Grounded in Greek
Greeks share stories of the people and experiences that have grounded them in who they are today. Join Brigette on this journey to learn more about the Greek heritage and to find shared meaning in the stories told, whether you're Greek or not.
Grounded in Greek
Grounded in Photography with Platon
Season 3
Episode 27
Platon is a photographer who has captured numerous portraits of famous individuals including Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump, Mark Zuckerberg, and Adele. He’s won countless awards and shot for many international publications including Rolling Stone, the New York Times Magazine, Vanity Fair, Esquire, GQ, Sunday Times Magazine, and Time magazine. He’s published four books, teamed up with Human Rights Watch, founded the non-profit foundation, The People's Portfolio, and is featured in the Netflix documentary, Abstract: The Art of Design. Brigette and Platon talk about Greek values and dive deep into empathy and democracy, including how those are interwoven in their work.
Website: platonphoto.com
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- Contact: groundedingreek@gmail.com