Dubai Real Estate Unplugged

Ep 12: Dubai Hills Estate of Mind

haus & haus Season 1 Episode 12

Home to the stylish Dubai Hills Mall, a wide range of property types, investment options, and a serene ambience, Dubai Hills Estate is on the rise.  Find out why in this episode with guests Ben Greenwood, our Dubai Hills Estate Sales Team Manager, and Laura Wyn Davies, Dubai Hills Estate Sales Consultant.

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Ep 12: Dubai Hills Estate of Mind | Dubai Real Estate Unplugged - YouTube

(00:00) foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] house real estate I'm Luke Remington managing director for the haus & haus group and today we're going to be talking Dubai hills estate a very popular expat Community here in Dubai and today I'm joined by two Dubai hills estate team players manager Ben Greenwoods hi Ben hi everyone I'm Ben Greenwood and I am the sales manager for Dubai Hills Estates Laura Davis hi I'm Laura Davis and I'm a property consultant in Dubai Hills you've actually got quite different
 backgrounds so why don't we delve into that Ben quick summary about you because you're a ex-military man I am indeed yeah so it's actually nine years uh in the RAF Royal Air Force back in the UK um I was an aircraft engineer so working on all of the engines and the airframes um and that was I mean that was absolutely fantastic but after a quick nine years yeah decided to make the move over here um and haven't looked back since it's been fantastic it's strange to go from I don't know if I know many people have
(01:16) gone from military to real estate no not many people have but what I'd say is that there is uh probably quite a few things that you learn in the military yeah that actually can sort of like cross over quite well to what we do here certainly being regimented in the way that you go about things following up with people which are obviously key components of this job um and I think that they work really well and it's allowed me to obviously progress pretty well I'd say in short two years that I've been here
(01:44) interesting so you think a lot of the training that you've had in the military has helped you yeah absolutely success you are today it was great when I came here obviously I had no background in real estate right and people come here from doing it from the UK and that's totally fine but for me I didn't know anything yeah so when we were going through the sales training it was super easy for me because it was just like a sponge you know just absorbing all of this information and I'd speak to Charlene he'd say right go out make this
(02:11) phone call speak to this client whatever all right I've done that now what do I do go ahead and do this okay I've done that now what do I do go ahead and do this and then suddenly I just stopped asking questions because it all just came after that but being really inquisitive understanding the process um and then just following that process was really easy for me to do it's quite interesting so I'm just going to keep on this but when you say about kind of listening and and then basically following those instructions
(02:40) what what would a buyer expect then if they speak to you are they going to expect you to be asking them questions you to be listening and then helping them so sometimes you get speech buyers and they're like stop asking me a million questions that you know just show me properties they get a bit frustrated about it you know stop interrogating me is this the way you perform is it questions questions um to find out as much as you can about the clients I understand that people are quite reserved in their nature you have
(03:14) to build up a rapport and then a level of trust for them to open up yeah in order to to give you some of this information actually we need but ultimately the information that we get is used to help them not used against them in any way do you know what I mean look but isn't it that old cliche where you kind of I want this but they then and try and sell me this so I go into the car garage and I want this liter uh engine I want these color uh this color this wheels and they're like well they offer you something completely different
(03:44) yeah I mean it can be but check the reviews mate is satisfied with the service so far yeah you do extremely well Laura Davis again you come from a different background tell me about a bit about you yeah it could have been more opposite to real estate I think the only thing in common is the sunshine okay um yeah I did six years overseas working for some of the biggest tour operators in Europe Thomas Cook and Tui which I'm sure a lot of our listeners from the UK are familiar with um so yeah consisted of in Resorts both
(04:16) Beach and ski resorts looking after customers ensuring them having the time of their life you know uh giving them all my uh knowledge and experience and top tips and everything like that to make sure they have a fantastic holiday you know whether it's their brilliant holiday or their first holiday um yeah it was just as exciting for every guest to deal with and then going into the sales side booking them on the trip so like a Sunset Cruise in Ibiza okay or Jeep Safari across Greece um and then that kind of level of you
(04:49) know customer service sales you know being a part of their holiday journey is what I've transferred over to device do you see any similarities in the excitement someone would have about booking a cruise to buying a house or an apartment do you know what you did you do so it's actually mad so um I had I used to have a little credit card machine and we'd be I'd be around the hotel and I'd book like you know Sue John and Bob and everyone on this excursion the same bus is when I'm at a contract b or F right they were about to
