Digital Nomad Life Podcast

50) Why Creating a Digital Nomad Business Will Awaken You

April 09, 2024 ChristabellaTravels
50) Why Creating a Digital Nomad Business Will Awaken You
Digital Nomad Life Podcast
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Digital Nomad Life Podcast
50) Why Creating a Digital Nomad Business Will Awaken You
Apr 09, 2024

If you really want to unlock your dream life that means facing your triggers, procrastination and taking risks to start your own digital nomad business. Having a digital nomad business means you get to work how you want, with who you want, and live how you want. In this episode, I want to go over the fears and triggers you may be feeling in starting your own business. 

We cover:

  • Why there is a reason you picked this episode 
  • The steps you must take to become a digital nomad
  • Why you need to learn to love failing 
  • Why you aren't lazy you are triggered with the idea of pursuing your dreams 
  • Training your brain to think like an entrepreneur

Message me on Instagram: @christabellatravels
Growth Podcast

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(tell me you came from the podcast!)

FREE: How to Get Started as a Digital Nomad Masterclass (2 hr training)

Digital Nomad Starter Codes:
Discover the best remote career for YOUR personality

Enroll in the Digital Nomad Life Academy

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

If you really want to unlock your dream life that means facing your triggers, procrastination and taking risks to start your own digital nomad business. Having a digital nomad business means you get to work how you want, with who you want, and live how you want. In this episode, I want to go over the fears and triggers you may be feeling in starting your own business. 

We cover:

  • Why there is a reason you picked this episode 
  • The steps you must take to become a digital nomad
  • Why you need to learn to love failing 
  • Why you aren't lazy you are triggered with the idea of pursuing your dreams 
  • Training your brain to think like an entrepreneur

Message me on Instagram: @christabellatravels
Growth Podcast

Message me on Instagram:
(tell me you came from the podcast!)

FREE: How to Get Started as a Digital Nomad Masterclass (2 hr training)

Digital Nomad Starter Codes:
Discover the best remote career for YOUR personality

Enroll in the Digital Nomad Life Academy

Follow me on Tiktok:

