Us.....Only Younger

Us...Only Younger Episode 10 with Special Guest Angie Pate

March 21, 2022 Pam Season 1 Episode 10
Us...Only Younger Episode 10 with Special Guest Angie Pate
Us.....Only Younger
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Us.....Only Younger
Us...Only Younger Episode 10 with Special Guest Angie Pate
Mar 21, 2022 Season 1 Episode 10

Have you ever met someone who started out as Software Engineer and eventually decided to become a Scrum Master? I have and her name is Angie Pate. I met Angie while we were both working at Toyota and I knew she was special immediately. 

Lots of people want to be Software Engineers. My son does. It's an interesting job and definitely is a sought-after occupation.  So why did Angie decide to come to the dark side with me and many others and become a Scrum Master? She tells an interesting and relatable story. 

I loved catching up with Angie. She has quiet confidence and has a way of putting you at ease when you speak with her. I am grateful to have met and worked with her.  I know she is a fantastic  Enterprise Agile Coach now and I am proud to share our latest podcast with you! Enjoy! 

Show Notes

Have you ever met someone who started out as Software Engineer and eventually decided to become a Scrum Master? I have and her name is Angie Pate. I met Angie while we were both working at Toyota and I knew she was special immediately. 

Lots of people want to be Software Engineers. My son does. It's an interesting job and definitely is a sought-after occupation.  So why did Angie decide to come to the dark side with me and many others and become a Scrum Master? She tells an interesting and relatable story. 

I loved catching up with Angie. She has quiet confidence and has a way of putting you at ease when you speak with her. I am grateful to have met and worked with her.  I know she is a fantastic  Enterprise Agile Coach now and I am proud to share our latest podcast with you! Enjoy!