(05:23) sign and with all our special conditions in there the the buzz I got when I sold five boat trips is the same bus I get selling a five million different Villa so quickly go into that for the listeners contract B being a agreement between the agent and the buyer contractor F being the unified contract A and B which is so the a is the agreement between agent and seller B being the buyer together they form the F and then you're locked in which means you've then bought the house so if anyone meets you at that stage then
(05:52) they're going to see the Laura Davis with lots of bubble and excitement literally like I'm back in Majorca your team has performed exceptionally well um I know you actually went out recently I think you went out and celebrated and had a the night out you seem to have a really good culture um what was that brought Ben and what have you seen is all the team members just really good at what they do is it part of you work in a really good area is it that you gel particularly well and you know like to mix with each other out
(06:22) of hours what what is it yeah I think a combination of everything that you've said there um we obviously work in a fantastic area that goes to that side do you work out of that area or just that area yeah I work all over if you know if our buyers requirements are for them to go and view an Arabian ranches and other email Community if they want to go and view in jge which is obviously a fantastic Community also then of course I will take them out there out of your out of Interest the areas out of those areas
(06:51) kind of 90 to Dubai Hills Estate elsewhere or are you specializing in that area yeah I'd say when when people come to Dubai Hills that's where they predominantly want to be yeah and they might have started their search in a different community see yeah but as soon as they land in Dubai Hills they're they're pretty dead set so a lot of the work in that aspect is is done for us yeah by the community yeah you know offers such fantastic um facilities and all of that kind of stuff that when people get there they're just
(07:22) like okay yeah this is it now I want to be here right and I'm really focused on on my search being in Dubai Hills um so yeah I'd say 90 of the work that we do is is in Dubai Hills okay but of course it's always good to get out and look at the different communities because your buyers are definitely doing it yeah so you know if you don't know that a three-bed in surgery is compared comparable to a three beds into Hill yeah but your buyer knows that yeah then there's a real disconnect there yeah you
(07:50) know you have to understand what cross sells and what works well if this option doesn't work like okay what can we offer you in a different community that might work for you and it goes back to what you're saying about maybe with the car like a different paint color or yeah or whatever but you see it all the time you know people often think they want something I'm the same yeah you know I often think that I want something and then I get offered something which is similar yeah but it provides me ultimately with more and therefore I
(08:20) would go for that because it works and it suits my needs there so are people sold to in Dubai Hills do you have to make an effort to sell to people or do they I wonder why he'll stay I know what I want you know and this is fantastic because of you know XYZ facilities um what why you love it so do you have to sell it as hard as other communities um I I would say a lot of our buyers who are coming into Dubai hills estate know the area because they've got friends there and Dubai Hills is in like the you
(08:54) know it's on social media is a fantastic Community Emaar heavily promoted as the green heart of Dubai so you literally yeah if you Google Greenheart or divide by Hills will come up um and I think a lot of buyers are have got friends in the community as I say so they'll be looking in maybe the suburbs of like Sidra Maple or they might be looking in the apartments and so I think once the buyer we delve into their needs and what's important to them by highlighting three of their things that's important to them getting the
(09:26) right house and the right type the layout location and price and is pretty straightforward uh from that point because they've already got an idea of of what they want going back to the car thing if we as a broker feel that what they want isn't quite working out in Dubai Hills then my favorite part of the job is going off to damac Hills or maybe arabian ranches JGEto find the right house for them in those areas and I think that's what house and house do very very well listen is that what we do we listen yeah yeah
(09:56) yeah of course every monthly meeting we have it yeah um and it is totally instilled in you and again coming from the military we have core values there the rise principles uh and they're the core values that within this company which resonate throughout everyone I think that's actually there we present them really well yeah isn't that the award for next month yeah in case we listen and we learn indeed and voting ends today I think is there we'll have to give you some votes are you biased towards Dubai hills
(10:27) estate so let's say that someone's saying look Laura this isn't for me you know I just don't like this this or this and you know maybe my sister doesn't live down the road so show me around you like well you sure you want to go around why don't you just stay here um again it comes down to like why are we in Dubai Hills in the first place so so why have you picked this community it can be down to like the kids go to King's College which is on um down the road it could be dad's got a membership