Christa Romano: [00:00:00] Hey there and welcome to the Digital Nomad Life podcast. I'm your host Christa, also known as @christabellatravels on TikTok and Instagram. Please, please, please feel free to slide into my DMs on Instagram at any time. Tell me that you're a listener. I actually love to talk to you. I love to hear your stories and just banter a little bit about what could be for your life.
Christa Romano: The Digital Nomad Life podcast, And the whole reason why I'm making this podcast in general, like the whole thing with all the different episodes is to help you understand that this life is so incredibly possible for anyone. no matter what your background is, what your skill level is. where you come from, et cetera.
Christa Romano: I want to awaken people. And that's actually what this episode is all about. It is about why you will awaken when you pursue this lifestyle. Now, something that I've been realizing recently is that this podcast is actually getting pretty existential over the past [00:01:00] several episodes. You may notice a pretty big difference between what I've been talking about lately and what I was talking about maybe a year or two years ago.
Christa Romano: A couple of years ago, I was really emphasizing like, these are the different ways to become a digital nomad. And, I mean, I could still talk about all the practical components of being a digital nomad for days. I mean, for years, I have been talking about it for years. There's a lot to say there.
Christa Romano: There's a lot of practical things that need to be done in order to become a digital nomad. And by the way, when I say become a digital nomad, what I mean by that is being able to free yourself. Okay, so I'm going to talk a little bit more about how you can help yourself from whatever kind of entrapped situation you feel like you're in.
Christa Romano: Do you feel trapped by your office? Okay, when you're a digital nomad, you don't have to be in that office. You could be anywhere. Do you feel trapped by your level of income? Okay, when you're a digital nomad, and specifically when you're a digital nomad with your own business, which is what I always talk about, then Great, you can [00:02:00] be free from your financial hardships because when you work for yourself, you'll have the ability to actually make money on your own terms, make as much money as you want.
Christa Romano: Do you feel trapped by the little town or city that you're in? Do you feel trapped because you actually want to pursue a relationship with the person that you met on vacation several years ago?
Christa Romano: Or do you just want to get out of the little town that you grew up in? Are you feeling trapped by the relationships that are around you? Are you feeling unseen by the people that are in your vicinity? Are you actually just friends with these people because they're convenient? Because they live like within a 30 minute drive from you?
Christa Romano: Would you rather have relationships with people who actually understand your soul? With people who get you with people who have the same kind of dreams, aspirations, think the same way, have the same kind of life philosophies as you, because those people are out there. But when you are stuck in [00:03:00] a specific location on earth, because your, you know, livelihood depends on it, the way that you make money.
Christa Romano: You're going to continue to feel trapped. So I just wanted to state all that because when I talk about being a digital nomad, I don't necessarily mean that you are living full time out of your suitcase. It just means that you're free, that you're free to design your lifestyle however the F you want to design it.
Christa Romano: And if you're a new listener here, I'd like to just introduce myself really quickly. I think it's always important that we know who we're learning from and who were potentially taking advice from. So I have been a digital nomad for over 10 years. At this point, I left the United States. I'm originally from Boston.
Christa Romano: I used to live in New York city for a few years. I did the corporate rat race thing for years. and yeah, I left the United States in 2013, and I have been living abroad ever since. But I've been living abroad in different ways. I've been an expat. I had an office job in Thailand for the first couple of years.[00:04:00] 
Christa Romano: And I did live out of my suitcase for four years. where I had no home base and I was actually just traveling the world nonstop and I've been living in Bali, Indonesia for the past four years based here, but you know, traveling for like three months at a time, renting out my house when I'm away. I have a dog here, I have a community here, a friend group.
Christa Romano: So now I'm kind of living this hybrid life where I just actually feel like, yeah, I could live this lifestyle for the next. 20 years, maybe the rest of my life, even like, why would I ever leave? I've designed my life to be exactly aligned with all of my values and I'm making more money than ever.
Christa Romano: I have a business that I absolutely adore. It's like my favorite aspect of my life. Basically, um, my business is called the Digital Nomad Life Academy, and that is an online course a coaching program that helps people figure out what is the best kind of digital nomad career [00:05:00] path for them based on their unique personality and guides them through the whole process of creating an online business that is highly profitable that they can do from anywhere.
Christa Romano: I know that might sound crazy. sound too good to be true. You might be like, okay, what's the catch? But I think if you listen to this podcast and you really understand my philosophies, you'll realize that the only catch is that you're going to have to work for it. You're going to have to work for this lifestyle.
