New Earth Fannie

Words: They Don't Call it 'Spelling' for Nothing

November 11, 2022 with your host Fannie Episode 29
New Earth Fannie
Words: They Don't Call it 'Spelling' for Nothing
Show Notes

In this episode Fannie talks about how words are equally powerful whether used on the world stage or within our own minds. Among the interesting topics, she talks about gaslighting, manipulation, 'spelling' and 'cursing'. She will remind you that  words have manifesting energy allowing you create a heaven or not so much a heaven.
Knowledge is power!

Fannie says you don't need a certificate on the wall to know about words. Or the impact they can have on your life. But she says in no way should you use this episode as anything other than entertainment. 

She doesn't give financial, medical or psychological advice and wouldn't even if she could. Each of these areas grossly lack their energetic component which is huge in her humble opinion.