God's Will For Us, That We Be Saints | Part One
St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
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St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
God's Will For Us, That We Be Saints | Part One
Jan 13, 2020

As most of us look forward to the New Year for a fresh start and the opportunity to begin again, especially our resolutions and goals, you have likely spent time time reflecting on resolutions for your spiritual life and the ultimate (lifelong) goal to become a saint. To inspire and motivate our spiritual goals, we are launching the New Year with a three-part podcast series from Fr. Javier del Castillo exploring the prominent themes in Towards Holiness— a homily by St. Josemaria Escriva on the universal call to holiness.

In this podcast, the first of the series, Fr. Javier reflects upon two important questions set forth in "Towards Holiness": What does it mean to be holy? What does it mean that God’s will for us is to become saints? The writings and spirituality of St. Josemaria continually remind us that holiness can be found in each moment of everyday life. In seeking the grace of Christ in each moment, we increase our desire and capacity to love others and communicate God’s light to the world.

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