Christa Romano: I am not here selling a get rich quick solution. I am absolutely not here trying to tell everyone. that this lifestyle is a simple or easy process. And that is what I'm really indulging in in this episode. But you can also go back and listen to the episode called it's not easy, but it's possible to become a digital nomad.
Christa Romano: And there I'll get a little bit more into the practicalities of how I actually coach people through completely. Changing their lives forever.
Christa Romano: So you, I just [00:06:00] want to actually Make note of who you are listening to this episode. So you are drawn to an episode called why your business will awaken you. I think that's what I'm ultimately going to call this episode. You were drawn to that title. And I just want to. voice. How amazing I think that is that you are someone who's really open minded to challenges in life because you probably have this deep knowing within you that the things that challenge you are the things that ultimately.
Christa Romano: will help you create the most magical dreamy life you can imagine. Like anytime you have to overcome some kind of obstacle, some kind of trauma, you always end up as a better, wiser, more rounded whole person as a result, once you heal. Okay. So that is what this episode is all about. And I can't wait to share with you some of these philosophies.
Christa Romano: All right, buckle up. Let's get into why [00:07:00] creating a digital nomad business will awaken you.
Christa Romano: Okay, getting into it, I just wanted to remind you how earlier on in this episode, I mentioned that I used to have this podcast be way more about the practical elements of becoming a digital nomad and creating an online business. And I'll probably still do some of those in the future. But the reason why this podcast has, become more existential is because creating a digital nomad business changes something fundamentally about your soul and your spirit because it takes you on a human life experience.
Christa Romano: It's a big human life experience to build an online business. And that is why even though I am way more interested in talking about spirituality and life and philosophy and our souls and spirit and our authenticity, all that stuff, I will probably continue to always be a business coach because I think that it is the best freaking vehicle for anyone's success.
Christa Romano: [00:08:00] personal growth.
Christa Romano: So if you're listening to this episode, it's probably because there's something in you that's asking you to grow. Maybe there's something in you that's reaching out for more in your life that you currently feel like you're at a roadblock in your life or you plateaued or you feel like whatever you're doing right now would be incredibly boring if you kept doing it.
Christa Romano: Or maybe you would just be deeply, deeply unfulfilled and you see the digital nomad lifestyle as a way to fulfill you. I'd love for you to just take a minute, pause this episode and consider why you've been searching to create the digital nomad lifestyle for yourself. What about it and the way that you imagine your beautiful dreamy future life as a digital nomad? What about that would fulfill a void that you are currently experiencing?
Christa Romano: When we are experiencing some kind of void in our life, it's because we are not living truly authentically. Because if we were living [00:09:00] authentically, we would feel fulfilled. We would really feel like we're doing what our soul wants us to be doing. So, the truth is that creating a business, especially one you're working for yourself, where it's completely location independent, you suddenly have access to fill every single void in your life.
Christa Romano: So creating a digital Nomad business is a highly, highly, highly desirable experience for many people, or at least having the business is a highly, highly, highly desirable experience for probably everybody. People say, Oh, I would love to live that lifestyle. I wish I could do this. But why are they not?
Christa Romano: And why are you not? And I think We'll probably uncover what some of the reasons are in this episode. And I hope that after listening to it, you feel much more empowered to tackle whatever those things are that are holding you back. So as I mentioned, I think that I will always be a business coach because I think that business is such a great vehicle for [00:10:00] self growth because when you're creating a business, you are suddenly faced to do a lot of things that probably are going to freak you out a little bit.
Christa Romano: It can be very, very, very confronting to create a business. So let's just start from the very, very, very first step. first step of the first thing that you need to do and why it can be so confronting. So the first thing that you need to do to create the digital nomad lifestyle for yourself is you need to have clarity.
Christa Romano: You need to have clarity on your direction. You need to know what kind of digital nomad business you want to create, and you need to have a plan on how you're going to create it. So the first reason why this is so confronting and triggering is because a lot of people are out of touch with their passions.
Christa Romano: A lot of people are out of touch with their talents. They don't think that they have passions or they feel talentless. They feel like they don't have any kind of relevant experience. And there's a lot of not enough there. And there can be a lot of, who am I questioning there?
