St. James the Apostle
St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
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St. Josemaria Institute Podcast
St. James the Apostle
Jul 27, 2015

In today’s podcast, Fr. Javier del Castillo meditates on St. James the Apostle, a “son of thunder,” and reflects on how we too can become a magnanimous, humble, and daring disciple of Christ.

What you’ll hear:
0:40 – About the nickname of St. James “son of thunder.”
1:20 – A theory on why the mother of the sons of Zebedee asked Jesus, “Command that these two sons of mine sit, one at your right and the other at your left, in your Kingdom.” (Matthew 20:21
)5:20 – A reflection on the call of Sts. James and John
9:00 – The purification and fortification of St. James and John’s enthusiastic and daring “Yes, we can!” in Matthew 20:22
11:10 – How St. James can purify our intentions and enthusiasm when following Christ
13:00 – How Jesus taught St. James and the Apostles humility
15:30 – Christ’s teaching on humility in the Christian life
17:25 – Story about Bl. Alvaro’s rejection of vanity
18:55 – How St. James’ enthusiasm brought him to the “ends of the earth,” to Spain.
19:20 – How Our Lady appeared to St. James (in modern day Zaragoza) while he was discouraged with his mission and on his way back to Jerusalem. She appeared to St. James, by a special grace while she was still alive, standing on a Roman pillar to encourage St. James to go back and not give up.
21:05 – Why did St. James get discouraged? Why do disciples of Christ become discouraged and sad so often?
23:40 – Why St. Josemaria Escriva was so confident and daring when sending inexperienced missionaries to different parts of the world
25:05 – On becoming a “son of thunder” and being magnanimous, humble, and daring all at the same timeReferences: Gospel Reading on the Feast of St. James (Matthew 20:20-28)
St. James at the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-13)

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