CTM Community Voices

Episode two: hearing from our unpaid carers


Today we hear from Kay and Ceri who share their experiences of caring for family members. They share insights into what it's like to be an unpaid carer, advice for those who may be starting their own journey into caring, and also suggestions on how to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for carers. 

Heddiw clywn gan Kay a Ceri sy'n rhannu eu profiadau o ofalu am aelodau o'r teulu. Maent yn rhannu mewnwelediadau i sut beth yw bod yn ofalwr di-dâl, cyngor i'r rhai a allai fod yn dechrau ar eu taith eu hunain i ofalu, a hefyd awgrymiadau ar sut i wella canlyniadau iechyd a lles i ofalwyr.