Biblical Christian Worldview

The Pledge of Allegiance

Jeff Hilles Season 2 Episode 163

"Let us know what you think."

My View on the Pledge of Allegiance

When I salute the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, I am not saluting the government. I am saluting those who truly sacrificed for our freedom. I am saluting those who go above the call of duty to protect us (police, first responders, the military). I am saluting rural America which still largely holds to traditional values of Christian morality. To be patriotic, to express Christian Nationalism through allegiance to this nation, is not to condone past administrations or present ones. It is to promote a Biblical Christian worldview inside what was, and for some still is, the greatest nation in the world. Respectfully, I believe that the more we lose our grip on that ideal (however muddy and sin-filled our nation has become) the closer we are to a fallen country which, in turn, will allow Satan to raise up truly totalitarian rule from countries like China and Russia. They and Satan want nothing better than Americans losing all sense of patriotism and nationalism, especially as it becomes a cancer undermining our military readiness. 

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