that. We need more viewpoints of that, or people understanding that it's OK to not know everything, or you could say this right so it's like this right, Well, Dre, who's the best hockey player?

Speaker 1:

Wayne Kretzky or Bobby Orr, and you're like I will say some shit. Like this right, so well, in my opinion, I like Kretzky.

Speaker 2:

What do you like, Kretzky? Why do you like?

Speaker 1:

Kretzky. I can tell you a bunch of things, but I didn't say Kretzky was the best I said in my opinion. So what I'm letting you know is I feed the conversation? No, so I don't know shit about hockey. Oh so you're I.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, I don't know shit. I don't know the white guy, no, but I'm the black guy and I know hockey. The white Canadian, I don't know I like that. I think he's the best the white guy from Canada.

Speaker 1:

The white guy hey yo, they're all white guys from Canada.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there you go. I couldn't be wrong. The short one. He's like damn, take me like that, the short one.

Speaker 1:

Short one. All right, kretzky going with Kretzky, I'm going to pick Kretzky for you. But that's like when people I think people get this confused too your favorite is different than the best. Yo, dre, who's your team? Yo, I'm rolling with the Knicks, but this last team will tell you they're going to win the championship. Bro, they're not the best team, they're my team. So if you ask me, who's your favorite player, bro, who your favorite player is different than who's the best. But you could say you like Smush Parker. He was like the 12th best fucking Laker on the team at the time, but guess what I have no idea about.

Speaker 1:

But if you like Smush Parker, you like Smush Parker. Bro, don't ever try to tell me the guys better than Kobe, though, oh, that I know Like hey.

Speaker 1:

But your favorite is different than the best, bro. And look, no one Again. It's like your preference and like your perspective. No one can tell you that your favorite is wrong. My favorite ice cream is cookies and cream. How the fuck somebody going to tell you you're wrong because your favorite is cookies and cream? Because they like mint chocolate chip. Cool, you like mint chocolate chip, get that, enjoy it. Get that, Enjoy it. I may enjoy my cookies. You want a spoon of mine? I'll take a spoon of yours. I really don't like it, but you know what I'm going to. Just take a spoon, just try it.

Speaker 1:

Just try it. I'll try it, but you taste it, you go not really my thing, yeah, and then I go back to my cookies and cream.

Speaker 2:

Wow, it's really good, but yeah.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe he's eating that shit. Your favorite and the best are two different things. Yeah, what you got there. What you got there, because we just ripping off bro.

Speaker 2:

We ripping.

Speaker 1:

Yo, we probably been ripped off. I don't even know how long this has been going so far Almost an hour and a half.

Speaker 2:

Shit, do it every time, man, shit I do. I just had down life. What's new?

Speaker 1:

has training Yo it's funny as hell, because the last two podcasts we did you had to. You was like bro. I remember one of them. You was like yo Dre, we have to end because, bro, it wasn't that you wanted to end it, you was like bro, we were at in this convo we can go for another two hours and if I don't say let's end it, we're going to be here till it's dark. That's how it goes.

Speaker 2:

We got to keep it especially just for, like you got to keep it like the hour and a half two hour roughly around there and then because then after that people just start dropping off and I don't expect people to listen to the entire fucking thing through one sitting. It's a podcast man. You listen to a little bit of it. You go do life. You listen to a little bit of here and there. You go do life again. Enjoy it at your own leisure and your own time.

Speaker 1:

That's what I do, right, so like I won't get a whole podcast in one sitting unless I'm taking a ride in the car, unless it's a 15 minute podcast, that's different.

Speaker 2:

Too Quick, little bite.

Speaker 1:

But I'll catch it in like X, like I mean act one, act two, act three, like boom, I even got a Bluetooth speaker in the shower so I even listen to my like if I'm chilling in the crib, like, say, I'm driving home from the gym, right, and I'm listening to a podcast and I only get 17 minutes because I'm on the way from the gym and I'm like, oh fuck, I'm gonna listen to the rest of that. But I'm going right in the bathroom, cut that shit on the shower In, a bit like I'm cutting on the bathroom speaker before I even get in the shower. So I'm cutting on the speaker. So while I'm even just in the house I can still hear it. And I'm getting ready and I took a shower and then now, boom, I got the whole 45 minutes in yeah yeah, I'm a sucker for an audio book.

Speaker 1:

I'm a sucker for podcasts Me too because you don't have to like, you don't have to be fully attentive to it while you're listening. Yeah, I try to be, because I want to digest information.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, no, no no, no, what I mean is this but it's good background. No, what I mean is this you can't brush your teeth and read a book at the same time. Yes, I can brush my teeth and listen to Patrick by David at the same exact time. I can't read a book while I'm in the shower. I can listen to this 15 minutes for the shower I've been listening to more of him.

Speaker 2:

I like him.

Speaker 1:

That's and, and yo I like Patrick by David a lot, but um yo. Value Taman right. Yeah, I'm starting not to like to fucking do this. Fucking his fucking right here in Mando.

Speaker 2:

I don't know enough about the group, yet I think I've only seen his solo ever since I cannot think of his name right now, bro, let me look it up.

Speaker 1:

It's his right hand man too, and I'm starting to not like him.

Speaker 2:

He's the right hand man on Value Taman. Yeah, the super.

Speaker 1:

Jewish guy Because he's one of them. Dudes that he um he refuses to see any fault in Jewish people at all.

Speaker 2:

Adam. His name's Adam Adam.

Speaker 1:

All people have fault in everything, bro. There's no, nobody. Nobody is holier than that. Everybody has fault somewhere or another, and he tries to make it seem like they're holier than that when they can't have fault in anything. You see which is a bunch of bullshit.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, it's just a bit. Of course they don't fucking. No, no, that's his name, I know, I know, I know.

Speaker 1:

I watch it, you ever, bro. I watch it every day, bro, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I like it. I like his stuff. It's good. It's good stuff he's I've been, I've been, I've been following more of. I read a book called digital minimalism by Cam Newport or Cal Newport, cal Newport Okay, fucking phenomenal dude and it talks about the constant distraction that our phones and this and that it just goes into a lot of different things about how we don't actually give our brains a rest, and it would explain a lot about why I've been feeling more.

Speaker 1:

No, it's all right. So all right. So I can jump into this real quick, because I already know we go. So it's the same reason why the younger generation has no attention span, no more. It's because they're overstimulated. Yep, like, when you sit there on TikTok and go like this for three hours straight, you're overstimulated. You never got a downtime of stimulation. So the reason why people always want something new and something this and something that is because you're overstimulated and you need to be stimulated 24 seven, when you're not supposed to be like that. You're supposed to be able to be bored and like.

Speaker 1:

You're not supposed to have 100% dopamine. You're not supposed to be feeding for dopamine 100% of the time unless you smoke crack Crack. Smokers are the ones who are looking for dopamine 100% of time.

Speaker 2:

Well, now the crack is just in our pocket, in a small device.

Speaker 1:

But look and let me tell you what's crazier, though it's more addictive than crack. Oh yeah, because if you think about it, people are more addicted to this than a crack has addicted to crack. You're literally looking and look I'm not because, like I said, I never told you I'm not asleep to the phone. I posted, I'm gone, I'm doing some other shit, bro, people will be like I get back to people. Yeah, bro, I'll make a post and I'll be liking and never responding to comments. Two, three days later and, motherfuckers, they hit me in the damn like damn Dre, I'm like, bro, I got shit going on.

Speaker 2:

You think I like I'm living in the real fucking world. Y'all just sitting there waiting for shit.

Speaker 1:

And look, even if I am, I'm doing it for the first 10 minutes of the post. After that, bro, yo bro, when I tell you I done did 10 things before I got back to IG, and so I understand about the minimum, because, yeah, I just been feeling. Once you said didn't, once you said the name of the book, I already knew, I already knew where it was going.

Speaker 2:

He also has another book called Deep Work that I purchased and I want to get into at some point. But I have a list of books that I'm currently just going through right now, and one of them is Limitless, by Jim Quick, just unlocking that, yes, highly limitless brain potential, the high potential of the brain, yeah, just it's so far. I'm taking tons of notes. It's fucking awesome. It's really really awesome.

Speaker 2:

You know one of the ways that he says that you digest reading where you know. Constantly people have problems with reading something and forgetting what they read. So look the moral technique he suggests for the reading as well and to take notes afterwards.

