Cost of Health

HHS Secretary Mandy Cohen, Talks Health Access Expansion

Coalition for Fiscal Health Season 1 Episode 10

Since Medicaid is insurance that’s intended for people with lower incomes, it sometimes carries a negative reputation or association. Despite the stigma, Cohen cautions that the majority of its members are either children (1.2 million in North Carolina), those with disabilities, or seniors.

But then there are the people like our farmer or those who fall into what’s called the “coverage gap.” This is when someone makes too much money to be eligible for Medicaid, but not enough to qualify for a subsidy under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

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And be sure to join the coalition to help fight for lower health care costs

The North Carolina Coalition for Fiscal Health is a 501(c)(4) corporation, organized as a nonpartisan group focused on economic issues and the rising cost of healthcare in North Carolina. We’re here to talk about improving the fiscal health of all North Carolinians.