Biblical Christian Worldview

Taking the Mark of the Beast and Still Going to Heaven

Jeff Hilles Season 3 Episode 214

"Let us know what you think."

I know for many Biblical Christians, the title of this post sounds absurd, but for some, it can actually be a serious question, and for good reason.

Clearly, neither worship of the beast, his image, or the taking of the mark are, nor would ever be God’s will. However, even in the relatively safe environment we live in today, our continuing sin nature falls far beyond His ideal. Certainly, mankind should never “test the Spirit” (Acts 5:9), nor should we “sin so that grace may increase” (Romans 6:1). Neither do I recommend testing the word “and” vs. “or” with my eternal future. However, it is important to study the Bible intently as we try to discern His perfect will for our lives, both today and as we approach an uncertain future. 

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