Speaker 1:

No, so I don't take the notes afterwards. I read books like that. I want to like be on top, all right, so let me give you an example. You're going to laugh at this one. You know the book the Game by Neil Strauss. Yes, never heard of it, never read it, but I have heard of it. I think every man should read that book, every single last one of them. I read that book when I was in college. Right Now, I was already a savage. Right, I have to have read that book turned into a whole. Next league of savages. Is that the book where they have the Pickup Artists, pickup Artists, the Pickup Artists book? Oh, no, no, neil Strauss is the best pickup artist that ever existed in the world.

Speaker 2:

Write that down. You said the Game by Neil Strauss. Yes, it looks like a Bible right, so yo bro.

Speaker 1:

So when I read this book, I read it with a highlighter and a pen and a sticky note pad. Right, yo bro. My whole entire book is highlighted notes written all in the book, sticky note pads on certain pages. Right, cool, now I let my man Freco borrow this book, shout out to. Freco Shout out to Freco Shout out to Freco.

Speaker 2:

I love Freco. We DM each other every now and then. I love Freco.

Speaker 1:

Yo, I let Freco borrow this book. Yo, I gotta count back the years right now, right, probably like 2009, 2010,. I let him borrow this book, yo, my man done gave it. Let his cousin hold it, let his man hold it. Yo, even, let his pops hold it, his pops. Yo, I asked him for a back bro, this is like yo, this yo, he had the books since, like, oh, nine, 2010,. Right, I asked him for the book back.

Speaker 1:

I wanna say maybe like 2020-ish, 2019, 2020-ish, right, yo, freco, can I get my book back bro? Like, yeah, I mean, you know what this motherfucker said to me. What Hell? No, oh, shit. I said what do you mean? He said nah, fam, you got the notes with the sticky pads and the highlighted pages. He said I'll buy you a new one before I give you your shit back, the living he's like no, your shit is set up perfect, the living cliff notes. Yo, bro, anybody who had anybody who got a chance to read, actually mine, everything you read stuck with you because, bro, anything you read stuck with you Everything. Like yo, bro, I was out in the field doing research and then going back to the book cuz Like yeah, like, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You were just on a park bench like bro. What's Dre studying?

Speaker 1:

Yo bro, I was going out in the field doing research. He's going. You know what I'm saying Doing research.

Speaker 2:

Like you're writing a dissertation.

Speaker 1:

Yo, I'm dead ass, bro, yo. But look, it sets it up like that way. You're on a park bench, Yo, the book is that. Look, the book has diagrams and everything, bro. Like it's showing you how to like yo. Like, bro, it's showing you how to dismantle, like, a five group of five girls by yourself. Oh shit. Like it's telling you where you need to stand, where you need to approach from. I needed this book five years ago.

Speaker 1:

Like bro, it's yo. Like it goes into detail and look, all of these things are true. Like when I tell you I was going out in the field and trying these shit and I'm like yo, I'm getting back to the crib like there's no fucking way. That worked three out of three times exactly how it told you to do it. There's no fucking way. Oh yeah, there's a fucking way. Oh yeah, there's a fucking way.

Speaker 1:

But I think every man should read this book, though. I'm gonna, I'm gonna and I think you should like. If you haven't read it yet, yes, but I suggest every man read it in their early 20s. It's a book that you need to read in your early 20s because it yo, it sharpens the sword and, look, you don't even have to use everything that it teaches you. But it's one of those books that a man needs to read to have that in your arsenal. It's just like limitless, like there's certain books I feel that a man needs to read because, as a man, it sharpens your toolbox, like there's certain things you need in the toolbox and it's kind of like. It's kind of being like the warrior in the garden.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Like it's like yo, bro, like you can be in the garden, but you need to know how to be violent, I'm sorry, bro. Every man should know how to be violent and be willing to be violent if need be. I'm not saying you ever have to. You might never have to use that shit a day in your life, brother but yo, you better be able to protect you and yours, bro, if it comes down to it, I agree more. And you have to be able and willing, cause a lot of people are willing but they're not able. A lot of people are able but not willing, bro. You have to be willing and able and you have to be able to do that with no negotiating with yourself, cause, I'm sorry, when it comes down to protecting you and yours, there's no negotiating with nobody. Express you yourself, brother. You were standing in the gap for you and yours and, I'm sorry to say it, you might be the person that doesn't make it home today, but your family does. And guess what? If that happens, you should be okay with that.

Speaker 2:

Like I'm just keeping it a buck with you, bro, with the stamp on it. Man, I'm just keeping it a buck with you With the stamp on it. So, yeah, I think every man does certain things that every man needs to have in his toolbox there's a book that I just picked up also that's on the list, and it's called when Violence Is the Answer.

Speaker 1:

I say that all the time because, all right, so you can't be peaceful at all costs, you can't Like. So it's like Martin Luther King is very noble, it's very noble to be like nonviolent, nonviolent, nonviolent, right, but at a point you have to be violent, yo, nothing was taken in this world without violence, bro, nothing. Everything that was taken in this world, yo, the reason why we're in America was taken by violence, bro. I'm sorry, there was a revolutionary war, right? Yep, no freedom, no rights. No, nothing was taken without violence, bro, nothing.

Speaker 1:

Cause no matter what in life, when shit hits the fan, everybody turns back to basic instincts, and basic instincts, if we took away all the materialistic shit, is there's gonna be violence. Bro, to get what you need, yeah, you gotta get that animal in you, right? I'm sorry, bro, when people are starving and everybody and say there's an apocalypse right now, trust me, there's gonna be violence, cause everyone's gonna be fighting for food, shelter, water, ammunition and gold. Those are gonna be the things that are worth something. And guess what? The person with the gun makes the rules. And the person with the gun can break the rules. And look, I'm going down to real life, bro. Like people like to live in this idealistic world and it's cool that we've built so much technology, we've built so many things that people are generally safe outside.

Speaker 1:

But when shit hits the fan, bro, this is what it resorts back to, bro, and all that glamorized shit goes out the window. So we can say, oh well, it shouldn't resort to violence, drake, and it shouldn't be this and it shouldn't be that. I understand it shouldn't, but that's not the reality of the world, brother. I understand how it's gonna work. Like violence is a staple, it's gonna be the exact way you think it's gonna go down. And survival violence is a staple. If you go into the jungle in the world, right, there's an ecosystem. Animals kill other animals to make the ecosystem continue to go around. Violence is a part of life. And guess what? There's no sorries in the wild.

Speaker 2:

What is it? Nature is metal. That account with tissue will show you crazy shit. That's one of my favorite pages, bro. That'll show you some crazy shit.

Speaker 1:

When a fox kills a rabbit, you don't feel bad, bro, that's life, it's the ecosystem, that is the circle of life. That fox needs to eat that rabbit to live. So when shit hits the fan, brother and I need that food and you need that food, trust me. And when you look over and it's you versus me, you're gonna think that it's you and I'm gonna think that it's me and it's go time and people gotta realize this. Right. The same way, you might think you ready to get busy if somebody tries to take it from you. The same reason, the reason I'm ready to get a busy to take it from you. So it's the coin man. So is that? Yeah, I would it really got better training we out.

Speaker 1:

And that's what it comes down to. Right, rep yourself, man, just understand. And no one's saying that any of these things will ever happen.

Speaker 2:

We hope they don't but you have to be a warrior in the garden versus a gardener in a war.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dude, I'd rather have them things in my toolbox and never need to use what I told my mom, and so I tell my mom all the time.

Speaker 2:

I'd rather have it on me and never need it, then need it and not have it, no cuz cuz.

Speaker 1:

You know how the Saying goes you don't need you, you don't know you need it till you need it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bro, and it happens quick and don't know you need it.

Speaker 1:

Until you know you need that realization, you go oh wow, I didn't know it's not there today, it's over and especially if you're a person that carries a concealed weapon every single day, that one day you don't have it, you still go to reach for it like if you did yep.

Speaker 2:

Up my dick, fuck sick. Yeah, man Dude, it's wild.

Speaker 1:

You know how many times a shooting has happened, like in a convenient store or something, and there's a person in the store and what they're saying to themselves is fuck, I don't have it today, yep, and I guarantee that person. I guarantee that person don't walk out the door with it again after that.

Speaker 2:

Oh no, every single time they got it on. I know so. I know too many people that have Especially friends down south that have had an event happened close. Counters of something like bad happening and they just, they just said, oh, I don't need to bring it today or I'm just gonna leave it home. It's good. Yeah, when am I ever gonna need? And that there was like a not necessarily a shooting.

