Ambitious & Caffeinated: Authentic Business + Marketing Strategies for Mompreneurs
Welcome to Ambitious & Caffeinated: Authentic Marketing & Business Strategies for Mompreneurs, hosted by Adrianne! We are focusing on unlocking the next version of ourselves: life, motherhood, CEO, business… and creating a life we truly desire. This podcast will help you effortlessly build your online biz *without* hustling 24:7 through authentic marketing + social strategies, dive deep into respectful parenting, and uncover the reality behind being a mompreneur.Don't forget to take a screenshot, tag me on Instagram in your stories and enter for a chance to win a coffee gift card on ME!Catch me on both IG + my blog for freebies, blog posts, trainings, programs, and courses to create unstoppable, profitable momentum!IG: Head over to to peek at 1:1 coaching availability, course bundles, mega courses, and social media management availability.
Ambitious & Caffeinated: Authentic Business + Marketing Strategies for Mompreneurs
How to stabilize your income for *months* in advance in your online business.
Ever wondered how to lock down a reliable income stream using social media without burnout? That's what we're unpacking today! Join me as I pull back the curtain on my own journey where I've stabilized $5,000 monthly since 2021.
I am so excited for today's podcast episode because we are talking about how to stabilize your income in your online business using social media as a tool. 100% of my clients come to me to learn how to master social media in a way that is fun, profitable and not sucking the soul out of them. So if this is something that you're interested in learning, I highly recommend that you tune in, and I'm so excited. Welcome back. My name is Adrienne and I am the CEO and founder of Ambitious and Caffeinated. I help moms start and grow a widely profitable online business while putting motherhood first. Ambitious and Caffeinated helps our clients go from struggling solo printers to thriving empires. I started my entrepreneur journey as a team mom who just wanted to be home with my babies and custom create my career. I knew that the 9-5 lifestyle was never meant for me. The business model I designed and created allows me to get paid daily, stabilize my income while working part-time hours as a stay-at-home mom. Now I help other moms turn into online CEOs, get paid daily and own their power in motherhood. Not only do I cover all the things marketing and business, we get deep here and we don't shy away from the vulnerable chats. You can find me on Instagram at Ambitious and Caffeinated, or head over to our site at Ambitious and Caffeinatedcom and you can check out the free resource vault and all of the courses and programs I have available. I'm so grateful that you're here.
Speaker 1:Let's dive into the episode. Okay, this is my episode where I am so excited to dive in how to stabilize your income in your online business. So many individuals come to me and they are just struggling with those high income months and then very strong dips and, to be quite transparent, a lot of those in quotations hire income months they are struggling to reach and their high income months only three or four, maybe $5,000. So this is going to be a strategy that I used since oh my goodness, 2021. So three years of how I was able to ensure I never made anything less than $5,000 per month. So I'm going to start off with a training and then I always follow through with providing an example. If you were anything like me, this just allows my brain to process things a little bit better, so I definitely thought it was mandatory to share this.
Speaker 1:So number one coming in hot is the foundations of a personal brand. This is just so incredibly important because if we truly make our brand the foundations of who we are. It gives our business permission to grow with us, versus if you were trying to be the utmost professional, clean, perfect individual in your business, had no flaws and it was very specific. I mean that's not a wrong thing, but as you grow as a person and the women that I serve are, it's like an evolution. We're never just the same person for your, I was going to say, days on end, but like, truthfully, we are growing so fast and all the time, and so I think it's really important to note that by building a personal brand, you allow yourself that permission to grow and that's your business can grow in the same direction with you, versus what happens if you look at it like a fork in the road. Your business slowly starts to grow one way while you grow the other way, and then that's when the burnout happens, that's when the despise of your business happens, that's when you start feeling like I should just throw in the freaking towel because you're not giving your business permission to grow with you. And this has been the most transformative experience in my business really honing in and who I am and owning my personality, owning my all of my quirks and all of the things that just truly make me me. Building a personal brand will always be the thing that allow you to stick out compared to your, compared to your competitors, and also allow you the opportunity to have fun in your business, because it always is feeling in alignment.