(10:55) at the golf club and it could be that the the style of the house like not forgetting Sidra and maple are pretty unique Styles in Dubai there's no other um Community with this modern esque and everything uh touch like that so again I think you've got a ask the buyer why why are we here in the first place massive part of our job is you've got to be honest so if if they're saying oh yeah well I'll take this three-bed townhouse but you can envisage that they're gonna outgrow it or you know
(11:27) you've got you've got to really dealt you can't just because you've got the listing or I'm a big believer in Dubai Hills that I would force them to to buy it just because we're there and then if it's it's all about matching the right home and again what's important for them what they plan to do with the house if their heart is set under by Hills we will find the solution there's eight of us in the team that's that's the that's an easy that's an easy buyer that's an
(11:50) easy task yeah if you've got a buyer who is heart set under by Hills but you know as a broker you know from your knowledge and that this house isn't going to work for them you've gotta you've got to have that chat and and I think that that's better to have that chat because in the end um that client will come back in a year or two those chats that you have about Dubai he'll stay and bear in mind there's eight of you what words or emotions would you you know if I come up to you and say well tell me about by
(12:21) hills estate just why should I buy here what would you be saying I know you've touched on I think he's mentioned about the King's College uh was it hostile or yeah so the king's School the king's School King's College my kids go to kids school actually I'll do that every day yeah yeah it's a great school it's a great school it's great school but it's not the only school advice no you've got gems International Alco okay um which has direct access into Dubai Hills which a lot of people don't know
(12:54) that they think you have to take our Kill Road so there's a couple of accesses there is and then you've got Safa at the end of um and then across the road in Basha you've got Brighton College gym Founders what would the time do you're talking these things what will time distance be to these kind of different points that you're suggesting and five ten minutes half an hour depend literally where you are in the community okay the maple one you're closest to Kings okay if you're in Sidra one you're
(13:19) closest to gems Founders okay if you're in Club Villas you're closest to gems International words emotions you're probably the person to get to give me this Laura Corn um I would say it's a very uh it's a stylish place to live stylish Chic it's Dubai Hills is a brand it will be 10 years 10 years it will be a postcode it'll be like you know if you've watched selling Sunset and you're going about these postcodes like Beverly Hills and whatever Dubai Hills when the desert is
(13:50) full it'll be it'll be that it just sounds right yeah people people say oh you know people call it the hills and if you're from just don't put a state on the end of it yeah it should be just to buy Hills right it does sound a lot more glamorous to buy Hills I'm living to buy Hills like you say that's people there's just something about that that definitely helps literally whatever it comes from that or not like it doesn't really matter where it comes from right but people love it it has this
(14:23) yeah like air around it where when you say I live in Dubai Hills people are like firstly I know exactly where that is yeah yeah I've been there which is actually surprising considering it's not that it's established but it's not been when when no so for everyone to know about it says a lot about the community astronomical rise yeah but it is it has just taken off yeah people didn't believe in it absolutely like you can say that with a as a matter of fact when these launched originally with Emaar when
(14:54) would that have been 2018 people buying right these sort of Off plan you know 2017 2018 and then further on for some of the other releases that have come later down the line it was just a big patch of sand yeah you know and people can people were driving past it going to Arabian ranches yeah they're driving past it over on zakim look to the left nothing absolutely nothing just as huge patch of sand and over the past few years Handover came yeah people are like okay this place is nice but it's not very mature it's not
(15:28) very green even though now it's titled the green heart to buy it wasn't it was still under you know progress and it needed to mature a bit but you walk through these communities you walk through Etc overnight and it's stunning man it's a lit up tree lined the walking pastors at however many kilometers long walk-in trail that goes through syndrome one and two which is just beautiful people taking the dogs out they've got the dog park in the main in the main Park which is the biggest residential
(15:56) Park in Dubai as a community oh wow so we host that which is obviously fantastic has a water park down the bottom which a lot of people don't know about yeah 50 Dirhams I think to get I think Simon took his kids there recently yeah mate it's just great you know shopping mall shopping mall of course opened a year ago which is it which is impressive I voted the best more not the woods it's got a certain let's be real about this people like you're selling it too much yeah like do you really think it's the decimal yeah
(16:29) it's peaceful it's spacious parking's easy access is easy yeah it's not hectic it has everything that you would need from them all really and anything else that you don't need you can obviously fight everyone in Dubai or you're trying to walk through it so what is how many properties in Dubai Hill State Christ six thousand really good and growing yes isn't it oh yes isn't it isn't it a bit big wouldn't you feel like there's just too many people there's too much traffic