Speaker 1:

But just an event, an event an event God forbid. They needed it. An event yeah. I call it an event because we don't anything happen. I just call it an event.

Speaker 2:

It got sketchy quick, right right, right. You know they reach and they go. Oh okay, it's just my dick and look.

Speaker 1:

And another thing is this right, if you are gonna carry a weapon, yo you need proper training, without question, because I don't think people understand what um.

Speaker 2:

I also think people understand how much you miss if you don't know how to use that fucking weapon.

Speaker 1:

But no, do you know how many people can't even pull a trigger because of anxiety? Yeah, like you. Without proper training, bro, anxiety and adrenaline can cause you not to fire the gun.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to dudes like Mike Glover. Shout out to dudes like to lamb Ronan. Shout out to dudes that are doing all the fucking training and help you six hour Academy up in New Hampshire. You're gonna be serious, you go you need proper training.

Speaker 1:

Yes, like, you need proper like and people don't understand you. Not many people shoot a gun and don't hit it. Hit the target a lot 20 yards away from them yeah, even far like, more than hit like. I'm not even 20, 10 yards away from you because you know many people are carrying a gun. They've never fired really. They fired it like they flirted with fire and then maybe go to the range once or twice but never really put 500 rounds through that gun. Like bro, you don't know how to shoot that gun until you have hundreds of rounds through that gun.

Speaker 2:

I Told you the day I got my, my lever action. Next day I was at the range. I put 75 75 rounds through.

Speaker 1:

It's a really nice Good.

Speaker 2:

My interview for my pistol. Oh yeah, just had my interview, so it's going good, it's going great.

Speaker 1:

Let's go, let's go.

Speaker 2:

Dude, they look at me. They're like you just have nothing, huh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're what yo bro, that's like me, that's like me, they're like bro. So you're gonna tell us you just got nothing, just nothing.

Speaker 2:

You pulled over, like what three years ago. I'm, what do you do?

Speaker 1:

I do podcast and I hang out with dog. Hey bro, I'm just a regular guy, bro, I wouldn't even like everybody's not a dirtbag out here, bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, which is chilling, you know, and I'm very excited to get that because I want to go shooting. I want to ask truthfully I want to do a little sport shooting like some of the hit, the hit, the targets, do little competitions and shit.

Speaker 1:

Have some fun with it, man um, do you want me to tell you why that's the better shooting? Because, um, you're like, even with, like, the buzzers going off and you have to hit targets and shit, it's putting you in a stressful situation to make you have to use your skills and you're moving because you got to remember this right you can learn how to shoot right at a range, but you don't learn situations in a range yeah, like in those things. You can learn situations like you're not learning in a range how to take cover. Like you're not learning how to return fire from behind cover, cuz you're bro. Like you don't just stand down and open and start shooting off a gun sideways. Like you've seen the movies, bro, I get you gonna be the dude who got hit, bro.

Speaker 2:

He's a nice center-man. Shot right to them.

Speaker 1:

Like he's the guy who got hit. And then another thing I tell people the time is like um, you see all these guys on the internet, right, and everybody wants to show their guns to everybody. Oh, you got extendo clips and all of the shit. You can't even conceal your weapons in this down to 30, right? Do you understand that, if you're showing that you, if you're constantly showing these weapons on the internet and all that's like all these little dummies, right? Do you understand that if something happens, you're the first person to get shot because they know you, you're the one with the gun? Yep, if somebody comes through that door to shooting you first. Yeah, I was the motherfucker that's always flashing the gun on the internet. He probably got one right now. Shoot him first. No, it's all concealed, carry for a reason.

Speaker 2:

Hide that shit. I like trying with it when you train. Hide it and keep it. Keep it tucked, man.

Speaker 1:

But I say, train you have to. You have to put a certain amount of rounds to a gun to learn how to shoot your gun.

Speaker 2:

Dude, that dude, ronan, to lamb the the. I think he's Vietnamese, american. He's fucking gangster dude they made there. He's the one that they made a cold duty operator of. Oh, so he was in cod warfare. Oh, he was in the warfare game they made a character out of yes, yes, yes, he's gangster dude.

Speaker 2:

One of the things he does in his trainings is held, I think and I could be wrong is he'll actually have it where. Oh, your, your, your shooting hand is injured and You're on the ground now and you have to shoot non-dominant from the, from the ground. I like that though. Yeah, dude, putting you in crazy situations, but you need what?

Speaker 1:

this is a real-life situation that can happen to you. Yes, and this is why I tell people like everybody wants to, everybody like wants to shoot 40 cows and shit, right, like that's what they want to carry around. Goal is in a real military people, bro. Goal is in a real, fucking real people who really do this. The reason why you can't carry nine millimeter around is because I mean, from 40 and 45 to nine millimeter, there's 40 and 45 more lethal, yes, but, but, but, let's be real drizzle. What is the difference in the level of lethalism?

Speaker 2:

They're both all of them are lethal. That's why, dude, that's why, when I was buying my rifle, I was looking at the old options. I was like which caliber do I want to? I want to 357. Do I want the 44? Do I want the 45? Do I want the 33? Do I was like 30 is a little too much bro yeah that's right, I go through the walls and shit. They offered the 40, the 34, no, the 40. What was it? Something seven, something 47, government round that, things like an elephant.

Speaker 1:

Oh bro, you remember, you sent me the picture.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bro, we don't. You don't need shit for like home protection. That's that dude too. Oh yeah, I don't know him.

Speaker 1:

That's that dude too, lam oh yeah, I don't know him bad, but yeah, that's that you could tell you that's a bad dude, that's what you want to get trained from a dude like that man, because green beret been in it because when shit hits the fan like you know, shooting with your injured hand, like that's a real life situation that can happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got clipped real quick and now we're now we're on the other side and and honestly, I doubt most people can fire there.

Speaker 1:

And look, i'ma say this to you, you not shooting a 40 cow with your left hand, with your dominant hand, with your Undominant hand, while your right hand is injured, and actually hitting the target, unless you're practicing that. But that's why these military guys Say you're supposed to shoot nine millimeter. Because nine millimeter, yeah, it's just as it might be a little less lethal, but it's lethal as fuck. And on top of that it's less lightweight. It's way less likely to hold the gun with all 40 caliber rounds in it, is way heavier than holding a gun with all nine Mill rounds in it. And then, on top of that, when you shoot a gun, it has way less recoil from a nine millimeter than a 40 cow. So if I am injured with and I'm shooting it with my non-dominant hand, shooting a nine millimeter is gonna be a lot easier to shoot than a 40 cow, bro, and it's I'm gonna be able to be accurate with more shots.

Speaker 2:

I think about 44 Magnum bullets that are in my rifle, and then I think about what that would be in a handgun, and just the Recoil that you'd have to control is insane. You wouldn't you all right?

Speaker 1:

so you ever watch people like you. You ever see people shoot like a 357 Magnum at the range Mm-hmm. Have you ever seen them like handed to their friends who it's?

Speaker 2:

not their gun slips right out of their hand, or a Bucks back and hits him in the forehead, but no, not even that extreme.

Speaker 1:

They never missed. They never hit the target. Oh yeah, shut all six rounds out the gun, you didn't hit the target. Yeah, why? Because this that's how it's much powerful. That's it. You're shooting with your, with your dominant hand, and you're not hitting the target. Like most people can't pick up a 50 caliber Desert Eagle and hit the target from 30 yards away, you're just not hitting it. Somebody getting smacked in the head with it.

Speaker 2:

No man it's. This is fucking dude at the at the range.

Speaker 1:

Because it happens, bro, it's just I don't know if I'm gonna be able to find it right out the game. And a lot of people set their friends up with shit like that, like here, shoot the 357, bro.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man is no one, he don't know how to hold that shit?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, is this dude ever see people get the big cut right here from shooting a 357 Magnum?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, right, right in the middle right, because you don't know how to hold it. Yeah, hold it right. Gun range. What was it? It was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah but it's funny because but you say but basically, when it comes out of what we're saying is make sure you have proper training.

Speaker 2:

Don't be afraid of these things. Go and get good. That's a perfect opportunity for you to learn to not be afraid of something by understanding that it is a. It is something that has the potential To do a lot of harm and a lot of damage, but you learn to use it for the tool that it is.

Speaker 1:

God forbid you ever have to why are they teaching elementary school kids in China had a take apart and put together rifles and fire them and clean them well, here they're gunbed.

Speaker 2:

So we don't, we don't want to even let kids look, no, but but why are they teaching them in China that?