Speaker 1:So the second thing is ensuring that your core offers are evergreen. So if you go to any of my mini courses, like Organically Attract, high Quality Leads or 30k followers in 60 days those are the two off the top of my head I actually ran those each as a group program or masterclass workshop, whatever terminology you want to use, and I ran them at both twice and what this allowed me to do is get a lot of information about what really converted my clients into coming in in the first place. And then, when I created it passively, I had enough information and enough brand awareness and the testimonials to support the sale, for people to feel empowered in coming into that program in the first place. But the reason it's so important to have core offers is because the brand awareness around it right. You're not having to launch a brand new program every single month and hope and pray and cross your fingers that people will come in and you know what I will say having a beautiful masterclass drop every month or every six weeks or every other month, like those are fun and they get to serve your audience in a beautiful way, like they're in quotations tickets into the beginning of your funnel. What I mean by that? If you go back to my 7 day sales cycle episode, I really talk about how low ticket offers can be the thing that catapults your business and because they allow those people who are kind of cold or maybe lukewarm audience people If you don't know the difference a cold audience is someone who's never bought from you, barely know you. Lukewarm are people who kind of know you but probably haven't bought anything from you or they've bought in a low ticket so they've transferred over from cold to lukewarm and then spicy hot people are basically throwing their credit cards at you. But I think that if you're going to be launching something new every month, it should be something that is a little bit low energy. It doesn't have to be low cost in the sense of like under $100, but, you know, a lower cost for whatever your audience is, and this will allow you to reduce a lot of the mental energy around launching. That is just a side note.
Speaker 1:Circling back to our core offers, I want to give you guys some examples of how an offer can be evergreen but not passive. So beautiful, typically speaking, one-to-one or private coaching containers, consulting service base, whatever type of high touch one-on-one space you have, whether it's done for you or the coaching side of things, these are almost always evergreen. I have very rarely seen it in the industry where they do open and close enrollment for people coming into their space for these high touch services. It doesn't mean it hasn't been done before, but usually the launch for these things is basically launch until it's full. Now things are going to look a little bit different in terms of the evergreenness of these high touch programs because, of course, as you have people come through, you're going to be charging differently, maybe have an opportunity to restructure it.
Speaker 1:I know for myself every three to four clients I take a really good review at my business model and how my current coaching is serving them and I make tune-ups and fine tune it. So you might notice, if you consulted with me a couple months ago about my one-to-one services, they might look different in terms of the deliverables and pricing. Now I'm not changing the entire structure of my container because obviously I have sold a ton of private coaching since 2021. It wouldn't make sense for me to completely scrap up a very core offer of mine the last couple years. But what does make sense is doing fine tunes, clean-ups, just an audit, and I think that's really important. If you have evergreen offers to every quarter, just take the opportunity to review the materials, review the structure and ensure it's serving people in the way it's intended to.
Speaker 1:But, as I was saying, the reason that's important as well is because your core offers are going to be the largest form of referrals. It's also going to be how your business gets that brand awareness. If you have a signature program whether it's the group program or one-to-one or even just a passive course you're going to want to make sure it's serving people really well, because what's going to happen is people are going to hear about. You know, for example, you hear about become a passive course queen continuously on my podcast and you know all my Instagram stories, pinterest, all that good stuff, even through my blog. I take the time to always add new modules to make sure that the values jam packed, to make sure people who've gone through I've touched base with them to make sure that I'm truly serving them in the best way possible. That's important to me. You can have multiple different core offers If you go take a look at my site.
Speaker 1:I have core offers that have been around since 2021, which is insane to me, but I've built a lot of brand awareness, so it's no surprise to me when sales are consistent, because it's embedded in every aspect of my socials and I don't want you to kick yourself up or beat yourself up if that's not something you're currently practicing, but it's something you can start implementing. Beautiful way to do this. If you're a more seasoned business owner, I would strongly encourage you to review at what group programs you've done in the past, what master classes you've done, the paid components and I want you to review on how you can maybe bring a backup, one thing that I did. You'll learn about this and become a passive course queen, or my upcoming mastermind, it's called the stabilizer. If you aren't making 5k months and beyond, this is a phenomenal mastermind. Just a side note. But what I would really encourage you to do is go through all of your previous paid content and review how you can turn it passive or how you can do a round two of it, and the way the round two can be a beautifully scaled opportunity is by taking all of round one content and making it the passive deliverables to really support and aid the growth and transformation in that program.
