Biblical Christian Worldview

Gay Salvation from a Biblical Christian Perspective

Jeff Hilles Season 2 Episode 69

"Let us know what you think."

The question... "A gay person lives a promiscuous life full of partying and living for self. He then gets saved. As is usual in this situation, the saved man stops partying and starts trying to live more for others. Since most Christians say that he has no choice but to be celibate if he can’t marry the opposite sex, he tries celibacy for a number of years and is miserable. He decides that, in his heart, there is nothing wrong with a committed gay relationship. So he is now in a marriage, but still works for others and keeps his body free from drugs and alcohol. He finds peace and happiness and a true joy for the Lord. In his mind, his choices are supported by Paul’s teaching. Do you think this man gets to go to heaven?"

So, yes a practicing gay person, like any other sinner, has an opportunity and the right before God to be saved and spend eternity in Heaven. It's all a matter of the heart and God's grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

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