Speaker 1:

Do you know why they're? And they teach boys and girls both. It and the reason why they're teaching them is number one. You're no longer afraid of it because you know, you remember. Knowledge is power. Ignorance makes you afraid of things like if you don't know a culture, usually afraid of the culture because you just don't know it. So when you have the knowledge of the actual weapon and how it works and how lethal it can be, you're no longer afraid of it. Do you understand? A cutting knife is just as lethal as a firearm and knives. But people cut, people cut with knives all the time. We just know that it's lethal, so we know how to use it. Yeah, now, a Little kid doesn't know what any different. Any day the shake of the fit hit, the fan bomb goes off over there in China, right, we drop a bomb on them. And now your parents died. And guess what? You're the guy who has to pick up the gun and you're six years. Oh well, guess what?

Speaker 2:

you know how to pick it up and disassemble it and you know what, you know what's up, and then like Even, even the kids in school.

Speaker 1:

You're, bro, like there and like Russia, like for the first, like four years, elementary school, you learn one, two, one, two, one, two. They don't even teach you how to hook and cross in the beginning. Everyone knows how to one, two, one, two, one, two, one, two. Everyone knows a one-two combo. Why? Because everyone should know how to physically protect themselves. Women or yo, man or woman, everyone should be able to throw a one-two. Everyone should be able to throw that combo with confidence, bro, not just throwing it, I'm talking about with confidence.

Speaker 1:

But we live in a different world now where Women are more independent, right? So you're not always protected by a man, no more. You got a member who back in the day was like who's who speaks for you? When women couldn't vote and women couldn't have bank accounts, the the responsibility didn't land on you. If your wife did something, you were accountable for it. Brother, all the heat came back to you. None of it went to her. But now women are independent, so you're accountable for yourself. You're not always spoken for by a man, so there's not always a man to protect you. You should know a one-two combo and you should know at least bare minimum, basic things to protect yourself. And I'm not talking about dumb shit that you actually didn't train for. I'm talking about real training, because if a real man is trying to subdue you and you trying to use some shit that you was fighting girls on the black, wait that that man is gonna seriously hurt.

Speaker 2:

You wouldn't even need to be a man, it could be a high school kid.

Speaker 1:

See what I'm saying, what they say, that a strength difference is, they said, a 13 year old boy Can beat up a grown woman. Yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, but they well, no, never have. It's like, stop being in denial. That's not just because you don't want to believe it doesn't mean that it's real.

Speaker 1:

Bro, I swear there are.

Speaker 2:

There are key differences that you have to understand. The amount of the amount of girls that I know that I've said you need to go train jujitsu, not even because I think that that's the one, all, all end, all be all martial art, it's not. They need to know how to strike, they need to know how to do all that, but God forbid somebody gets on top no, get you on the ground.

Speaker 1:

This is the best thing about jujitsu, right? I Rather woman know jujitsu out of everything, because yo, a woman boxer that knows how to put throw punches, still cannot fight me.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna grab you. When it's a rat, she's gonna stand in the pot. You're not going and Fuck out of here right, right, right.

Speaker 1:

So I would rather you know jujitsu, because nine out of ten times a man is gonna try to grab you at some. Close the distance. It's gonna try to grab you at some point and Ideally he's either gonna try to fully corral you or get on top of you to corral you, and Knowing jujitsu gets you out of that. So you need to you just need to know at least basic level Self-defense for real. For real.

Speaker 1:

You need to know where you're looking at to strike a person, because you got a member as a female member, as men, our egos kind of in the way a little bit. So when we're fighting we don't go for the cheap shots necessarily. Like as a woman, you have to know that yo necks are very vital. You need to know that his grind section is very vital. Kick him in his balls. All those things are very vital. Rizzles, we're not going up to a dude in the street and trying to knee him in the balls. We're a little bit more prideful and valiant than that. So we're gonna actually try to fight in a different way. But a woman should not be trying to be valiant with a man, no Job is to get out of there, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Your job is not to stand in the park. Job is not to stand out and and and hold the submission and just be like I'll wait till the cops get here. No, put buddy out and dip, I'm good, I'm good. Put buddy out and dip. That is the fucking motto. You should not be like no, I'll stand in the pocket. No, put buddy out, get up out of leave, get out of there, go get food. Yes go, enjoy that. You get to live another day let's get up out of there and be.

Speaker 2:

There's actually a, there's actually a thing called the cat lady or something like that, or I believe it's called the cat, the cat woman or the cat lady it's. It almost looks like brass knuckles, but without the going around the tips, the actual fingers, the digits, and what you do is, as you squeeze it, you could slash a dude and a cup. These little, these little talons come out of the end of it through your fingers. Literally looks like, well, like a little Wolverine clothes, oh shit. And you slash. But on top of it it's not just good for just obviously deterring somebody, it takes their DNA, oh, in the actual claw piece. So you make coming back with me through the altercation. You get out of there. Here you go.

Speaker 1:

This is who it was. Oh, you know what else I seen for self-defense on YouTube. When I was watching, the video came up on the head Yo bro, it's this little orange gun Shoots mace. Oh shit, it looks like a gun. I think I have orange, though I don't have mine on orange, right. And yo bro, it was shooting it mad. For, yeah, like straight streams too, like I could aim it at you and get you directly in your face.

Speaker 2:

I mean listen, all all jokes aside, a dude like Jocko willing, ex Navy seal, black belt and Jiu Jitsu, all this stuff he consistently talks about. If somebody was to stand in front of me and try to fight me, I'm running. He's like I don't, I don't want, because if I beat you up you hit your head on the concrete. Now I'm in trouble. He's like I'm not getting into a battle with you. He's like I'm dipping.

Speaker 1:

He doesn't want to get. He doesn't want to get it. He's like what are?

Speaker 2:

you doing if he has to, but if you take me, if I have Me, I have to protect. Now I have to. Now I have to do or use all my training to get through this. Look, he's like I'm not trying to use a gun. I'm not trying to use my knife.

Speaker 1:

I'm not trying to use anything, even though you have all the training in the world. It's like yo. So what he's telling you is All of the violence and all of those things are your last-ditch effort. You're actually trying to avoid it and get up out of there. Yeah, cuz, at the end of the day, what, what, what we're trying to do, trying to live to see tomorrow. Yeah, so your best, rather, doing that is what you should be doing, yep, and if getting up out of here right now is it, why wouldn't you try to avoid something instead of like something that you know you can avoid? Why not avoid it? It's like crashing into a crash that you see happening. No, go around that, bro. Why would you go head on into the crash when you could go around it? To crash, bro?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm gonna go around that I've had plenty, especially living in the village. I've had plenty of altercations with people, just like little things that could have been big, that I just I walk right past after like the mouth and Joke, we're good, we're good man, I don't even care, like, just keep walking. I'm gonna keep my eye on this person watching the reflection, shit like that, because oh yes, okay, yeah, I'm watching my man as I leave, because I don't trust you now that my back's turned.

Speaker 1:

I come out my building right and Hayden is out there Getting ready to park right, and some dude like jumps in the spot. He's getting ready to park it and I'm like yo, what the fuck bro? Like yo, he's waiting for the spot. It do, rose, that is what he goes. He goes. Yo, my bad bro, I'm just waiting for my kids. Bro, I want no smoke with you. Like I'll be you, I want no problems bro. He's like I want a problem bro, and he like he cracked a joke with it. Right, and I just immediately start dying laughing bro, and I'm just saying, no, not everything's all good bro. But you see how both of us de-escalated that problem, how it was like Don't really not that big of a deal. I said what I needed to say, cuz I thought he was doing something else, right? Yeah, he cleared up what he was doing and had a joke with it. How the fuck am I still gonna be mad now?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's nothing we are past it, it is over.

Speaker 1:

If I'm still continuing to go on past that point, I am clearly the asshole here, bro. Yeah, I am not an asshole, bro. Like no one is trying to be an asshole. And once you, some people are, but no, but we're not. But what I'm saying is once we establish both of us are, are not trying to be an asshole and it might be a misunderstanding or it might not, but we're both cool, we both cool.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you a story. So when I, when I, my buddy Vinny, shout out to Vinny if you listen to this episode, shout out to Vinny. My buddy Vinny, his cousin, went to Princeton. Oh yeah, she played on the soccer team. I like that though. Princeton, it was cool. I said it was a darn it. Oh, that's sick, that's sick. I released the shit, it was cool. So he hits me up one day and he goes yo, I'm gonna go to Princeton for Halloween weekend. You want to come through? And I said I don't know when I'm gonna ever get this invite again. So, yeah, let's do it. So we go out there. Okay, yeah, we go out there. She has her soccer game. So we're there, we're watching the team. I'm like trying to pick out the honeys on the field. I'm like, of course, that's that friend, that's that. Oh, six, six, six Got with none of them. Fuck, is this peasant? You had the community for two years. Yeah, I put him away for me Straight up. I bet he eats Chipotle.