Christa Romano: When you start [00:11:00] asking yourself, who am I? That's when you have an existential crisis, my friend, and that does not feel good. It does not feel good to have an existential crisis. So a lot of people avoid this. They avoid asking themselves, Who am I and what am I good at and what are my talents and passions?
Christa Romano: I see a lot of people come through my program because I help people figure out that clarity. I help people figure out their talent and skill set. And what a lot of people say to me is, Krista, I just don't think that I have any talents or I don't think that I am passionate about anything.
Christa Romano: And I say bullshit to that. I think everybody has passions. They've just been suppressed. So if your talents and passions have been suppressed, now you've got to ask yourself Why? And here we are at the first shadow that usually comes up in entrepreneurship. A shadow, by the way, is a part of our personality, a part of our lives that we just don't want to really acknowledge.
Christa Romano: It's something where we feel a little bit of shame or fear around, and we think that actually [00:12:00] acknowledging it and really looking at it under a critical lens would cause us more pain. So we just avoid thinking about it. Now you might want to avoid thinking about it. Why your passions have been suppressed.
Christa Romano: Because that doesn't feel good, but usually the reason why we suppress our passions is because we are following someone else's plan for our own lives. when we confront that, usually what we faced to look at
Christa Romano: is that we haven't been in control of our own lives.
Christa Romano: That can make us feel not great about ourselves. Of course, we all should be or, you know, have full ownership of our own lives, but oftentimes we don't. Oftentimes we've been living in this kind of white sheep mentality where the whole pack is going in this direction. Everybody's doing this thing. Our parents have told us to do this thing.
Christa Romano: So we just blindly follow along. And when we do that, when we're blindly following along, We're not taking into account the things that we are good at or that we really want to do.
Christa Romano: So [00:13:00] for a lot of people, they want to create a digital nomad business, but they never are even able to get started because of this first. Very big shadow and this potential existential crisis that, creating a digital nomad business could inspire. So even just the idea of creating a digital nomad business could actually awaken you to some truth about yourself and your life that you have been needing to acknowledge all along.
Christa Romano: So I say that even if you just attempt to become a digital nomad and you don't even end up following through with it, because maybe you realize that that's not actually what you want. Maybe what you realize is that all along the thing that was going to fulfill you was just exploring a passion that you had actually suppressed.
Christa Romano: If you're curious about what your digital nomad business should be, slide into my DMs on Instagram at ChristabellaTravels and we can talk about a process I can take you through to help you discover what that is.
Christa Romano: The next stage of [00:14:00] developing a digital nomad business is of course starting to create it. So, you know, first you have the idea, you have the clarity, the direction, you say, okay, this is what I want to do, this is how I'm going to do it, and now it's time to start doing it.
Christa Romano: When we start doing something new, chances are we're not going to be good at it. And when we start doing something new and we're not good at it, that can really be super confronting in our, am I good? Am I good enough to do this? And we can really be faced with a lot of fears of, will I fail?
Christa Romano: Facing a fear of failure is one of the biggest mental hurdles that you have to be able to overcome if you want to set yourself free.
Christa Romano: And you have to be available to fail.
Christa Romano: Or you could just redefine what you mean by failure altogether because to me failure is like I think the mindset and the mentality that I have about failure is that it's not possible to [00:15:00] fail. it just means that something that we wanted to work out didn't work out in the way that we wanted to.
Christa Romano: And now we have to come up with a different solution in order to get the outcome that we desire. Or that maybe the outcome that we desire wasn't actually the best thing for us and now we need to find other solutions to decide what a different outcome could be that will serve us even better. Failure is just an invitation to find different solutions to your problem.
Christa Romano: If you choose to look at it that way. Looking at failure in that way is a choice and you have a choice of how you want to look at things. And I think that's something that when you embark in entrepreneurship and when you're so dedicated and so committed to creating the outcome that you want, you do actually, your mindset is going to be forced into the direction of failure.
Christa Romano: realizing that it's a choice. It's a choice how you look at different things. And when you realize that you have choice, that you have [00:16:00] choice in the way that you think and see things in the way that you perceive things, suddenly your whole world, your whole reality unlocks a completely new level. You start understanding on such a deeper level that you actually are the creator of your reality.
Christa Romano: Um, not in like some kind of Harry Pauser wizard, like I am God kind of way, but in like a, this is just actually like literally everything that we do. The reason why we take action is based on what's happening in our minds first. And if you can change your mindset, then you will naturally start taking different actions.
