Geoscience Futures

Scott Tinker

Geoscience Futures group

Our guest for this podcast is Scott Tinker, who runs the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas. However these days he’s much more widely known as the driving force behind films like “Switch” and “Switch On” that explore issues around energy access and the energy transition. Scott is passionate about the need for the economy and the environment to - as he puts it -  “play well together”, and he sees geoscience as a vital part of that relationship. Scott is a powerful advocate for geoscience. Few people come away from listening to Scott without feeling inspired. So sit back and enjoy the company of one of the best science communicators in the world. 

(As usual, on our side the conversation it’s Iain Stewart, Cam McCuaig and Neil Evans asking the questions. Although please note that Iain’s laptop battery ran out half way through this conversation, so the discussion finishes without him. It happens to the best of us!)