The Lady Rebel Leader Podcast

Episode 2: The Goo of Change

Dr Erica Bowen Season 1 Episode 2

As a psychologist and coach, helping people embark on a change process is something I routinely do. However, what frustrates me is the narrative in the coaching world that there are shortcuts, that change is easy, and that if you find it hard you're somehow to blame.
Inspired by the process of metamorphosis that butterflies go through, this episode focuses on some of those challenges - the 'goo' of change that has to happen before you emerge transformed.

My main points emphasise:
The role of the relationship between you and your coach/mentor/therapist - if it doesn't feel right to you, then it probably isn't right for you.
The fact that our brain is wired for no-change, to keep you safe and that is why change can be so difficult.
Changing behaviour is changing identity and that too can feel very scary, but when we link it to who we want to become it can be very motivating.

If you're embracing personal change and finding it hard, just remind yourself that you're doing great, every small step is a step in the right direction, and even if you stop taking them, you will already have made progress, and you can go back to making progress at any point. Consider all of your pauses lessons - what do they teach you about how you need to progress?