Christa Romano: And when you take different actions, you have different outcomes. For example, if you decided to see failure as that, if you decide to see failure as a indication that you are not good enough, or you're not cut out for this, or you've done something bad, or you're not enough of whatever,
Christa Romano: Then what are you going to do with that? You're probably going to stop. Or you're just not [00:17:00] even going to start in the first place. You're going to be so scared of that because failure means all these really bad things. You better not even try because trying is too scary to face that potential risk outcome.
Christa Romano: But if you view failure in the way that I do, which is that it's not possible to fail or that failure is really just actually redirection. There's a, there's a cute phrase, rejection is redirection. It's along the same lines. If you start viewing failure and rejection as that.
Christa Romano: Then anytime that something doesn't work out in exactly the way that you planned, you're just going to keep going. You're just going to pivot directions and eventually if you pivot directions enough based on your trial and error, you will ultimately arrive at an outcome that is amazing. It might not be the outcome that you originally intended, but it's still going to be better than where you were than when you started.
Christa Romano: And that's the power of mindset. And that's what mindset really actually is. It's the way that you look at things and you do have to train your mind to look at things in a [00:18:00] different way.
Christa Romano: But again, when you're an entrepreneur and when you're creating a business, you are forced to change your mindset or you will stay in the same place that you have been all along.
Christa Romano: The next thing that you have to start doing when you want to become an entrepreneur or have your own business so you get the idea, you start taking action. and some of the practical things that you need to start doing are learning a new skill set and putting yourself out there. You need to start telling people that this is your business. You need to start marketing yourself. And this is a beautiful opportunity to face imposter syndrome. When we have imposter syndrome, what that is, is that we're entering into a new arena of life.
Christa Romano: We've just left our comfort zone and we suddenly don't feel like we belong. We might not feel like we are qualified or equipped enough to do the thing that we're telling people. And we end up having this sort of. cognitive dissonance where we are trying to be one thing and then we're actually [00:19:00] realizing that we're not.
Christa Romano: The way to overcome this is again by changing your mindset. It's by starting to have empathy for other people and understanding that just because you're experiencing reality in a specific way, it doesn't mean that other people are. And you start learning about the concept of projection.
Christa Romano: Projection is this concept that everybody is viewing the world through their own lens of reality based on their own past experiences, their own values and belief systems, their memories, their experiences, et cetera. And you are experiencing your life and your world in that way too.
Christa Romano: When you have imposter syndrome, it's usually because you have done a lot of competitor research on your business and you have this feeling that there are so many other people in your field that the field is saturated. And that's probably because your Instagram feed is covered with other people in your field or industry because you started following them or the algorithm knows that you're interested in this concept because that's what you want to do.
Christa Romano: And you start feeling like you're just one in a sea of [00:20:00] thousands of other people when actually, if you want to have success in your business, what you need to start understanding is that just because you're seeing the whole industry, what the average person is only seeing is, one or two people within that industry.
Christa Romano: You start also thinking that, okay, just because you've only been learning your particular skill set for a few months and you think that that's not enough because other people are more experienced than you, you can think about then the 90 percent of other people who are not in your industry who haven't even learned three months and they don't know the other people in your industry.
Christa Romano: You have to overcome imposter syndrome. If you want to create your dream reality, you have to get it out of your head that competition is a bad thing, or that the market or field is saturated because if you have those beliefs, you will never be able to move forward. But how do you feel that your life would change if you suddenly no longer felt scared of competition?
Christa Romano: How would your [00:21:00] life change if you no longer felt scared of failure or rejection? you would up level so much and you will start awakening,
Christa Romano: awakening to the fact that you can just change your life whenever you decide that you can always just learn something new for a few months. And then all of a sudden, boom, like everything in your life can change and that you deserve to be there because everybody else who's where you want to be. was where you are now and you are not an imposter.
Christa Romano: You're just a few months behind somebody else's timeline. And by the way, this somebody else is completely irrelevant to your life path. Just like you are irrelevant to their life path. And everybody is essentially irrelevant to everybody else's life path.
