Our Lady of Sorrows
St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
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St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
Our Lady of Sorrows
Sep 12, 2018

In September the Church celebrates the feasts of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (14th) and Our Lady of Sorrows (15th).

On today's podcast we prepare ourselves for the celebration of these feasts with the help of Our Lady by observing her example during the Passion of her Son and contemplating her at the foot of the Cross. Our Lady of Sorrows places us at her side, before Jesus on the Cross, to help us mature in our share in the mission of her Son. Bringing us to the Cross means helping us to face up to the difficulties of life, since learning how to deal with suffering is a major step in our personal growth. And, it means sharing in the mission of the redemption of Christ, which gives great depth to the purpose of our lives. Therefore, at the foot of the Cross: Ask yourself: How do I handle difficulties? Do I dig deeper to find its deeper meaning?

Contemplate the great miracles of Jesus and see how most of them were messy.Consider: If we don't have the Cross, what are we left with?Ask for the grace of great serenity, joy, and efficacy in your mission to co-redeem with Christ.

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