ETB 6: Embracing a Dual Diagnosis, Presuming Competence & Spelling to Communicate with Jacquelyn Stephanou
Embrace the Blessing
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Embrace the Blessing
ETB 6: Embracing a Dual Diagnosis, Presuming Competence & Spelling to Communicate with Jacquelyn Stephanou
Nov 10, 2021
Sandy Deppisch

In this episode I talk with Jacquelyn Stephanou about her 20 year old son Will who has a dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and Autism.  Will's diagnosis brought challenges, especially regarding communication.   By constantly reading, researching and connecting with others, Jacquelyn learned about Spelling to Communicate, a technique that teaches individuals with Autism & Apraxia the purposeful motor skills needed to communicate by spelling.   Students are taught to point accurately to letters on a letter board to spell out words and eventually create sentences.   For the first time in many years Will is now able to express his thoughts and feelings and even share his dreams for the future!  Jacquelyn believes in presuming competence and continually pushing boundaries to raise the bar.  The potential is there.  You just have to figure out how to tap into it to give your child every opportunity for success.

Prizant, Barry: Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism. NY: Simon and Schuster, 2016

Uniquely Human, Barry Prizant and Dave Finch, cohosts

The Heumann Perspective, with Judy Heumann

Crip Camp

International Association for Spelling to Communicate (I-asc).
The best place to learn about the basics of S2C and to find practitioners around the globe.
Spelling to Communicate | S2C | I-ASC

Rapid Prompting Method/HALO

Communication Choice as a Human Right:
Communication First

Books By and About Spellers:
Handley, JB, Handley, J.
Underestimated: An Autism Miracle, 2020.

Tino, Gregory. The Autistic Mind Finally Speaks: Letterboard Thoughts, 2020.

Pena EV, Editor. Leaders Around Me: Autobiographies of Autistics Who Type, Point, & Spell to Communicate, 2019.

Ido in Autismland: Climbing Out of Autism's Silent Prison