
Do we even need mentors anymore?

Meteor: scicomm with impact Season 2 Episode 19

A quick opening note: Our last episode for this season will be an open Q&A. Send us your questions, ideas, puzzles and dilemmas by September 6. We’ll fit in as many as we can for the September 8 episode! 

The whole upper rungs of mentoring, on the scicomm career ladder, are missing. 

Is it a question of relationships? Resources? Respect? 

Or is it that beyond-beginners need different kinds of mentoring and our profession just isn’t structured to provide it? 

Either way, where do mid-career and advanced scicommers look for mentors? 

This week, we take on those questions, plus: 

  • When mentoring is needed 
  • Alternatives if you don’t want mentors 
  • How mentors “happen” 

Dig in for yourself: What kind of mentorship do you feel you need, if any? What kind of mentorship would you most like to offer right now?

Thanks for listening! Pass us a note…we sit right behind you, at