Christa Romano: But how would you know this? How would you arrive at this answer? How would you discover this concept if you never actually tried to put yourself out there in the first place?
Christa Romano: How would you arrive at these conclusions if you never tried to do anything where you felt like an [00:22:00] imposter?
Christa Romano: Maybe life would ultimately throw you some curveballs and you'd be forced to learn these lessons in your old age. But when you create a business, it is this exponentially fast moving way to wake yourself up and start learning these really important deep, deep, deep life lessons.
Christa Romano: Another really big life lesson that you will learn or something that you will do in a way that you will awaken when you start creating your own business is that you're going to have to start asking people for money for the thing that you're offering. You're going to have to put a price tag on your skill set.
Christa Romano: You're going to have to package together an offer that costs money for somebody else. And with that, so many things come up, like so many shadows come up when you get to that point in your business journey.
Christa Romano: Just to name a few, you're going to be confronted with how worthy you feel to receive money. You're also going to be confronted with your ability to receive in the first place. For a [00:23:00] lot of people, receiving gifts, receiving compliments, receiving money is very, very, very challenging.
Christa Romano: And it is because oftentimes we don't feel worthy. We don't feel good enough. And when you are faced in a situation where your business coach, like say, maybe it's me, I'm like, Hey, how come you gave that potential client a 70 percent discount? Why did you do that? Now you're going to have to actually face the fact that you did that because you don't feel worthy because you don't feel good enough because you were scared to ask for what you wanted.
Christa Romano: And that's when your money beliefs are going to pop up in your face. And then we're going to ask why, why don't you feel worthy? Why do you feel unable to receive and what's probably going to happen is you're going to trace back some earlier memories from your childhood where you first learned about the concept of money and you first Learned and developed a belief system around money.
Christa Romano: And when you realize that, Oh, wow. The reason why I believe that money is the root of all evil is because of the [00:24:00] thing that I saw on TV when I was 10 years old, or because of the way that my parents talked about money. But actually the reason why my parents talked about money in that way is because they grew up poor because their parents were immigrants from wherever.
Christa Romano: And like, those are the kind of things that you start clicking, clicking, clicking together when you have to start pricing yourself. But how would you ever learn about what your belief systems are about money? Why would you be inspired to put yourself through an uncomfortable situation of pricing yourself and asking for amounts of money if you weren't trying to create a business?
Christa Romano: Again, maybe these life lessons could happen naturally, but creating a business will kickstart you. It will kick start you into high gear so that you can start learning these lessons quickly and swiftly because your business depends on it. And what happens if you don't look at your money blocks? What happens if you don't figure out where your money beliefs come from?
Christa Romano: Well, you're going to keep charging only 25 [00:25:00] percent of what you should be charging.
Christa Romano: You're going to not look into how to price yourself accordingly because you're going to be too scared and too triggered to do it.
Christa Romano: Or you're just going to actually procrastinate asking for the money in the first place.
Christa Romano: Procrastination is another big thing that happens a lot with new entrepreneurs. A lot of people say, Oh, wow, I really want to create this lifestyle. I've got the idea. I've got the direction. I know what I need to do. I have the strategy, but I just keep prioritizing other things. I just can't seem to find the time to do my business.
Christa Romano: Or every time that I go to school, I'm going to start, I end up watching a movie or I take a nap or whatever and I procrastinate. And why do we procrastinate? It's not because we're lazy. It's because we're fricking triggered. That's why we procrastinate. We procrastinate because actually there's part of our subconscious that's scared of taking action because we think that if we take action, we're going to fail or we're going to get rejected or [00:26:00] we're not going to get the outcome that we want.
Christa Romano: And we don't want to look at that fear. So instead, what we do is we fill up our time. We fill up our consciousness with something else that has nothing to do with our business, such as TV, such as taking a nap, such as going for a meal or working out or doing anything else other than what we know is actually the best thing for us, which is continuing to move forward past our fears to create that business.
Christa Romano: So, If you're inside of my program, for example, and you come to one of our live calls where you say, Hey, Krista, like I, I know what I need to do and I just, I just can't do it for some reason. I keep procrastinating. It's been weeks, it's been months and I haven't taken real action, which by the way, that is something that I hear on almost every single call.
Christa Romano: Now you've got me to help you dissect what it is that you're actually scared of. And then when you realize what you're actually scared of, now you're empowered to change the way that you think about it. Now you're empowered to change your mindset, to rewrite your belief systems, and [00:27:00] that's how you're going to be able to move forward through procrastination and ultimately to your dream life.
