Biblical Christian Worldview

A Unique View on the Corruption of Biblical Inerrancy

Jeff Hilles Season 3 Episode 205

"Let us know what you think."

Many today believe the Bible is composed of wise sayings, written by men with an agenda. However, there is a subset of this group who do believe the “original” autographs were written by God. However, they also believe His work, thought initially inerrant, has been subsequently corrupted over time by man. They accept God as Creator but allow for the convenient twisting of His Word to fit their own evolving moral paradigm. 

When it comes to the Bible, do not throw the baby out with the bathwater. In an upcoming post, I will review the only four sources of information we have on discerning who God is and what He desires for His children. Clearly, the first three depend heavily on the fourth (the Bible) for confirmation. 

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