Apostolic Zeal
St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
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St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
Apostolic Zeal
Sep 16, 2017

In this meditation by Fr. Peter Armenio, priest of Opus Dei, we reflect upon “hunger to know the Master” as the source for apostolic zeal and the foundation for fruitfulness in the apostolate. Although Jesus gave the mandate to his followers to bring the Gospel to all the corners of the earth, his Apostles realized that this would not be accomplished through human efforts, but rather by God working through them. As such, it is the love of Christ that motivates us in our desire for conversion and urges us in sharing him with others. St. Paul spoke of Christ as the source of evangelization throughout his writings. In his letter to the Romans (13:14), he reminds us to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ,” as it is not us who evangelize, but Jesus who works through us. Furthermore, in his 2nd Letter to the Corinthians (4:7), he explains that fruitfulness in the apostolate is not dependent on our own strengths and virtues, but on the power of God: “But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us.” Elaborating on this, Fr. Peter encourages us that despite our own faults and failings, we are not broken clay pieces, but vessels, meant to be filled and used as instruments for bringing the Gospel to the world. Only by hungering to know the Lord and being filled by him will we be able to cultivate our apostolic zeal.

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