Loving On Purpose

Why Adversity Is A Blessing In Our Lives

Bonnie Lyman Episode 15

Instead of hiding and running from adversity, why not welcome it.  Adversity can teach us lessons, strengthen us, and show us how God is the the details of our lives like nothing else can.  We are dependent upon having adversity in our lives to have those amazing moments be so amazing.  It is part of living a well lived life so let us give a big welcome to adversity.  After listening to this episode you may not seek it it but hopefully when it comes, you will not fear it. 

I help moms navigate life with their adult children.  If you want to know more about me go to bonnielyman.com . And to sign up for any of the  free resourceslisted below:

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Questions?  Suggestions for podcast topics.  Email me at bonnie@bonnielyman.com 

Have you received my new resource "3 Steps To Be Yourself Around Your Adult Children?" Click HERE to receive it. You'll be amazed what life offers you when you take back the power to be yourself around everyone.

Have you ever considered 1:1 coaching? To get started, book a complimentary call with me to find out what the cause of your struggling relationship is with your adult child. Go to bonnielyman.com (click here) to book a call.