(17:00) no charm okay and it has its own like you can pick to live on the Burberry and be involved in that you can pick to live in sydra free the smallest of the sidras uh with like just over 300 Villas you you can pick where you live in this community so you quickly went over that but what would the entry what would you be looking at you've got about there are Apartments there and there are houses there there are townhouses there there are Standalone there so there is a variety of everything there is entry point price to purchase an apartment yeah to
(17:39) get the smallest one Collective I'm sure you own one don't you yeah there we go yeah I put that at the right time a bit more than what you paid I'm sure now yeah yeah no that was uh 950 000. forecasted the market that was really in the in the height of it yeah so sorry say again about 900 entry now yeah yeah okay and if I want a villa villa if you're looking at a gorgeous three bed Sidra uh around the five million plus Mark okay going up to Ben I think you've done some quite Hefty sales there yeah we've
(18:13) had some live videos you know we've had uh Golf Course facing units selling for just short of 35 uh we've done plenty of viewings on um properties that range up to 200 million 208 is the highest that's that's sold uh completely fully upgraded one of the most beautiful Villas that we've ever seen 208 million 208 yeah 208 and that was in the last year yeah yeah that was in the last year yeah so that probably makes a huge difference to people that are buying there as well right they want to be amongst that they
(18:44) want to be mixing with people that have got rolls royces outside their driveways and you know one little community that I really actually love is golf growth it's this uh twin townhouse Community right at the back of Dubai Hills but your drive to it is outstanding you drive through Fairway Vistas One Way Or you can drive up through golf place and around it's just outstanding you know on your way to your home you're driving past all of these Villas which are 25 plus you know what a fantastic Drive 25 million
(19:17) plus right okay which yeah it's going to be kind of five million plus yeah yeah and that's like I mean what a wonderful piece of motivation every day when you're driving past all of these Villas yeah hopefully visualizing the fact that you'll be making the move there yeah one day yeah you know I didn't buy one of those but even for the apartments in Collective they are great and it's not just kind of first-time buyers or you know um you you could have a couple living there you know you could have a small
(19:45) family or you could even I think with the VISA schemes that have changed you've got a lot of people working from them now yeah what uh what do they offer do they offer who are you seeing buying these properties um they range from like you said like first-time buyers uh young young professionals who who have worked hard in Dubai or other parts of the world and have got are able to to mortgage or even pay with these properties with cash and investors alike I would say are around 70 to 80 of the homeowners there
(20:22) because um the short-term Market there is phenomenal even though Dubai Hills it probably doesn't even cross people's minds as a holiday destination uh if you go on house and house holidays and you look on there and see the the options and everything that they offer and the short term is phenomenal there which has got humongous amounts of benefits for for both the owner and the Tenant so if I meet you guys I meet you at a barbecue one day and I describe my perfect property there's a we all see in the news that
(20:59) maybe there's a shortage and we're seeing these prices being broken everywhere you'll mentioning these astronomical figures uh Ben can you actually find what I want you know if I obviously I'm not going to be saying Sea View because I'm not going to be getting that probably into about Hill State but if I want something particular um am I gonna find it because I see all these listings online but then when I call them they're not actually available um can you find it I'd say as long as
(21:28) you're realistic yes in your approach yeah then 100 we will find you something is it going to be at that market price are sellers realistic or if I'm an owner in Dubai hills estate you guys pick it up well I'm gonna big it up even more than you guys because I believe in it you know I bought that so am I realistic you can't pick it up that much of yourself well if I'm if I'm selling it I just want the highest price which most sellers do at the moment so if that's the same anywhere yeah yeah every like I
(22:00) said before everyone that owns in the community whatever Community they own in whether it's the palm the marina uh JG ranches you name it JP even jbt Villas yeah anyone that owns there wants the highest price that you can get for that because this Market has been providing that for the past two years yeah but what sellers are get what sellers are hearing in Dubai Hill state is everyone knows it everyone's talking about it so they feel that I think it was actually maybe second or third um those transactions yeah for what
(22:33) amount of transactions that took place I think maybe it's late after that I'm surprisingly yeah so a seller's just pushing them up because of that is there any more growth am I going to still buy or shall I say go on what you used to do leasing take me back to a rental um so as we talk at this stage you know we're talking quarter one 20 23.
