Canadian Real Estate 101

Want to learn how a real BRRR Project looks like?

Supriya Mehra

Join us on Wednesday June 22nd from 7-9pm in Hamilton as we take you along with Ash Alles Real Estate Group to a guided tour of what a BRRR Project looks like in today’s market. We will take you to two properties and walk you through the before and after of these projects…(who doesn’t like Before and After’s??) Space is limited so grab yours today.  Click here to register


In this episode, we talk in depth about adding a legal unit to your property through BRRR Strategy. Barb Iglic and Ash Alles discuss about the current market and share their experience as Investor focused Real Estate team.

We also have Ronald De Coteau from Property Pathways who shares about some of the things to consider for adding additional units to your property. 


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