Speaker 1:Just some side notes, but anywho, the part of core offers in our business is that we can continuously build brand awareness and you're going to have people in your site in on your site, in your social media, in your DMs, who maybe take a while to convert right Like I've had people in my audience who take a year to convert, but they've heard the same offers over and over and they get really comfortable. They've seen the client results, they've seen the testimonials, they've seen the growth of my clients and they've followed along for enough to feel comfortable investing. And I think a lot of it comes back down to is the core offers. They're comfortable and they see it, and so I just see this being a huge part in stabilizing my income because my clients have had the opportunity potential clients, leads, whatever you want to call it. They've had the opportunity to watch my business grow and watch other people's businesses grow, which is a beautiful opportunity and this applies if you're not a business coach. I know I'm using this as myself as an example, but if you are someone in the fitness realm and someone's in your audience for the last year, they're going to see you transform a lot of women's lives and that is going to be inspirational enough. They're always going to have their eye.
Speaker 1:You are planting seeds I actually had this conversation with one of my clients the seeds that you plant in your dream clients and people in your audience, people in your space, those seeds are indestructible. They can water them at any time and there's no rush because those seeds will forever live. And I think that's really beautiful that we can take the pressure off of our audience to convert immediately. Sure, there's things that we can do to convert quicker. Go back to my 70s sales cycle. That episode was amazing. It's one of my favorites to teach my clients, especially in if you're looking for really quick results in your business that are authentic and also funnel people, it's really great. But, as I was saying, we can just take so much pressure off of our audience because they know where to find us, they know how we serve them and we're continuously planting these seeds that are literally indestructible.
Speaker 1:The third thing I want to note is social and sales, and I put these two together because, ideally, if you were consistently providing value, you were showing up sharing education and inspiration behind your business. You're having fun on social media. People can tell you don't hate your life on social media and your business. You're focusing on connecting and relationship building and you're continuously choosing to level up your offers will naturally sell because you're such a representative for how your business can serve them. A great example.
Speaker 1:I just want to put a side note here. It doesn't mean people are expecting you to be perfect, but let's just say you are a nutritionist or a health coach or fitness coach. I don't know why that's the theme for today, but it totally is. If you are someone who is helping people get I don't know lose 15 pounds and get the bubble butt of their dreams, you're obviously going to be showcasing some of your strategies on how to get there. It doesn't mean you need to have, like, a perfect physique, but it means that you're going to be showcasing like, hey, this is how I get these results, this is my methods. I ensure that I am eating XYZ this amount of protein to per day and you're just showcasing that. What you're doing is embodying how you would teach your client in order to really become that magnetic person for your ideal clients. They want to see that you're doing the work as well. So a great example.
Speaker 1:I talk about being a sales queen. I absolutely I'm not a person who loves sales I was not always like this but I think they're a beautiful opportunity to serve people deeply. But you would want to make sure that you're learning from someone who's actually getting those results and Showcasing it in a way that is authentic and full of integrity. So I think it's a really beautiful opportunity for you to look at how are you able to Showcase and embody the results you get your clients on yourself. Being your own best client will forever, ever, for freaking, ever support the conversions, because now you're not just talking the talk, you're walking the walk, and I think this is really important.
Speaker 1:So if I see someone who's really struggling on social media, they're typically lacking number one Visibility. Number two, their offer just isn't aligned with the way that they're showing up on social media. And number three, they're serving a completely wrong audience. So let's kind of Create some solutions to these problems. If someone's struggling with visibility, I would really take a look at what their engagement strategy is what content is resonating with their current audience. And I just want to note I don't believe in catering your content to serve your audience in the sense of Allowing them to dictate everything that you do, but I think it could be a Really beautiful opportunity for you to get information. I look at this kind of stuff as information and data so that we can make better decisions, but it doesn't mean it has to be the Driving factor of the creation in our business. I'll get to that in a second.