(22:54) so I'd just say about the the sellers do you know do they want to sell they're getting these mud prices um again you've got as an agent we will find a reason for their selling like these just because they have astronomical prices in these you know Beverly Hills of Dubai doesn't mean they're normal people who need to downsize up size maybe leave the country and things like that so you've got to find these sellers um and then part of our job is to you know find out what's motivating them get our buyer involved and then marry it up
(23:24) yeah and that's kind of how you've got to do it so like Ben said these these prices are are high uh it but it's happening in every Community you've just got to be a good agent and find out why this seller wants to sell um and then getting the three things that are important to this buyer and then and then marrying it up and that's the benefit a huge benefit of our team there's eight of us so okay I get a lead for this buyer maybe I don't have what they have I guarantee in our team yeah
(23:52) we've got what they want yeah well it helps when you work with such good colleagues right and you all you know you all believe in what everyone does if someone can find that property for sure Ben if I'm buying at the moment and I think Laura touched you probably about 80 or investors do you find many people saying Ben has to have a certain return on investment you know I need to be hitting six seven eight nine percent or um I just want to get the collateral growth because it's still going to grow
(24:18) I actually firmly believe and I'm not just saying this as a real estate business owner that's device offers extremely good value for money so although the prices are high now that's because we saw what they were two three four years ago where it was a downturn but you compare to other Global cities and I think Dubai is rocketing in where it is going um it's got a lot of growth to come we've got huge amounts of people coming in and we don't have many properties so it still does offer really good value for
(24:55) money in my my uh mines are you finding Ben that they want are they talking about Roi or are they just after kind of I mean any investor will always talk about Roi yeah of course that's that's part of what their investment is but that's not everything yeah if something is priced under Market that is rented low would you take it because you're immediately going to get Capital depreciation if it goes back to Market level of course you would but then you should do but if I if I bought um two years or three years ago and I'd
(25:26) put a tenant in there we know that the rents have grown massively so we and we now know the prices have grown massively so I've still got a tenant paying a low amount of rent because I can only put it up with a calculator that hasn't been updated for a couple of years so but I now know the value is so much higher so actually the ROI it in today's team actually has gone down but are we are we are sellers sitting on them and saying well I don't really care it's up and coming and it's got more growth yeah
(25:55) okay are sitting on them and saying we'll we'll keep it because the property price itself has moved so much yes the rental price has moved but of course that just happens every year yeah like if we're now talking about I've made two million Dirhams on my purchase price I'm happy to have a tenant in there at 200k because if I make another million two million there's no that's so much more than me trying to evict them and doing whatever so it really depends on the type of person not every investor is
(26:26) the same no of course they all have different opinions on what they believe investing is and again having a team of a it allows us to marry ourselves up and align ourselves with different types of investors you know one of them might prefer my style and the way that I work yeah and another one my prefer Laura style and the way that Laura works but having eight different people with different strategies mindsets and the way that they go about their business it really helps us to capture the whole the whole market and there's so much more coming
(26:56) that's much more coming is there so so what is coming what have we got to see I know it's obviously you can only go off what the developers are actually releasing and there's probably a lot of hearsay out there about potentially what they're going to um but is it maxing out if we say we're at kind of 6 000 Villas or no there's a okay there's more there's a lot of patch of sand out there yeah and if you look at the Dubai Hills model one of the email sales centers you'll see some of