Christa Romano: When you're not supported though, and when you are trying to create a business without having any kind of coach or any kind of guidance or mentorship or community, you're probably going to end up doing what everybody else does, which is that, right? Which is starting the business and then procrastinating, procrastinating, procrastinating, and letting it fall short.
Christa Romano: And sorry if this is confronting you right now, if you have ever tried to create a business, if you've ever tried bought an online course or whatever, you've started a project that you really wanted to finish and then you ultimately just didn't finish it because you quote procrastinated and then moved on with your life.
Christa Romano: It's probably because you got triggered not because you're lazy. So when you are so committed to being an entrepreneur, You are going to start seeing your procrastination for what it actually is, and that is going to empower you to [00:28:00] search through your belief systems. And again, when you know what your belief systems are, you're empowered to change them.
Christa Romano: And that's why I'm saying that entrepreneurship is such a vehicle for self growth, because you grow when you change your beliefs.
Christa Romano: When your beliefs change, you take different actions. And when you take different actions, you get different results. Not to mention you become a much more self aware, emotionally intelligent person to boot.
Christa Romano: With all of that, as I'm talking about belief systems, right? And changing your belief systems. When you become an entrepreneur, you need to start training your brain. You need to start training your mind to pay attention to what's happening in your mind. That is emotional intelligence, by the way. And that is self awareness is being aware of what's happening in your mind.
Christa Romano: A lot of people are so So not self aware, they just are operating like little robots, never paying attention to the reason why they're having an angry outburst is actually because something happened to them a couple of [00:29:00] weeks ago that they never allowed themselves to address or feel their way through.
Christa Romano: So when you become an entrepreneur, when you're creating your own business, you really have to start getting in touch with why you think the things that you think and the fact that you're thinking them in the first place. So when you become more aware of what you're thinking in the first place, you start paying more attention to your own inner critic and you start having a relationship with your inner critic where you stop seeing your inner critic as yourself and you see your inner critic as something that is not who you are but something that is a part of you that can be changed. You can start developing a healthier relationship with your inner critic, asking your inner critic, Why is that voice so mean to me?
Christa Romano: Why are you saying that? What is it that you actually believe? And when you can start having a relationship with your inner critic, your inner critic could actually become your inner cheerleader. I'm not [00:30:00] saying that I never criticize myself, but when I do, I can catch it and I can usually have enough self awareness to say, Oh damn, like I was really mean to myself today.
Christa Romano: Like, why was I like that? And then when I'm aware of that, I now have an opportunity to be my own inner cheerleader. And guess what happens? In your life, when you have a cheerleader in your head versus when you have a critic in your head, you start feeling more capable and more assured and more secure to take riskier action.
Christa Romano: And when you take riskier action, you get bigger results, better results. You start opening yourself up to wilder and wilder possibilities. But when you have an inner critic in your mind, When you have someone inside of your head that's constantly telling you you're not good enough, you're not healthy enough, you don't look good enough, whatever, all this not enoughness, it's going to feel pretty bad and it's going to feel extra scary to even try because your inner critic is so mean to you [00:31:00] that you just don't want to do anything that could activate your inner critic.
Christa Romano: So what do you do? You stay small. You play small. You don't take advantage of all the opportunities around you. You don't look for opportunities,
Christa Romano: but when you have that inner cheerleader in your head, you're going to start seeking those opportunities and you're going to start feeling empowered to actually pursue them. And when you start pursuing bigger opportunities, and when you start seeing opportunities all around you, that's when your life completely changes.
Christa Romano: And that's how you grow. And that's how you evolve. And that is how you awaken.
Christa Romano: Honestly, there are so many more things that I could talk about about how and why the different facets of entrepreneurship end up awakening you, how they trigger you and why those triggers are actually such a blessing. Side note, that's another thing. When you are on this path to I don't want to say enlightenment, but becoming awakened when you are on the path to achieving the full expression of [00:32:00] your soul, of who you were always meant to be, of pursuing your own authenticity, you will actually start to see your triggers as gifts because every time you get triggered.
