The Awakened Life Podcast

Shannon Rowan - The Joke That Went Viral

Ben Hawkes

These messages make me smile a great deal. Thank you.

Shannon is an author, artist, geo-political researcher and all-round marvellous human being who is currently in an undisclosed location in rural Northern California.  She graduated in Fine Arts and found herself working in Advertising in New York.  She quit in disgust when she realised the industry was focussed almost entirely on selling lies and worked as a Photo-Journalist.  

She saw quickly that her stories were being editing to serve an agenda not her own.  The Plan-demic finished the job and saw her start a new career as a writer focussing on the sickness/health system. 

In this episode we discuss the development of Germ Theory and the US/Worldwide blueprint for allopathic medicine taking in a whistle stop tour of Louis Pasteur and  the usual band of masonic lunatics.

She has an epic back catalogue included Shots Fired: Vaccine Weapons, Medical Tyranny, and the War Against Humanity (2023), WiFi Refugee: Plight of the Modern-day Canary and Welcome to the Masquerade: Prelude to the Coming Reset,  with The Wake Up favourite, John Hamer.

You can find all her work on

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