(27:27) it has not yet been launched or construction or you know we don't even know about it they're probably having a chat right now as we speak for the next launch and but right now there's there's a lot of cranes in Dubai Hills which is very very exciting um as property Brokers and people who are living there and people who are planning to buy there yeah and because it means the community's still growing things are changing um and there's about six buildings at the moment being built and then the very
(27:55) famous address Villas which I cannot wait isn't that the first address for the community with the whole you know concierge finish every very very exclusive right in the middle of the by Hills consisting around 140 Villas starting at around 25 million Dirhams Golf Course views they're not they're going to have their own Lagoon which will be a first in Dubai Hills yeah so we can have a water view if we want then and to buy houses yeah so if you are a palm buyer you might ask an email will answer you know and it's it's very strange as
(28:31) well you sit there and say listen Ben Laurie you guys work in Dubai Hills you're obviously biased towards it yeah well hang on surely the biggest uh like certification stamp is the fact that email could have put a dress fillers anywhere they wanted yeah because they have so many communities in which to do so yeah they've chosen to buy hills estate to be that Flagship yeah yeah for that yeah for that brand launch for this whole new type of thing that they've never done before surely that in itself says something
(29:00) yeah we probably can't you know of course of course where's um where are you up against if someone doesn't want to buy hills estate and just says let us not working for me or I can't find what I want what it what's the uh what's the other choice what's your if the one that you're like I knew they're gonna say that take me to well we're blessed that Dubai has some of the best golf courses yeah it's so in the world so if they are looking for a villa with a golf course
(29:27) view with a certain price budget and we're studying Club Villa yeah and for example we built up area isn't working yeah then off we go to Jamira golf Estates Arabian ranches and again depending on their budget what's important for them um you know if they're currently dealing with a problem with their house how do we solve it with an ex purchase and so even though Dubai Hills might not have what they want Dubai certainly will offer it and and like I said where the cross sell although tobios is very
(29:58) unique in its location it's Aura it's style there are other houses out there that are that can cater for the buyer otherwise and you know we as a business we wouldn't make you know in Dubai Hills like some of my some of my best sales my best buyers my most uh you know proud moments have been selling Villas in other communities so wow you've got a okay you can be biased in your area and you can sell it to your heart's content but at the end of the day it's it's gonna be their purchase so there's
(30:30) always something else out there if Dubai Hills doesn't fit the bill I think for me the biggest or one of the biggest talking points with Dubai Hills is the size um in a positive or negative way negative way okay you know some people are saying that they're a little bit too small three thousand square foot three thousand one hundred square foot for three bedrooms oh sorry I thought you were on about size in terms of the amount of pillows or properties okay so actually The Villa itself okay but the way that they're designed especially
(30:58) if you look at Sidra it's very cubic in its design it can be adapted it can be extended it can be increased and you can do so much with it it's almost like Lego blocks you can add bits on the side you can do basically so people can they can extend them yes and for me one of the most exciting things if we talk about what's coming in the future of course the address fillers Lamborghini Villas Villas designed by alisab we have all of that one thing that I'm actually looking forward to is seeing a real
(31:27) differentiation yeah in the Villas you know selling Villas that are fully upgraded yeah people who've come in they've made their place at home for however long they've been in there two three four five years and then look to sell because they're either relocating or doing whatever like the reason doesn't necessarily matter too much but we'll have this real actual uh like gauge in the market as to what because the seller says now I want 5.
