Narativ Leadership Story Talks

Narativ Story Talks | Answer Intelligence with Brian Glibkowski

June 03, 2022 Narativ Inc

In this episode, Jerome and Julienne are talking with the creator of Answer Intelligence (AQ)™, Dr. Brian Glibkowski.

When Dr. Glibkowski wanted to know what skills he could improve when he was a doctoral student, the answer was "communication."

This set him on a path to discover how to help organizations and their employees improve the way they communicate by answering 6 questions: What, Who, Why, When, Where, How.

Starting with golf professionals, he tested out a methodology that became the Answer Intelligence (AQ), which led to a book and now a framework that he helps organizations all over the world to implement.

Brian introduces his framework via a circle visual, which you can see on this episode's artwork and in this link

We discuss the balance between procedures, storytelling, strategy, and action plans that are part of this decision making and communication process. 

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