Cost of Health

Want Lower Premiums? Meet Reference Based Reimbursement

Coalition for Fiscal Health Season 1 Episode 8

Open enrollment for 2019 health insurance plans start on November 1 and last through December 15. Healthcare plans are always changing. We wanted to talk to someone who knows exactly what has happened in 2018 and what can be expected for the upcoming year. On this episode of “The Cost of Health,” WNC Health Insurance owner Josh Williams chats about new plans, reimbursements, and reference-based pricing health plans.

Josh Williams' Western North Carolina Health Insurance

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And be sure to join the coalition to help fight for lower health care costs

The North Carolina Coalition for Fiscal Health is a 501(c)(4) corporation, organized as a nonpartisan group focused on economic issues and the rising cost of healthcare in North Carolina. We’re here to talk about improving the fiscal health of all North Carolinians.