You Aren't THAT WeiRd! with Christi Ahl

Why do our ancestors visit us in our dreams

Christi Ahl Season 1 Episode 4

Let's face it our everyday life and really take over our thoughts most if not all of our day. 

When we sleep it leaves us open to receiving information and messages from our ancestors because our ego is less involved and our subconscious mind doesn't block them. 

It doesn't always have to be full sentences or even words that they communicate to us. It can just be them showing up and using symbols or even animals to help get their message across. 

Dream journals are our friends. While we are still in that theta state before hopping out of bed and heading straight into the days tasks jot down what you can remember. The more you can make it a habit to write things down the easier it will become and the messages will be clearer and easier to understand.

A couple of books I recommend are Animal Magick by DJ Conway and Dictionary of Symbolism by Hans Biedermann to help you understand any signs, symbols or animals that may accompany your ancestors and loved ones. 

Theme Song: Ring of the Old Lore by Deya Dova

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