Canadian Real Estate 101

Scaling an AirBnB Arbitrage Business to 7 Figure Within 10 Months With Charles Crompton

Supriya Mehra

In today’s episode we have Charles Crompton. Charles had worked on the corporate side of an investment firm for 11 years before quitting his job about 10 months ago. As you’ll hear in the podcast, him and his wife Tiffany were on the path for creating wealth through stocks and real estate to retire early. Somewhere through their journey, they wanted to quit their corporate jobs and create something for themselves to create freedom.

Inspired by listening to another podcast, they both quit their corporate jobs to build an arbitrage company with two other partners. 10 months into it, they have more than 40 listings and a 7 figure business.

This is probably going to hit home with many of our listeners as this strategy has been well talked about and getting more traction in Canada. It was pretty popular in US already but slowly making its way up here.

Charles shares how he got started in this business, what are some things to consider, what are some mistakes they have made and what were some key learnings from this business so far.

You can follow him and his partners at @crompton_elite_rei and @airbnbsimplified

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