(31:54) 5 whatever but if we look at Arabian ranches for example very old community in comparison but with that age comes a real depth of properties and and what has been done to it you know they've completely changed it around they've turned a three bedroom into a five bedroom they're done you know Simon's doing work to his you've obviously done work to yeah so yours there and yeah and your Testament to that fact so for me to see what's going to happen over the course of the next three four five years we've already got
(32:24) clients that we've sold to who are fully upgraded and they're living in there now but because of the level of service that we provide and because of the core values that we always speak about we know that they'll be selling to us in time and that's great do you find people are going into these brand new properties and feeling that the Market's changed the developer he might do a fantastic job but do you feel that they feel maybe the quality uh building costs have gone up maybe the kitchen isn't
(32:52) quite the quality it would have been if it was developed 10 years ago and maybe a bit more you the developer has to sell the property a bit more Dubai's not in that kind of crazy Market you find at the moment people are saying well I'll buy it and then I'm gonna rip that kitchen they've supplied and put and spent a load more money putting something new in or yeah or do they have is it too for me that would be a hard like I'm buying something brand new why do I want yeah it's not what I want but
(33:18) I'm just going to put up with it yeah yeah they're doing that because they see it as a home for however long yeah perhaps and this has happened people are in a rental already and they've got eight months left on their tenancy contract 10 months almost a year or they have the option to renew if you're gonna do the work why not do it when you're living somewhere else and you have this time to do it I wouldn't want to live in the house whilst all of this work was going on or have to move out for six
(33:47) months whilst they do the work so the Finish itself is great as it is most people living there no problems absolutely fine but for those who are buying now with a view to stay there for five ten years and they have the time to do the work yeah I say why not do the work yeah okay and it makes sense to me yeah also like we're in that house telling them what they can do to the house and natural sales people will say and when you come to sell it yeah this is how much money you will make so if you're buying a standard Sidra and a fully
(34:20) upgraded Sidra the price difference is is very very clear and it's it's a big difference how what a difference so if you got for example a four bed in Sidra an E3 type um in the market today Bank average 6.25 and if you've got a fully upgraded one and I'm talking Haka kitchen swimming pool Italian marble like lights the shebang plants whatever barley Vibes anything in the region of 7.
(34:50) 5 up to 8 million um is what it would sell for so a lot of the a lot of people who are looking in Dubai Hills are like you know they've got an eye for designer quite stylish themselves as well yeah I've seen a lot of people people put them in magazines exactly interior designers living there exactly and Haka kitchen feature a lot of surgery kitchen in their social media and golf place I think Ben's had Soul Villas there we've then gone on to put hack a kitchen and in golf place yeah like that they're the
(35:21) cream of the crop um so yeah people I think again you just you just say to the buyer like how long do you plan on being in the UAE some people are like this is going to be my home for three years I plan to rent it out when I leave well all you need is a lick a pain yeah is he sure forever home yeah I plan to be here 10 years you need to put some personality into it are you here to make money yes I am let's get it renovated so there's three different people are gonna move in last question and it's a question that I think a lot
(35:45) of listeners or people interested in Dubai hills estate would probably be asking you here we go is there any is it can I is it is there any growth left in it you know or am I just buying at the top of the market are you have you have you seen a Slowdown since you came back from Christmas we're now in with we're eight weeks on from that um I mean I wouldn't say so because our team had a record-breaking month last month right okay so January yeah than we as a team have done yeah yeah yeah so yeah makes you know that's yeah
(36:23) that says volumes of course it could just be timing it could be a variation of things but with so much still to go there you know and we're talking about the Villa communities the plots that are there that people are going to be doing their own self-built Creations on um there's a lot of room still there really really is I I do truly believe that I don't think that anyone buying now is going to be disappointed in a year two years three years time and they're not kind of concerned about interest rates
(36:53) going up and well yeah I mean some people are only natural they have they are mentioning it yeah they mentioned it yeah again only like I say only natural you have people who bought two years ago that were locked in at two and a half percent yeah they're coming up for Renewal yeah and suddenly they're at four and a half five yeah and and above so it's definitely an issue on some people's finances but your option otherwise is to go and rent somewhere for considerably more your finance and your monthly payments for buying
(37:24) they do turn out to be less than what it would be on a monthly payment for a rental and that is you know that is completely factual yeah there's a lot of room for growth there's a lot of room for everything and overall it's just a wonderful place to be why would you not want to buy that well I'm sure if anyone's listening to this podcast and they're considering dubai hills estate I think you are both hugely um enthusiastic about the development rightly so it is nice um it's got a lot
(37:50) to offer um and you're passionate about it and you've sold a lot of property there I think what's really nice is you can actually let you've both been doing it considerably a long time and you can actually let buyers or tenants or whoever you speak to know well okay you can do this or you can't do this and you can actually like what we say we taught the truth and we walk the walk um so people will reach out I'm sure thank you ever so much ben Greenwood Lord Davis thanks everyone [Music]

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