Speaker 1:If we go right down to wrong offer, this is kind of going to tie it in and make a little bit more sense. If you have a completely wrong offer of people who are just never ready to buy, they are completely wrong mindset. They just they are not your idol plant. Great example, if you're a motherhood coach and you're pulling in all these 50 and 60 year old men who are like indulging in your content, I want you to actually audit your social media and be like why am I pulling in a completely wrong audience? I want to work with 20 and 30 year old moms. Why are these old grandpas coming over into my space? Right, we wouldn't want to cater our content big. Oh, all the old men love this content. When I post this, it's like no, that's not even your ideal clients.
Speaker 1:So I want you to number one, kind of circle back what result are you getting your clients? What is that transformation? Number one so what is the transformation? Number two how am I embodying these results? And number three what is the benefit of someone actually getting these results? So, if you're that health coach, the benefit is you will feel more energized and you will feel so much sexier in your skin. If you are someone who is serving overwhelms moms the benefit of what you're doing is you're allowing them to feel calm and connected in their body again and be more gentle. Or parents, if you are someone like me, the benefit of coming home working with me is so that you can Stabilize your income, work less hours and feel empowered in your business, right? So got to paint that picture. So, anyhow, circling back, we got to make sure we're talking to the right audience and if you don't have the right audience, I want you to start creating content as if you already have the ideal client, and I want you to be very specific with the way that you talk, and we'll incorporate an engagement strategy so we can pull those people in. That's important. So, circling back, we talked about that.
Speaker 1:One of the three things if your social media just isn't selling is your offer isn't aligned. So once again, I really want to look at your social media. How are you painting the picture of your offers? How is your content connected to your offers? I think one thing that we can get really twisted is trying to catch up and, you know, stay tuned with all of the current trends, and then we get so incredibly overwhelmed Because our business doesn't feel like ours anymore. It feels like we're playing this rabbit chase of keeping up with the trends, following what everyone in the industry is doing, and then nothing is our own. And then we go right back to what I said in the beginning Our business is in our own it's, it's forking off. We're growing on one direction, and so so is our business.
Speaker 1:So, at the end of the day, if you're looking to stabilize your income, you need to always be mindful of how can your content Connect to your offers and how is this a good representation of who you are? There are so many people doing the same types of sales that I'm doing, but I teach them much different metrics. I'm not gonna go and stock every other sales and marketing expert in my field and try to copy them. I know that they exist, I know that they're wonderful. There's some really great ones out there but I'm gonna focus on myself. I'm gonna put my blinders up and really reflect at how my offers provide a transformation and connect that within my content, and I think that's really important. So that kind of leaves me just a recap. Number one the foundations of your personal brand. Number two have core offers for that awareness. And number three take a good audit at your socials and how they connect to your sales. So I am opening up the doors to my mastermind.
Speaker 1:You may have heard it as Sweatpants CEO and you may have heard it as the Get Pay Daily Mastermind. I love these types of masterminds. They all have the exact same structure and this time we are focusing on stabilizing 5k months and beyond without hustling. This stabilizer mastermind uses my signature rent and reprieve framework for effortless sales and growth, which I just think is so important. If you're looking to apply, I will have the link in the description and I am so incredibly excited to see you there. So this is going to be for you if you're ready for sustainable success. Sold out launches, all without burnout or drama. And the biggest part about all of this is I feel like we can scale our existing business in the most ethical and strategic way that doesn't have to cost you your sanity or integrity, which is just so freaking important to me.
Speaker 1:I have some really beautiful payment plans. It is a three month mastermind and it includes a one-on-one kickoff call with me, weekly group calls, we do monthly planning workshops. You get Monday through Friday messaging support and, of course, you unlock all of my courses. If you are someone who have worked with me in a previous mastermind or my once one, I have exclusive pricing for you. So definitely send me a DM on ambitious and caffeinated and if you have the opportunity to come into that $7 group program, send me a message because I also have an exclusive deal for you. So I'm just so incredibly grateful and excited. Thank you so much for tuning in. I would love if you take a screenshot of this post on your Instagram stories, and I'm beyond excited to see what your takeaway was. Remember at the end of the month, I will give away coffee to those who share my podcast on their Instagram stories. So thank you so much, and I hope you have a phenomenal day.