Speaker 1:

Yo, yo, I'm dead.

Speaker 2:

So we, we're hanging back at her room, we're getting, we're getting ready there and she goes oh, we're gonna go over to the football house to go link up with the guys over there, and I just went. Okay, now my boy Vinny is a little whimsical. Like he's very, he's just out here.

Speaker 1:

He's very hidden the cloud. He's out here.

Speaker 2:

He's a golden retriever, let's go.

Speaker 1:

Yo, let's go, let's go. He's a golden retriever. Please tell the story. Let's go.

Speaker 2:

So I said, I said you know she, she walks out the room and I said, yo, I'm just letting you know. I'm just letting you know, we're going to the football house. That's their territory. They don't know who we are. Facts, we're going in their world. I was like so, exactly Exactly what you said with the Dubai shit and just travel around the world, shrink yourself. Yes, we have to. We have to be cool with everybody like we're now. We're going there in an unknown territory.

Speaker 1:

They don't have to coexist with me, I have to coexist with them.

Speaker 2:

So we start walking over there. I'm getting nervous, I'm like yeah, cuz it's cuz. I know Vinny, don't got my back like that and that's a super awkward. It's no offense to Vinny.

Speaker 1:

She's Vinny, he's like not that guy you know, honestly, bro, those are like situations I don't even like going to, because you have zero control over the situation.

Speaker 2:

But I had, but we're with his cousin. She wanted to go there. All the girls from the soccer team are meeting us there, so it's like, all right, cool Look what pot committed, bro?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, let's just try not to do anything drastic. So we want anything brash? Get ourselves beat up. He's out.

Speaker 2:

I was trying to avoid any, any altercations. So we walk in, I'm with a golden retriever, so he's. I'm with a golden retriever and I love Vinny Vinny's the.

Speaker 1:

He's gonna be Ragging his tail while we get, yeah, while we're getting.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes, oh shit, they love us. They don't. They don't. They just punch me in my mouth. So, so we walk in. The girls are in the hallway, whatever we say, hey, dog I'm. We walk in. His cousin goes first, vinny goes second and I'm in a cutoff. And this is when I was like Full into like bodybuilding mode. And listen, I wasn't, I was never like jack jack, but I was this when I was lean, okay, I look good, okay, okay. Okay, the delts were looking, the delts were looking. So I walk in and as I'm walking and I'm looking around and I'm just like, oh man, this is like this is yeah, this is.

Speaker 2:

This is not the scene you want to be in like, yeah, you want to be meeting these people outside Yo what's up man, I'm Nick Yo these are facts, bro, cuz if I meet them outside, then we end up here.

Speaker 1:

We're all good.

Speaker 2:

So I don't want to meet you, I just want me to hear. So we walk in. And the second we walk in big dude on speaker and Everybody's looking he's got two girls with me standing on speaker. He looks at me and he goes yo, who the fuck are you like that? And I went yo, man? I said I'm, I'm steps. I said I'm Steph's cousin's friend. I said they're right there, I'm just here. And he went like this to me All right, it turned around. I was like okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I got nothing to say. Whatever, there's nothing to say. Like what am I gonna?

Speaker 2:

you know I'm gonna get my ego involved in the fuck. No, so we walk in and then every couple of minutes new dudes come up to me. Yeah, what's your name and who?

Speaker 1:

are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm so and so, oh, yeah, you work out, man, you know talk, trying to just have some common ground. Just talk me figure out who I am. Yeah, we're talking, whatever. So we start to, we start to leave After like being there for like an hour just hanging out, and then we were going. The cool thing is they have these things called eating houses. I don't know if you know because of your sister. They these things called eating houses and basically it's like a membership to. It almost looks like an old school building, like an old school house on campus that they repurpose for student use and it's. You go there, you can study, you can get food, all the foods paid for, cuz you pay the due at the beginning of the year or whatever it is. Oh, it's a night they turns until on the weekends it turns into like a club with the alcohols the alcohols already included.

Speaker 2:

It's already.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh no, no, no, no, no, they got those it was pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

It was pretty cool, that's dope though. So they're like oh, we're gonna go over the eating house, now this and that. So on my way out, I walk back over to the dude that gave me the guy, the guy the mic and I and I say yo, man, I say I appreciate you for letting me come through and say what up.

Speaker 2:

I said you know it was nice meeting you, dude and I dip mm-hmm, we leave, we go back to her room. We're walking back, that dude is outside with his boys and he goes hey, yo, yo. I'm like what's up, man, he goes yo is like I want thank you for you know, just show him respect, show and love this and that he goes. Honestly. He's like I didn't know who you were first, like that's my bad. Talk about like just squashing the misunderstanding. He's like yo, that's my bad. He goes yo truthfully, man, he's like you were kind of big man. I didn't want that heat. I was like bro, I was like you know it's six two. I said you could step on me. I said what the fuck you talking about, but like the whole rest of the night, Rizzo.

Speaker 1:

Everything is cool. Everything is cool. And look, it was just cuz. Yeah, it was just because you weren't being a dick back, even if someone was being a dick to you initially, because you realize where you with that and you, like, you know what number one is. I'm trying to avoid the problem. But number two is you don't even know who I am. What could here, bro? I don't got it. I don't have a problem.

Speaker 2:

That's why I wanted to go back up respect. Yo appreciate you for letting me come through the house. I didn't know if it was his place because who, because you undercut him.

Speaker 1:

So even if he wanted to be a dick past that, he couldn't. You're just being a total asshole if you're still doing it past now. Yeah, like and most people realize that, like most sensible people, when you do things like that to him, they're like fuck, can't be asshole, bro. Like my homeboy was telling me about, like yo he got. He, like Him and his girl were going through some shit right, and he ended up like stepping on here like the sidegirl from this shit. And like when he told us, when he told his girl about it right, like cuz he told her about it right. So he tells her about it right. He's like, so he tells all the things that she wasn't doing that he, that that she used to do. Oh, yeah, I'm doing them all right, you don't tell me how she goes. Oh, that's it. Oh, that's easy to fix. Your mom there was kind of devastated.

Speaker 2:

It's like damn fuck. He was like he filled out the customer service fee a survey after, after the receipt.

Speaker 1:

I was trying to leave and it didn't work.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we'll change. We'll change the house rules.

Speaker 1:

He's like he's like bro. So it goes back to what we're talking about singles. Yo, bro, if I try to leave her now, I'm just being a total asshole, I'm just being a dick bro. She's not even mad at me for none of this shit. She's mad at me for nothing. And she said that oh, that's it. I can easily change those things. Those things are easy for me to fix. So like basically he, what he's saying is that like after someone's, like okay, and like it's like fuck, I can't even be a asshole. No, put past this point, because you just look like a dirt bag now.

Speaker 2:

Now he's like I got another six months to put in fuck.

Speaker 1:

No, but look he's. He honestly said this, though he said yo, if the shit changes in the state that way, he's inclined to stay. Yeah, we're good, he's inclined to stay. He's like I'd rather be here, like you know. I mean at the other day I'd rather be here, but he's like I mean if x, y and z ain't happening, then I'm not happy to be here, no more. But if x, y and z are happening, bro, I'm cool. I'm staying right where I'm at. He's like I'm cool. Are they still together?

Speaker 2:

Yes, there you go. Yes, yes, kind of blow job with his waffles in the morning. Enjoy so, like it's sometimes.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you hate pancakes fuck, I'll change the waffles, but. But it's funny how sometimes, like, even if you did something else wrong, after the fact that, yeah, I mean sometimes people don't even care that you did something wrong, because when you point out certain things to them, they realize like, fuck, all right, well, you know what. I do have a fault in this too. You know what. It's not that it's not that I don't care about those things. Like an understanding person that's mature enough sees why it went on, especially if you know you weren't living up to your part. So you, like I, cool what we could change and we can move forward and shit could be cool again. And if you finish, if you fix those things, I don't see why it shit can't be cool. That's what he said. Like yo, bro, I'm inclined to stay. I Love that for him right.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know bro, so you know, but like in the beginning he was like fuck. I gotta get a text back to to have some, some issues, but so to fix some shit with somebody. In the beginning he was like fuck, like Joe, like.

