Fit, Healthy, Happy

Always Do This Before You Exercise or Perform Deep Stretches

April 16, 2024 Short Form Podcast by Dave Stevens
Fit, Healthy, Happy
Always Do This Before You Exercise or Perform Deep Stretches
Show Notes Transcript

Want to take it to the next level? Today's tip will help you do exactly that!

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It's early morning and I know my lighting isn't the best but that's okay. I have something very important to share with you. 

Always looking to improve our practices and you know how much I love deep resistance stretching. That's where we stretch the muscle under contraction not with resistance bands.

One of the things I have found recently... and you'd think after 12 years, I would have already discovered this... is that you've got to warm up the joints before you do these deep stretches. 

I do that with a beautiful little qigong flow. I will not stretch any longer without first getting my joints loose and open and ready to go because it makes all the difference.

This last week I have been out of pain.

I'm always pain free, pretty much, but you know little aches and even to the point of where by Saturdays I had my hips sore enough that I wasn't doing jumping jacks in my favorite class, my drum and fun class, where we just go nuts. 

I started doing Qigong flow before the deep stretch classes, even the meditative restorative classes, just five minutes of flow to get those joints loose and silky and smooth.

It has been a game changer. 

Once again, another step. I'm always looking to refine our systems to create even more ease in our bodies. 

And man, this is huge. So I'm going to recommend to you, before you ever go into a deep stretch, to first do a little bit of movement. 

Get those joints limber and flowing. If you go into our member area or even our YouTube, X, which used to be Twitter or our Facebook group, we've got short little warmups on there. 

There's some eight minute Qigong sessions. It'd be perfect before you go into those deep stretches that really get you open and get you moving with ease. 

That's my message for today. Please take that and make sure... if you're going to a restorative class, maybe the, even somebody else would teach... heaven forbid... warm up before you walk in the room, do something, get those joints loose, mobile, making more room for a deeper, safer stretch.

Until I talk to you next time, move well, stay healthy, be happy, live every day with passion, after you find your purpose. 

Yeah, that's it for today. Talk to you soon.