
The h*ll yes! of finding your people

Meteor: scicomm with impact Season 2 Episode 11

First - two big announcements: 

  1. Season 2 is all about finding hope through action and saying yes. ✔ 
  2. We’re running the first cohort of SciComm STEP this fall! Listen to this episode for details and join our email list ( for a ping when the application goes live! 

Now, we’re gonna say it. Finding and picking your people is not just nice, it’s crucial.

There’s not enough time in the day, or energy in our overwhelmed, burnt-out selves, to compromise about who we spend our time with.

[And yes, we know it’s an enormous privilege to get to work this way! Some of us have a lot of obligations that don’t leave room for choosing who we work with. Family. Finances. Friends.

Still. We’re finally at a career stage where we can make some choices.]

We hope this conversation helps you identify at least one aspect of your work or personal life where you can be as discerning as you want and need to about who you spend your time with. 

So, this week, we tackle: 

  • How we know when there’s a spark. 
  • Why it matters to look for people we actually want to work with. 
  • The value of community to inspire and lift each other up. 
  • Why we refuse to see scicomm as service anymore. 
  • Shared values as a higher priority than shared skills/knowledge. 
  • Looking for people who say yes to ideas, who create opportunities from nothing! 

Dig in for yourself: 

  • What is your SPARK? 
  • How do you know when you’ve bumped into a person or idea that you really want to work with? 

Thanks for listening! We’re hoping for a community potluck - come on over to!