Christa Romano: you can develop enough self awareness to say, Oh, wow, what's in there? What is it that I believe? And you develop this crazy emotional intelligence where again, the more emotionally intelligent you are, the more awakened you are, and the more you have the ability to change what's in your mind. And when you change what's in your mind, you change your reality.
Christa Romano: I think I'm going to save some of the other things for another episode though, because this is just getting to be a bit long. but I just, before I go, I want to say one thing. If what I shared with you today resonates with you, if you have been listening to this episode, and there's something in your mind where you're like, Wow.
Christa Romano: I would love to no longer be triggered. I would love to develop more self awareness. I would love to become a more emotionally intelligent person. I would love to be able to start understanding how my mind can [00:33:00] create my reality. I want to become a master manifester. I want to take more control over my life.
Christa Romano: I want to do something that's meaningful. I want to live a more authentic life. and I'm up for the challenge. I find something about facing my triggers to be a little bit exhilarating and I'm, I'm ready to do that. You are being called right now. It is time. It is time for you, whoever you are listening to.
Christa Romano: Nobody Nobody would find this podcast, click on this podcast and then listen to this podcast if they weren't ready. And guess what? You're never going to feel ready and it's never going to feel like the right time. But when you're ready to awaken, you get called and This may be some super random spiritual message.
Christa Romano: Look, I have no idea who the hell you are listening to this. I don't know what you look like. I don't know where you live. I don't know how old you are, what your experience is, what your background [00:34:00] is. You don't know me either. I'm just a voice on the internet. Like I'm just some random human. Hey, you don't even know if I'm human.
Christa Romano: I could literally just be a message sent to you to tell you that it is time for you to step into your power. And I'm here to tell you that it's not going to be an easy path, but nothing that's super rewarding is easy. So buckle up, my friend. It is time. It is time for you to step into it, whatever it is for you, whatever it means to you.
Christa Romano: Like I said, you don't have to be a full time traveler. You don't even have to travel at all. It's time for you to create a life that you desire, a life that's designed on your own terms. A life where you're not following in the footsteps of everybody else, where you're not just doing what your parents expect you to do, where you're not just a blind white sheep walking through a field with everybody else doing the exact same thing as you.
Christa Romano: You, whoever you are listening to, because you listen to this podcast, you are a black sheep or [00:35:00] you're a rainbow sheep. We're all rainbow sheeps. Everybody in the DNLA is a rainbow sheep anyway. That's the Digital Nomad Life Academy, if you forgot. And I'm inviting you. I'm inviting you to join. I'm inviting you to message me and just see if it's right for you.
Christa Romano: And honestly, if it's not right for you, if there's some kind of red flag in there, or I think that, you know, you might need to do a little bit of work on your own, like on your mindset or on your skillset or whatever, before you join the DNLA, I promise I will tell you, you can ask any of my clients. It's like a lot of people have been listeners for years before they finally feel ready.
Christa Romano: Um, and then they message me and I'm like, cool, okay, it's been a couple of years, but I'm still here. I'm still waiting for you. I've been waiting for you. And, uh, I don't know where you're at in the journey, but if my message is resonating with you, if you've got goosebumps, come on and send me the message.
Christa Romano: Send me the message at KristaBellaTravels on Instagram. You can link below in the show notes and click on it. And when you send me the [00:36:00] message saying growth podcast. Those two keywords in that way, right? Growth podcast on its own as its own message. Text me that on Instagram. You will get an automated reply from me saying, Hey, thanks for listening to the podcast.
Christa Romano: Tell me a little bit about yourself. I'll ask you things like, what's What you're doing to make money, what, where you're at, why you want this lifestyle. Just give me something to respond to. Don't just say, Hey Krista, I listen to your podcast. I love it. Tell me about yourself so that I can actually give you an actual response and we can engage in a real conversation.
Christa Romano: I'll see if you're a good fit for the program. And again, if you're not, then you're not. and side note, another benefit of just messaging me is I love to offer little discounts to people when I feel like we have some kind of, actual connection and I just really love to connect with people.
Christa Romano: That's, that's great. A, a huge reason why I have my business set up the way that I do. So yeah, slide into my dms on Instagram at cristobal travels. I would love to hear your story and I would love to [00:37:00] usher you into the next chapter, in the next era of your life. I would love to play a small part in contributing to you having the lifestyle of your wildest dreams, because I'm telling you, you can have it.
Christa Romano: You just gotta do the work. You gotta show up and you gotta be ready to face your triggers. But if you can do all that, then you can have whatever you want. I think that's it. Okay. Thanks so much for listening to this episode. I can't wait to see you in the next one and talk soon. Bye.

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