Speaker 1:

I can't even just leave no more. I'm a total dick if I did, and like that's what the guy would say like Bro, I can't even be like a asshole to Rizzles, no more the guy I'll do the whole rest of the night, the whole football team.

Speaker 2:

I mean Rizzles, every, every floor. I couldn't walk, I couldn't go to the fucking bathroom without one of the.

Speaker 1:

Rizzles trying to be a dick. At first he just sidestepped it. Then he came back and was like, oh, thanks for letting me come through like.

Speaker 2:

I kind of like somebody else up because you're like at that point you're like and guess what? That's 99% of people, 99% people are dope and good people. I, I agree. Yeah, 90% of people do have good intentions and are dope people. It just takes sometimes getting through that.

Speaker 1:

That you know, you know you know, I think a lot of the time it takes. It takes people being in a, in an environment where they're no longer in their ego, and what I mean by that is this right, you might have people in the fitness industry that are in their ego when they're at fitness events. Right, heavy, take to take them to a dinner with a whole bunch of basketball players. Are they still in their ego? No, that's what I mean. You need to take them out of their environment where they're known and they're in their ego, because a lot of the time, when you're a nobody, now your ego doesn't exist and now you're inclined to be a, be an actual, genuine person.

Speaker 1:

Now People with their in the egos in play. Sometimes they let their ego get the best of them. Like, there's a lot of people who walk around with an ego to expect everyone to kiss their ass. No, brother, I hate to kiss your fucking ass. Are you out of your mind? I Ran into a situation like that this weekend. I ain't really gonna speak on it, but I ran into a situation this weekend where we're with you again. Um, oh, north Carolina, oh Carolina, but um, like I had to check somebody on some shit.

Speaker 1:

Like, yo bro, if you think somebody's here to kiss your ass, you got me fucked up and fuck you. I said it to him just like that. And the way I said it to him, I Think he realized what, what, what he was saying after and then he apologized. Come, like I don't know what the fuck you think this is, bro. Like, maybe that's how you act with people in your personal life, bro, but I'm not one of them, bro. Like, I'm not here to kiss nobody's ass. Like Not only am I a big dog in the fitness industry, bro, I'm a big dog in real life, bro.

Speaker 1:

Like, a lot of people begin to shit caught up and they think that they're, that they're somebody in certain industries. Yo, bro, a lot of people that are somebody in certain industries are nobody's in person, in real life. I've said that a lot of times, man, so I don't know what. Like, a lot of people think people are supposed to kiss their ass. A lot of people think people are supposed to kiss their ass because when people know who you are, they kiss your ass. When people don't know who you are, they don't give a fuck about you. That's not how my life rolls, brother, like I'm a big dog, everywhere I go, I do not get it twisted with me, bro, I'm not here to kiss nobody's ass ever, because my thing is this right, I don't understand people who think that they should get more respect as a man than another man For nothing.

Speaker 1:

Look inside, inside of an industry, depending on who you are in your accolades. Like I understand why people might respect what you do Right, like they can respect what you do, but nobody should you like. You should never deserve more respect as a man over me just because of what you do. Like what? Like you got your mind because, look, right, if you think you deserve more respect as a man over what you do, let's go outside, because I guarantee when I beat your ass, you're not going to think you deserve more respect as a man. Now, you see what I'm saying here? Oh, I see what you're saying, so don't get twisted. What you do?

Speaker 2:

with who you are. Do you find that you've had that encounter with a lot of people over the years in the fitness industry especially? No, no, I've found that people that have a lot of notoriety in the fitness industry. Do you know what I'm gonna say?

Speaker 1:

Listen, I'm gonna say to you next though that was probably the one of the only times it's happened to me per se I've seen it. I've seen people do it to others yeah, I've never had that kind of energy come my way.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm not saying directly in my question, in my reality I see people do that shit all the time.

Speaker 1:

I see people that are think they're because they're somebody in the fitness industry, trying to belittle people. Yo, dude, when I walk around my gym, I walk around my gym like I'm the common man, but I don't walk around my nose in the air, bro. When somebody goes to cross, I let them cross in front of me purposely. Do you know why? Because most of these people look up to me and I'm making a conscious effort to make them feel comfortable. Yo, bro, like, it's like that video with like I don't even mean to speak on it, but it's like the video with people that people be walking in front of people's videos and shit. And it's like, yo, if that's a peon in the gym doing that, nobody cares. But when you're the big dog, you cannot do that to others, bro, people look up to you. When people look up to you and you're the big dog, you have to make it a conscious effort to make them feel comfortable. I'm sorry, brother, because let me tell you why. My mother said this to me, and it was one time when I'd be from my older brother, she said this to me yo, yo, you have to be the bigger man. What the fuck? I gotta be the bigger man. Drew's older than me because you are, so just cause someone's older than you, or what this down to third no, when you are the bigger man, you have to be the bigger man. And when you're the big dog in the gym, you are the bigger man. So you better be the bigger man every single time, unless it really comes down to it and someone is challenging your manhood or challenging you directly. No, bro, you the big dog. Bro, let that shit go Every time, not some of the time, not most of the time. Every time.

Speaker 1:

If someone asks me, dre, how much you got left, bro, you can take it now or you can work in, even if I'm in my mood, where I really don't want them to. Bro. People ask me in the gym. Yo, like, I'm working out in Georgia's gym yesterday, some random dude. Yo, bro, you think you can spot me? I don't spot people, bro, but you know I had to get up and go spot this kid.

Speaker 1:

Nobody else in here that could really do it, bro. There's a bunch of old ladies in shit, bro, like it might have been a one or two other dudes that could have done it. But you asked me do I really want to do it? No, but am I going to do it? Yes, cause I understand what my responsibility is to y'all, being the big dog, and I don't understand why a homeboy didn't get like how he didn't read the room there, bro, like I don't know how you don't read the room there, bro. People are looking up to you. When they look up to you, bro, you have to be the bigger man every single time.

Speaker 2:

I agree, I agree. How many times have we I mean, listen, I filmed big you. I filmed big names in the fitness industry and every time that we filmed, how many times have you heard me say to other people I don't want to be in your way. This is your gym too. Yo, bro, bro, we we. I'm not even saying that I'm anything.

Speaker 1:

No, bro, when we feel like, it's just like even right now, when I filmed with you, I filmed with Hayden, I filmed with Joey all the people I regularly filmed. Bro, when we film in a gym, bro, we make it up like yo bro, a point, yo bro, we make it a painful point. It'd be, it'd be mad, funny, right? People will stop oh, I want to get in the video. Go ahead, bro, I'll cut it. I'll cut it. It's cool. No, no, you don't even have to cut it, cause here goes the best comment from rough diesel on that video. When Joey Swoll made the video, nobody fucking cares. I had never stopped watching someone's video because someone walked past the camera. Oh my God, two people walked past the camera. I'm turning this off. This is bullshit, it's over. So who cares if they?

Speaker 2:

walked through the fucking video, bro Dude, I told you I had no idea anything happened. I had no idea anything happened. My TikTok was blowing up. People were just coming in full force. I was like what is going on? Back to that TikTok work. See how people went back. And oh shit, though, dude, he was on my podcast when, two years ago, people go back to but that's that TikTok world. Yeah, I was like holy shit, that's what your, bro, I'm good. People actually commented on it. They were like yo, this video was two years old.

Speaker 1:

They didn't age well. They didn't do video, didn't age well, they were just like wow, this is fucking crazy.

Speaker 2:

But that goes to like no, they said your video aged well.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yes, cause, yeah, cause yo, my thing is yo, bro, like yo, dude, I make it a conscious effort Like people don't understand things. It's not like it just automatically like oh, it's not like, oh well, that's just how I think all the time. No, I'm making it a conscious effort, like I'm making it a point to make sure I'm doing these things. I'm making sure it's making a point to not be a dick to people in the gym, like eat your. And I'm talking about even when I feel a way Rizzle, even something might rub me the wrong way.

Speaker 1:

Yo, bro, you the big dog, let it go. Unless it's that that serious, where we really about to cause look kind of like this Unless we ready to fight right now, it's not that big of a deal, bro, let it go. So, unless there's going to be a fight on the spot, it's not that big of a deal. Let that shit go, bro. Somebody walked through my camera. Oh, drink my bed, bro, go ahead. Yo, I could be in the middle of posing, bro, we doing a video, we doing a video in the middle of the gym. I just, I just finished my set, took my shirt off, I'm in the little pose and somebody stops, I will stop my posing and be like go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, this way Like yo bro, I'm in your way, not the other way around.

