Straight Talk about Cosmetic Surgery with Dr. Arthur Perry

Peels or Lasers - which is better - WOR radio show Oct 10, 2020

Arthur Perry MD Season 16 Episode 30

Great show tonight!  So many of my patients are confused - should they have a peel or a laser?  And which level of peel is right for them? We hammer through the pros and cons of lasers and peels on tonight's show.  And, my special guest today was Dr. George Fielding, Professor of Surgery and Director of Surgical Weight Loss at NYU.  Great day for Dr. Fielding to be on because one of his well known lap band patients, Chris Christie, was released from the hospital today after a week of COVID.  And today, the CDC issued a warning that overweight people, not just obese people, do worse with COVID.  Makes you want to get that gastric sleeve right now, doesn't it?  Then see me for your tummy tuck.  Listen in..

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