African Catholic Voices

Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent: Jesus, the Water of Life who Satisfies our Thirst for God

African Catholic Voices

 In this reflection on the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman in John's Gospel (4), we reflect on what happens when we meet Jesus. The Lenten season offers us the opportunity of encountering this Jesus who is also searching for us. We all have a hunger for God which can only be satisfied through constant company with Jesus. In the first reading, God satisfies the thirst of the people of Israel in the desert. This is an invitation to us also to call upon the Lord especially in our moments of needs and he will answer us. God is always there for us to support our lives especially when we are tired and uncertain of the future. In this dialogue Jesus  reveals himself to this woman in a gradual way. He elevates the status of women by making them hearers of his word and sharers in his missionary work. Jesus shows that he can go to any extent to bring all humanity into the cycle of God’s love. He came to confront and heal the ancient divisions which have kept people apart. He welcomes all: the rejects of society, the sinners as well as saints, the faithful and unfaithful children of God. He however always invites people to leave their past and seek the highway that leads to truth, life and salvation that is in him. He came that all of us will have life and light; that all of us will have self-esteem and pursue our ordered ends free from social restrictions and settled prejudices. He came to offer everyone the water of life; the life of grace and salvation that is beyond human imagination.