Speaker 2:

That's what I've always felt. Since I started. I've always felt that way. I go, I share the gym with you guys. I don't want to be in your way.

Speaker 1:

This is your space that I'm crowding up what yeah and yo and. But look, I'll say this Rizzle, um, it took me a little bit to understand those things. Yeah, remember, I've been doing this for 12 years now, so I understand my, I understand Yo, bro. Um, with great power comes great responsibility. Yep, it's a little spider-man action. You gotta understand the responsibility. It's just like Andrew Tate, right?

Speaker 1:

Remember, in the beginning he was saying oh the crazy shit. And then he came back and he said what I realized is that I have a responsibility now, because my following has got so big that I have a responsibility now that, even though I believe in what I'm saying, I have to start making a conscious effort to say it a certain way now, because I know everything I say it could get skewed a certain way. So I have to make sure I say it in a way where it doesn't get skewed anymore. And didn't you see how he like kind of toned it down? Yeah, and he wasn't so like aggressive with the chatter towards people, like he was just being point blank now instead of instead of like trying to say it towards somebody. He was just saying in general now and he was toning it down. It wasn't so vulgar anymore and the point the point is still the same, but he was making it a little bit more digestible.

Speaker 1:

And it's not your job to soften the blow all the time for other people to feel comfortable, but when you have a responsibility to, then you have to. That's what people got to understand. But I also say this, also say this too Some people's responsibility is to not do that, though, because some people have to hear it for shock value, like some people don't get it unless you tell it to them. That way we can't soften the blow for everybody, because some people like the blow has been softened for y'all forever and y'all still don't get it.

Speaker 1:

So guess what? People can't soften it no more. For you to get it, they have to tell it to you how it is now, so soft it's going to be Like it is what it is. Now I have to tell it to you directly how it's going to be. I don't care about your feelings no more, because I'm trying to give you a soft landing. You ain't respecting that or hearing that. So now the soft landing's out the fucking window. Now it's just like dealing with your kids, like I haven't had to deal with that yet.

Speaker 1:

I know you, but I'm saying even your mom dealing with you.

Speaker 2:

I know what you mean though.

Speaker 1:

Like yo, the first time your mom told you something, she didn't come at you with the hard landing first. No, sweetie, no, they always going to give you the soft landing first. I'm giving you the opportunity to not have to have it the hard way, brother, but I'm the fucking kid that don't want to listen. And now I got to get it the hard way Because my mom told me already the soft way and I didn't fucking listen. Now look where I'm at, fuck.

Speaker 2:

Like that's what's going on.

Speaker 1:

Like fuck it's over Like damn, my mom's going to fucking definitely kill me for this. She 100% told me not to do that, and I did it, and I did it. Fuck. She told me this exactly what was going to happen, when I did it too. Why the fuck didn't I just listen to you First time, bro. I knew this was going to happen. Fuck, I guess I got to deal with it Right. Here come the consequences.

Speaker 2:

That's where you happen with it. But it's like what's that meme? It's like oh weird, the consequences of your actions. Oh weird, oh weird, weird.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Consequences of your actions.

Speaker 1:

Weird Accountability? No way, I don't know, no way. But yeah, yeah, bro, when you're the big dog and you have the power, you also have the responsibility. And I tell people, you know, everybody wants to be the boss, but the boss got to hold the money too. And what I mean by the boss got to hold the money, what I mean by that, what I say, people don't get the same when the same is. You want to be the boss, but the boss got to hold the money too. What that means is the boss got to pay the bills, brother. And guess what? The bills get paid before the boss does. So when you're the boss, you get paid last. So when you got to hold the money, you got to pay the money and you get paid last. So, trust me, you don't always want to be the boss, because sometimes, remember, the worker gets paid first.

Speaker 2:

I don't have any. That's why I don't have any.

Speaker 1:

The materials and the workers get paid first. Brother, the boss gets paid last. Yeah, kenji gets paid first. Yeah, yeah, like it's. Like. You know what's so funny If it comes down to it like, who's missing a meal today, me or Kenji? Fuck, it's going to be you, saltine. Like it's going to be you. Bro, kenji's still eating the same thing he been eating. Take the chicken.

Speaker 2:

I can't, I can't. He's like oh, is shit different for you? You said grumpy, like I still have my meal. It's like wow, yeah. Is shit different for you. You said grumpy. I've been pretty hungry for a couple of days now, for a couple of days now, mine's been paying.

Speaker 1:

He's like. He's looking at you like oh man sucks.

Speaker 2:

Sucks, sucks, sucks.

Speaker 1:

Like this, like this, yeah sucks Ready to take me on my walk. I know he's waiting right now.

Speaker 2:

I got him down the block. I know his ass is waiting right now. On that note, we got the UK tomorrow. We're going to wrap. You got the UK tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

Yes, sir, yes sir, Park Sport, yo dude, come, wait, it's not going to be out, right? We're not going to get this out yet I can put it out today.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to put it out today. I can put it out today, very easy. Well, do what you want to. But I'm just going to say this. I might put it out today. I'm going to say this, so this way, everybody can listen to it tomorrow, leading into you going to the UK. Ok, so I'm going to say this, right.

Speaker 1:

Yo, if y'all going to be in the UK, come check us out. If not, you'll just stay tuned to the Gram, bro, because, yo, our booth is going to be crazy, bro, because we're building that. I can't give up the secrets, I'm going to say it. I'm going to say it, yo, if you in the UK, pull up, if not, stay close to the Gram, because it's going to be wild, it's going to be dope as hell. And you know us, man, we always give up a vibe and when it comes down to us, I understand we're running a business and people buy stuff from us, but most of the time, bro, we don't even want your money, man, we'd rather you just bring your energy. So we do want your energy. That's one thing. We like Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat yes, we need your energy. That's how we get more powerful. We need your energy. The money's cool, but we really want your energy.

Speaker 2:

yo, Speaking of energy, is the energy machine going to be there? Is Oboy coming?

Speaker 1:

Yes, he's already there. I fucking love him. He's already there. He went early. He's already there. He's already there.

Speaker 2:

That dude has the heart of gold man. I love Oboy. He's the heart of the team. Man Love him.

Speaker 1:

Like yo, bro, people be asking me yo, Dre, why don't you give speeches and shit? I'd give dope speeches, right, and I'm really good at giving speeches and shit. But what I say is this, yo, if he already covered all the bases, why would I come and give you another 15 minutes and just make you bored, even though my speech is never going to be bored? But I mean, something doesn't always have to be said after someone else kills him. Yo, mike, drop, there's nothing. The mic is done, bro, done, burned it up, bro.

Speaker 2:

Ok, it's gone, Burned it up. Ain't nobody got to say nothing after that, bro.

Speaker 1:

You didn't even touch it. But yeah, um, darksport UK Rule One Proteins. Oh, coach Omar did a show this weekend and he won the over. Yo, bro, he, yo, he did a show. Yes, oh, good for him. Yo, he didn't even really play it on duty, he's been in shape. And then he was like fucking up and go for this push. He only told five of us, but only five of us knew he was going to do the show. Yo, my man, he won the novice, the open and masters in classic physique and men's physique and won the overall in both. Practice what you preach, practice what you preach right there.

Speaker 2:

He swept the whole goddamn show, bro.

Speaker 1:

There you go, man, and yo not to. Yo look, not that he only just sweep the show, he looked awesome, bro. So it's not like, it's not like somebody gave him something. My man really put the work in and looked awesome. Shout out to coach. Well, yeah, shout out to coach. I mean. Shout out to GB man to gang. You know everybody that I roll with. Shout out to the family. Shout out to Hummins. Shout out to Tony. Shout out to my video dudes man. Shout out to the you know what I mean Hayden. Shout out to Joey man, joey with Darksport, now too, I got him on with that. Yeah, shout out to the whole Darksport fan man. Michael Dustin, my personal favorite video guys over there, you know what I mean. James, kyle, Robbie, you got, you got. You got Big Kyle, lil' Kyle and New Kyle. Now.

Speaker 2:

Big Kyle, lil' Kyle, big Kyle, big Big Kyle, Big New Kyle Every time I stand next to him I feel like a fucking midget.

