Katapult Future Fest

Rebels With a Purpose S1E10 William Hurley

February 15, 2022 Kate Byrne / William Hurley Season 1 Episode 10

Third Times a Charm: How Quantum Computing will help us do more good in the world

An amazing conversation with an extraordinary mind. Founder and CEO of Strangeworks, Will Hurley aka "Whurley" is a serial entrepreneur using his past experience and connections to demonstrate just how much good tech can do in the world. From his start at Apple where he first answered phones (they then discovered his brilliant mind) to starting a mobile company that built apps for Starbucks, The American Idol and The Daily to name a few - Whurley recognized that he was doing limited good. Realizing the need for a bigger infrastructure to really change the world, he got to work building it. His choices as he saw it : biotech, robotics, or quantum.  He chose the latter, feeling it was the right technology at the right point in time with the right needs to address. Putting community, collaboration and quantum computing to work, his impact has been amazing. Add to this, he is a former bass player, has a passion for healing education, and more.

Join us for our next episode on March 1st with Arnoud Raskin, Founder of StreetwiZe, where we explore the street as a classroom, and discuss what corporations can learn from street youth.




Produced by African Tech Roundup

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