Road Trip's Podcast - Travel, Touring and Holidays in South Africa using the Road Trip mobile app

Zululand - Some early Zulu history and The Battle of Blood River

Road Trip Season 3 Episode 11

The central areas of Zululand stretching from Ulundi to the Drakensberg Mountains really is the crucible and the "Battle Field" of South Africa. Conflicts between Zulu and Voortrekker, Voortrekker and British, the British and the Zulus, the Boers and the British - all came into conflict for various reasons in this area.

In this episode we explore the formation of the Zulu nation, as well as the culmination of the conflict between the Zulus and the Voortrekkers resulting in the pivotal & iconic Battle of Blood River.

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This is a recording of a radio show - Radio Ecohealth

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Do you want to visit and explore South Africa? Touch Africa Safaris