Speaker 1:

But yo, in my opinion, big Kyle has the best pictures. Yo, kyle Warzel has the cleanest shots in the world yeah, cleanest shots in the world and he only shoots with the. What is it? The 7,200? Yeah, 7,200, right, yeah, that's what's cool right here.

Speaker 2:

I mean when I was, at least for stage shots. I don't know what he shoots with in the gym. No, no.

Speaker 1:

At the gym he shoots with the 7,200.

Speaker 2:

Still shoots with the 7,200.

Speaker 1:

He does not. He does not need to be close up. You need to be over there for him to shoot you. Yeah, that's good, but um, yeah, shout out to everybody, man. I don't know if I'm missing anybody man, but if I'm missing you, I'll, I'll, I'll, we'll get them on the next one. I apologize, man. Oh, you know what yo Look right, too many people be like yo. Shout out to my haters, right? I ain't got that many haters, no more, bro.

Speaker 2:

I think most of them like me now yo yeah, they're on the black party and they don't even know anymore. But look what I'm gonna say though.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to some of my supporters, right, and I'm gonna also say shout out to some supporters who used to be haters. And I'm gonna also say, yo, my life getting a little boring, bro, I need some new haters. Y'all Yo like if y'all, if y'all tired of hating on the people y'all was hating on, like if it's just not fun over there, no more come over here. Yo Like, hey, yo, who's my algorithm? Yo look, I'm gonna say this right, you don't ever want everybody hating you, but you're, having some haters makes life a little fun. Like pepper, pepper, pepper. Some scenes in the night. You knew where I was going. Yeah, I should have A little salt, a little salt bay in the prime. So on that note, we're gonna end it with I need some new haters, bro. I mean yo look, if I don't get any ones in, all the all the haters start to like me too that's cool too.

Speaker 2:

We could do another episode then, and we'll try to get some more haters.

Speaker 1:

This one wasn't really for the haters, cause we said a bunch of cool good stuff. We did say like there was no, we're like we really didn't go over the edge where, like a lot of people come back, oh yo, he talked about this person and all he said this about that guy.

Speaker 2:

I really didn't do that today. We also keep people out of people's names out our mouth. Yeah, I don't.

Speaker 1:

Cause you want me to yo, bro, do you want me to tell you why, Like I'll be telling people why I don't say people's names Yo, why I refer to people as Duke or like that guy or like him, like cause Yo me saying your name makes you valid Yo.

Speaker 1:

I'm taking that credibility away by not saying nothing, Cause yo like what it is is Yo, when I say your name, it gives you a buzz. Yo like so, look, if y'all want yo, we go. Ended on this one. I just thought of some new shit. Right, y'all remember back in the day when I used to compete and do all them shows and people used to be pissed that I used to do all the shows and I used to say, if y'all don't want me to, if y'all don't want me to do the show, paypal me three bands and I'll stay home. Right, that's what I used to tell me. Yeah, you want me to do the show? Yo, you think you're going to get second to me or you think you have a shot at winning? Yo, get with the group and PayPal me the three bands. I said don't got to be one person, y'all could pull, pull the money together, right? So I said yo, paypal me the three bands and I'm going to stay home, right, yo, yo, so what?

Speaker 1:

I say that to say that dinner on them. I say that to say this Yo, if you want some extra juice like you know what I mean and you want and you like you, you, you need to like the extra cloud and shit, yo, throw me a check. I'll say your name on some controversy or shit. I'll give you something Like you go and get the attention. What do I say all the time? The money, some of the check, yeah, and the money going to come back. Trust me, like yo, if you send me two bands, I will say some shit and your IG will be lit after that. I'm that ass. You be lit. I know you are.

Speaker 2:

You be lit.

Speaker 1:

So you comment I mean that's, that's the periP. Everyone type of penalties. I do not get paid to be here, yo, because they be thinking like I'm Lil Boosie and you Vlad, because Lil Boosie be on Vlad TV every week, but Vlad pay him.

Speaker 2:

I don't got the loot to pay Bill, so I actually enjoy being here. I appreciate that and that's what I hope to have that atmosphere with everybody. I mean, I've had some amazing names on the show and every single person has come because they want to be on it. I don't ever want somebody on the show because they feel like they're forced to or that they Just for a check.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, man. Well, where's who paid me a band or fine honey to come through? So I came through.

Speaker 2:

Nah, bro, we Don't even worry about it, Don't even come through. I'll set Kenji up on the other side. I'll talk to him for an hour and a half. We all actually like being here and I appreciate you. That means a lot to me and it means a lot that I can have amazing people like Dre not only the top of his game doing his damn thing always For how many years now? Yo behold, Damn son, you just took it to a new level Talking to the side of the microphone.

Speaker 1:

Yo, I did, because we've been here for the whole three hours and I'm just noticing now that he got a way cooler and better mic than I got y'all. When y'all see the camera cut to him next time, he got a whole filter above his mic. I got the old one. No, he left me with the old one from the last joint, from the last studio, and he got some new shit. He got over there. Look, he got a whole red Hindu arm on his joint. Look, when y'all see the camera pin to him next time, make sure y'all remember that I said it about the mics.

Speaker 2:

Oh man, this is a good thing. This is at the end of the episode. I'm just noticing it now y'all Damn, he is right, that mic arm is fantastic. I'll buy one over there. Next time you're here you'll have one. Anyway, if I judge me in my microphones, that's a good mic. It's a really good mic, Yo it's probably awesome, bro. It sounds awesome what bro, this is a different mic, so I decided to try out this microphone because I've only used those. I have three of those.

Speaker 1:

Yo look, he looked like he's Jauru in the studio game. Where would I be without my baby? That looks like he about to cut a record after this.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna do something with it. Hopefully get some bands. I like that mic, though. I'll get you this mic. I'll get you this mic. We'll set it up on the other side, this one still sounds awesome, Sounds awesome.

Speaker 1:

I'm just being a hater y'all, yeah, but he's a friendly hater to me. Yeah, friendly, yeah friendly. Yo listen, friends hate on other friends in a friendly way. Oh, you gotta hear Tyler and I on the band. That's what I'm about to say. Yo, bro, if you ain't over here busting your friends' chops, bro, you ain't really friends.

Speaker 2:

I have to block Tyler sometimes I'm like I can't handle it right now.

Speaker 1:

You're friends, bro, yeah yeah, go sit by yourself. I can't handle these messages right now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he funny, that was great. On this note, everybody please like share. Subscribe this episode 91. 91. We coming in man.

Speaker 1:

Yo bro, see I'm salty right now. Why I said 91. Yo bro, I'm coming back. Yeah, I'm letting the people know right now, this episode 91, I'm also doing 100. You doing 100? So I'll be back here for the 100th episode.

Speaker 2:

You coming through the 100s? Yes, okay, let's do it.

Speaker 1:

Number 100 episode.

Speaker 2:

Let's try to do something like let's do maybe try to do another live or something. Oh, the 100th episode. I'm down with doing live bro. No, yo, bro, make We'll figure some shit out. Yeah, make sure you got all the like yeah, we'll figure some shit out, we'll do a test run on it. Do a test run, we'll do, we'll figure some shit out. So, yeah, 100%. 91,. Please like, share, subscribe. Keep having amazing people like Dre. Hey, listen, it helps me because I couldn't pay him. If you wanted to be like I couldn't pay the fuck, I could maybe get his glasses his glasses on the table, yo, and he could call in.

Speaker 1:

Yo listen, I get paid in energy drinks over here y'all.

Speaker 2:

Yo, I get paid in.

Speaker 1:

I get paid in rain energy, drinks Rain energy drinks and just a good atmosphere.

Speaker 2:

Look, this one's pretty good. I'm gonna take another one for the road. You can take as many as you want. Appreciate you. I got you, bro, appreciate you. But on that note, I appreciate all of y'all for fucking with us, yo peace.

Cost of Home Ownership and Technology
Internet Trolling and Engagement Trends
Social Media Drama and Career Reflection
Changing Perspectives on Weightlifting
Travel, Food, and Vacation Chatter
Travel Destinations and Gun Control
Respect for Differing Views
Global Pollution and Consumer Choices
Understanding Politics and Staying Informed
Embracing the Concept of Not Knowing
Favorite vs Best
Overstimulation in the Digital Age
Violence in Men's Development
Survival Violence and Proper Training
Firearm Training and Lethal Weapon Education
De-Escalating Conflicts in Unknown Territory
Resolving Misunderstanding and Egos
Responsibility and Influence in Fitness
Appreciation and Recognition in Community
Episode 100 Celebration Planning